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1、 / 6首先我要给大家讲一个故事有一个牧羊人,带着两个儿子去牧羊,一群大雁在 天上飞,孩子说 “我要能飞就好了 ”,爸爸把孩子们带到山头上,爸爸说 “只要想飞起来就一定能飞 起来”。孩子朝思慕想要上天,最后终于上天了,他们就是美国的莱特兄弟!1903年 12月的一天,他们怀惴着飞翔的梦,制造的世界上第一架飞机 “飞 行者号 ”飞上了天空,圆了人类千年的飞翔梦!今天我国旗演讲的话题就是自信!因为自信,关云长单刀赴会;因为自 信,毛遂脱颖而出;因为自信,布鲁诺视死如归。自信就是一种催化剂,它能 让您的胜利达到难以想象的高度。自信就是一支火把,它能最大限度地燃烧一 个人的潜能,指引你飞向梦想的天堂。

2、有人问美国的亿万富翁:“洛克菲勒先生,假使你的财富一晚上化为乌有,您会怎么办? ”洛克菲勒 自信地笑着说:“给我 10 年的时间,照样再造一个洛克菲勒帝国! ”这就是胜利者最严重的 秘诀自信!。失去金钱的人,失去很少;失去康健的人,失去很多;失去自信的人,将 失去一切。生活中需要自信,当你挣扎在困境中的时候,你是否相信自己,有 放手一搏的勇气?当你漫无目标,觉得前途一片漆黑的时候,你是否有坚强的 信念,披荆斩棘?其实,自信就在身边,如影随形。相信自己一点,再多一 点,心中无敌,便无敌于 天下。自信的力量是无穷的,自信能创造奇迹自信是扬帆远航的船,纵然孤帆远影,也定能乘风破浪;自信是原野上巍 然

3、屹立的劲草,即使疾风瑟瑟,也依然傲然挺立。纵然天地悠悠,每一个生 命、每一种事物都有它自己存在 的意义和勇气,这就是自信。有的同学刚进校时成绩并不理想,但是他们却凭借着自己的努力和自信, 走进了自己理想的大学,浑圆了自己的梦想,这就是自信的力量。当你总是问自己我能胜利吗?这时,你还难以撷取胜利的花枝,当你满怀信心地对自己 说:我一定能够胜利,这时,收获的季节离你已不太渺远了。大海茫茫,白舸争流,芸芸众生,谁与争锋!朋友,自信吧!相信前面的 路,相信自己的能力,奇迹便总像生命的轮回大凡,周而复始,生生不息。让 自信伴我成长,在生命中绽放光芒!First, I want to tell you a

4、 story.A shepherd, and took his two sons to shepherd, a group of geese fly in the sky, the child said, “ I could fly, “ pa put the children to hill,the father said, fly. “ Child,if want to finally god,they are American the Wright brotheTrsh!e day of December in 1903, they understand the wiles of the

5、 dream fly in the world, the first plane “ flying “ fly in the sky, round the human dream of flying millennium!Today my topic is confident the flag speech! Because some of the GuanYunChang selfconfidence, 24, Because the self-confidence, hence fore,Because the self- confidence,Bruno death.Confidence

6、 is a catalyst,it can make your success to hard to imagine. Confidence is a flare, it can maximum limit burn a person“ s poguide you to fly to the dream of heaven. Someone asked American billionaire:“ sir, if you Rockefeller fortune a night naught, will you?“ Rockeconfidently say with smile:“ give m

7、e ten years, so one Rockefeller empire!“ This is the secret of suthe most important - confident! . He who loses money, lose little, Without health, lose a lot of people, Losing confidence,they will lose everything.In life,when you need confidence in the struggle,whether you believe in yourself,have

8、the courage to try?When you wander aimlessly, feel dark future, if you ask for it by faith,and exploits?In fact,self-confidence,ruyingsuixing.Believe yourself,again a bit more, heart, and invincible unmatched in the world.Self-confidence is the confidence to create miracles.Self-confidence is the sh

9、ip sails,solitary,also set sail far can braving,Self- confidence is on the field strength,and even wind howling,and still stand proudly.Even though heaven, every life, everything has its own existence meaning and courage, it is confidence.Some students grades in school was not ideal, but they are on

10、 their own efforts and self-confidence,walked into my ideal university,his dream,it is confidence.When you always ask myself I can succeed?At this time,you have to capture the success, when you confidently say to oneself:I certainly can succeed,then,the harvest season has not been too far away from

11、you.The sea boundless, BaiGe justification for flow, bond! Friends,self-confidence! Believe that the road ahead, believe in your ability,and total miracle like the cycle of life cycle, and multiply. Let me confidence in life shinning!关于从自信走向胜利演讲稿各位老师、同学:大家好!今天我讲话的题目是从自信走向胜利。每个人都希望自己获得胜利,学生希望成绩优秀,演员希

12、望观众赞赏,工 人希望能超额完成任务 , 胜利,可能要同时具备很多因素,但自信是最严重的 因素,爱迪生曾说过 “自信,是胜利的第一秘诀。 ”自信,就是对自己、对前途填塞必胜的信心。 19 世纪之前的 300 年间,数 学家们一直为一元四次以上的方程是否有解而冗忙着,可惜他们不是望而却 步,就是半途而废,没有一位能解开这个结。18 年,挪威一位 16 岁的阿尔贝,在研究了前人有关这一问题的大量资料 后,竖定地对他的老师说:“让我来解答这一历史难题吧,我能证明一元四次以上方程是否有解。 ”他 凭着这份自信、聪惠和勤劳,花了 6 年时间,终于做出了浑圆的回答,大凡高 于四次的方程没有代数解,这就是出

13、名的 “阿尔贝鲁菲尼定理 ”。自信,并不是盲目自负,不是没有根据地乱拍胸脯,而是建立在智慧与才 能基础上的。世界出名的指挥家小泽征尔在一次指挥大赛上,以自信识破了权 威评委设置的圈套,夺得桂冠。他凭的是什么?凭的是自己雄厚的音乐理论基 础,凭的是多年指挥经验和灵敏的临场应变能力。如果没有真才实学,就不会 产生真正的自信。我们每做一件事,都会有或大或小的困难,我们固然要考虑可能出现的难 题,做好充分准备,但总是过分地夸大困难,而对自己的智慧和实力没有信 心,做起事来就会前怕狼,后怕虎,从而减缓迈向胜利的速度。谁也不能低估带领全国各族人民取得解放战争胜利的困难,但是我们的毛 主席却以他超人的胆魄和

14、气势带领全国各族人民改天换地。 “自信人生二百年, 会当击水三千里 ”。就是这样一种自信,毛主席始终昂着走在队伍的最前列。生活里,自信也经常改变着你。新同学填塞自信的自我介绍,会让同学们 深深地记住你;上课自信的发言,会让老师肯定你对知识的正确理解;不被一 次考试失利击败的自信,会让你从头振作起来,奋发向上;自信地展示自我, 会让你的人生舞台更加绚丽多姿。所以,请自信起来吧!如果你让自卑和怯生生占据你的心灵,你将非常不喜悦,因为你什么都不 敢去争取,什么都不敢去常识,这样只能眼睁睁地看见他人满载而归,自己却 躲在一个不知名的角落流泪。我们不曾遇到八十万大军压城的岁月,也不曾遇 到双腿瘫痪的可怜

15、,更没有遇到内忧外患而刀口架在脖子上的灾难。那么,我 们有什么理由自卑呢?所以,请不要自卑!坚强自信的价值,让我们从自信走向胜利!我的讲话完毕,谢谢大家!Dear teachers and schoolmates:Hello! Today my topic is“ the speech from confidence towards success.Everyonwants to be successful,students want to excellent achievement,actor audience appreciated, workers hope overfulfilled

16、task. Success has many factors may be, but confidence is the most important factor,Thomas Edison said, -confidence is t“hes elf first secret of success.Self-confidence is about the future of oneself,to win the confidence of the people.In the 19thcentury the 300years before,mathematicians have for on

17、e four more equation solution are busy, but they aren“ t flinchquitter, untying the knot.18, Norway, a 16-year-old beauty in the previous studies, this oneproblem after a large amount of information,to his teacher borders say:“ let me to solve this problem, a history can prove me four times moredoll

18、ar. “ there are equation,His cleverness an-dc osenlffidence,with the hard and spent six years,and finally made a satisfactory answer,general prep above four equations without algebra solution, this is the famous“ t-h-,e beauty of a Lutheorem “.We do every thing,will have big or small difficulties, w

19、e must consider possible problems, fully prepared, but always excessively exaggerating difficulty,and your wisdom and strength to do things without confidence,to fear HouPaHu Wolf, meeting, thus slowing the speed of success.Who cannot underestimate led the people of all ethnic groups of the liberati

20、on war victory has difficulty,but our chairman MAO DanBo superman with his vigour and GaiTianHuanDe led the people of all ethnic groups.“ Confidence will JiShui life two thousand three. Is this aconfident,chairman MAO always with big swords in the forefront of the team.In the life, often also changi

21、ng your confidence. The new classmate confident introduction,students will be deeply rember you,Class,can let the confidence of the teacher must your knowledge of correct understanding, Don“ t fail the exam wbeat confidence, will let you up,uplifting,Confident display self,will make your life more c

22、olorful and stage.So, please be confident!We never met him,army pressure city never meet the legs, no unfortunate paralyzed 1930 “ s and meet and blade in the neck. So, what we have reason to himself?So, please do not inferior!The value of firm confidence, let us from confidence towards success.My speech, thank everybody!英语故事小短文 The Old CatAn old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly,and


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