



1、学而思家长:Amazing English Level 8 Unit 12 外教课 2 重点知识总结您好!恭喜孩子已经顺利完成 Unit12 外教课 2 的学本课中孩子不仅收获了知识还了能力。温故而知新,按时上课是良好的开端,认真进行复习才能够达到事半功倍的效果。1. 绘本阅读:P74-78New Planet, New School (Part 1)I had a lot of friends backy old school, on my old planet. When the school yearended, though, my family moved across the ga

2、laxy to Planet Zox.Planet Zox has species from so many different planets, just walking down the streetcan be an adventure. So can going to the grocery store.Actually, I sort of liked my new planet until it was time to start school. I wont fit in,I complained to my parentstmorning. Nobody there will

3、be like me. Theydonoutve to be like you in order to like you, Mom said. It took me a minute to sorttence.Once I got to school, I kept my eye out for other humans.I spotted a fewhe halls, but the only oney class is Swiss Pumpernickel. WhenI walkedhatday, some of the students started to tease him.Way

4、to go, Pumpernickel. Looks like you finally got yourself a girlfriend, they said.Swiss Pumpernickel turned red, then glared at me-as if it were my fault for being1课程安排教学目标配套服务课程标题中教课 P55-P68知识学习晨读、预习、随堂测、单词闯关、练习册Tea for Two外教课 1 P69-P72听说运用晨读、预习、随堂测A Sandstormhe Desert外教课 2 P73-P80绘本阅读晨读、预习、随堂测、单词闯关

5、、绘本阅读New Planet, New School (1)human!Aftert, nobody talked to me all morning. I looked for some humans to sit witch, but they were all sitting with other species.球 新学校(第一部分)在原来的星球上,在母校里,我有很多朋友。然而,当学年结束时,我的家搬到了系另一端的一颗行星上,那里是卓克斯星球。卓克斯星球上有许多来自不同星球的物种,走在街上就像是一种奇遇。去杂货店也是。事实上,我有点喜欢球,但这种喜欢的感觉延续到我上学的那一天,就停止

6、了。“我可能适应不了,”第一天早上我对父母抱怨道。“我跟那里的人都不一样。”“他们不必跟你一样才会喜欢你,”说。我花了一分钟才理解了那句话。我一到达学校,就开始留意学校里其他种族的人。我在大厅里看到了几个人,但是其中只有一个同学是班的,他是斯威士彭珀。当我第一天走进教室时,一些学生开始取笑他。“干得好,!看起来你终于有女朋友了。”他们这样。脸2红了,然后他瞪了我一眼好像我是人类就是一个错误!从那以后,整个上午都没有人跟我说话。午饭时跟其他人类一起坐,但他们都和其他种族的人坐在一起。阅读理解 P792. Reading Comprehen1. What did the girls family

7、do when the school year ended?的家人在学年结束的时候做了什么?2. What was the girls attitude towards the new school?对新学校的态度怎么样?3. Wha当ppened when the girl walked in her class the第一天走进班级的时候发生了什么?day?4. Do you think the girl would find anyone to sit with forch?你认为会找到人一起坐下吃饭吗?参考1. Her family moved across the galaxy to

8、 Planet Zox.2. She sort of liked her new schootil it was time to start school.Some of the students started to tease Swiss Pumpernickel.Yes. Some humans were sitting with other species. So I thinkthe girl will findsomeone to sit with forch, too.(以上不唯一,可根据个人情况作答)3. KET 词汇 P803单 词音 标词 性中 文 释 义though/u/adv.然而species/spiiz/n.物种sentence/sentns/n.句子请您仔细阅读并保存好,帮助孩子进行梳理,希望在主讲老师的带动,辅导老师及家长的配合下,孩子能够从行为、学习及成绩上有质的变化!学而思英语产品部4fit/ft/v.适合tease/tiz/v.嘲弄grocery/grusr/


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