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1、2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案Part 1Section Using Language 细读 P23教材课文,挑选正确答案1In America,the development of social skills for students is Anot as important as that of intellectual ones Bless important than that of intellectual ones Cmore important than that of intellectu

2、al ones Das important as that of intellectual ones 2In what way do American schools help students to form social skills. ABy teaching students more knowledge. BBy telling experience to students. CBy giving students more PE lessons. DBy offering many after- school activities. 3Competitive sports are

3、the most popular because Athey can make them win Bthey can help children to learn how to compete successfully Cthey can give students opportunities to take part in different kinds of outdoor activities Dgetting on with others is the most important ability 答案13DDB Part 2 .速读 P25教材课文,匹配段落大意 1Para.1 AT

4、he dormitory and the bedding. 2Para.2 BThe start of his school days. 3Para.3 CStrict school regulations. 4Para.4 DThe end of his senior high school days. 5Paras.5 & 6 EHis first lesson. - 1 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案6Para.7 FHis impressive teachers and their

5、influence. 答案16BAEFCD .依据 P25教材课文,判定正 T误F 1The schooldays are the happiest time for the author. 2The author slept in the dormitory with five lovely boys together in the “ big school ” 3One of the regulations of the school is that every student must be punctual for classes. 4All the boys of the schoo

6、l must attend morning assembly every weekday. 5The writers parents wrote to him once a week. 答案15FTTFF .依据 P25教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式They say that schooldays are the 1.happiesthappy days of your life,but not for me.My father worked abroad,so I 2.was sentsend to a boarding school when I was s

7、even.In the dormitory there were two 3.wornwear armchairs, a few shabby 4.cushionscushion,an electric kettle,some posters for 5.decorationdecorateIn the washroom there was no heating.There were many silly rules to follow , 6.which upset me.For example,everyone had to polish 7.theirthey shoes every d

8、ay.And no one was allowed 8.to wearwear trousers with only buttons. So when I left school 9.at eighteen, I felt 10.a sense of liberation. Part 3 细读 P27教材课文,挑选正确答案1Why does the cheerleader dance and do gymnastics. ATo show his or her skills. BTo attract the attention of the audience. CTo encourage cr

9、owds to cheer their sports teams. DTo be the center of the game. 2When did the cheerleading begin. AIn the 1920s. BIn the 1950s. - 2 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案CIn the late 19th century. DIn the late 20th century. 3How do some Americans feel about cheerleading

10、. AWelcome.CCB BStupid. CCurious. DUnknown. 答案13.单词拼写 依据汉语或首字母提示,写出以下单词1He was a quiet man who didnt let small things upset使心烦意乱 him. 2“ Genius ” is a complicated concept概念 ,involving many different factors. 3They are charged with breaking traffic regulations规章,条例 and endangering the public safety.

11、4Being punctual for the meeting was essential; no one was allowed to be late. 5The boy who won the scholarship was a quite outstanding student. 6He recited it well and every word and expression was written correctly. .拓展词汇依据词性和汉语提示,写出以下单词1attract v. 吸引 attraction n. 吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的人或物attractive adj. 有吸

12、引力的,引起留意的 2consider v. 认为;考虑 consideration n. 体谅;考虑 considerate adj. 关 切的;爱护的 considerable adj. 相当多的;值得考虑的 considering prep. 考虑到;鉴于3develop v. 进展;培育 development n. 进展;进步 developing adj. 进展 中的 developed adj. 发达的4act v. 行动 active adj. 积极的,活跃的 activity n. 活动 5able adj. 有才能的 ability n. 才能;本事;技能 disabili

13、ty n残疾,无 才能- 3 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案.补全短语 依据提示补全以下短语1as far as Im concerned 就我而言 2in my view 我认为;在我看来3be considered as 被看作,被认为是 4be likely to 有可能5look forward to 希望6to ones great disappointment 7play an important part in . 令某人特别扫兴的是 在 方面起重要作用8in other wo

14、rds 换句话说9get on/along with 与 相处10take part in 参与;参与.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1We all had to take part in the training run,with nobody excepted. 2As far as Im concerned,sports is good for you. 3English is now officially considered as an international language. 4Psychological factors often play an important p

15、art in winning a competition. 5You can come here to work next Monday.In other words,you have been employed. 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.Exam grades are very important,“ sobe 动词 /助社会转变了,社会中的人but so are the after-school 也转变了;activities.动词 /情态动词Society has changed and so 分数当然重要,课外活动也不容忽主语”视;have the people in it.

16、 - 4 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案2.It took me years to understand修建这条路花了他们三年the greater mystery of algebra,It takes sb.some 的时间;geometry . 我用了几年的时间才弄明白代数、time to do sth. It took them three years to build the road. 几何学的宏大秘密 3.It was not until the 1920s that 直到我告

17、知她,她才知道pompoms began to play an It is not 这件事;important part in cheerleading.直到It was not until I told her until .that . 20 世纪 20 岁月,彩线球才在拉拉that she knew anything 队队员的表演中发挥重要作用;about it. attract vt.吸引;引起 的留意 或爱好等 教材 P19Which club would attract students who enjoy music?哪个俱乐部会吸引喜爱音乐的同学?1attract ones a

18、ttention 吸引某人的留意attract sb.to sb./sth. 引起某人对某人 /某物的留意2attractive adj. 吸引人的be attractive to. 对 有吸引力3attraction n. 吸引;吸引人的事物;吸引力tourist attraction 旅行胜地What first attracted me to him was his sense of humour.他第一吸引我的是他的幽默感;While house prices are more attractiveattract these days,not everyone should be in

19、 the market. - 5 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案现在房价变得越来越吸引人,但是并不是每个人都适合进入房地产市场;The West Lake is a beautiful tourist attractionattract西湖是一个漂亮的旅行 胜地;in my view 我认为;在我看来 经典例句 In my view,the best friend is the one with whom to share your sorrow and joy. 在我看来,最好的伴侣是与你

20、同甘共苦的人;in view 在看得见的地方;被考虑,被留意 in view of 鉴于,考虑到 on view 展出come into view 显现在眼前In view of the weather,the event will now be held indoors. 考虑到天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行;The crown of the England is on view at the tower of London. 英国王冠正在伦敦塔展出;As the car approached the town center,several tall buildings came into

21、 view. 随着汽车驶近镇中心,几座高大的建筑物进入了视野;consider vt.& vi.考虑;摸索;认为 教材 P23In America,the development of social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills.在美国,社交才能的培育被看作和智力水平 的培育同等重要;1consider sb./sth.as/to be.认为某人 /物是 consider itadj./n.to do sth. 认为做某事是 consider sb./sth.to have

22、 done sth. 认为某人 /物做过某事2consider doing sth. 考虑做某事consider疑问词 to do sth. 考虑 3considerate adj. 爱护的;考虑周到的considering prep. 考虑到,就 而言4consideration n. 考虑o consideration 考虑到 ;顾及- 6 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案Were considering buying a new car. 我们正在考虑买一辆新车;When

23、 making a plan,you should take his health into considerationconsider制订方案时,你应当考虑到他的健康问题;It was considerate of you to send me a postcard. 寄给我明信片,你想得真周到;develop v. 进展;培育教材 P23To help students develop these social skills,schools offer a large number of after-school activities,in other words,activities t

24、hat take place outside classroom lessons. 为了帮忙同学进展这些社交技能,学校支配大量的课外活动,换句话说就是在教室里上完课后进行的活动;1develop into 进展成2development n. 进展with the development of 随着 的进展3developing adj. 进展中的developed adj. 发达的She has developed into a beautiful girl. 她出落得亭亭玉立;With the developmentdevelop of industry,more and more was

25、te is produced. 随着工业的进展,越来越多的废物产生了;We are trying our best to catch up with the developeddevelop countries. 我们正尽力追逐发达国家;be likely to有可能教材 P23Older teenagers are more likely to get summer jobs or go camping with a group of friends. 年龄稍大的孩子更有可能找份暑假工作或者和一帮伴侣去野营;1sb.belikely to do sth. 某人有可能做某事Its likely

26、 that. 有可能2likely adj. 预料的,可能的- 7 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案adv. 可能3unlikely adj. 不行能的2022全国卷 Those who were highest in status in high school,as well as those least liked in elementary school,are “ most likely to engage in dangerous and risky behavior.”那些在中学位

27、置高的同学,以及那些在学校最不受欢迎的同学,“ 最有可能从事危急和有风险的活动” ;It is likely that he will give up in despair. 在失望中,他有可能舍弃;Are you likely to gogo to London this year. 你今年可能去伦敦吗?明辨异同 likely/possible/probable常用句型sb.is likely to do sth. It is likely that.It is possible for sb.to do sth. It is possible that.单词用法likely 人或物均可作它

28、的主语possible 人或物一般不作它的主语probable 人或物一般不作它的主语It is probable that. likely/possible/probable Only by this means is it possible to persuade him. He set off very early this morning.It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk. If you go now,youre likely to hit the rush hour. upset v使某人心烦意乱 ,使心情不好;打乱

29、,弄翻 adj.纷乱的;被推翻 的;心烦的 ,肠胃 不舒适的教材 P25But there were also so many silly rules to follow,which irritated or even upset me. 然而,在校规中也有很多愚蠢的规定,这些规定让我恼火甚至愤怒;get/become/be upsetabout/over/by 由于 心烦意乱- 8 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案be upset that. 对 担心 /苦恼be upset to do s

30、th. 对做某事感到担心 She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. 他的不辞而别让她感到不兴奋;He is really upset over/about not finding a job. 他找不到工作,所以很苦恼;语境助记 Jim is doing his homework.The flies flying around him without a stop upsets him.He is so upsetand annoyed that he upsetsthe cup of water at the corner

31、of the desk. 吉姆在做作业;苍蝇不停地在他四周飞来飞去,这让他心烦意乱;他烦躁极 了,以致打翻了放在桌角的水杯;cheer v欢呼;喝彩;加油教材 P27They do this in order to encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams. 她们这么做是为了激励人群为她们的体育队加油;1cheer sb.on激励或勉励某人更加努力cheer sb.up 使某人 兴奋或快乐2cheering adj. 令人激励的;令人喜悦的cheers interj . 干杯;感谢cheerful adj. 开心的,兴奋的;令人兴奋的They c

32、heered their favorite team on. 他们为自己最喜爱的球队加油;Cheer up. Things are not so bad as they seem. 振作起来!情形并不像看上去那样糟;Although he was cheerfulcheer in public,he was often sad in private. 尽管他在公众场合很兴奋,但私下却常常哀痛; 教材 P23Exam grades are very important, but so are the after-school activities- 9 - / 11 2022-2022 同步外研

33、英语选修七新突破讲义:Module+2+Section+ Using+Language和答案分数当然重要 ,课外活动也不容忽视;【要点提炼】“ so助动词 /be 动词 /情态动词主语” 也是如此;1“ so主语助动词 /be 动词/情态动词” 句型的意思是“ 的确是这样” ;2“ neither/nor助动词 /be 动词 /情态动词主语” 句型的意思是“ 也 不 ” ;3 “ So it is with./It is the same with.句型的意思是“ 的情形 也是如此” ;前面是两种及以上情形时只能用此句型;Tom went to the farm yesterday.So di

34、d I. 昨天汤姆去了农场;我也去了;2022全国卷 We found that the least well- liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates.But so had those who were high in status.我们发觉,久而久之,那些最不受欢迎的青少年对同学会更具有攻击性;那 些位置高的青少年也会如此;I didnt stay at home yesterday,and neither did she.我昨天没在家,她也没在 家;Tom is clever and

35、 works hard.So it is/It is the same with Mary. 汤姆既聪慧又努力;玛丽也是如此;.单句语法填空 1. I was amazed at her abilityable to cope with the difficult situation. 2What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour. 3She was upset to knowknow that her application for the position was refused. 4I have this image of you as always being cheerfulcheer and optimistic. 5It is true


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