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1、教 案(首页)单元名称Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?授课年级Grade 7授课教师熊光静授课方式课堂讲授() 实践课( )考核方式考试() 考查( )学时分配6 periods单 元教 学目 标1. Train students to listen, speak, read and write, so that students master the most basic language knowledge and language skills.2. Develop students ability to use English for communication,

2、 improve students memory, observation, thinking and imagination. 3. Enable students to develop good language learning habits for the future of learning to lay a solid foundation.4. Through circumstance set and the expansion of activities, lead students to learn English energetically and enjoy the pr

3、ocess of learning. 5. Stimulate students interest in learning English and lay the foundation for the students lifelong learning.使用教材教材名称新目标英语(七年级上)(2023版)编(著)者刘道义,郑旺财,David出版社及出版时间人民教育出版社,2023参考书1. Antonia Chandrasegaran. Intervening to Help in the Writing Process. Peoples Education Press. 2. Gregor

4、y Hadley. Action Research in Action. Peoples Education Press. 3. Marilyn Lewis. Giving Feedback in Language Classes. Peoples Education Press. 4.蔡红梅中小学英语教材分析与教学设计 武汉:湖北教育出版社2023.5.任庆梅英语听力教学 北京:外语教学与研究出版社2023.教 案授课对象Grade 7授课时间40 MINS授课章节Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag ? Section A 1a-1c(listening and speak

5、ing)授课要点本 节 教 学 目 标1. Language goals: mainly to guide students to understand and use the key words and sentences in Wheres my schoolbag?.2. Ability goals: teacher hopes students can combine words and sentences with the actual life, and use the language to communicate effectively.3. Learning ability

6、goals: teacher leads students to talk about where things are with the language items they have learned.4. Study strategy goals: teacher guide students to master the vocabulary related to where things are.教学重点1. Learn some words about furniture .2. Learn the usage of some direction prepositions, such

7、 as in, on, under.教学难点 How to use the direction prepositions and where sentence talk about the right position of things. 教学方法Task-based language teaching approach, Audio-lingual method.教学辅助工具Multi-media, computer, Tape recorder, chalk and eraser教学内容与组织安排Step1 Warm-up and Review (5 minutes)T: Good mo

8、rning, everyone! Last class we finished Unit 3. Today, we are going to learn a new unit, Unit 4. So can you tell me, whats the title of this unit? Ss: Yes, its “wheres my schoolbag?” T:Inthisunitwearegoingtolearntalkingaboutthepositionsoftheschoolthings.Doyoustillremembersomeschoolthingswehavelearne

9、d?Ss: Yes/No.T: OK.Letsstarttotalkaboutsomeschoolthingsfirst. T:(Take out a book and ask a question) WhatsthisinEnglish?Ss:Its abook.T:Howtospellit?Ss:B-O-O-K.T:Isityours?Ss:No,itisnt.Its yours. Design purpose: To attract students attention and predict what we have to learn next.Step2 Section A 1a (

10、8 minutes)Lookandfind T:Pleaseopenyour book at page 19, look at the picture in activity 1a. Therere some things in it, do you know what they are?Ss: T: OK, please look at the PPT. Firstly; we will learn some new words. The pictures including table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag, books and ke

11、ys will be shown on the screen one by one. T: May I have your attention, please! (Show the picture of a table) Whats this in English? Its a table. Read after me, table, table.Ss: Table, table. T: How to spell it? Ss: T-A-B-L-E. T: OK, very good. Use the same way to teach other words. Matchanddiscuss

12、T: We have finished all the new words now. Wouldyoupleasematchthe words with the things in the picture in activity 1a? One minute for you.T: OK, times up. Please discuss with you partner and check whether your answers are the same. Ss: Checktheanswers T: Letschecktheanswerstogether. Any volunteers?

13、S1:. S2: T: Thank you! Do you agree with them? Ss: Yes / No. T: Ill give the right answer. Please check it. Show the answers on the screen.ReadT: Pleasereadthewordsafterme.Table, table Ss: Table, tableDesign purpose:To learn the new words and make a preparation for listening.Step3 Section A 1b (12 m

14、inutes)ListenandnumberT: Look at activity 1b, listentothetapeforthefirsttime.Play the tape. When finishing the tape, the teacher asks the listening. T: Can you number the things in the picture?Ss: Yes, /No.T:Ok, once more. Numberthethingsinthepicturewhenyoulistentoitforthesecondtime.Play the tape fo

15、r the second time.ChecktheanswersT: Have you finished ? Ss: Yes.T: Letschecktheanswers. For the four questions we need four volunteers.Any volunteers? S1, S2, S3, S4: The answer should beT: OK, thank you very much. Do you agree with them? Ill show the answer on the screen. Please check it by yoursel

16、f.The teacher shows the answers on the screen.Answers:1books2pencilcase3baseball4computergameRead T: Iwouldlikeyoutoreadthetapescripttogether. Please look at the PPT. To show the tapescript.T: Wouldyoupleasereaditwith your partner? Three minutes for you.4TranslateandexplainT: Letstranslatetheconvers

17、ationintoChinese.T: Whocantelluswhatitmeans?S1:S2:.T:Yes.Whenweaskthepositions,weusethewords“where”.Andfromthepicture,weknowthattheword“on”means“在上面”“in”means“在里面”“under”means“在下面”.Theyarecalledprepositions“介词”.T: So, who can tell me, wheres+(), where are+()Ss: .T: Yes, you are so good. Next we will

18、 have a test. There are four sentences; can you return them to the original shape? Please look at the PPT, and we do it together.bag, Where, the, is ?are, they, the, pencil, case, in his, baseball, where, is ?is, the, sofa, on, it The answer: 1. Where is the bag? 2. They are in the pencil case. 3. W

19、here is his baseball? 4. It is on the sofa.T: Right! You are so good! Thank you all.Design purpose:To make out the differences between “in” “on” and “under”. Step4 Section A 1c (8 minutes)Read.T: Wouldyouliketoreadtheconversationwithyourpartners?Ss: PracticeT: Wouldyoupleasepracticetheconversationac

20、cordingtothepictureon the screen? You have to use the new prepositions “in” “on” “under”.Three minutes for you.Students practice themselves.T: Times up.Pleasepracticeinclass.Whowouldliketohaveatry?T: You two, please. Make your conversation based on the picture 1. S1: Wheres the pen?S2: Its on the bo

21、ok.T: OK. Great. Thank you.T: How about picture 2. Who would like to try?T: Thank you, Tom and Linda, please!Tom: Where is the pen?T: Be careful and look the picture 2 again. Pen or Pens?Tom: Sorry, pens.T: Try again.Tom: Where are the pens?Linda: They are in the pencil box.T: Good job. Thank you.De

22、sign purpose: students can obtain the use of new words and through the practice to train their spoken English.Step5 Summary (3 minutes)eT: In this period of class,you all learn the prepositions “in” “on” and “under”, whats the meaning of “in” “on” and ”under”?Ss:“在里面” “在上面” “在下面”T: OK, you are so clever! We also l


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