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1、BUSINESS ENGLISH CORRESPONDENCE 外贸英语函电 主讲人:翟 珊 珊 参考书:外贸英语函电 出版社:西安交通大学 主编:尹小莹 郭黎光序言随着我国经济建设的加快,对外开放的步伐进一步加快,各地区各部门对外经济贸易业务往来日益频繁,而且随着外贸体制改革的深入,将会有更多的部门、企业直接参与对外贸易。外贸英语函电作为国际商务往来使用的联系方式,是开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要工具, 称为外贸工作人员必备的专业技能。课程简介本课程将系统介绍外贸英语函电中常用问题的基本知识,包括各类商务书信和电传传真的格式、常用语句和拟写技巧,还附有外贸业务磋商过程中各个环节往来

2、函电的实例,包括建立业务关系、询盘、报价、推销、还盘、成交、支付、装运、保险、申诉、索赔、争议等。列举合同、协议实例,包括售货、订购、代理、合资经营、技术引进等。此外,还包括其他一些单据的应用,包括信用证、订单、提单、保险单、装箱单、检验证明等。1、请按时到课,上课时通讯工具静音,迟到者自觉坐至指定位置,如有特殊任务者悄声离场。2、正当理由未到课需申请销假者须于一周内递交外贸函电相关内容自学心得或案例函电一份,任何理由三次不到均无成绩。 zhaishanshan3、课前最好预习有关内容,以便上课学习和回答问题。上课必带工具:任何版本无论新旧的教材外贸英语函电 西安交通大学出版社,主编:尹小莹

3、郭黎光4、考核方式:开卷考试 到课20%+回答问题及讨论20% +卷面成绩60% +额外激励每次5分课程要求!课程要求先修的知识国际贸易国际金融国际市场营销商务谈判外贸会计课程的主线1、国际贸易的基本磋商程序询盘发盘还盘接受订约履约2、商务谈判的过程先期的准备磋商订立合同争端解决3、合同的基本内容与格式课 程 体 系CONTENSUnit One商务书信写作的基础知识1、商务书信的书写格式及构成2、写信的原则Unit Two建立贸易关系1、进口商给出口商的信2、出口商的自我介绍3、出口商给进口商的信4、生产厂家的自我介绍5、厂家给进口商的信 Unit Three询价及回复一般询价及回复具体询价

4、及回复Unit Four报价、推销信、实盘、还盘1、报价及回复2、推销信3、实盘4、还盘Unit Five 订单1、订单2、认收3、接受订单的信函4、提供替代品5、因不能接受订单而表示歉意的信函Unit Six售货确认书、购货合同1、售货确认书2、购货合同Unit Seven支付1、信用证2、修改信用证3、延展信用证Unit Eight装运及保险1、装运指示、通知2、保险Unit Nine申诉及索赔1、申诉错发、迟发、质量低劣2、索赔(质量、不良包装、溢短装)Unit Ten 电传、传真、电子邮件1、电传2、传真3、电子邮件Unit ElevenCase study 案例Case 1Case

5、2Unit Twelve协议和合同1、 代理2、寄售协议书3、购买设备合同4、合资企业合同5、期货合同Unit Thirteen招标、投标、广告1、招标2、投标3、广告UNIT ONE Basic Knowledge Of Business -Letter Writing商务书信写作的基础知识基本问题1、What is business letter?2、Form and Structure of business letter3、some rules of good writing4、writing principle of the business letter1、What is busi

6、ness letter?The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch with its customers; often enough it is the only one and the customers form their impression of the firm form the tone and quality of the letters it sends out. Good quality paper and an attractive letterhe

7、ad play their part in this,but they are less important than the message they carry. Business does not call for the elegant language of the post, but it does require us to express ourselves accurately in plain language that is clear and readily understand.2、了解国际商务书信的格式。在对外贸易中,商务书信的格式要求十分严格,它代表着一个公司的形

8、象。它与私人信函的格式有较大的差别。所以,本章突出了商务书信与私人信函的格式比较。有四种常用格式:齐头式(full block firm)混合式(modified block form with indented style)改良式(modified block form)简化式(simplified form)选择何种形式取决于写信人的兴趣和爱好。2、Form and Structure of business letterForm :1、齐头式(full block firm)每行都从左边边线开始。此种格式便于打印,但布局却不美观2、混合式(modified block form with

9、 indented style)写信人的地址打印在信纸的中上部位,而收信人的地址是从左边边线开始打印,结尾敬语连同签署是从中稍偏右处开始打印。3、改良式(modified block form)除了日期,结尾敬语和签署的排列与混合是相同外,其余部分是从左边边线开始4、简化式(simplified form)有点像齐头式,但又省略了称呼和结尾敬语等部分2.Form and Structure of Business Letters 商务书信的书写格式1. Form (1) Full block form 齐头式 Bltco Textile Group B. V.Ossterstra 2,7524

10、DZ EnschedeThe Netherlands Tel: 53-8774 Telex: 45635 Fax: 53-3331172Your ref: c9246our ref: bw/bwDate: April 24,2004Xlan Textile Import & Export Corp.108 Lian Hu Road, Xlan, Shaanxi, China3Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 18, 2004. we are a company that isfor years alreadyengaged in imp

11、orting clothing items from your country, although not from Xlan. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment, will contact you when he returns. With kind regards. Yours faithfully, 4Blyco Textile Group B. V. (Signed) ,. J. Kistemaker,

12、Manager In the Full block form, every part of a letter is typed from the left margin, It is convenient to be typed with a typewriter but the layout is not so beautiful. So some businessmen use a modified block form with indented style.5 (2) Modified block form with indented style 混合式 Blyco Textile G

13、rorpl.B.V Ossterstra27524DZ Enschede The NetherlandsYour ref:c9246 Our ref:bw/bw Date:April24,2004Xlan Textile Import & Export Corp.108 Lian Hu Road,Xlan, Shaanxi, China 6Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 18, 2004. we are a company that isfor years alreadyengaged in importing clothing it

14、ems from your country, although not from Xlan. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment, will contact you when he returns. With kind regards. Yours faithfully, Blyco Textile Group B. V. (Signed) ,. J. Kistemaker, Manager10In the Mod

15、ified block form with indented style the senders address is typed (or printed) in the up-middle part. The receivers address starts from the left margin. The complimentary close as well as the signature are typed from the middle little towards the right.As the business letters are supposed to be simp

16、le and clear, so the Modified block form and Simplified form come out. In the Modified block form all the parts start from the left margin, except the date, complimentary close and signature which are positioned same as that in the Modified block form with indented style.(3) Modified block form 改良式B

17、lyco Textile Group B. V. Ossterstra 2,7524DZ Enschede The Netherlands Tel: 53877432 Telex: 45635 Fax: 53333117 Your ref: C9246 Our ref:bw/bw Date: April 24, 2004 Xian Textile Import & Export Corp. 108 Lian Hu Road Xlan, Shaanxi, China.11Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 18,2004. We are a

18、 company that is, for years already, engaged in importing clothing items from your country, although not from Xlan. We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is in Hong Kong at the moment, will contact you when he returns. With kind regards.Yours faithfully,12 Bl

19、yco Textile Group B. V. (Signed) . J. Kistemaker, Manager Simplified form is somewhat like Full block form. But some parts are omitted, such as salutation and complimentary close. (4) Simplified form 简化式Blyco Textile Group B. V. Ossterstra 2,7524DZ Enschede The Netherlands Tel: 53877432 Telex: 45635

20、 Fax: 53333117 Date :April 24,2004 Xian Textile Import & Export Corp. 108 Lian Hu Road Xian Shaanxi, China 1Thank you for your letter of April 18,2004. We are a company that is, for years already, engaged in importing clothing items from your Country, although not from Xian. We are interested in con

21、tacts as mentioned by you. Our Purchasing Manager, who is now in Hong Kong at the moment, will contact you when he returns.J. Kistemaker, Manager2The above four forms are popularly used nowadays. Which form a sender likes to choose depends on his or her preference. The main aim of designing a letter

22、 is to make the letter not only pleasing to the eye, but also convenient to be typed.3、商务书信通常由8个必要部分组成:信头( letter head )、编号和日期(reference and date)封内地址(inside name and address)称呼(salutation)事由(subject line)信文(body)结尾敬语(complimentary close)签署(signature)3、还有4个选择部分:注意事项(attention line)附件(enclosure)抄送(ca

23、rbon copy notation)附言(postscript)2. Structure 构成 (1) Parts of the business letter a. letterhead 信头 b. reference and date 编号和日期 c. inside name and address 封内地址 d. attention line 注意事项 e. salutation 称呼 f. subject line 事由 g. body 信文 h. complimentary close 结尾敬语 i. signature 签署 j. enclosure 附件 k. carbon c

24、opy notation 抄送 1. postscript 附言3. The following letter is designed to illustrate the position of each part mentioned above: a.Chiwan Petroleum Supply BaseChiwan,Shenzhen,ChinaTel: (0755)26694302Oil Patch Tel: (0755)26693098 Telx. 446834 AAOTS CN Fax: (0755)26694008 Cable: 6987 b. Your ref: Our ref:

25、 BW/bw 3 May,2004 4. c. Messrs. J. Brown & Co.234 EastcheapLondon, E. C. 3. d. Attention: Import Dept. e. Dear Sirs, f. Oil Tools 5g. We thank you for your letter of April 24. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith a copy of our latest price list for your reference. All prices

26、are understood to be CIF London, subject to our final confirmation. Payment is to be made by irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit available by draft at sight. As there is a heavy demand for the goods, we would suggest that you advise us by fax in case of interest. We are looking forward to your

27、early reply. h. Yours faithfully, Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base (Signed) . Wang Dawei Manager j. Encl. as stated k. C.C. our Branch Offices 1. P.S. As requested, we will airmail you two samples tomorrow.1Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Chiwan, Shenzhen, China Tel: (0755)26678904 Oil Patch Tel: 26453321

28、Telx: 446834 AAOTS CN Fax: (0755)26788002 Cable: 6789 E-mail: swihko ( welorlalor, net. cn 2In some countries the letterhead contains other details. For ex- ample, in the U. K. the directors names of a company is given. Directors R.B. North, M.W. Beevers W. D.J. Argent D. A.F. Sutherland MACDONALD &

29、 EVANS LTD. Estover Road Plymouth PL6 7PZ Telephone: 01253 - 405624 Cable address: MACEVANS PLYMOUTH Telex: 45635 E-mail: awrhorhewtuomor, com(2) The ways of writing partsa. Letterhead 信头Letterhead includes the senders name, postal address, telephone number, telex number, fax number, cable address,

30、and E-mail address, etc. Usually letterhead is printed in the up-center or at the left margin of a letter writing paper. 1.信头 letter head应包括发信方名称、邮政编码、电话号码、电传号及传真号等等。一般情况下,信头印在信笺中上方或左上方。有些国家的信头还包括其他细节,比如英国就印着公司经理的姓名。b. Reference and Date 编号和日期In business communication, when a firm writes to another,

31、 each will give a reference. The reference may include a file number, departmental code or the initials of the signer followed by that of the typist of the letter. These are marked Our ref. and Your ref. to avoid confusion: Your ref. JBD/WM Our ref. WDW/LPThey are typed immediately below the Letterh

32、ead. If desired, the reference initials can also be placed at the lower left margin two lines below the name of the signer. 01The date should always be typed in full and not abbreviated (e. g. December for DeC. ). And the -th,-st,-nd, and -rd that follow the day can be omitted(e, g. 5 May for 5th Ma

33、y, June 1 for June lst). Dont write 04 instead of 2004 for the year.02The forms of dates are as follows. 15 August, 2004 August 15,2004Avoid typing dates in figures(e, g. 10/2/2004), since it could easily be confusing. Because British form follows the order of day, month and year while the American.

34、 practice is to write in the order of month, day and year. So 10/2/2004 could be taken as either October 2,9.004 or February 10,2004. 2、编号和日期 date and reference在外贸业务联系中,当一个公司向另一个公司发函时,双方都会给信函编号。编号一般应包括卷宗号码、部门代号或者该信封的签发人及打字员的姓名的手写字母。所有这些都标由“我方号码”、“贵方号码”,以防混淆。这些内容都打印在紧挨着信头下面的位置。如果必要,代号字母也可以打印在左边距签发人姓名

35、向下两排位置。日期中月份应打印成英文全名,避免使用缩写。年份中不能用简写数字代替,要避免将日期打印成数字形式。c. Inside Name and Address 封内名称及地址The name and address of the receiver is typed at the left-hand margin about two to four spaces below the date. It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope. Mr., Mrs., Miss, and Ms.-the ordinary courtesy t

36、itles are used to address to one person. Mr. for a man, Mrs. , Miss, and Ms. for a woman. e.g. Mr. C.E. Eckersley, Ms. M. C. MarAfter the name, his or her official position should follow, if there is any. e.g. Mr. C.C. Eckersley, Director Ms. M.C. Mar, President01 Messrs. (abbreviation of Messieurs)

37、 is, also a courtesy title, used for partnerships whose firms name includes a personal element, as in Messrs. Macdonald & Evans. It is not used, where there is no personal element in the name, as Utility Furniture Co. when the name already carries a courtesy title, as Sir William Dobson Sons, or whe

38、n the word The forms part of the name, as The Grayson Electrical Co.02The following are the two examples to show the way of writing an inside name and address. e. g. 1 Messrs. William & Werner 36, Tower Street North York, Ont. M2H lW8, Canada e. g. 2 Mr. C.E. Eckersley The London Export Corporation

39、6 and 7 Clifford Street London, W. 1, England 3、封内地址 inside name and address打印在信笺左边,位于写信日期向下2-4行位置。其形式预期在信封上的形式完全相同。对于个人的尊称一般包括:先生(Mr.)、夫人(Mrs.)、小姐(Miss)、女士(Ms)等。如果此人拥有某种头衔, 头衔应跟在姓名后面。合伙商号的名称里有人名时,Messrs则是尊称,但当商号名称里不含人名时,或者已经具有尊称,或者具有定冠词the时,则不再能在使用Messrs这一尊称。 d. Attention Line 注意事项Attention line is

40、 used when the writer of a letter addressed to an organization wishes to direct the letter to a specific individual or section of the firm. It generally follows the inside address.e.g. Attention: Mr. Smith Attention: The Sales Manager 4、经办人行 (注意事项) attention line当发信人希望将信能寄给某个具体的人或部门时,便加注经办人行。一般打印在封内

41、地址之下。e. Salutation 称呼 Salutation is the complimentary greeting with which the writer opens his letter. Its form depends on the writers relationship with the receiver. The customary formal greeting in a business letter is Dear Sir or Dear Madam used for addressing one person; and Dear Sirs, Dear Mesd

42、ames, or Gentlemen (always should be in plural form and never write Gentleman) for addressing two or more people. If the receiver is known to the writer personally, a warmer greeting Dear Mr. Sb. is then preferred. 01Salutation is usually typed three spaces below the inside address or the attention

43、line, and followed by a comma for Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, and a colon for Gentlemen.5、称呼 salutation在信的开头对收信人所表示的敬语,其具体形式取决于写信人与收信人之间的关系。习惯上,商务书信中的敬语有:Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, Dear Madams, Gentlemen.如果两人的关系较好,便可以使用更热情的称呼,如Dear Mr.称呼的打印通常比封内地址和经办人行低3行, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, 后面用逗号; Gentlemen后面用冒号。f

44、. Subject Line 事由Subject line is actually the general idea of a letter. It is inserted between the salutation and the body of the letter either at the left- hand margin for fully-blocked letter form or centrally over the body for other forms. It calls the receivers attention to the topic of the lett

45、er.6、事由行 subject line信的主题。位于称呼和信文之间。齐头式信中打印从左边边线开始,其他格式的信中,打印在信文的中上部。它能引起收信人对信文主题的注意。g: Body of the Letter 信文This is the main part of the letter. It expresses the writers idea, opinion, purpose and wishes, etc., so it should be carefully planned. When writing, pay attention to the following: (a) Wri

46、te simply, dearly, courteously, grammatically, and to the point. (b) Paragraph correctly, confining each paragraph to one topic, (c) See that your typing is accurate and the display artistic. Aim at an attractive and pleasing appearance for your letter. Margins especially are important, since they s

47、erve to frame your letter.7、信文 body of letter信的主要部分,表达着收信人的观点、意见、目的和期望等内容,所以应认真对待,并注意:1)简明扼要,合乎语法;2)分段正确,每段都由一个主题;3)打印无误,布局艺术。除收信人姓名和地址总是采用单行距以外,对于特别短的信,其他各项可以采用双行距打印。若以前已有通信联系,应在回信的第一段中提及,而你的计划、希望及期望则应在结尾段落中体现。 01For very short letters you may adopt double line-spacing except for your correspondent

48、s name and address for which single line- spacing should always be used.If there has been previous correspondence, the reply letter will refer to it in the first paragraph. The writers plans hopes and expectations will be expressed in the last paragraph.h. Complimentary Close 结尾敬语 Complimentary clos

49、e is merely a polite way of ending a letter. It is in keeping with the salutation. The most commonly used sets of salutation and complimentary close are:Formal:Dear Sir(s), Yours faithfully,Gentlemen: Truly yours,Less formal:Dear Mr. Henry, (: ) Yours sincerely, (or Sincerely Yours, )01As the saluta

50、tion and complimentary close are merely a matter of courtesy and dont mean anything to the message, they can be omitted in the simplified form used nowadays.The complimentary close, when it is used, must never be separated from the substance of a letter by carried to a separate sheet. If through fau

51、lty judgment this becomes necessary, the letter must be scrapped and retyped leaving narrower spaces to retype the letter within one sheet of paper or rearranging the letter with some portion of the body carried over to the next sheet.02When using continuation sheets, plain paper of the same quality

52、 as the letterhead must be used and typed with a heading to show: (a) the number of the sheet (in the center of the page)(b) the name of your correspondent(on the left-hand side)(c) the date of the letter (on the right-hand side) -2-L. A. Brizier & Co. 1 March, 2004 8、结尾敬语 complimentary close只能放在与信文

53、同一页上,包括:页码(居中)、收信人姓名(左边)、写信日期(右边)i. Signature 签署It is common to type the name of the writers firm or company immediately below complimentary close.Then the person who dictating the letter should sign his name, by hand and in ink, below it.Since hand-written signatures are illegible,the name of signe

54、r is usually typed below the signature, and followed by his job title or position. Never sign a letter with a rubber stamp.The following are examples of signing a business letter: 01(a) Yours faithfully, THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO. (Signature) Wang Da Wei Manager(b) Yours truly, for The Overseas Co.

55、Ltd (Signature) W. Black President9、签署 signature写信人公司的名称紧接在结尾敬语下面打印,用钢笔在公司名称之下签署自己的姓名。由于辨认上的需要,大多数商务书信也将写信人的姓名及职务打印在签名下方。决不能使用图章发信函。j. Enclosure 附件If something is enclosed, note it below the Signature. Enclosures 4 samples Encl. Price Listk. The Carbon Copy Notation 抄送When copies of the letter are s

56、ent to others, type c.c. below the signature at the left margin.c.c. The Osaka Chamber c.c. Mr. G well1. Postscript 附言If the writer wishes to add something he forgot to mention or for emphasis, he may add his postscript two spaces below the carbon copy notation:P.S. The samples will be mailed to you

57、 tomorrow.Try to avoid using P. 5. since it may suggest that the writer failed to plan his letter well before he typed it.10、附件 enclosure若随函附有附件,必须在签署下注明11、抄送 carbon copy notation当信的副本要发送其他人或部门时,在签署底下的左边位置打印上“C.C”符号12、附言 postscript 如果在信的正文部分遗漏了某事或者需要提醒对方某事,常常补写在比抄送低2行的地方。因为附言也有可能产生写信人在下笔之前计划不周之嫌。(3)

58、 Model of a Business LetterOctober 17,1997Mr. Zhao JunShenzhen Far East Oil Tools Ltd.Chiwan Petroleum Supply BaseShekou, ShenzhenRef: Provision of Drill Tools Service Order No. CHI-so-001 01Dear Sirs,Please find attached Service Order No. CHI-SO-001 for the above referenced service.Should you have

59、any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.Sincerely yours,Melvin D. Johnson Materials and Contracts Coordinator Addressing Envelopes 信封的写法 Business Envelopes ordinarily have the return address printed in the upper left corner. The receivers name and address should be typed about half way d

60、own the envelope.The postmark or stamps should be placed in the up right-hand corner, while the bottom left-hand corner is for post notations such as Confidential, secret, Printed Matter, etc. 信封的左上角,一般有提前打印好的写信人地址。收信人地址则在信封的中部,邮票贴在信封的右上角,左下角是为了加印诸如“绝密”、“秘密”即“印刷品”等字样。 为了便于机器分拣邮件,在信封上正确书写邮政编码是非常重要.01


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