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1、第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页2023年最新的老鹰英语怎么说老鹰也叫鸢,是小型猛禽,与一般鸟类不同,雌鸟体型往往比雄鸟更大。那么你知道老鹰用英语怎么说吗下面跟小编一起学习老鹰的英语知识吧。 老鹰英语说法 eagle glede Aquila 老鹰的相关短语 双老鹰 Double Eagle ; double eagle 老鹰广场 EAGLE SQUARE ; Dataran Lang 魔法老鹰 Mighty Eagle 老鹰酒店 Hotel Las Aguilas ; ILGO ; The Eagles Hotel ; Eagle Hotel 美国老鹰 American Leg

2、end ; American Eagle 老鹰山姆 Sam Eagle 邪术老鹰 Mighty Eagle 老鹰的英语例句 1. The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop. 老鹰在半空中盘旋,准备俯冲。 2. A hawk hovered in the blue sky. 一只老鹰在蓝色的天空中翱翔. 3. A hawk hovers in the sky. 一只老鹰在天空盘旋. 4. The eagle can soar without flapping their wings. 老鹰无需振翼就能翱翔. 5. It isn t advisable t

3、o harm one s next - door neighbours. 老鹰不吃窝下草. 6. The eagle swooped down on a chicken. 老鹰猛扑小鸡. 7. The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away. 老鹰叼了小鸡就飞走了. 8. The hawk chops upon its prey. 老鹰猛地向它要捕食的动物扑去. 9. The eagle does not prey on its own nest. 老鹰不吃窝下草。 10. The damned eagle s claw is hooked in! 这可

4、恶的老鹰爪子是倒钩! 11. He aimed his gun at the eagle spreading its wings. 他的枪瞄准那只展开翅膀的老鹰. 12. The hawk swooped down and seized the rabbit. 老鹰突然向下猛扑并抓住了兔子. 13. The eagle soared into the sky. 老鹰飞向天空. 14. A hawk was hovering over its prey. 一只老鹰在其猎物上空盘旋. 15. The eagle swooped down on its prey. 老鹰向着猎物俯冲下来. 关于老鹰的

5、英文故事:老鹰和蜜蜂 Seeing how a Bee was busying itself about a flower, an Eagle said to it, with disdain: How I pity thee, poor thing, with all thy toil and skill! 老鹰看到一只蜜蜂正忙着采蜜,就不无轻蔑地对他说: 我真同情你,可怜的小东西,尽管你是如此辛劳,如此灵巧! All through the summer, thousands of thy fellows are moulding honeycomb in the hive. 整个夏天,你

6、成千上万的同类们都在蜂房里建造蜂巢。 But who will afterwards separate and distinguish the results of thy labour I must confess, I do not understand what pleasure thou can take in it. 但是,日后谁会去分辨一下你们的劳动成果呢坦白地说,我不明白你们能从中获得什么乐趣。一辈子辛劳,到头来能看到什么好处呢 To labour all one s life, and to have what in view Why, to die without havin

7、g achieved distinction, exactly like all the rest. 唉,临终也未能声名显赫,只是和其他蜜蜂一样默默无闻。 What a difference there is between us! When I spread my sounding pinions, and am borne along near the clouds, I am everywhere a cause of alarm. 我们之间真是有天壤之别啊!当我张开呼呼作响的翅膀,冲上云霄,普天之下一片惊慌。 The birds do not dare to rise from the

8、 ground ;the shepherds fear to repose beside their wellfed flocks, and the swift does, having seen me, will not venture out into the plain. 鸟儿们不敢飞离地面;牧羊人不敢静卧在肥壮的羊群身旁;连敏捷的母鹿看到我,也不敢走出森林踏上平原。 But the Bee replies: To thee be glory and honour! May Jupiter continue to pour on thee his bounteous gifts! I,

9、however, born to work for the common good, do not seek to make my labour distinguished. 但是,蜜蜂回答道: 你荣耀辉煌吧!希望丘比特继续把他那慷慨无尽的恩泽倾注于你!然而,我天生就是为公众利益服务的,我不期望张扬我的劳动。 But, when I look at our honeycombs, I am consoled by the thought that there are in them a few drops of my own honey. 不过,当我看到我们的蜂巢,想到那里也有我的几滴蜂蜜,我

10、就觉得很是安慰了。 Fortunate is he, the field of whose labour is conspicuous! He gains added strength from the knowledge that the whole world witnesses his exploits. 虽然,工作领域引人注目的人很幸运,他们知道世人目睹了自己的成就,就平添了更多的力量 But how deserving of respect is he who, in humble obscurity, hopes for neither fame nor honour in return for all his labour, for all his


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