1、新目标九九年级第第6110单元元同步练练习Unitt 6 II liike mussic thaat II caan ddancce tto.同步练习习:. 根根据句意意和所给给首字母母完成单单词。1. TThe boyys h_ ggavee a jummp.2. SShe is onee off thhe ppionneerrs off p_.3. TTheyy hoope to winn maass suppporrt aamonng tthe midddlee c_.4. YYou musst ddo ww_ iss beest forr yoou.5. HHe ee_ too fii
2、nissh tthe worrk bby MMarcch. 单单项选择择:选择择正确答答案填空空。1. II prrefeer wwatcchinng TTV tto _ mussic eveery dayy.A. llistten to B. liisteen CC. llistteniing to D. liisteeninng2. II haate peooplee _ ttalkk muuch butt doo liittlle.A. wwho B. thaat CC. wwhicch D. whoose3. II liike thee muusicc thhat I ccan sin
3、ng _.A. aalonng aand BB. aalonng wwithh C. wiith D. allongg4. NNo mmattter whaat yyou do, yoou ccant cchannge thee siituaatioon.A. wwhoeeverr B. whhereeverr CC. wwhatteveer D. whaat eeverr5. BBeijjingg iss onne oof tthe _ inn thhe wworlld ttodaay.A. bbusiiestt ciity B. bussiesst ccitiies CC. bbusyy
4、ciity D. buusy cittiess. 改改写句子子:按要要求完成成下列各各题。1. WWe aare loookinng ffor thee nuursee. SShe loookedd affterr myy liittlle ssistter.(合成一一句)We aare loookinng ffor thee nuursee _ _ aftter my litttlee siisteer.2. SShe wass illl, butt shhe sstilll wwentt onn woorkiing.(改为为同义句句)_ shee waas iill, shhe sstil
5、ll wwentt onn _.3. TTheyy haave jusst hhad somme ssanddwicchess.(对划划线部分分提问)_ theey jjustt haad?4. HHow aboout thee boook?(改为为同义句句)Whatt doo yoou _ _ thhe bbookk?5. II diidnt kknoww hoow II coouldd reepaiir tthe bikke.(改为简简单句)I diidnt kknoww _ _ reppairr thhe bbikee. 完完成句子子:根据据汉语完完成句子子。1. 我我喜欢安安静的乡乡村
6、胜过过喧闹的的城市。I _thhe qquieet ccounntryysidde _ thee nooisyy ciitiees.2. 这这个故事事使我想想起我的的一次亲亲身经历历。The stoory _ mee _ aan eexpeerieencee I oncce hhad.3. 我我们去博博物馆参参观中国国画展。We wwentt too ann _ oof CChinnesee paainttinggs aat tthe _.4. 他他是生生活杂杂志的摄摄影师。He iis aa _ ffor liffe _.5. 他他对化学学感兴趣趣。Chemmisttry _.参考答案案:.
7、 11. hhearrt 2. phootoggrapphy 3.claass 4. whhateeverr 55. eexpeecteed. 115 CABBCB. 11. wwho loookedd 2. Thooughh/Allthooughh, woorkiing 3. Whaat hhavee 44. tthinnk oof 5. howw too. 11. ppreffer, too 2. reeminnds,of 3. exxhibbitiion, muuseuum 4. phootoggrappherr,maggaziine 5. innterrestts hhimUnitt
8、7 WWherre wwoulld yyou likke tto vvisiit?同步练习习:. 根根据句意意和所给给首字母母完成单单词。1. TThe sixxth graade saww ann e_ fillm yyestterdday.2. SShe mayy bee 800, bbut shees stiill l_.3. WWevve bbeenn haavinng ww_ weeathher reccenttly.4. TThe suiitcaase is verry ll_.5. MMay I hhelpp yoou tto aanottherr gllasss off w_?
9、. 单单项选择择:选择择正确答答案填空空。1. HHe ffeltt dooubttfull abboutt _ tthe citty.A. tto gget arooundd B. geet aarouund C. getttinng aarouund D. wheetheer ggo oor nnot2. MMy ppareentss waant to go _ onn vaacattionn.A. ssomeewheere peaacefful B. danngerrouss soomewwherreC. ssomeewheere borringg D. faasciinattingg
10、soomewwherre3. TThe plaay wwilll _ tthe cittiess neext weeek.A. ttourristt B. toouriistyy C. toouriism D. touur4. SSomee roobotts aare _ too doo thhe ssamee thhinggs _ peooplee.A. eenouugh smaart, ass B. ennouggh ssmarrt, witthC. ssmarrt eenouugh, ass D. smmartt ennouggh, forr5. _ wouuld youu liike
11、to livve iin? A. wwherre BB. wwhicch ccityy C. whhichh D. whhen. 改改写句子子:按要要求完成成下列各各题。1. YYoure supppossed to payy thhe bbilll byy Frridaay. Youre _ too paay tthe billl nnot _ thhan Friidayy.2. SShe deccideed tthatt shhe wwont ggo aalonne.She deccideed _ _ goo allonee.3. SSurffingg thhe iinteerneet c
12、can proovidde uus wwithh thhe llateest newws.Surffingg thhe iinteerneet ccan _ thhe llateest newws _ us.4. IIt ttookk soome stuudennts tooo muuch timme tto pplayy coompuuterr gaamess.Somee sttudeentss _ ttoo mucch ttimee inn _ ccompputeer ggamees.5. PPeopple donnt feeel llikee dooingg siimplle jjobs
13、s ovver andd ovver agaain.Peopple wouuld likke _ _ doo siimplle jjobss ovver andd ovver agaain. 根根据汉语语完成句句子。1. 许许多外国国用语不不容易译译成英语语。Manyy fooreiign exppresssioons do nott _ wwelll _ EEngllishh.2. 一一般说来来,我喜喜欢喜剧剧甚于悲悲剧。_ _, II prrefeer aa coomeddy tto aa trrageedy.3. 那那船装有有雷达设设备。The shiip wwas _ _ rradaa
14、r eequiipmeent.4. 学学校夏天天关闭,孩子们们放假。Schoool is cloosedd foor tthe summmerr annd cchilldreen aare _ _.5. 我我希望将将来有一一天我能能梦想成成真。I hoope my dreeam cann _ _ somme dday.参考答案案:.1. edducaatioonall 2. livvelyy 33. wwondderfful 4.liightt 55. wwinee. 115 CAAACB. 11. eexpeecteed, latter 2. nott too 3. prroviide, f
15、oor 44. sspennt, plaayinng 55. nnot to. 11.trransslatte, intto 22. IIn ggeneerall 3. prroviidedd wiith 4. onn vaacattionn 5. coome truueUnitt 8 IIll hellp ccleaan uup tthe citty pparkks.同步练习习:. 根根据句意意和所给给首字母母完成单单词。1. TThe TV shoow wwas intterrruptted by tooo maany a_.2. HHe hhad hiss caar rr_ yeeste
16、erdaay.3. TThe litttlee booy wwho rann awway froom hhomee sooon fellt hh_.4. TThe s_ ssayss PParkkingg Foorbiiddeen.5. HHe iis bb_ inn onne eeye. 单单项选择择:选择择正确答答案填空空。1. IIm tthirrstyy. IId llikee _ aa gllasss off waaterr.A. ddrinnk BB. tto ddrinnk C. drrinkkingg D. drrankk2. AAsk himm _ ccomee too ou
17、ur ppartty ttomoorroow.A. nnot BB. nnot to C. doeesnt D. issnt3. II amm a Leaaguee Meembeer. I vvoluunteeer my timme _ othherss.A. hhelpp BB. tto hhelpp C. hellpinng D. heelpeed4. II doont kknoww _ kkindd off woork I ccan do.A. hhow B. whhat C. whoo DD. wwhy5. DDid youu _ mmuchh mooneyy onn thhe cca
18、r?A. ccostt B. payy C. speend D. takke. 改改写句子子:按要要求完成成下列各各题。1. TTo wworkk inn a schhooll iss veery inttereestiing. (改改为同义义句)_ _ veery inttereestiing to worrk iin aa scchoool.2. WWe mmaybbe mmakee ouur ffrieendss annd ffamiily unhhapppy. (对划划线部分分提问)_ _ yoou mmaybbe mmakee yoour friiendds aand fammily
19、y?3. DDid he comme uup wwithh a greeat ideea? (改为为同义句句)_ youu _ aa grreatt iddea?4. JJim loooks likke hhis eldder brootheer. (改为为同义句句)Jim _ _ hhis eldder brootheer.5. TTheyy woouldd liike to hellp ssomee hoomellesss peeoplle. (改为为一般问问句)_ youu _ tto hhelpp soome hommeleess peooplee?. 根根据汉语语完成句句子。1. 今
20、今天可做做的事不不要拖到到明天再再做。Dont _ _ tiill tommorrrow whaat ccan be donne ttodaay.2. 她她现在正正在打扫扫厨房。She is _ _ tthe kittcheen nnow.3. 振振作起来来! 我我们的困困难很快快就会过过去。_ _! OOur trooublles willl ssoonn bee ovver.4. 新新政府于于战后成成立。A neew ggoveernmmentt waas _ _ affterr thhe wwar.5. 他他父母给给他安排排了一个个工作。His parrentts _ himm _ ww
21、ithh a jobb.参考答案案:. 11. aadveertiisemmentts 22. rrepaaireed 33. hhungger 4. siggn 5. bliind. 115 CCBBBBC. 11. IIt iis 2. Howw doo 33. DDid, haave/finnd 4. takkes aftter 55. WWoulld, likke. 11. pput offf 22. ccleaaninng uup 33. CCheeer uup 4. sett upp 55. ffixeed, uppUnitt 9 BBy tthe timme II goot oo
22、utssidee, tthe buss haad aalreeadyy leeft.同步练习习:. 根根据句意意和所给给首字母母完成单单词。1. TThe strreetts wweree allmosst ee_.2. HHe sspraang up andd r_ to thee dooor.3. HHe iis aa riice f_.4. SSee thaat tthe dooor iis ll_ beeforre yyou go to bedd.5. WWordds ccannnot d_ tthe beaautyy off thhe sscenne. 单单项选择择:选择择正确答答案
23、填空空。1. HHe hhas reaalizzed thaat hhe _ hiss waalleet iin tthe shoop.A. lleftt BB. fforggot C. boorroowedd DD. ssoldd2. EEngllishh peeoplle _ usee Mrr beeforre aa maanss fiirstt naame.A. eeverr BB. nneveer C. oftten D. ussuallly3. II doontt knnow hatt haappeenedd _ ZZhanng HHongg thhe dday befforee y
24、eesteerdaay.A. aat BB. ffor C. aboout D. too4._ tthe firrst dayy off neew ttermm, II seee aall my friiendds aand teaacheers.A. IIn BB. AAt CC. OOn DD. FFor5. II haave nevver seeen _ a ccar _ thhis befforee.A. ssuchh, tthatt B. as, ass CC. sso, as D. soo, tthatt. 改改写句子子:按要要求完成成下列各各题。1. II doontt liik
25、e thiis sshirrt bbecaausee itt iss tooo tthinn foor mme. (改为为同义句句) I _ _ thiis sshirrt bbecaausee itt issntt laargee ennouggh ffor me.2. TTo uundeersttandd whhat he is sayyingg iss tooo ddiffficuult. (改改为同义义句) _ _ tooo diiffiicullt tto uundeersttandd whhat he is sayyingg.3. WWhatts thee poopullatiio
26、n of chiina? (改改为同义义句) _ _ is thee nuumbeer oof ppeopple in chiina?4. HHe ssayss thhe bbus hass allreaady gonne . (把把主句改改为一般般过去时时态) Hee _ tthe buss _allreaady gonne.5. LLastt Suundaay nnighht mmy ffrieend Tomm caame to seee mee. (对划线线部分提提问) _ ddid youur ffrieend Tomm _ tto ssee youu?. 根根据汉语语完成句句子。1.
27、 火火车会准准时到达达吗?Willl thhe ttraiin aarriive on timme?2. 一一个贼破破门而入入,并偷偷走了他他们的电电脑。 A thiief _ thhe ddoorr _annd sstolle ttheiir ccompputeer.3. 警警铃骤然然响起。The alaarm _.4. 他他直到五五十岁才才结婚。He _ unttil he wass fiiftyy.5.今天天会上有有多少人人出席了了? Hoow mmanyy peeoplle _ _ att thhe mmeettingg?参考答案案:. 11. eemptty 2. russhedd
28、33. ffarmmer 4. loockeed 5. desscriibe. 115 AABDCCB. 11. hhatee weeariing 2.It is 3.Howw laargee 44.saaid, haad 5.Wheen, comme. 11. oon ttimee 22.brrokeen, dowwn 3. wennt ooff 4.diddnttmarrry 5. shoowedd uppUnitt 100 WWhenn waas iit iinveenteed?同步练习习:. 根根据句意意和所给给首字母母完成单单词。1. HHe ii_ a neww tyype of
29、steethooscoope.2. TTom diddntt maake a ssinggle speelliing m_ iin hhis commpossitiion.3. HHe ddrivves an a_ ccar.4. TThe wallk wwas verry pp_.5. WWe llivee inn thhe ttwenntieeth c_. 单单项选择择:选择择正确答答案填空空。1. WWhatt iss a tellephhonee ussed _, cllasss?A. tto B. in CC. ffor D. abboutt2. CCan youu teell me
30、 _ thee trrainn waas iinveenteed?A. wwhatt B. whoo C. whhen DD. wwhicch3. RRicee iss grrownn inn Soouthh Chhinaa _ thhem.A. bby B. in CC. wwithh D. foor4. HHe ttookk myy Enngliish-Chiinesse ddicttionnaryy _ miistaake.A. tto B. by CC. aabouut D. onn5. TThe mann iss maade _ somme eextrra hhourrs.A. wworkk BB. tto wworkk C. worrkedd D. woorkiing. 改改写句子子:按要要求完成成下列各各题。1. TThiss biike is bouughtt inn Haarbiin.(改为反反意疑问问句)Thiss biike is bouughtt inn Haarbiin, _ _?2. II woont lleavve ttomoorroow. My
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