



1、2022-2023学年安徽省滁州市瓦山高级中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen?A. in case B. even ifC. unless D. when参考答案:D. 解析:状语从句。When 表示考虑到,既然。In case 虽然有“假如”之意,但发生的可能性较小。2. The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action quietly, and to have it _ by accident.A. find out

2、B. finding out C. found out D. be found out参考答案:3. We consider _ our duty to protect public facilities and the environment in scenic spots.A that B one C this D it参考答案:D 略4. Would you mind moving over a little? I have to pass here. _ Id like to help.A.Not in the slightest.B.Dont mention it.C.Never m

3、ind.D.At your service.参考答案:A 【分析】句意:你介意稍微移动一下吗?我要从这里过去。一点也不介意,我很愿意帮忙。A. Not in the slightest“根本不”;B. Dont mention it“不客气”;C. Never mind“没关系”;D. At your service“愿意为您服务”。由Id like to help可知,作者一点也不介意。故选A。【点评】考查交际用语,区分Not in the slightest; Dont mention it;Never mind和At your service的含义和使用环境。5. -Im sorry t

4、o hear that she failed in the exam again. -Her _of attention to detail is her biggest shortcoming. ( ) A. need B. lack C. limit D. shortage参考答案:B6. - Youre talking too much. - Only at home. No one _ me but you. A. is hearing B. had heard C. hears D. heard 参考答案:C7. Im fond of my sister, but she has a

5、 serious shortcoming. She _ be really stubborn.A. must B. will C. can D. should 参考答案:C略8. Lily took a few friends to my birthday party,none of _ I was familiar withAwhich Bwhose Cthat Dwhom参考答案:D9. The play next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture Aproduced Bbeing produced Cto be produced

6、 Dhaving been produced参考答案:C 解析:.本题考察非谓语动词作定语的用法,句中已明显给出将来时间的标志next week,因此作定语应该选择动词不定式来表达将来.10. Some young people these days just _ go out of their homes to contact the real world. A. mustn t B. won t C. mightn t D. shouldn t参考答案:B考查情态动词的用法。句意为“现在一些年轻人就是不愿意走出家门接触真实世界。”mustn t禁止,不允许;won t不愿意,具有主观性;m

7、ightn t可能不;shouldn t不应该。根据句意选B。11. I promised to draw a map of the engine. Now Ive made it!_!A. Thanks a lot B. Its my pleasureC. Congratulations D. Youre welcome参考答案:C.12. The boy doesnt like _ when his mother compares him with the other children in the neighborhoodA oneB thisC thatD it参考答案:D13. .I

8、 _ myself more it was a perfect day.A. shouldnt have enjoyed B. neednt have enjoyedC. wouldnt have enjoyed D. couldnt have enjoyed参考答案:D14. He_for his hard work over those five years-more than 10,000 yuan a month. But now he feels happy to be a teacher in his hometown.A. is rewarded B. be rewarded C

9、. has been rewarded D. was rewarded参考答案:D26. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life joumey.A. give up B. settle down C. get through D. set off参考答案:D16. In todays fast changing and competitive world, to be able to learn faster and

10、more effectively is not merely desirable; it is _.A. essential B. worthwhile C. challenging D. sufficient参考答案:A17. Before the war broke out, many people _ possessions they could not take with them. A. threw away B. put away C. gave away D. carried away参考答案:B 本题主要考查对动词短语的意义辨析。选项A的意思是“扔掉”;选项B的意思是“把收拾好

11、,储藏备用”;选项C的意思是“赠送,分发,泄漏,放弃”;选项D的意思是指“冲走”。根据句子的意思,战争爆发时,许多人把带不走的东西收拾起来。于是本题的正确答案选B。18. 840 square miles, the national park has beautiful lakes, mountains and forests. A. Cover B. Covering C. Covered D. To cover参考答案:B二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或

12、修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。This morning, I found it was snowing Heavily. Attracted by the beautiful sight, I decided to go out to take some photo. The snow finally stopped at noon, and I couldn t wait go ou

13、tside with my camera. As I walked on the path in the front of our building, I saw a boy suddenly slip in the snow-covered ground. It was at that moment when I realized what I should do. Immediately, I returned home to get a broom but started to sweep the path. I worked so hardly that I sweated a lot

14、. An hour late, the thick snow was cleared away. Looked at the clean path, my neighbors all smiled and gave me thumbs up. I felt very happy that I have done something for my neighborhood.参考答案:This morning, I found it was snowing Heavily. Attracted by the beautiful sight, I decided to go out to take

15、some photo. The snow finally stopped at noon, and I couldn t wait go outside with my camera. photos to As I walked on the path in the front of our building, I saw a boy suddenly slip in the snow-covered the onground. It was at that moment when I realized what I should do. Immediately, I returned hom

16、e to that get a broom but started to sweep the path. I worked so hardly that I sweated a lot. An hour late, the and hard laterthick snow was cleared away. Looked at the clean path, my neighbors all smiled and gave me Looking thumbs up. I felt very happy that I have done something for my neighborhood

17、.had【分析】本文为记叙文。本文叙述了作者在雪后被美丽的雪景吸引,到外面拍照。在小路上看到有个男孩因为积雪而滑倒后,决定清除积雪,花了一个小时清除了路上的积雪,因而得到邻居的称赞。【详解】1.考查名词复数。句意:被这美丽的景色吸引,我决定出去照相。根据语境可知,photo 是可数名词,前面被some修饰,因此要用复数。故把photo改为photos2.考查固定搭配。句意:雪终于在中午停了下来,我迫不及待拿着相机出去了。“cant wait to do”为固定搭配,意为“迫不及待地做某事”,因此在wait后面加上to。3.考查语境。句意:当我走在楼前的小路上时,我看见一个男孩突然滑倒在积雪覆盖

18、的地上。in the front of意为“在(范围内)的前面”,而in front of“在(范围外)的前面”。根据本句的语境,在楼外的小路上,故要去掉the。4.考查语境。句意:我看见一个男孩突然滑倒在积雪覆盖的地上。根据语境可知,是滑倒在地上。on意为“在上”,而in意为“在里面”。因此把in改为on。5.考查强调句型。句意:就在那一刻,我意识到我应该做什么。强调句型It was+被强调部分+that+ 剩余部分。如果去掉强调句型的结构It was that,结构及句意完整。因此把句中的强调结构去掉It was at that moment that I realized what I

19、should do,可知是完整的,故把when改为that。6.考查连词。句意:我立刻回家拿扫帚,开始扫地。分析语境可知,前后两句是并列关系,而非转折关系,故把but改为and。7.考查语境及副词辨析。句意:我努力除雪,流了很多汗。hardly意为“几乎不”,而hard 意为“努力地,勤奋地”。根据语境可知,是努力工作,因此把hardly改为hard。8.考查语境。句意:一个小时后,厚厚的雪被清除了。later意为“后来”,常指一个具体的时间点之后,表示从过去或将来算起的多长时间以后,如3小时之后要用“three hours later”;late意为“迟的,晚的”。因此把late改为late

20、r。9.考查非谓语。句意:看着干净的小路,邻居们都笑了,都竖起大拇指。分析句子可知,look的逻辑主语是my neighbors ,二者是主动关系,在句中作时间状语,要用动词的ing形式,因此把Looked改为Looking。10.考查谓语动词的时态。句意:我感到非常高兴,我为我的邻居做了一些事情。分析句子可知,我“为邻居做的事”是发生在“我感到(felt happy)高兴”之前。是过去的过去,故要用过去完成时,因此把have改为had。三、 阅读理解20. Some problems are difficult to solve! But there are a lot of number

21、expressions that can helpFor example,if we put two and two together,we might come up with the right answerWe know that two heads are better than one. It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem.Sometimes we can kill two birds with one stoneThat is, we can complete two goals wi

22、th only one effort or actionBut we must remember that two wrongs dont make a rightIf someone does something bad to you,you should not do the same to himIf you are going out with your girlfriend,or boyfriend,you do not want another friend to go along on your dateYou can just say to your friend:twos c

23、ompany, threes a crowd A young child in school has to learn the three RsThese important skills are reading, writing and arithmetic These three words do not all start with the 1etter R,but they have the sound of R. Teachers will give three cheers when their pupils do a good job Some of my friends wer

24、e confused and did not understand their schoolworkThey were at sixes and sevensIn fact,they did not care whether they could finish high school. They saw 1ittle difference between the two choicesBut they were really happy when they completed their studies and graduated from high school. They were in

25、seventh heavenThey were on cloud nine.Last year,one of my friends applied for a better job at her officeI did not think she would get itI thought she had a hundred to one shot at the jobOther people at her office thought her chances were a million to one. One reason was that she had been caught catching forty winks(打盹) at the officeShe slept at her


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