



1、利益相关者Stakeholders 利益相关者 are all the groups affected by, or that can affect 受公司影响或能够影响 公司,an organizations decisions, policies, and operations 决策、政策和运作.For example: Stockholders and creditors 股东和债仅人 provide financial capital to the company; Employees contribute their work skills and knowledge; suppli

2、ers provide raw materials, energy, and other supplies; and wholesalers, distributors, and retailers help move the products from plant to sales offices to customers. All businesses need customers who are willing to pay for the products or services being produced.Today, many stakeholders have the abil

3、ity to stick quills into business. Companies need comprehensive approaches that take into account the needs of a larger and more diverse group of stakeholders. Business cannot be done in a social and political vacuum, and good management planning must take into account this web of considerations.Som

4、e of these stakeholders are: Governments, if not explicitly included elsewhere, Local communities 当地社区;creditors 债权人,if not included with suppliers, trade associations 产 业协会,special-interest groups 特 殊利 益群体,shareholders and complementary 互补者Primary stakeholdersA business5s primary involvement with s

5、ociety includes all the direct relationship necessary for it to perform its major mission of producing goods and services for customers. These interactions normally occur in the marketplace and involve processes of buying and selling. The primary involvements shape a companys strategy and the policy

6、 decisions of its managers, and reveal (=show) the importance of the stakeholders who are critical to its existence and activities.These market-driven customers, suppliers, employees, and investors are itsprimary stakeholders. Market-driven customers, suppliers, employees, and investors are its prim

7、ary stakeholders.Secondary stakeholdersA business 5s relationships go beyond those primary involvements to others in society. Another level of interaction occurs when other groups express an interest or concern in the organizations activities. Business secondary involvements are a result of the impa

8、cts caused by the companys primary business activities.Secondary stakeholders are those groups in society who are affected, directly or indirectly, by the companys secondary impacts and involvements.Calling these involvements and stakeholders secondary does not mean that they are less important that

9、 businesss primary relationships with society. It means that they occur as a consequence of the normal activities of conducting business.Primary and secondary areas of involvement are not always sharply distinguished; often, one area shades into the other.For example, while the safety or environmental effect of a product is a primary concern to


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