1、外研版七年级上册Module7 Computers 一、教学内容 :Unit1 How do I write my homework on the computer. 二、课型 :Listening and speaking 三、教学分析:本模块以电脑为主题,本单元就是以兑换的形式谈论如何用电脑完成作业,让同学能 听说有关电脑方面的基本词汇,并对电脑的操作使用进行简洁的问答,内容既接近生活又 能激发同学的爱好;四、 同学分析 : 同学已在中学完成了近半个学期的学习任务,逐步完成了从学校到中学的过渡,适应 了中学的英语课堂教学;本模块是在完成了四个模块的一般现在时的基础上,进入了特别 疑问句的学
2、习阶段;在这个模块中,不仅话题的难度增大了,所争论的内容也比较时尚;但是对于有肯定难度的电脑话题,同学是有足够大的储备的,因此也能进行自由的话题讨 论;本课能开阔同学的眼界,给同学以感性熟悉,并为以后勉励同学使用英文软件和上网 阅读英文信息打下基础;五、 教学目标1.学问目标 Key words and expressions:connect to, turn, turn on, learn, use, save, box, finally, paper, Key structures: How do I/you . / Where do I/you . First Next Finally
3、2、技能目标:What do I do next. To recognise the parts of the computer.To understand the conversations about using the computer To speak how to write homework on the computer. 六、 教学重难点:教学重点: 1.Names of computer items 2. Conversations about how to use a computer. 教学难点: How to give instructions of writing h
4、omework on the computer. 七、 情感目标 : 通过本课的学习明白电脑的广泛用途, 明白电脑的利与弊, 学会正确合理的使用电脑;八、 教学预备:课堂整体运用教情形教学法和小组合作学习方法激发同学的学习爱好,让同学在积极 的参加和思维中获得才能的提高;本课通过学习电脑方面的词汇来提高同学对英语的学习 爱好,培育同学的听说技能;在教学过程中,采纳多媒体手段帮助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程;因此,本节课需预备:九、 教学过程:PPT 课件、卡纸花;教学老师活动同学活动设计意图步骤Step One 1.warming-up Watch the video and
5、enjoy the 激 发 学 生 兴Show a video about my 趣,调动同学Warmingcomputer mouse. 的积极性, 使-up 2song. 学 生 很 快 融What can you see from the video. Today, we are going to learn something about the computer.入 到 课 堂 之 中,表达寓教于乐;引入主 题;Step Two T: Do you like computers. Answer the questions. 过渡自然, 迅Lead in S: I usually .
6、速步入课题,2What do you usually do 引 出 在 电 脑on the computer. 上做作业;1.Look at the picture and say 1. Show the main parts of 呈 现 电 脑 的the computer and teach the them in English. Then read the 五 个 组 成 部new words. words in a loud voice and a low 分,教授新单Step Can we use it now. voice. 词,同时,把Three No, we should 学
7、 生 分 成 五Presentatconnect to first. 个小组;ion Next.finally 2. Say the words as quickly as 通 过 单 词 竞5猜 游 戏 来 巩2. Let play a game: If you 固新单词, 强know, stand up and say it they can 化记忆;为语out. 言 的 输 出 做预备;3. Listen and write.down their 3. Listen to the 训 练 学 生 的conversation and answer and say them out. 听 力
8、 能 力 理complete the sentences. 解才能,捕获 主 要 信 息 和 所需信息; 短 语 的 强 化 练 习;Step Four Now, the computer is 1. Listen and write their 读前听 -听后turning on. There are five answers. . 读 -读后用;steps about how to write 先 只 听 不 看书泛听排序;Listening your homework on it. They and are 从 整 体 上 感reading 1.Lets listen to Betty
9、and 知全文 , 培育学 生 领 会 主12Lingling s dialogue and number. 旨 大 意 和 听细 节 的 听 力2. Read the conversation 2. Read and underline the 技巧;and answer the questions. answers. 由听到读, 呈Underline the answers on 现 现 特 殊 疑your book. 问句,通过读捕 捉 对 话 关Step five 3.Act out the dialogue. 3. Act out and find out the 键信息; Find
10、 out the difficult difficult points. 角 色 扮 演 读points on their own. 对 话 找 出 关 Understand them with 键点;学会质Group work the teachers help.疑;Can you do homework on 语 言 的 输 出the computer. 1.Talking about how to do 环节;创设情1. Look at the picture and homework on the computer in 境 开 展 语 言Speaking tell me. your
11、group. 交际活动, 在12任 务 完 成 中灵 活 应 用 本单 元 所 学 的 学问点;书 面 巩 固 做2.Write down your answers. 2. Complete the passage about 作业的步骤;And retell the dialogue. how to do homework on the 关 于 电 脑 使computer.exercise paper. 3.Make a survey. 3 Talking about the ways to use 用 的 拓 展 和A: What do you usually do the compute
12、r and make a 延长,发觉电on the computer. survey. 脑 的 更 多 用B:途,并为 Unit We should use computer 2 的阅读课做to铺垫;同时对We shouldn use it to 学 生 进 行 情感训练;Get the students to sum up the language points. 引 导 学 生 对 这 节 课 的 总Step Six T: What have we learned Sum up the language points. 结,让同学做Summarytoday. 自由发言, 培(2 )Ss:
13、养 学 生 自 主学习,自主总 结 的 良 好 学 习习惯;课 后 作 业 有1.Make a dialogue about 助 于 学 生 巩Step the computer with your Finish the homework. 固 已 学 的 知Seven partner. 识,补充其他Home- 方面的锤炼;2.Learn a new skill on the work (1 )computer and teach your friend. 十、 课后反思课堂练习一Complete the passage according to the dialogue. (依据短文内容完成
14、对话; )Hello, ITony. Im from America. Im a middle school s_ 1 like you. I have a computer. I use it every day. Because we do our homework on our c_ 2. Do you know how we write our homework on the computer. It very easy. F_ 3, use the mouse, c_ 4 “ new document ” and o_ 5 a new document. N_ 6, you writ
15、e your homework in the new document. U_ 7 the keyboard, you click “ s_ 8 ” and write a name for it in the box. T_ 9click “ save ” 10, click “ print” and “ OK” .二Make a survey in your group.(小组内进行调查 )A:What do you usually do on the computer. B:/C:/D: Play Chat Watch Do Listen to games on QQ movies ho
16、mework music Miss Huang 课后检测一依据汉语意思完成以下句子,每空一词;1.请打开灯,天太暗了;Please_ _ the light, its too dark.2.最终,把它接到电脑上;_, _ it to the computer. 3.照片中,你爸爸左边的那个男孩是谁?Who is the boy _ _ _ _ your father in the photo. 4.第一写上名字,下一步是什么?First, write a name for it. _ _. 5. 今日下午去钓鱼怎么样?_ _ going fishing this afternoon. 二挑选题; 1. -_ do your grandfather live. -They live in Qingdao. A. Where B. How C. When D. What 2. - _ do you go to school every day. -I ride my bike. A. W
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