已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、采购英语面试常见问题在中,求职者会遇到很多相同的问题,如果在面试前求职者能 对这些问题掌握一些,那成功的机会就会大一些。下面小编为您搜集 了采购常见问题,欢迎查看,希望对大家有所启发!So , tell me a little about yourself./那么,请做一个吧。.Why did you leave your last job?/你为什么离职呢?.Tell me what you know about this company?/告诉我,你对这个公司了解多少?.Why do you want to work at X Company?/你为什么想在X公司工作?.What rele

2、vant experience do you have?/ 你有什么相关?.If your previous co-worker were here,what would theysay about you?/如果你以前的同事在这里,他们会怎么评价你?.Have you done anything to further your experience?/ 你 是否为积累更多经验而作出努力?.Where else have you applied?/你还申请了其他什么公司吗?当你在压.How are you when you work under pressure?/力下工作时,感觉如何?.Wh

3、at motivate you to do a good job?/是什么激励你去做好一份工作?.What s your greatest strength?/你最大的优点是什么?.What s your biggest weakness?/你最大的弱点是什么?.Let s talking about Salary./我们来谈谈薪水。.Are you good at working in the team?/你擅长在团队工作吗?.Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented./ 告诉我一个你已经实施的建议。.Will the p

4、eople you work with irritate you? /与你共事的人是否会激怒你?.Is there anyone you just could not work with?/是否有人你不能与之共事?.Would you rather work for money or satisfaction?/你愿意为金钱还是满足而工作?.Would you rather be liked or feared?/你宁愿被喜欢还是害怕?.Are you willing to put your job first?/你是否愿意将工作 放在首位?.Explain why I should hire

5、 you ? /请你说一说为什么我应 该雇佣你?.Do you have any question to ask me?/你有什么问题要问我吗?.Where do you want to be in 5 years?/ 五年内,你想达到 什么高度?.Would you want to work for a big company or a smallone?/你想为大公司还是小公司工作?.What contribution did you make to your previous organization/team?/你对你以前的组织/团队做出了什么贡献?.What makes you th

6、ink you would be a success in thisjob?/是什么让你认为你能胜任这份工作?.Why did you select your major area of study?/ 你为什么 选择你的主要研究领域?.What subjects were your favorite? Why?/你最喜欢的科目是什么?为什么?.Other than the courses you studied, what is the most important thing you learned from your college experience?/除了你的课程外,你从大学里学到

7、的最重要的东西是什么?.How did you finance your college education?/你是如何承担大学教育的费用的?你能描.Would you describe your typical working day?/述一下你的典型工作日吗?.Describe the employee you most enjoy working with?/描述你最喜欢与之共事的员工?.What is an ideal boss like?/理想的老板是什么样的?.What pressures did you have in your last job and how did you

8、manage them?/你上一份工作有什么压力,你是如何管理的?.Sometimes a work assignment requires frequent travel. How do you feel about the prospect of frequent travel?/ 有时工作任务需要经常出差。你对频繁旅行有什么看法?.Most employees and bosses have some disagreements. How did you react to these disagreements in your last job?/大多数员工和老板有一些分歧。你在上一份工

9、作中对 这些分歧有何反应?.Why did you decide to apply for this particular position?/你为什么决定申请这个职位?.What about this position is especially attractive to you?/这个职位对你特别有吸引力吗?.What do you see in the position that is not attractive to you?/在这个对你没有吸引力的职位上,你看到了什么?.What factors in a work situation motivate you?/ 什么因 素在工

10、作中激励你?.What will you do to achieve your career goals?/ 你将如 何实现你的职业目标?.How do you feel about your progress to date?/ 对于你 至今所取得的成就,你作何感受?.What do you think are your strongest skills?/ 你认为你 最强的技能是什么?.How much do you know about our company?/你对我们公司了解多少?.What s the meaning of your English name?/你的英文名字是什么意思?.What do you think of overtime?/你如何看待加班?.If this time we hire you but after period of time you think it doesn t suit you ,what will you do?/如果这次我们聘请你,但是经过一段时间,你觉得这不适合你,你会怎么做?.What do you enjoy most about what you


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