1、奥巴马220166国情咨咨文演讲讲(双语语全文)当地时间间20116年11月122日晚间间,美国国总统奥奥巴马在在华盛顿顿发表了了任上最最后一次次国情咨咨文,这这也是他他第八次次进行国国情咨文文演讲。Mrr. SSpeaakerr, MMr. Vicce PPressideent, Meembeers of Conngreess, myy feelloow AAmerricaans:议长长先生、副总统统先生、各位国国会议员员和美国国同胞们们:Toonigght marrks thee eiightth yyearr Ive comme hheree too reeporrt oon tthe
2、Staate of thee Unnionn. AAnd forr thhis finnal onee, IIm goiing to tryy too maake it shoorteer. I kknoww soome of youu arre aantssy tto gget bacck tto IIowaa.今晚晚是我在在这里做做国情咨咨文的第第八个年年头,也也是最后后一次。我将尽尽量简而而言之。我知道道你们中中有些人人急着回回爱荷华华州(译译者注:两党党党内预选选进行地地)。I alsso uundeersttandd thhat beccausse iitss ann ellectt
3、ionn seeasoon, exppecttatiionss foor wwhatt weelll acchieeve thiis yyearr arre llow. Sttilll, MMr. Speeakeer, I aapprreciiatee thhe cconsstruuctiive appproaach youu annd tthe othher leaaderrs ttookk att thhe eend of lasst yyearr too paass a bbudgget andd maake taxx cuuts perrmannentt foor wworkkingg
4、 faamilliess. SSo II hoope we cann woork toggethher thiis yyearr onn biiparrtissan priioriitiees llikee crrimiinall juustiice refformm, aand hellpinng ppeopple whoo arre bbatttlinng ppresscriiptiion druug aabusse. We jusst mmighht ssurpprisse tthe cynnicss aggainn.我也也理解此此时正当当大选之之季,因因此公众众对我们们今年成成就的期期
5、望并不不高。但但是,议议长先生生,您以以及其他他领导人人去年年年末通过过了建设设性的预预算决议议,使得得工薪家家庭减税税计划能能够长久久实施下下去,我我对此深深表感激激。因此此我衷心心希望今今年两党党能够在在一些重重要事务务上同心心协作,比如,推行刑刑事司法法改革,帮助那那些与处处方药滥滥用行为为抗争的的人们。我们很很可能会会让质疑疑者们再再次大吃吃一惊。Buut ttoniightt, II waant to go eassy oon tthe traadittionnal lisst oof ppropposaals forr thhe yyearr ahheadd. DDont wwor
6、rry, Ivve ggot pleentyy, ffromm heelpiing stuudennts leaarn to wriite commputter codde tto pperssonaalizzingg meediccal treeatmmentts ffor pattiennts. Annd IIlll keeep pusshinng ffor proogreess on thee woork thaat sstilll nneedds ddoinng. Fixxingg a brookenn immmiggrattionn syysteem. Prootecctinng o
7、our kidds ffromm guun vviollencce. Equual payy foor eequaal wworkk, ppaidd leeavee, rraissingg thhe mminiimumm waage. Alll tthesse tthinngs stiill mattterr too haardwworkkingg faamilliess; ttheyy arre sstilll tthe rigght thiing to do; annd II wiill nott leet uup uuntiil ttheyy geet ddonee.但在在今晚,我打算算
8、少谈些些像往年年那样的的发展计计划。别别担心,我还是是有很多多计划要要谈,比比如,帮帮助学生生学习编编写计算算机代码码,以及及对病人人进行个个性化治治疗。我我将继续续推动这这些未竟竟事业的的进步。完善有有漏洞的的移民体体系。保保护我们们的孩子子们免遭遭枪械暴暴力。继继续推行行同工同同酬及带带薪休假假,并提提高最低低工资水水平。所所有的这这一切对对于努力力工作的的家庭们们来说依依然至关关重要;这些仍仍是我们们要做的的对的事事情。我我绝不会会放松这这些工作作,直至至他们完完成为止止。Buut ffor my finnal adddresss tto tthiss chhambber, I donn
9、t wannt tto ttalkk juust aboout thee neext yeaar. I wwantt too foocuss onn thhe nnextt fiive yeaars, teen yyearrs, andd beeyonnd.但这这是我最最后一次次在此发发表讲话话,我不不想只谈谈论来年年的事宜宜。我想想关注今今后的五五年、十十年,甚甚至更久久远的事事情。I wannt tto ffocuus oon oour futturee.我更更关注我我们的未未来。Wee liive in a ttimee off exxtraaorddinaary chaangee ch
10、aangee thhats rreshhapiing thee waay wwe llivee, tthe wayy wee woork, ouur pplannet andd ouur pplacce iin tthe worrld. Itts chaangee thhat proomisses amaazinng mmediicall brreakkthrrougghs, buut aalsoo ecconoomicc diisruuptiionss thhat strrainn woorkiing fammiliies. Itt prromiisess edducaatioon ffor
11、 girrls in thee moost remmotee viillaagess, bbut alsso cconnnectts tterrroriistss pllotttingg ann occeann awway. Itts chaangee thhat cann brroadden oppporttuniity, orr wiidenn innequualiity. Annd wwhettherr wee liike it or nott, tthe pacce oof tthiss chhangge wwilll onnly accceleeratte.我们们生活在在一个充充满巨
12、变变的时代代,这场场巨变改改变了我我们的生生活、工工作方式式,改变变了我们们的星球球和我们们在世界界上的地地位。这这种巨变变预示着着医学将将出现重重大突破破,也会会带来困困扰着工工薪家庭庭的经济济动荡。它为生生活在边边远山区区的女孩孩们带去去教育的的希望,却也使使远距重重洋的恐恐怖分子子得以串串通一气气策划阴阴谋。这这场巨变变能够带带来机遇遇,也会会扩大不不公。无无论我们们喜欢与与否,这这场巨变变的进度度只会越越来越快快。Ammeriica hass beeen thrrouggh bbig chaangees bbefoore wwarss annd ddeprresssionn, tthe
13、 inffluxx off immmiggrannts, woorkeers figghtiing forr a faiir ddeall, aand movvemeentss too exxpannd cciviil rrighhts. Eaach timme, theere havve bbeenn thhosee whho ttoldd uss too feear thee fuuturre; whoo cllaimmed we couuld slaam tthe braakess onn chhangge, proomissingg too reestoore passt gglorr
14、y iif wwe jjustt goot ssomee grroupp orr iddea thaat wwas thrreatteniing Ameericca uundeer cconttroll. AAnd eacch ttimee, wwe ooverrcamme tthosse ffearrs. We didd noot, in thee woordss off Liincooln, addherre tto tthe doogmaas oof tthe quiiet passt. Innsteead we thooughht aaneww, aand actted aneew.
15、We madde cchannge worrk ffor us, allwayys eexteendiing Ameericcass prromiise outtwarrd, to thee neext froontiier, too moore andd moore peooplee. AAnd beccausse wwe ddid bbecaausee wee saaw ooppoortuunitty wwherre ootheers saww onnly perril wwe eemerrgedd sttronngerr annd bbettter thaan bbefoore.美国国曾
17、hhat wass trrue theen ccan be truue nnow. Ouur uuniqque strrenggthss ass a nattionn ourr opptimmismm annd wworkk etthicc, oour spiiritt off diiscooverry aand innnovaatioon, ourr diiverrsitty aand commmittmennt tto tthe rulle oof llaw tthesse tthinngs givve uus eeverrythhingg wee neeed to enssuree pr
18、rospperiity andd seecurrityy foor ggeneerattionns tto ccomee.过去去的真理理,现在在亦未曾曾改变。我们的的乐观主主义与职职业道德德,我们们的发现现与创新新精神,我们种种族多样样化和法法治信条条,这些些都是我我们作为为一个国国家所拥拥有的独独一无二二的优点点,使我我们具备备了世代代繁荣昌昌盛、国国泰民安安的一切切条件。Inn faact, itts thaat sspirrit thaat mmadee thhe pproggresss oof tthesse ppastt seevenn yeearss poossiiblee. II
19、tss hoow wwe rrecooverred froom tthe worrst ecoonommic criisiss inn geenerratiionss. IItss hoow wwe rrefoormeed oour heaalthh caare sysstemm, aand reiinveenteed oour eneergyy seectoor; howw wee deelivvereed mmoree caare andd beeneffitss too ouur ttrooops andd veeterranss, aand howw wee seecurred the
20、e frreeddom in eveery staate to marrry thee peersoon wwe llovee.事实实上,正正因有了了这种精精神力量量,我们们过去七七年才可可能取得得进步。它使我我们得以以从几代代以来最最严重的的经济危危机中恢恢复;是是我们改改革医疗疗体系、改造能能源部门门的动力力;保证证了我们们给予军军人和老老兵更多多关心和和福利。也正因因为此,我们能能够让每每个州的的人都获获得了与与所爱的的人结婚婚的自由由。Buut ssuchh prrogrresss iss noot iinevvitaablee. IIt iis tthe ressultt off c
21、hhoicces we makke ttogeetheer. Andd wee faace succh cchoiicess riightt noow. Willl wwe rresppondd too thhe cchanngess off ouur ttimee wiith feaar, turrninng iinwaard as a nnatiion, annd tturnningg aggainnst eacch ootheer aas aa peeoplle? Or willl wwe ffacee thhe ffutuure witth cconffideencee inn whh
22、o wwe aare, whhat we staand forr, aand thee inncreedibble thiingss wee caan ddo ttogeetheer?但是是,这些些进步并并不是注注定会发发生的,而是我我们共同同选择的的结果。我们当当下正面面临着这这样的选选择。面面对时代代的变化化,我们们是将以以恐惧对对之,闭闭门造车车,各自自为战?还是自自我肯定定,坚持持立场,相信我我们能共共创奇迹迹?So llets ttalkk abboutt thhe ffutuure, annd ffourr biig qquesstioons thaat wwe aas aa co
23、ounttry havve tto aanswwer rregaardllesss off whho tthe nexxt PPressideent is, orr whho cconttrolls tthe nexxt CConggresss.让我我们先来来谈谈未未来,以以及美国国需要回回答的四四个大问问题无论下下一届美美国总统统是谁,无论哪哪个党派派掌控国国会。Fiirstt, hhow do we givve eeverryonne aa faair shoot aat ooppoortuunitty aand seccuriity in thiis nnew ecoonommy?首先先
24、,我们们如何在在新经济济中给每每个人公公平的机机会和保保障?Seeconnd, howw doo wee maake tecchnoologgy wworkk foor uus, andd noot aagaiinstt uss esppeciiallly wwhenn itt coomess too soolviing urggentt chhalllengges likke cclimmatee chhangge?第二二,我们们如何让让技术为为我们服服务,而而不是与与我们对对抗尤其是是面临气气候变化化这样急急需应对对的挑战战的时候候?Thhirdd, hhow do we keeep AA
25、merricaa saafe andd leead thee woorldd wiithoout beccomiing itss pooliccemaan?第三三,我们们如何保保障美国国的安全全,同时时,在不不充当世世界警察察的前提提下,引引领整个个世界?Annd ffinaallyy, hhow cann wee maake ourr poolitticss reefleect whaatss beest in us, annd nnot whaatss woorstt?最后后,我们们如何制制定政策策,使其其反映出出美国的的好,而而不是美美国的恶恶?Leet mme sstarrt wwit
26、hh thhe eeconnomyy, aand a bbasiic ffactt: tthe Uniitedd Sttatees oof AAmerricaa, rrighht nnow, haas tthe strronggestt, mmostt duurabble ecoonommy iin tthe worrld. Weeree inn thhe mmidddle of thee loongeest strreakk off prrivaate-secctorr joob ccreaatioon iin hhisttoryy. MMoree thhan 14 milllioon nn
27、ew jobbs; thee sttronngesst ttwo yeaars of jobb grrowtth ssincce tthe 900s; an uneemplloymmentt raate cutt inn haalf. Ouur aautoo inndusstryy juust hadd itts bbestt yeear eveer. Mannufaactuurinng hhas creeateed nnearrly 9000,0000 nnew jobbs iin tthe passt ssix yeaars. Annd wwevve ddonee alll tthiss
28、whhilee cuuttiing ourr deeficcitss byy allmosst tthreee-qquarrterrs.我先先说说经经济,基基本的事事实是这这样的:现在,在全球球范围内内,美国国经济是是最为强强大且坚坚固的。纵观历历史,我我们现在在处于私私营部门门连续创创造就业业机会最最长的一一段时期期中。我我们创造造了逾114000万个新新的就业业岗位;这是自自20世世纪900年代以以来就业业增长最最为强劲劲的两年年;失业业率下降降了一半半。汽车车行业也也创造了了最辉煌煌的一年年。在过过去的六六年里,制造业业创造了了将近990万个个新的就就业岗位位。而且且,我们们在取得得这些
29、成成绩的同同时,还还将赤字字减少了了近四分分之三.Annyonne cclaiiminng tthatt Ammeriicas eeconnomyy iss inn deecliine is pedddliing ficctioon. Whaat iis ttruee andd thhe rreasson thaat aa loot oof AAmerricaans feeel aanxiiouss is thaat tthe ecoonommy hhas beeen cchannginng iin pproffounnd wwayss, cchanngess thhat staarteed
30、llongg beeforre tthe Greeat Reccesssionn hiit aand havvent llet up. Toodayy, ttechhnollogyy dooesnnt jusst rrepllacee joobs on thee asssemmblyy liine, buut aany jobb whheree woork cann bee auutommateed. Commpanniess inn a glooball ecconoomy cann loocatte aanywwherre, andd faace touugheer ccomppetiit
31、ioon. As a rresuult, woorkeers havve llesss leeverragee foor aa raaisee. CComppaniies havve llesss looyallty to theeir commmunnitiies. Annd mmoree annd mmoree weealtth aand inccomee iss coonceentrrateed aat tthe verry ttop.任何何声称美美国经济济正在衰衰落的说说法都是是在传播播虚构事事实。实实际情况况同同时也是是许多美美国人感感到焦虑虑的原因因是是美国经经济正在在经历巨巨大变
32、革革,而且且这变革革早在大大萧条发发生之前前就已经经开始,到现在在还没有有结束。今天,能够被被高科技技取代的的工作岗岗位并不不仅限于于生产线线,还包包括任何何可以实实现自动动化的岗岗位。在在经济全全球化中中,公司司可以落落户于世世界任何何地方,也会面面临更加加激烈的的竞争。其结果果是,雇雇员要求求加薪的的筹码变变少。公公司对其其所在群群体的忠忠诚度更更低。同同时,越越来越多多的财富富和收入入积聚到到社会顶顶层阶级级手中。Alll tthesse ttrennds havve ssqueeezeed wworkkerss, eevenn whhen theey hhavee joobs; evv
33、en wheen tthe ecoonommy iis ggrowwingg. IItss maade it harrderr foor aa haardwworkkingg faamilly tto ppulll ittsellf oout of povvertty, harrderr foor yyounng ppeopple to staart on theeir carreerrs, andd tooughher forr woorkeers to rettiree whhen theey wwantt too. AAnd altthouugh nonne oof tthesse tt
34、rennds aree unniquue tto AAmerricaa, ttheyy doo offfennd oour uniiqueely Ameericcan bellieff thhat eveerybbodyy whho wworkks hhardd shhoulld gget a ffairr shhot.这些些变化趋趋势挤压压了雇员员的生存存空间,即使他他们拥有有工作,即使美美国经济济一直在在增长。工薪家家庭想要要通过努努力工作作,摆脱脱贫困,年轻人人想要开开创自己己的事业业,雇员员想要适适时退休休,都已已经不太太容易。虽然面面临这些些变革的的不只有有美国,但是这这些的确确违背
35、了了独有的的美国式式信念,那就是是,任何何努力工工作的人人都应当当得到公公平待遇遇。Foor tthe passt sseveen yyearrs, ourr gooal hass beeen a ggrowwingg ecconoomy thaat wworkks bbettter forr evveryyboddy. Weve madde pproggresss. Butt wee neeed to makke mmoree. AAnd desspitte aall thee poolitticaal aarguumennts weve hadd thhesee paast feww ye
36、earss, ttherre aare somme aareaas wwherre AAmerricaans brooadlly aagreee.在过过去的七七年中,我们的的目标一一直都是是,保持持经济增增长,以以造福每每一个人人。我们们已经取取得了一一些进步步。但是是,我们们需要继继续努力力。尽管管在过去去的一些些年中,我们有有过许多多政治上上的争论论,但是是在一些些领域,我们取取得了普普遍的共共识。Wee aggreee thhat reaal ooppoortuunitty rrequuirees eeverry AAmerricaan tto gget thee edducaatioo
37、n aand traainiing theey nneedd too laand a ggoodd-paayinng jjob. Thhe bbipaartiisann reeforrm oof NNo CChilld LLeftt Beehinnd wwas an impporttantt sttartt, aand toggethher, weevee inncreeaseed eearlly cchilldhoood eduucattionn, lliftted higgh sschoool graaduaatioon rratees tto nnew higghs, annd bboo
38、sstedd grraduuatees iin ffiellds likke eengiineeerinng. In thee coominng yyearrs, we shoouldd buuildd onn thhat proogreess, byy prroviidinng PPre-K ffor alll, ooffeerinng eeverry sstuddentt thhe hhandds-oon ccompputeer sscieencee annd mmathh cllassses thaat mmakee thhem jobb-reeadyy onn daay oone, a
39、nnd wwe sshouuld reccruiit aand suppporrt mmoree grreatt teeachherss foor oour kidds.我们们一致认认为,真真正的机机会在于于每一个个美国人人都能获获得能够够必要的的教育及及培训,让他们们能够胜胜任一份份收入理理想的工工作。“不让一一个孩子子掉队”的两党党改革政政策,就就是一个个重要的的开端,同时,我们加加强了儿儿童早期期教育,进一步步提高了了高中毕毕业率,使工程程学等专专业毕业业生得以以增长。未来,我们要要以这些些成绩为为基础,通过普普及全民民早教,让所有有学生都都接受计计算机实实践和数数学课程程培训,为他们们
40、将来步步入职场场做好准准备。同同时,我我们要为为孩子们们招录更更多优秀秀的教师师,并给给予这些些教师更更好的待待遇。Annd wwe hhavee too maake colllegge aaffoordaablee foor eeverry AAmerricaan. Beccausse nno hharddworrkinng sstuddentt shhoulld bbe sstucck iin tthe redd. WWevve aalreeadyy reeducced stuudennt lloann paaymeentss too teen pperccentt off a borrr
41、owwers iincoome. Noow, weve acttuallly gott too cuut tthe cosst oof ccolllegee. PProvvidiing twoo yeearss off coommuunitty ccolllegee att noo coost forr evveryy reespoonsiiblee sttudeent is onee off thhe bbestt waays to do thaat, andd Im ggoinng tto kkeepp fiighttingg too geet tthatt sttartted thiis
42、 yyearr.同时时,我们们要让每每个美国国人都能能上得起起大学。因为,勤奋的的学生不不应该因因为贫困困被挡在在校门之之外。我我们已经经将助学学贷款的的还款额额降至借借款人收收入的110%。接下来来,我们们需要降降低大学学费用。两年制制的社区区大学将将为每一一位有责责任感的的学生提提供免费费教育,这是降降低大学学费用最最理想的的方式之之一。我我会不断断努力让让这个方方案在今今年启动动。Off cooursse, a ggreaat eeduccatiion isnnt alll wee neeed in thiis nnew ecoonommy. We alsso nneedd beenef
43、fitss annd pprottecttionns tthatt prroviide a bbasiic mmeassuree off seecurrityy. AAfteer aall, itts nott muuch of a sstreetchh too saay tthatt soome of thee onnly peooplee inn Ammeriica whoo arre ggoinng tto wworkk thhe ssamee joob, in thee saame plaace, wiith a hheallth andd reetirremeent pacckagg
44、e, forr 300 yeearss, aare sitttinng iin tthiss chhambber. Foor eeverryonne eelsee, eespeeciaallyy foolkss inn thheirr foortiies andd fiiftiies, saavinng ffor rettireemennt oor bbounncinng bbackk frrom jobb looss hass gootteen aa loot ttouggherr. AAmerricaans unddersstannd tthatt att soome poiint in
45、theeir carreerrs, theey mmay havve tto rretoool andd reetraain. Buut ttheyy shhoulldnt llosee whhat theeyvve aalreeadyy woorkeed sso hhardd too buuildd.当然然,在新新经济中中,我们们所需要要的不仅仅仅是优优质的教教育。我我们还需需要能够够提供基基本生活活保障的的福利和和保护措措施。如如果说在在座的各各位,是是美国为为数不多多的能够够在同一一个地方方从事同同一份工工作300年,还还能获得得健康和和养老保保障的人人,也不不算夸张张。而对对于其他他人
46、,特特别是四四五十岁岁的美国国人来说说,为退退休后的的生存点点钱或是是在失业业后重振振旗鼓,已经越越来越困困难。大大家都认认识到,在他们们职业生生涯的某某个时刻刻,他们们不得不不重新接接受培训训,重新新学习技技能。但但是,他他们不应应当失去去他们这这么多年年辛勤工工作所获获得的东东西。Thhats wwhy Socciall Seecurrityy annd MMediicarre aare morre iimpoortaant thaan eeverr; wwe sshouuldnnt weaakenn thhem, wee shhoulld sstreengtthenn thhem. An
47、nd ffor Ameericcanss shhortt off reetirremeent, baasicc beeneffitss shhoulld bbe jjustt ass moobille aas eeverrythhingg ellse is todday. Thhats wwhatt thhe AAffoordaablee Caare Actt iss alll aabouut. Its aabouut ffilllingg thhe ggapss inn emmplooyerr-baasedd caare so thaat wwhenn wee loose a jjob, o
48、rr goo baack to schhooll, oor sstarrt tthatt neew bbusiinesss, well stiill havve ccoveeragge. Neaarlyy eiightteenn miilliion havve ggainned covveraage so farr. HHeallth carre iinfllatiion hass slloweed. Andd ouur bbusiinesssess haave creeateed jjobss evveryy siinglle mmontth ssincce iit bbecaame law
49、w.这也也是社会会保障及及医疗保保险制度度在今天天尤为重重要的原原因;它它们不该该被弱化化,而应应进一步步加强。对于退退休年龄龄较晚的的美国人人,基本本福利应应与当今今的其他他事物一一样尽可可能移动动化。这这就是平价医医疗法案案的意意义所在在,这个个法案旨旨在填补补基于雇雇主的医医疗保险险系统的的空缺,我们失失业、返返校求学学或创业业时,依依然能享享受医疗疗保障。目前为为止,已已有近118000万人受受益。医医疗费用用通胀也也有所缓缓解。自自法案实实施起,我们的的企业每每个月都都能创造造新的工工作岗位位。Noow, Imm guuesssingg wee woontt aggreee onn
50、heealtth ccaree annytiime sooon. Butt thheree shhoulld bbe ootheer wwayss booth parrtiees ccan impprovve eeconnomiic ssecuuritty. Sayy a harrdwoorkiing Ameericcan losses hiss joob wee shhoulldnt jjustt maake surre hhe ccan gett unnempployymennt iinsuurannce; wee shhoulld mmakee suure thaat pproggram
51、m enncouuragges himm too reetraain forr a bussineess thaatss reeadyy too hiire himm. IIf tthatt neew jjob doeesnt ppay as mucch, theere shoouldd bee a sysstemm off waage inssuraancee inn pllacee soo thhat he cann sttilll paay hhis billls. Annd eevenn iff hees goiing froom jjob to jobb, hhe sshouuld
52、stiill be ablle tto ssavee foor rretiiremmentt annd ttakee hiis ssaviingss wiith himm. TThatts thee waay wwe mmakee thhe nnew ecoonommy wworkk beetteer ffor eveeryoone.我想想我们在在短期内内还无法法就医疗疗保险制制度达成成共识。但两党党可以在在改进经经济保障障制度的的问题上上采取一一些新的的措施。假设一一位辛勤勤工作的的美国人人丢了工工作,我我们不该该仅仅确确保他能能获得失失业保险险,而应应确保这这个制度度能够支支持他接接受再培
53、培训以胜胜任新的的工作。如果这这份新工工作的报报酬不如如上一份份工作,那么就就该有薪薪酬保障障制度保保证他能能养活自自己。即即使他一一直在换换工作,也还能能为退休休储蓄并并能支配配自己的的积蓄。这就是是我们让让大家更更好地受受益于新新经济的的方式。I alsso kknoww Sppeakker Ryaan hhas tallkedd abboutt hiis iinteeresst iin ttackklinng ppoveertyy. AAmerricaa iss abboutt giivinng eeverryboody willlinng tto wworkk a hannd uup,
54、 andd Id wwelccomee a serriouus ddisccusssionn abboutt sttrattegiies we cann alll ssuppportt, llikee exxpanndinng ttax cutts ffor loww-inncomme wworkkerss wiithoout kidds.我知知道国会会众议院院发言人人保罗 瑞恩提提到过他他对解决决贫困问问题的看看法。美美国是一一个会给给每个愿愿意工作作的人机机会的国国家,我我欢迎大大家提出出可行性性战略,如为无无子女低低收入人人群减税税的方案案。Buut ttherre aare othhe
55、r areeas wheere its bbeenn moore diffficcultt too fiind agrreemmentt ovver thee laast sevven yeaars nnameely whaat rrolee thhe ggoveernmmentt shhoulld pplayy inn maakinng ssuree thhe ssysttems nnot rigggedd inn faavorr off thhe wweallthiiestt annd bbigggestt coorpoorattionns. Andd heere, thhe AAmerr
56、icaan ppeopple havve aa chhoicce tto mmakee.但在在过去七七年里还还有其他他难以达达成一致致的领域域,比如如,政府府应该扮扮演怎样样的角色色,才能能保证制制度不向向最富有有的财团团和大公公司倾斜斜。在此此,美国国人民需需要做出出选择。I bellievve aa thhrivvingg prrivaate secctorr iss thhe llifeebloood of ourr ecconoomy. I thiink theere aree ouutdaatedd reegullatiionss thhat neeed tto bbe cchann
57、gedd, aand theeres rred tappe tthatt neeedss too bee cuut. Butt affterr yeearss off reecorrd ccorpporaate proofitts, worrkinng ffamiiliees wwont gget morre ooppoortuunitty oor bbiggger payycheeckss byy leettiing bigg baankss orr biig ooil or heddge funnds makke ttheiir oown rulles at thee exxpennse
58、of eveeryoone elsse; or by alllowiing atttackks oon ccolllecttivee baargaainiing to go unaanswwereed. Foood SStammp rreciipieentss diidnt ccausse tthe finnancciall crrisiis; recckleessnnesss onn Waall Strreett diid. Immmigrrantts aarennt thee reeasoon wwagees hhaveentt goone up enooughh; tthosse dde
59、ciisioons aree maade in thee booarddroooms thaat ttoo oftten putt quuartterlly eearnninggs ooverr loong-terrm rretuurnss. IItss suure nott thhe aaverragee faamilly wwatcchinng ttoniightt thhat avooidss paayinng ttaxees tthrooughh offfshhoree acccouuntss. IIn tthiss neew eeconnomyy, wworkkerss annd s
60、starrt-uups andd smmalll buusinnessses neeed mmoree off a voiice, noot llesss. TThe rulles shoouldd woork forr thhem. Annd tthiss yeear I pplann too liift up thee maany bussineessees wwhove figgureed oout thaat ddoinng rrighht bby ttheiir wworkkerss ennds up beiing goood ffor theeir shaarehholdderss
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