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1、附录1高层民用建筑消防给水设计的若干问题探讨高层建筑投资规模大,建筑使用功能复杂,使得对设计的要求越来越高, 特别是防火安全的设计。我国社会经济还不发达,因此,我们在设计当中既 要考虑到控火及灭火的安全性,又骠考虑到投资的合理性。下面就笔者在设 计当中的几点体会,愿与大家交流。一、室外消火栓数量的确定高规第7. 3. 6规定:室外消火栓的数量 应按本规范第7. 2. 2条规定的室外消火栓用水量经计算确定,每个消火栓 的用水量应为1015l/s,但是高规的条文说明是这样解释:室 外消火栓的数量应保证供应建筑物需要的灭火用水量,其中包括室内、室外 两部分,笔者认为条文说明的解释超越了高规的规定。室

2、外消火栓 是室外消防用水取水口,理应按室外管网来考虑。可以想象得到,室外管网 供水流量一旦确定,即使设置再多的室外消火栓,其室外消火栓所能取到的 水量的总和也就是室外管供水总量。当设计把室消防用水储存在室内消防水 池时,室外管网一般就按室外消防用水量来确定,因此室外消火栓的数量应 按室外消防用水量经计算来确定,但是高规第7. 4. 5. 3规定水泵接 合器应设在室外便于消防车使用的地点,距室外消火栓或消防水池的距离宜 为15 40米。从这个规定可以看出,水泵接合器的15 40米范围内在一般 情况下要设置室外消火栓。因此,在工程设计中,在布置水泵接合器时,要 考虑其相对集中,以利于与经计算的室外

3、消火栓数量对应,一旦设计中有较 多的室内消防系统需要较多水尖接合器,且分散布置时,则需要适当增设 额外的室外消火栓。二、水泵接合器数量的确定众所周知,水泵接合器的主要用途是当室内消防 水泵发生故障或遇大火室内消防用水不足时,供消防车从室外消火栓取水, 通过水泵接合器将水送到室内消防给水管网,供灭火使用。高规7. 4. 5 1规定:消防水泵接合器的数量应按室内消防用水量经计算确定,每个水 泵接合器的流量应按1015l/s计算:这里指明水泵接合器的数量是按室内 消防用水量经计算确定。笔者认为这一点不好照搬,我们从水泵接合器用途 不难知道,水泵接合器是消防车从室外消火栓取水来增补室内消防用水不足 的

4、接口。如果室外消防用水量远远小于室内消防用水量时,那水泵接合器设 那么多是没有意义的,笔者最近做一个工程一一厦门国际会展中心,按一类 高层建筑设计,室外消防用水量为30l/s。但其室内大水滴喷淋系统设计用水量为133l/s,室内水幕喷淋系统设计用水量为167l/s,室内消火栓系统设 计用水量为30l/s,这些用水量按火灾延续时间计算均储存在地下水池中。 按规范7. 4. 5 1规定,水泵接合器的数量应分别设10个,12个和2个。 12个水泵接合器要12辆消防车从12个室外消火栓中取水供给,而室外的供 水条件上远远达不到这个要求的,即使考虑到由消防车距离运水,那也不可 保证大水滴淋系统和水幕喷淋

5、系统的正常工作。因这两个系统要正常工作时 的用水量很大,不可能在短时间内有那么多消防车远距离运水来达到同时供 水,如时间过长,那这两个系统也失去作用,最后时间一长就靠消火栓来灭 火,因此笔者认为应对一些灭火系统可以适当减少水泵接合器的数量,可以 分别设3 5个就足够了;而对消火栓系统应重点保证,故水泵接合器的数量 按室内消防用水量计算的同时应考虑室外供水能力综合确定,达到既节省投 资的目的,同时又保证消防的安全可靠性。三、消防水池容积的确定消防水池是储存消防灭火用水的构筑物,容积的确 定关系着灭火的安全性。高规7. 3. 2规定:市政给水管道和进水管或 天然水源不能满足消防用水量;市政给水管道

6、为枝状或只有一条进水(二类 居住建筑除外),只要符合上述条件之一时均应设置消防水池。高规7. 3. 3 对水池的容积作了规定:当室外给水管网能保证室外消防用水量时,消防水 池的有效容积应满足在火灾延续时间内室内消防用水量的要求;当室外给水 管网不能保证室外消防用水时时,消防水池的有效容量应满足火灾延续时间 以内消防用水量和室外消防用水量不足部分之和的要求一些地方针对这两 条规定,却有不同的设计方法。在福州地区,室内及室外消防用水量均储存 了消防水池中,原因是市自来水公司无法保证市政供水的安全性,这显然会 增大消防水池的容积。如每一幢高层建筑均要把室内及室外消防用水量储存 在消防水池,那将会造成

7、很大的浪费,笔者认为是不可取的。厦门地区是当 室外给水管网能保证室外消防用水时,消防水池只满足室内消防用水量。一 般做法为:从市政引两根进水管构成室外环状供水,以保证室外供水的安全 性,消防水池设在地下室,只考虑室内消防用水量,但不允许考虑火灾时水 池的补水量(规范没有作明确规定)。故笔者认为这种做法不妥,这样导致一 幢高层公共建筑地下室一般都储存了四、五百吨的消防用水,一般占地均有 二百多平方米。像厦门国际会展中心,地下室储存了 2600吨的消防用水,水 池占地890平方米,笔者认为这种做法很不经济,仅工程造价就增上百万元; 同时又增大管理的难度,如要清洗,定期换水等,又造成水资源的浪费;如

8、 果消防用水和生活用水合建水池,那必然会造成生活二次供水的水质污染。 所以笔者认为既要保证消防安全,又要降低工程造价及管理方便,首先要加强自来水公司的责任度,保证城市环状供水的安全可靠性,然后适当加大高 层建筑的进水管,使得进水管在保证高层建筑的室外消防用水量的同时能够 在火灾时补充消防水池的水量。这样经计算可以适当减少消防水池的容积, 达到经济合理。同时笔者建议邻近高层建筑共用消防水池,对这一点希望有 关市政部门能够牵头,对共用水池进行合理地管理,这也需要有关部门进行 合理公正的规划控制。香港在这一点上值得我们学习,香港的建的消防水池 就很小,相当于一个水泵吸水井,容量一般不超过50吨,他们

9、只保证初期火 灾的用水量,中、后期火灾的用水量直接靠市政管道的供给,大厦本身只提 供提升设备及市政管道的接口,在高层建筑林立的香港就可节约了很多的建 筑面积供各种用途使用,我们应向这一方面学习与借鉴。四、消防给水系统的形式对高层建筑消火栓给水系统形式的选择,首先我们应保证系统的全可靠性,其次我们应尽量选用经济合理的供水形式。按 服务范围分:独立的消防给水系统和区域集中的消防给水系统笔者建议尽量 采用区域集中的消防给水系统就如上述所讲:邻近高层建筑共用消防水池, 但这往往得不到推广。主要原因是各开发商不能协调好,这就要求有关部门 能够牵头,共同解决管理及费用的问题,使几方面都能够接受。按高度来分

10、: 分区水和不分共给水当消火栓栓口的静水压力不大于0. 80MPa时,采用不分 区给水形式,当消火栓栓口的静水压力大于0. 80MPa时,采用分区给水形式。 分区供水方式又包括:并联分区供水方式;串联分区供水方式;减压阀分区 供水方式。关联分区供水方式:各个分区互不干扰,自成体系,对系统更加 安全可靠,但造价高,维护管理较困难。串联分共供水方式:各区水泵压力 相近或相同,不需高压泵,高压管;但水泵分散,管理困难,同样造价高。 减压阀供水方式:系统简单,造价低,管理方便,笔者建议尽量采用此种供 水方式。此种方式可以保证经济,安全的要求,维护管理方便,但对减压阀 的要求较高,应采用可调式减压阀,设

11、定阀后压力并保持恒定。只要一套水 泵,一套水泵接合器,一座水箱,一套电控设备,造价大大降低。图略)对 上述几点的分析我们可以知道:安人可靠是最重要的,但要在保证安全的同 时达到经济合理,尽量节省投资,使得维修管理方便,我们还要在设计当中 认真考虑,细心比较,这样才能把工程做的更完善。附录2Key figures public building some problem studythat the fire fight water supply designThe high building invest large-scale, building usage function complica

12、ted, make the request to the design more and more high, especially prevent fire safety of design.The our country society economy still not flourishing, therefore, we in the middle of design since want in consideration of the safety that control the fire and extinguish fire, again in consideration of

13、 the rationality of the investment.Underneath writer in the middle of design of what time realize, wish and everyone exchanges.At the outdoors eliminates the fire to bolt the quantity to really settle high rules the 7.3.6 provisions: The outdoors eliminate the quantity that fire bolt and should pres

14、s this norm 7.2.2 outdoors for rules eliminate the fire to bolt to use the water the quantity is certain through the calculation, each one eliminates the fire to bolt of with the water quantity should be 1015 ls/ ses of s, but high rules of the ruling explain is thus hermeneutic: The outdoors elimin

15、ate the quantity that fire bolt and should guarantee to supply the building demand to extinguish fire to use the water quantity, among them including indoor, outdoors two parts, the writer think the ruling elucidation of hermeneutic surmount high rules of provision. It is the outdoors firefight that

16、 outdoors eliminate the fire to bolt takes the water with the water, should take care of the net according to the outdoors to consider. Can imagine to get, the outdoors tube net supplies water the discharge once assurance, even establish again many outdoors eliminate the fire to bolt, its outdoors e

17、liminate the fire bolt can take of the total that water quantity is also the outdoors tube the water supply total amount. When the design use the water to the room fire fight the storage is indoors the fire fight pond, the outdoors tube net is general and then press the outdoors fire fight to use th

18、e water quantity certain, so the outdoors eliminates the quantity that fire bolt and should press the outdoors fire fight to use the water quantity is certain through the calculation, but high rules the provisions the water pump coalescence the machine should establish outdoors the location

19、that easy to fire fighting truck usage, be apart from the outdoors to eliminate the fire to bolt or the distance of the fire fight pond is proper for 1540 meters .Rule and can see from this,1540 meters of scopes of the water pump coalescence machine are inside generally under circumstance to establi

20、sh the outdoors to eliminate the fire to bolt. Therefore , in engineering design, at arrange pump of water join together machine, want consideration it opposite and concentrated, for the convenience of in and through calculating outdoors eliminate fire bolt quantity to in response to, once design in

21、 have the more indoor fire fight system to need the more water point coalescence machine, and arrange asunder, then need the adequacy to increase to establish the additional outdoors to eliminate the fire to bolt.Two, the water pump coalescence machine quantity really knows to all certainly, water t

22、he pump join together the main use of the machine is be the indoor fire fight water pump occurrence breakdown or meet the indoor fire fight of wildfires to use the water shortage, provide the fire fighting truck to eliminate the fire to bolt to take the water from the outdoors, send to water through

23、 the water pump coalescence machine the indoor fire fight water pipe net, provide to extinguish fire the usage. High rules 7.4.5 one provision The fire fight water pump joins together the quantity of the machine should press indoor fire fight use water quantity through calculation certain, each wate

24、r pump coalescence the discharge of the machine should press 1015 calculations of s: Indicate the quantity of the water pump coal escence machine here to use the water according to the indoor fire fight quantity through the calculation is certain. The writer think that this does not like to shine on

25、 to move, we joined together the machine use from the water pump not difficult know, the water pump coalescence the machine is a fire fighting truck to eliminated the fire to bolt to take the water from the outdoors to increase to repair the indoor fire fight to use the water shortage of connect. If

26、 the outdoors fire fight uses the water quantity far small in the indoor fire fight use water quantity, that water pump coalescence the machine establish so and mostly unmeaningful , the writer does an engineering Xiamen recently international meeting the exhibition center, press a high building des

27、ign, the outdoors fire fight measures for the 30 with the water. But its indoor flood drop spray to pour the system design to measure for the 133 with the water, the indoor act of water sprays to pour the system design to measure for the 167 with the water, indoor eliminate the fire to bolt the syst

28、em design to measure for the 30 with the water, these use the water quantity to continue time calculation to all store according to a fire in underground pond. According to the norm 7.4.5 one provision the water pump coalescence quantity of the machine should establish 10 respectively,12 and 2s.12 w

29、aters pump coalescence machine wants that 12 fire fighting trucks take the water to supply from 12 outdoorses eliminate the fire bolt, and the water supply condition of the outdoors can not reach this request far and far up of, even in consideration of be carried the water by the fire fighting truck

30、 distance, that also cant guarantee the flood drop normal work that pours the system and act of waters to spray to pour the system. Because these two systems wants to work normally with the water to measure very greatly, impossibly have long-distance so many fire fighting trucks to leave to carry th

31、e water in the in a short time to attain to supply water at the same time, if time lead long, that se two systems also puts out action, finally time a long depend to eliminate the fire to bolt to extinguish fire, so the writer thinks to reply some extinguish fire system can with appropriate reduce t

32、he water pump coalescence machine of quantity, can establish 5 of 3 s respectively all right already; But to eliminate the fire to bolt system should the point assurance, past the water pump coalescence quantity of the machine is calculating to should consider the outdoors water supply ability at th

33、e same time with the amount of water according to the indoor fire fight comprehensive assurance, attain since economical the purpose of the investment, at the same time again guarantee safe and dependable sex of the fire fight.Three, the fire fight pond capacity really settles the fire fight pond is

34、 to store the fire fight to extinguish fire to use the construct of water thing, the safety that capacity really relates to extinguish fire certainly High rules 7.3.2 provisions: The city water supply piping and enter the pipe line or natural headwaters and cant satisfy the fire fight to use the wat

35、er quantity; The city water supply piping for a form or only have an enters the water( two the types live building excepted), as long as match the above-mentioned condition and all should establish the fire fight pond at that time. High rules 7.3.3 rightness of capacities of ponds made the provision

36、: When the outdoors water pipe net can guarantee that the outdoors fire fight uses the water quantity, the valid capacity of the fire fight pond is at the request of satisfy in a fire continue time the indoor fire fight uses the water quantity; When the outdoors water pipe net cant guarantee that th

37、e outdoors fire fight uses the water always, the valid capacity of the fire fight pond is at the request of satisfy a fire to continue time to measure to use the water with the outdoors fire fight with the water in the fire fight quantity shortage part of and. Some places settle to these two regulat

38、ion rules, but have the different design method. Region in Fuzhou, indoor and the outdoors fire fight used the water quantity to all store in the fire fight pond, the reason is the safety that the city running water company cant guarantee the city 政 to supply water, this will enlarge the capacity of

39、 the fire fight pond obviously. If each key figures the building all wants to chase indoor and the outdoors fire fight use water the quantity stores in the fire fight pond, that will result in very big waste, the writer think and cant take. The region of Xiamen is to be the outdoors water pipe net a

40、nd can guarantee that the outdoors fire fight uses the water, the fire fight pond only satisfy the indoor fire fight to use the water quantity. General way of doing is: Lead from the city two the roots enter the pipe line composing outdoors wreath form to supply water, with the safety that the assur

41、ance outdoors supply water, the fire fight pond establishes in the ground floor, consider the indoor fire fight to use the water quantity only, but disallow to consider a fire the pond repairs the amount of water.( the norm did not make the explicit provision)The past writer thinks that this kind of

42、 way of doing is not satisfactory, causing a high public building ground floor all stored four and 500 fire fights of the tons to use the water generally thus, covering to all have more than 200 square meters generally. Be like international meeting in Xiamen exhibition center, the ground floor stor

43、es 2600 fire fights of the tons to use the water, the pond covers 890 square meters, the writer thinks that this kind of way of doing is very uneconomical, the only engineering builds the price to increase previous million; Enlarge the difficulty of management again at the same time, if to clean, pe

44、riodically changing the water etc., and then result in the waste of the resources of water; If the fire fight uses the water to match to set up the pond with life with the water, that fluid matter that will result in live to supply water two times by all means pollute. So the writer think since to g

45、uarantee the fire fight safety, and then to lower the engineering to build the price and the management conveniences, wanting to strengthen the responsibility of the running water company first, guarantee the safe and dependable that the city wreath form supply water, then appropriate enlargement ke

46、y figures building of into pipe line, make is guarantee the key figures into the pipe line building of while outdoors fire fight is using the water quantity can at a fire add the water quantity of the fire fight pond. Thus through calculation can with appropriate reduce the capacity of the firefight

47、 pond, attain the economic reasonable. At the same time the writer suggests that the close by high building uses the fire fight pond totally, hoping that the concerning the city section can lead long the head to this, to total the millpond carries on managing reasonably, this also needs the departme

48、nt concerned to carry on reasonable fair of programming control. Hong Kong is on this deserve we study, Hong Kong set up of fire fight pond is very small, equal to water pump absorb water the well, the capacity is generally not over 50 tons, they guarantee the early fire only with the water to measu

49、re, in, after expect a fire with the water to measure direct is supply by the city piping, the mansion provide to promote the equipments and city pilings to connect only, Hong Kong stand up like a forest in the high building can economize a lot of building areas to provide various use usage, we shou

50、ld study toward this aspect and draw lessons from.Four, the form of the fire fight water supply system to key figures the building eliminates the choice that the fire bolts the water supply system form, we should guarantee the safe and dependable of the system first, the next in order we should choo

51、se the water supply form of use the economy reasonable as far as possible. Press the service scope the cent: The fire fight water supply system writer suggestion of the independent fire fight water supply system and the district concentration adopt the fire fight water supply system of the concentra

52、tion of the district as far as possible and then say as above speak: Close by key figures building total use the fire fight pond, but this usually cans not get the expansion. The main reason is each development, the company cant moderate good, this will beg the department concerned and can lead long

53、 the head, resolving the problem of management and expenses together, can make several aspects accept. Press height to divide: Divide the area water and dont divide the total water supply to be to eliminate the fire to bolt the orbicular quiet water pressure dint to be no bigger than 0.80 MPas, adopt not to divide the area water supply form, be to eliminate the fire to bolt the orbicular quiet water pressure dint big in 0.80


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