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1、牛津小学英语6A,Unit,1,Public,signs教案 篇一:牛津小学英语六年级unit 1 public signs Unit 1 Public signs 单元知识要点: 词汇: No smoking, No littering, No parking, No cycling, No eating and drinking, keep off, Don?t touch, keep quiet, make noise, walk on the grass, public signs, only four years old, take a walk, ask some question

2、s, stay away from, on the bird?s cage, pick up, ride a bike, take photos, climb the tree, come up, look around, a ten-yuan note 句型: What does this/that sign mean? It means ?Danger?. You shouldn?t make noise/park/eat and drink/. You should keep quiet/keep off the grass. Can I ? No, you can?t. You sho

3、uldn?t now. Can I go in? No, you can?t. You must stay from the building. 语法: should表示建议,命令,义务,责任的意思,常译作“应当”或“应该”,否认方式should not (shouldn?t)。例如: 1、 建议或命令 You should go home now. You should brush your teeth every morning. 2、 义务或责任 You should help your classmates when they are in difficulty. (当你的同学有困难的

4、时候,你应该协助他们。) 单元测试A卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,给以以下图标号。(听两遍) (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 二、听短文,选择正确的答案。(听三遍) (10分)( ) 1. Mr Smith is _ in the park . A. taking picturesB. running C. taking a walk ( ) 2. Mr Smith finds a sweater _. A. on the grassB. in the tree C. under the tree ( ) 3. _ comes up to Mr Smith and as

5、ks him to go away. A. A policeman B. An old manC. A park keeper ( ) 4. The sweater is _. A. Mr Smith?s B. David?s C. the park keeper?s ( ) 5. The park keeper says _ to Mr Smith. A. sorry B. helloC. good morning 三、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听两遍) (10分) 1. A: What does this _ mean ? B: It _ you _ _ on the grass. 2.

6、A: What _ is it todayB: It?s _. 3. A:_ I go in? B: No, you _. You _stay away from the _. 笔试部分(70分) 一、推断以下每组单词划线部分的发音是否一样,用“”或“”表示。 (5分) ) ) () ) ) 二、英汉互译。 (10分) 1. only four years old_6.一些征询题 _ 2. the bird?s cage_ 7. 发出噪音 _ 3. take photos _8. 本的表弟 _ 4. ride a bike _9 . 一些公共标志 _ 5. keep quiet _ 10. 远

7、离_ 三、按要求写单词。 (5分) 1. do (第三人称单数) _2. should not (缩写方式)_ 3. smoke (如今分词) _4. they (宾格) _ 5. keep (名词) _ 四、所给词的适当方式填空。 (10分)1. Gao Shan is _ ( show ) his stamps to _( I ) now . 2. Dont _ ( make ) noise here . 3. What do the signs _ ( mean )? They _ ( mean ) we shouldn?t walk on the grass . 4. What are

8、 the students _(do) ? They?re _ (read) books . 5. My father _ ( play ) basketball every afternoon . 6. The sign on the wall _ ( mean ) ?Danger? . 7. There are three _ ( people ) in my family . 五、选择填空。 (10分) ( )1. I like English. How _ you ? A. are B. do C. about ( )2. Does Su Hai havehobbies? A. som

9、e B. any C. all ( )3. The girl usually plays the violin Sunday morning. A. atB. inC. on ( A. go B. goesC. going ( )5. _ am your English teacher. Please listen to A. I, mine B. I, meC. you, my ( )6. Kate brown. A. has, isB. has, are C. have, is ( )7. The boy draws . A. careful B. carefully C. be care

10、ful ( )8. Put your hands A. on, /B. on, toC. with, / ( )9. This is Ben. He is from A. the USA, American B. American, EnglishC. the USA, English ( )10. Give me big orange. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a 六、找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。 (10分) ( _ A B C ( _ A BC( _ AB C (_ AB C ( _ AB C 七、完成对话。 (10分) A: What?s that _ t

11、he wall ? B: It?s a _ _. A: What _ it _? B: It means ?Danger?. A: Can I go in ? B: No,_ _ . You should _ _ _ the building. 八、完型填空。 (10分) My name is Li Lei . I am a student . I NO. 1 Primary School. six grades(年级) in our school . I?m in . I go to school in the morning .There are four in the morning a

12、nd two in the afternoon . We study Chinese , Maths, English , and lessons. There areteachersschool . good teachers. They work hardus. ( ) 1. A. workB. listenC. study ( ) 2. A. I have B. They have C. There are ( ) 3. A. class three, grade six B. Grade Six , Class Three C. Class Three , Grade Six ( )

13、4. A. in six thirtyB. at thirty six C. at six thirty ( ) 5. A. teachersB. lessons C. books ( ) 6. A. other B. the other C. others ( ) 7. A. fifty five B. five fifty C. fifty -five ( ) 8. A. at B. inC. in the ( ) 9.A. Al l they areB. They are all C. They all are ( ) 10. A. forB. with C. to单元测试B卷 听力部分

14、(30分) ( )1. A. little B. letter C. litter ( )2. A. glassB. grass C. class ( )3. A. should B. cold C. would ( )4. A. sign B. sing C .swing ( )5. A. note B. notC. lot ( )6. A. awayB. alwaysC. also ( )7. A. suddenlyB. sunny C. something ( )8. A. take off B. keep off C. turn off ( )9.A.ask questionsB. s

15、ome questionsC. keep quiet ( )10. A. What dose it mean? B. What does that mean? C. What does this mean? 二、听录音,给以以下图标号。(听两遍)(8分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的内容。(听一遍)(5分) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的应对。(听两遍)(4分) ( )1. A. It means you shouldn?t make noise. B. It means we can walk on the grass. C. It means we shouldn?t w

16、alk on the grass. ( )2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, you can. C. No, I can?t. ( )3. A. It?s four. B. It?s Sunday.C. It?s the second of March. ( )4. A. They?re from China. B. They?re from Grandpa. C. They?re for Grandpa. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)(13分) Hello, _ Jim. Ben is my cousin. He told me a lot about public

17、signs yesterday. Now I know all the signs in the _ . They _ different things. We _ _ _ the grass. We should _ _ near the bird?s cage, we _ _ _ here. The sign on the building in the park means ?_? . We must stay away _ it.篇二:牛津小学英语 6A Unit2 Public signs第一课时教学设计 Unit2 Public signs 牛津小学英语 6A 第二单元第一课时 一

18、、设计思路 本课主要围绕“公共标志”这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际工程有介绍、询征询、忠告和建议等。其中,以“询征询公共标志含义”及其应对为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对“公共标志”并不生疏,但作为一个话题讨论是会有一定困难的。为了使学生更好地掌握本课的学习内容,在教学过程中要考虑学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课件、图片、简笔画等手段,运用形象化的语言和动作,使所学内容更贴近学生的生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。 全方位研究课堂,提高课堂教学效率:让课堂成为学习的乐园;让课堂成为展示的舞台;让课堂成为合作的团队。小学英语教学的根本原那么包括交际性原那么、听说领

19、先的原那么、情景教学原那么和兴趣性教学原那么。 因而在教学中应多层次研究学生,培养学生的综合语言运用才能。在本课中我注重利用兴趣性教学原那么,力求使本课生动、有趣,容易让学生接受。因而在设计的过程中我预备做一些爽朗可爱的课件,再参加一些简笔画的元素,让学生在身心愉悦的状态下轻松的接受本课知识。同时,我还留意提高学生自主学习的才能,因而在教学过程中我会多给学生提供练习和自编对话的环节,把“要我学”变成“我要学”。总之,兴趣是最好的老师;鼓舞是最好的手段;让学生有成功的体验;为学生自主学习提供协助和时机。 这确实是我对本节课的一些设计理念。 二、教学目的 按照小学生的心理和生理特征以及开展需求,小

20、学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自决心;培养学生一定的语感和良好语音、语调根底。六年级的学生他们已经可以进展简单的会话,掌握了一定的词汇,因而我认为在原先的根底上,他们本节课还应到达以下目的: (一)知识目的 1. 能正确地听,说,读,写单词mean,must,should,shouldnt 2. 能正确地听,说,读,写句型What does it/this/that mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt 3. 能正确地听,说,读单词及词组public, sign, dange

21、r, away, grass, keep off, quiet, make noise, smoke, litterKeep off the grass. Be quiet. No smoking. No littering. No parking. No eating and drinking. Do not touch. (二)才能目的 可以运用所学句型与别人交谈,同时可以在公共场合阻止不文明的行为。 (三)情感目的 1. 通过本课的学习让学生对四周的环境和公共标志有所理解。 2. 通过本课的学习让学生关于在公共场合的正确行为有所熟悉,回绝不文明行为。 三、 教学重点 1. 能正确地听,说

22、,读,写单词mean, must, should ,shouldnt 2. 能正确地听,说,读,写句型What does it/this/that mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt 四、 教学难点 1. must, should ,shouldnt的区别和实际运用 2. 在实际生活中的灵敏应用 五、学情分析 教学对象为六年级的学生。他们已经接触了三年的英语,有一定的英语根底。儿童的特性使得他们爽朗好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探究知识的欲望特别强烈,同时有着特别强的表现欲。但由于教材特点和学生的根底不同,本课注重因材施教,分层教学,保持学生

23、的学习兴趣,为此我将采纳新颖爽朗有趣的教学方式,保持并提高学生学习英语的兴趣。在本节课中我将设计一些简笔画和有趣的课件,希望可以保持学生的学习兴趣。 六、 课前预备 (1) 一些公共标志牌的图片 (2) 多媒体课件 (3) 录音机和磁带 2. 板书预备:预先写好课题Unit2 Public signs 七、教学过程 (一) Free talk T: Whats the weather like today? S1: Its sunny. S2: Its too hot. T: What day is it today? S: Its T: Whats date is it today? S:

24、Its T: Excuse me. Whats your hobby? S1: I like watching TV. S2: I like going to the zoo. S3: I like surfing the Internet. T: Why do you like surfing the Internet? S3: Because I can know a lot of things from Internet. Such as animals, pictures and super stars. T: Cool. We can know a lot of things fro

25、m Internet. And this boy: Jack, is looking at the public signs on the Internet. 教授单词public, sign 【设计意图:英语是由日常的点点滴滴积累而学成的,通过对话导入新知,便于学生稳定旧知识,并对新知识产生兴趣。实现由现实和课堂之间的转换。】 (二)Presentation 1. T: Please look at the public sign. Where can you see it? S1: I can see it in the hospital. S2: I can see it in the

26、shopping center. S3: In the library. (启发学生做一个细心的,对生活处处留心的人,以培养学生的观察才能) T: All right. Thank you. And what does it mean? It means we should smoke.(边做吸烟的动作) Right or wrong? S: No, it means we shouldnt smoke. T: Great! It means we shouldnt smoke.(边说边板书,并教授单词) mean, smoke, should ,shouldnt2. 让学生跟读句子并进展两人

27、操练 3. 教授其他单词和词组 4. T: Boys and girls, lets play a game: Whats missing? 【设计意图:利用游戏的方式,让学生在紧张又有限的时间内飞速经历词汇,提高学习的效率,同时又不让学生觉得单调,厌烦。】 (三)Look and say T: Can you remember these public signs? Ss: Yes. T: Great! Youre good students. And Jack is a good child. He learned a lot about public signs, too. Look,

28、where are they now? S: They are in the zoo. T: What are they doing? S: They are talking about the public signs. T: Please choose one and talk about it with your partner. (四)Practice T: Please look at the screen: The Summer Holiday is coming. Your cousin, Lucy will visit Nanjing. She is only 5 years

29、old. Please invite her to go to Hongshan Zoo, please teach her something about the public signs. Please make a dialogue with your partner. (五)Look and write (见课件) 然后利用简笔画在黑板上画出一些标志,让学生进展匹配活动。 【设计意图:小学生的留意力是特别容易分散的,因而利用课件将前面所学的标志呈现给学生,用及时复现的方式协助学生稳定所学内容,同时用简笔画抓住学生的眼球,吸引学生的留意力,还能到达稳定的效果。】 (六)Some othe

30、r public signs T: We learned some public signs. Do you know any other public signs? S: T: So good. Look at the screen, there are some other public signs. And you can collect other public signs after class. You will learn more about them. 【设计意图:杜威反对把知识直截了当教给学生,他认为“知识不是孤立和自给自足的东西,而是包罗在用以维持和开展生活的过程中。”因

31、而只有经历才是儿童学习本身。因而在教学中要注重培养学生独立学习的认识,变被动为主动。】 八、 课后作业 1 在课后与同桌操练句型 2 搜集并设计一些公共标志牌,和同学讨论其合理的放置地点,并能说出理由。 九、 板书设计 十、设计反思 公共标志是学生所熟悉的东西。抓住这点提起学生的学习兴趣。用should 和shouldnt做什么来稳定练习,能让学生易于接受。 小学生是爽朗好动的,在教学的过程中应时刻留意抓住学生的留意力,将教学内容细致的传授给学生,让学生在学习的过程中体会到生活中的点点滴滴。 假设在做课件时没有掌握一个度,把课件做得太过华美,容易把学生的吸引力从课堂知识转移到欣赏课件上来,因而

32、制造课件时应该慎重。 有老师结合本人的教学实践经历,总结出数学创新教育要做到四个“尽量”:尽量让学生独立考虑;尽量让学生观察;尽量让学生人人动手;尽量让学生综合、归纳。同样,英语教学也应如此,老师必须开阔视野,要勇于探究,敢于创新,以创新精神去觉察新征询题,总结新经历。 篇三:牛津英语6A Unit 1 Public signs 牛津英语6A教案 Unit 1 Public signs 牛津英语6A教案 Unit 1 Public signs 第一课时 教学目的: 1 能听明白、会说、会读和会拼写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn?t, litter, park,

33、 cycle. 2 能听明白、会说和会读单词和词组:public, a sign, grass, quiet, touch, keep off. 3 能听明白、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn?t 教学重点: 1 能正确听说读会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn?t 2 能正确能听说读写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn?t, litter, park, cycle. 教学过程: 一. Everyday English: How are you?

34、 Pass the ball to Give the pen to Where?s What?s the score? 二Presentation and practise: 1. T: Let?s go the the park.(多媒体展示公园情景,出现许多公共标志牌) T: What?s this? It?s public signs. Learn : public signs. T: Let?s look at some public signs on the Internet.多媒体展示九个标志。 T: Can you read them? 学生能朗读其中的八个:No parking

35、. No eating and drinking. Keep quiet. Do not touch. 通过复习协助学生稳定以上四句话。 Park往常所学的意思是公园,在这里的意思是停车。 2T: (Point to a sign)What does this sign mean? 板书: What does this sign mean? 学习这句话,讲解mean的意思及其中ea的发音。再次强调助动词用does及其语法意义。 T: It means “No smoking”. 板示: No smoking. 学习这句话。 让学生答复smoking 的动词原形,smoke,并再次复习它的变化规

36、那么。 T: What does this sign mean? S: It means “No smoking.”. T: Yes. It means you shouldn?t smoke. 板示:It means you shouldn?t smoke. 并学习这句话。 讲解 shouldn?t=should not ,should为情态动词,意思为应该,后跟动词原形。 3. T: What does this sign mean? T: It means “No littering.” 板示:No littering. 学习这句话。 litter为littering 的动词原形,意为乱

37、丢杂务。 同理学习: No parking. No cycling. 留意park的意思与往常不同意思为停放汽车。 cycling的动词原形为cycle.4. 叫一学生上前来征询:What does it mean? T: It means “Danger.” 学习danger. S: What does it mean? T: It means you should keep off the grass. 学习:Keep off the grass. 5. 跟读这九个句子,然后齐读,指名读。 6同桌用What does it mean? It means .就书上九句话来征询答,以稳定所学内

38、容。 三Look and say: 1. 让学生分组讨论标志的含义。 2 排学生分组操练,按照图意用What does it mean? It means you shouldn?t 进展征询答。 3 然后两两征询答。 四Assignment: 1. 能识别所学公共标志,并能流利朗读。 2. 用书面方式完成C 部分的六幅图。 3. 抄写四会单词。 4. 预习A部分的对话。 教后感:公共标志是学生所熟悉的东西。抓住这点提起学生的学习兴趣。用should 和shouldn?t做什么,来稳定这两个词。 第二课时 教学目的: 1能听明白、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean 2能听明

39、白、会说和会读单词和词组:a cousin, always, a question, a cage, make noise. 3能听明白、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn?t 教学重点: 1能听明白、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean 3 能听明白、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn?t 教学过程: 一Review: What does i

40、t mean? It means you should/shouldn?t 出示图片让学生进展征询答。 二Presentation and practise: 1. 出示?Danger?标志及课文挂图。 T: There?s a sign on the wall.What does it mean? S: It means “Danger”. T: It means you must stay away from the building. 学习must, stay away. 讲解: must 为情态动词,意为必须,后跟动词原形。 在此复习 should, can 同为情态动词,后跟动词原形

41、。 Stat away意为远离。2. 出示课文第二张挂图。 T: What?s on the grass? S: There?s a sign on the grass. T: What does it mean? S: It means we should keep off the grass. T: Yes. It means we shouldn?t walk on the grass. Read: walk on the grass. T: Look , what?s this? It?s a bird?s cage. Learn: cage. T: Look at this sign

42、. What does it mean? S: It means ?Keep quiet”! T: Yes. It means we shouldn?t make noise here. Learn: make noise. 3. 介绍图上人物。 T: Who?s he? S: He?s Ben. T: Who?s he? S: He?s Ben?s cousin. Learn: cousin.并解释意思。 T: Where are they? S: They?re in the park. T: Ben?s cousin has a lot of questions.You know “a lot of questions”? 出示:a lot of questions 学读并理解意思。 T: Now he is asking Ben some questions about the signs. Learn: ask . about 4. 听课文录音答复以下征询题。 What day is it today? Who?s Jack? How old is Jack? What


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