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1、八年级英语上册周周清8检测内容Unit8Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake新版人教新目标版八年级英语上册周周清8检测内容Unit8Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake新版人教新目标版 Page * MERGEFORMAT 9八年级英语上册周周清8检测内容Unit8Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake新版人教新目标版检测内容:Unit 8得分_卷后分_评价_一、单项选择。(101分10分)1What should I do next?Cut up _ onion and _ tomato.Aa;anBa;aCan;aDan;an2-M

2、om,Im very hungry.Id like something to eat.-There are some _ in the fridge.Asugar BsaltCcoffee Dsandwiches3Children often _ their birthdays with friends in China.Aget Bserve Cmake Dcelebrate4Its _ for Chinese to eat long noodles on their birthdays.They are a symbol of long life。Asuccessful Btraditio

3、nalCdangerous Ddifficult5How much yogurt do you need?Only _。Aa little Blittle Ca few Dfew6Do you know how to plant a tree?Yes。First we should _ a hole.Aadd Bshake Cdig Dfill7Dont _ the TV,Alice。Your sister is doing her homework now。Aturn on Bturn offCturn down Dturn out8Cut up these apples and pears

4、 and then _.Amix up it Bmix up themCmix it up Dmix them up9_ there any cheese in the kitchen?No,but there _ some salt in it.AIs;is BIs;are CAre;is DAre;are10Lets make some hamburgers for dinner。-_。AGood idea BThats too badCYoure welcome DNever mind二、完形填空。(102分20分)It is simple to make a cheese and sa

5、lad sandwich. _11_, go to the supermarket and buy all necessary things, such as bread, butter, cheese and vegetables like _12_, tomatoes and cucumbers (黄瓜)。 Now you are ready _13_ your sandwich.First, put some butter _14_ one piece of bread。 Then cut the cheese into _15_ and put them onto the butter

6、ed piece of bread。Next, _16_ the vegetables and cut _17_ into thin pieces。 Then put them on the cheese together with _18_ lettuce。Finally, put a _19_ piece of bread over the top and _20_ your sandwich into two halves to form triangles (三角形)。 Your sandwich is ready。11A.Then BNext CFirst DFinally12A.l

7、ettuce Bbutter Choney Dsugar13A。making Bto makeCmade Dmakes14A。below Bat Cin Don15A。shapes Brounds Cpieces Dpairs16A。buy Bwash Ceat Dsell17A。them Btheir Ctheirs Dthey18A.few Bmany Csome Da few19A.one Bfirst Ctwo Dsecond20A.cut Badd Cdig Dpour三、阅读理解。(53分15分)Dear Lily,You said you are looking forward

8、to making a cake for your mothers thirtyfive years old birthday next week。I like cooking and I often try it at home when Im free。I think maybe I can help you。Heres a simple way to make a delicious cake.At first,you need 2 cups of flour (面粉),1 cup of sugar,1 teaspoon of baking soda (发酵粉),1 cup of wat

9、er and two eggs.If you like,you can prepare some milk or yogurt and fruit。Then,its time to get started。At first,mix the flour,baking soda and sugar together。Put them in a bowl and shake them for a while。Next,pour some water or milk and add the eggs to the bowl and stir (搅拌) them。 Some people like mi

10、xing the water and eggs together in a bowl before mixing all of them together。You can do as what you like。Then,bake (烤) it at 175 for about half an hour。Finally,let the cake cool for 5 minutes.After that,a simple cake is made.You can put the fruit you like on it.It will be a big surprise to your mom

11、.I hope it can really help you.Yours,Kate21What does Lily NOT need to make a cake?ASugar. BHoney. CWater。 DEggs.22We can know _ to make a cake from Paragraph 2。Athe way Bthe placeCthe time Dthe ingredients (原料)23It takes about _ to bake the cake.A60 minutes B45 minutesC30 minutes D10 minutes24What h

12、appens last when making a cake according to the passage?APut some fruit on it。BAdd some sugar into it。CCool it for a few minutes.DWrite something on it.25Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ALilys mother is 36 years old now.BLily needs 2 cups of flour and 2 cups of water to make

13、the cake.CLily may need five kinds of ingredients at least.DLily should mix water and eggs first when making the cake.四、词汇运用。(101.5分15分)A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。26Eating too much _(糖) is bad for your health。27My favorite season (季节) is _(秋天)28Please _(添加) some salt to the soup.29You dont have to wear the jac

14、ket。 The _(温度) today is very high。30The school will hold many activities to _(庆祝) our countrys birthday.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.31Would you like to buy some _(tomato) and _(yogurt)?32。 _(final), we need to mix them up。33I usually have some _(piece) of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast。34In China, th

15、e Spring Festival is a _(tradition) festival。35Some of my friends like to eat _(sandwich) with onions.五、任务型阅读。(54分20分)阅读下面短文,回答问题。Sallys parents were not at home,so she had to cook lunch by herself. She thought about what to do for a long time。 At last she decided to cook egg and tomato noodles。 Fir

16、st,she cut up two tomatoes and beat (搅拌) two eggs. Next,she turned on the gas cooker (天然气灶) and poured two teaspoons of oil into the pan. Then,she poured the beaten (搅拌好的) egg into the pan when the oil was hot. And then she put the tomatoes into the pan and mixed the tomatoes and egg together. And t

17、hen she added some water into the pan。 When the water boiled (沸腾),she put the noodles into it. Finally,she added some salt to the noodles. About three minutes later,the lunch was ready. Although the noodles were not very delicious,Sally was very happy。36Why did Sally cook lunch by herself?_37What di

18、d Sally decide to cook?_38When did Sally put the noodles into the pan?_39How long did Sally boil the noodles?_40How did Sally feel when she finished cooking her lunch?_六、短文填词。(102分20分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)filltraditionpieceservedishdigovenautumnhistoryfinalplatepieMany peo

19、ple think pizza comes from America,but some people think pizza is 41._ Italian food。In fact,pizza has a long 42._The ancient Greeks (古希腊人) first had the idea of putting vegetables on 43._of bread。Then people found “pizza 44._” in Roman cities.Raffaele Esposito,a baker (面包师) from Naples,didnt begin to 45._ the first modern pizza until the 19th century.It was one day in the 46._ in 1889。This baker went to Italy as a traveler (旅行者)The Italian King and Queen asked him to make pizza.That was when the first pizza Margherita was made。It w


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