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1、 电压源换流器论文:轻型高压直流输电系统的非线性控制策略研究【中文摘要】随着可关断电力电子器件(Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor, IGBT; Gate-Turn Off Thyrisitor, GTO等)和PWM技术的发展,基于电压源换流器的轻型高压直流输电(Voltage Sourced Converter-High Voltage Direct Current, VSC-HVDC)系统越来越受到人们的关注。与传统的HVDC输电系统相比,该输电技术具有可向无源网络供电、无换相失败危险、有功功率和无功功率独立控制和易于构成多端直流输电系统等优点。本文着重研究


3、无功功率的。最后,基于MATLAB的仿真结果表明了该控制器能实现有功功率和无功独立控制,在负载扰动的情况下,具有良好的暂态控制性能和很强的鲁棒性。本文还建立了对无源网络供电的VSC-HVDC输电系统的数学模型,整流侧采用状态反馈精确线性化的方法对非线性数学模型进行解耦,然后用变结构的控制方法设计控制器;逆变侧利用稳态数学模型,利用前馈解耦的控制方法设计控制器。最后,基于MATLAB的仿真结果表明该控制器具有良好的启动和故障恢复性能,也能实现有功功率和无功独立控制。【英文摘要】With the development of self-commutated power electronic dev

4、ices (Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor, IGBT; Gate-Turn Off Thyrisitor, GTO and so on) and PWM technique, HVDC based on the Voltage Source Converter (VSC-HVDC) has got more and more attention. The VSC-HVDC transmission system has many advantages compared with the traditional HVDC system. For exampl

5、e, it can realize the power supply to passive network, and avoid the risk of commutation failure, and obtain the individual control of active power and reactive power, and is also easy to construct multi-terminal DC system.Two nonlinear control strategies for the VSC-HVDC transmission system are mai

6、nly studied in this paper. In the first strategy, a nonlinear transient mathematical model of VSC-HVDC transmission system in synchronously rotating dq frame is built. To design the controller for this nonlinear system directly, the approach of state feedback exact linearization is adopted to change

7、 the nonlinear mathematical model into the linear one; then utilizing the variable structure control method, the controllers for rectifying side and inversion side are designed, thus the constant voltage at DC side and independent decoupling control for active power and reactive power can be impleme

8、nted.In the second strategy, a nonlinear transient mathematical model of VSC-HVDC in synchronously rotating dq frame is developed and the passivity of the system is also verified. In order to realize the decoupling control between the active power and reactive power, a dual closed loop control strat

9、egy is established. The control strategy includes an outer loop, which contains the DC voltage together with active and reactive power regulators used to generate the inner dq-axis reference currents id*,iq*; and an inner loop, which consists of a passivity-based current controller that applied to t

10、rack the reference currents. Finally, a MATLAB-based simulation model is constructed for simulation analysis of the controllers proposed. Simulation results show that the designed controllers possess satisfied transient control performance and strong robustness.A nonlinear transient mathematical mod

11、el of VSC-HVDC system in synchronously rotating dq frame is developed. In rectifier side, the approach of state feedback exact linearization is adopted to change the nonlinear mathematical model into the linear one, and the variable structure control method is used to design controllers; in the inve

12、rter side, the feedforward decoupling control strategy is adopted to design controllers. At last, the MATLAB simulation results show that the controller has excellent startup and fault recovery performances, and can realize independent decoupling control for active and reactive power.【关键词词】电压压源换流流器

13、高高压直流流输电 状态反反馈精确确线性化化 变结结构控制制 无源源控制器器【英文关关键词】Volltagge SSourrcedd Coonveerteer(VVSC) Hiigh Volltagge DDireect Currrennt(HHVDCC) sstatte ffeeddbacck eexacct llineeariizattionn vaariaablee sttruccturre cconttroll paassiivitty-bbaseed cconttrolllerr【目录】轻型高高压直流流输电系系统的非非线性控控制策略略研究 摘摘要 6-77 AAbsttracct 7

14、第一章章 绪论论 112-220 1.11 HVVDC的的发展过过程和现现状 12-13 1.2 HHVDCC技术的的特点和和局限性性 113-114 1.33 VSSC-HHVDCC的技术术特点和和应用领领域 14-15 1.4 VVSC-HVDDC的应应用现状状 115-116 1.55 VSSC-HHVDCC的研究究现状 166-188 11.5.1 VVSC-HVDDC系统统工作原原理和数数学模型型研究 166-177 11.5.2 VVSC-HVDDC系统统的控制制器设计计研究 177 11.5.3 VVSC-HVDDC系统统的保护护和控制制策略研研究 17-18 1.5.44 VS

15、SC-HHVDCC系统调调制波的的生成方方法研究究 118 1.55.5 VSCC-HVVDC系系统在实实际领域域中的应应用研究究 118 1.66 课题题的主要要工作 188-200 第第二章 VSCC-HVVDC的的运行原原理和数数学模型型 220-223 2.11 VSSC-HHVDCC的运行行原理和和数学模模型 20-23 2.1.11 VSSC-HHVDCC的运行行原理 200-211 22.1.2 VVSC-HVDDC的数数学模型型 221-223 第三章章 非线线性系统统理论 233-333 33.1 多输入入多输出出非线性性系统状状态反馈馈精确线线性化设设计原理理 223-22

16、7 3.11.1 状态反反馈精确确线性化化涉及的的几个基基本概念念 223-226 3.11.2 状态反反馈精确确线性化化的条件件 226-227 3.11.3 状态反反馈精确确线性化化方法的的设计方方法 27 3.2 变变结构控控制理论论 227-330 3.22.1 变结构构控制的的基本问问题 28-29 3.2.22 滑模模变结构构控制的的设计 299-300 33.3 无源性性控制理理论 30-33 3.3.11 无源源性的概概念 30-31 3.3.22 系统统的无源源性和稳稳定性 311-322 33.3.3 欧欧拉-拉拉格朗日日系统 322-333 第第四章 基于精精确线性性化变

17、结结构的VVSC-HVDDC的控控制器设设计 33-44 4.1 VVSC-HVDDC系统统控制方方式 33 4.2 选选择合适适的系统统输入、输出量量 333-334 4.33 系统统的精确确线性化化和变结结构控制制器设计计 334-338 4.33.1 VSCC-HVVDC的的精确线线性化解解耦 35-37 4.3.22 变结结构控制制器设计计 337-338 4.44 VSSC-HHVDCC输电系系统MAATLAAB仿真真 338-444 4.44.1 有功功功率反转转实验 399-400 44.4.2 无无功功率率阶跃响响应实验验 440-441 4.44.3 系统电电压阶跃跃响应实实

18、验 41-42 4.4.44 换流流站参数数摄动实实验 42-44 第五五章 VVSC-HVDDC系统统的无源源性控制制器设计计 444-553 5.11 三相相电压型型PWMM换流器器结构 444-455 55.2 无源性性控制器器设计 455-477 55.2.1 VVSC-HVDDC内环环参考电电流计算算 445-446 5.22.2 内环无无源控制制器设计计 446-447 5.33 仿真真分析 477-533 55.3.1 系系统启动动到稳态态实验 488-499 55.3.2 有有功功率率、无功功功率阶阶跃响应应 449-550 5.33.3 逆变侧侧三相接接地短路路故障实实验 50-53 第六六章 对对无源网网络供电电的VSSC-HHVDCC系统控控制器设设计


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