1、第一页,共九十五页。&第二页,共九十五页。In the beginning was the ideaIdea 是一切(yqi)的起源第三页,共九十五页。Our Simple Selling Model一厢情愿(y xing qng yun)的贩卖模式Sell hard努力(n l)卖!To a deeplygrateful client给一个非常(fichng)激赏你的客户第四页,共九十五页。The Frequent Result 常有的结果(ji gu)The Clientsavages客户(k h)杀人鲸Us and the idea撕裂(s li)我们和idea第五页,共九十五页。Sim
2、plistic简易(jiny)and 但Risky高风险ModelAct行动(xngdng)Sell贩卖(fnmi)第六页,共九十五页。Selling第七页,共九十五页。Selling第八页,共九十五页。If the idea isnt bought, we have all wasted our time如果idea没卖掉, 我们都浪费(lngfi)了时间IS WEL2 - 7/96第九页,共九十五页。Five Step ModelActAdoptPresentPreparePlan第十页,共九十五页。FOUR BASIC QUESTIONSWhat question are we addr
3、essing?What is our main message in answer to the question?What are we trying to do?Inform?Persuade?Reassure?Inspire?Entertain?What do we want the target audience to do as a result?第十一页,共九十五页。9、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。2022/9/12022/9/1Thursday, September 1, 202210、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。2022/9/12022/9/12022/9/19/1/
4、2022 10:24:15 PM11、人总是珍惜为得到。2022/9/12022/9/12022/9/1Sep-2201-Sep-2212、人乱于心,不宽余请。2022/9/12022/9/12022/9/1Thursday, September 1, 202213、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。2022/9/12022/9/12022/9/12022/9/19/1/202214、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。01 九月 20222022/9/12022/9/12022/9/115、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。九月 222022/9/12022/9/12022/9/19/1/20221
5、6、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨(yu gu)。2022/9/12022/9/101 September 202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2022/9/12022/9/12022/9/12022/9/1第十二页,共九十五页。ActAdoptPresentPreparePlanStructurethe communicationDefine thetarget audienceDetermine the objectives第十三页,共九十五页。What are we trying to do?*Give information*Gain agreement*Obtain in
6、formation*Spur action*Build understanding*Neutralise resistanceInformPersuadeNew InformationNew Information orRearrange Old Information第十四页,共九十五页。HAVE WE DEFINED OURTARGET AUDIENCE?Structurethe communicationDefine thetarget audienceDetermine the objectives第十五页,共九十五页。*Decision makerwill need less det
7、ail*Opinion leader*Implementorswill need more detail*Experts*Second guesserwill need a harder sell(of decision makers view)and the offer of support.What is their role?第十六页,共九十五页。What frame of mind are they in?他们(t men)的心态是什麽?Z Z Z z*Apathetic冷漠(lngm)第十七页,共九十五页。Z Z Z z*Sophisticated老练(lolin)的*Apathet
8、ic冷漠(lngm)第十八页,共九十五页。Z Z Z z*Hostile敌意(dy)*Sophisticated老练(lolin)的*Apathetic冷漠(lngm)第十九页,共九十五页。Z Z Z z*Critically Interested非常(fichng)有兴趣*Hostile敌意(dy)*Sophisticated老练(lolin)的*Apathetic冷漠第二十页,共九十五页。What frame of mind?*Enthusiastic热心(rxn)的Z Z Z z*Critically Interested非常(fichng)有兴趣*Hostile敌意(dy)*Sophi
9、sticated老练的*Apathetic冷漠第二十一页,共九十五页。Apathetics 冷漠(lngm)型WHY?为何?Poisoned by previous presentations被以前的经验毒害(dhi)了!Saturated on the subject对这个话题已听得不想再听Poor physical environment身体状况很差Psychologically dead to your idea. 心理(xnl)上不接受你的想法Z Z Z z第二十二页,共九十五页。What you have to do你得怎麽做引起兴趣,保持他们的热情.打动他们的心.快点进入正题把过程
10、(guchng)戏剧化,视觉化让他们要采取的行动容易些Z Z Z z第二十三页,共九十五页。Sophisticates 老练(lolin)型WHY?为何?Seen it before 以前(yqin)看过Non-expert to expert 非专家做专家提案Subordinate to superior 下对上Peer to peer 平辈间Know it all already (and more)这些早就(zo ji)知道了第二十四页,共九十五页。What you have to do你得怎麽做让他们用全新的角度看待你,及你的idea.让他们了解你的专业程度.尽量做到最好如您知道的引用
11、(ynyng)权威的话第二十五页,共九十五页。Hostiles 敌意(dy)型WHY? 为何?觉得被威胁对你评价不高或对你的出身有质疑(zhy)怀疑你的动机文化的阻隔Opposes either you or your idea反对(fndu)你或你的idea第二十六页,共九十五页。What you have to do你得怎麽办?找出他们对你有敌意的原因显示你了解他们的处境建立共通的关注焦点举例保持冷静-你一动思他们就会杀了你不要(byo)期望事情太快有变化第二十七页,共九十五页。Critically interestedsWHY?为何?专业对专业理性导向期望你证明(zhngmng)你的说法
12、Willing to accept ideas based on fact and sound reasoning愿意接受(jishu)基於事实和理性辩证下的好idea第二十八页,共九十五页。What you have to do你得怎麽办Show benefits 呈现利益(ly)点Cover all options objectively 中立Present factually & non emotionally 事实而非情感第二十九页,共九十五页。Enthusiasts 热情(rqng)派WHY? 为何(wih)?Already sold and motivated Idea已被接受Ac
13、cept you and your message你说的都算Have faith already已有信心(xnxn)第三十页,共九十五页。What you have to do你得怎麽做Reinforce their beliefs 增强信心Go light on pure information and proofs 淡淡的卖,呈现(chngxin)证据Go heavy on colour and emotion 色彩和情感第三十一页,共九十五页。Exercise: Paperclip第三十二页,共九十五页。ONE CORE IDEAOUR MAIN MESSAGEMany differen
14、t possibleelements data, background,experiences ideas,structures, insightssupports, etc.第三十三页,共九十五页。THECOREIDEASupport ideas thatcan expand or defend theCore Idea in ever greater detail第三十四页,共九十五页。REPORT / INFORM FORMATSubjectBackgroundInformation index (what Im going to tell you)InformationRecap /
15、Summarise (what Ive told you)Meaning / action what I want you to do or understand as a result第三十五页,共九十五页。Report / Inform ExampleSubjectUnderstanding Consumers in Asia PacificBackgroundNew Young Adult study pilot in Singapore, Hong Kong & Kuala LumpurInformationIndexEmergence of a much greater degree
16、 of tension since last studyInformationIndependenceEngagementIndividualismCommunalismOptimismFrustrationSelf-DeterminationFatalismGlobal outlookLocal prideRecapHow these greater degrees of tension resolve themselves will influence how the young respond to brandsMeaningWe need to monitor this careful
17、ly第三十六页,共九十五页。Persuasion: Problem FormatProblemNegativeConditionsEvidenceSummaryIdea andAction第三十七页,共九十五页。Persuasion: Problem FormatProblemNegativeConditionsEvidenceSummaryIdea andActionBrand sales dropping* Losing distribution*Losing margin*Losing ground in eyes of consumer*_*_*_Must do something a
18、bout itRelaunch-New packaging-New flavours-New advertising第三十八页,共九十五页。Persuasion: Idea FormatProblemOpportunitySummaryIdeaPositiveResultsSummaryActionEvidence第三十九页,共九十五页。HOW PERSUASIVE ARE YOU?EXERCISE第四十页,共九十五页。Brand has lost its way recently, but we canturn it around quicklyRelaunch - new packagin
19、g, new flavours, new advertising*Regain distribution*Leapfrog competition*Preferred brand with consumers*Increase price and margin*_*_*_Lets do thisNext stepsWHO, WHAT, WHENPersuasion: Idea FormatProblemOpportunitySummaryIdeaPositiveResultsSummaryActionEvidence第四十一页,共九十五页。Five Kinds of EvidencePerso
20、nal experience Analogy Judgement of expert (Quotes)Example Statistics / Facts 第四十二页,共九十五页。Five Kinds of EvidencePersonal experienceTalk first person. Relive. Act out. Most interesting and unique evidence. Gives emotional dimension.AnalogyCompares dissimilar things using like or as. Allows you to exa
21、ggerate a point without offending the intelligence of your audience.Judgement of expert (Quotes)Which listeners will recognise as an authority . If they dont know, credentialise the expert before your quote.ExampleSpecific. Where key factors are similar (eg, overseas market).Statistics / FactsWhat w
22、e usually think of as evidence. Visualise statistics if you can.第四十三页,共九十五页。Slow Build to a Grand FinaleIntroT 第四十四页,共九十五页。BackgroundT Slow Build to a Grand Finale第四十五页,共九十五页。StrategyT Slow Build to a Grand Finale第四十六页,共九十五页。RationaleT Slow Build to a Grand Finale第四十七页,共九十五页。IdeaT Slow Build to a Gr
23、and Finale第四十八页,共九十五页。AnyQuestions?T Slow Build to a Grand Finale第四十九页,共九十五页。Here It Is and We Are ExcitedIntroT 第五十页,共九十五页。IdeaT Here It Is and We Are Excited第五十一页,共九十五页。How we got there?T Here It Is and We Are Excited第五十二页,共九十五页。Why its right?Here It Is and We Are ExcitedT 第五十三页,共九十五页。Any Question
24、s?Here It Is and We Are ExcitedT 第五十四页,共九十五页。The Tell em FormatTell em what youre going to tell themTell emTell em what youve told themEnsures three exposures to the main message第五十五页,共九十五页。Planning Cycle FormatWhere arewe now?What canwe reach?Are weGetting there?How do weget there?第五十六页,共九十五页。Match
25、ing Your Communication Style to Your Clients Preferred Thinking ModeVersion 1.0 5/96第五十七页,共九十五页。VisualsEye MovementsUp RightUp LeftUnfocussedWordsSeeEnvisionReflectShowViewWatchBrightPerceivePreviewPictureIllustrateSurveyClearHighlightPerspectiveLookFocus第五十八页,共九十五页。Eye MovementsSide RightSide LeftD
26、own LeftWordsSaySpeakAskTellExpressInquireToneMentionHearStaticAccentTalkRingResonateSoundRemarkAuditories第五十九页,共九十五页。Down RightWordsFeelImpressGrabHitTouchSufferHandleTackleRubPressureGraspKnowAffectIntuitKinestheticsEye Movements第六十页,共九十五页。One on OneMatch your style to the style of your client.Gro
27、upMake sure that you cover all styles in the group. If you dont some will feel excluded.How to Develop Trust第六十一页,共九十五页。Exercise: Paperclips Revisited第六十二页,共九十五页。Five Step ModelActAdoptPresentPreparePlan第六十三页,共九十五页。You can never bore someone into buying your idea第六十四页,共九十五页。Five Step ModelActAdoptPr
28、esentPreparePlan第六十五页,共九十五页。AcceptUnderstandListen第六十六页,共九十五页。People are More Likely to Listen to Someone who:They respect and trust.Is enthusiastic. Believes in the idea.Given them an idea they value.Speaks in a language they understand.Makes them feel comfortable.Dresses and behaves in a way that
29、is generally in keeping with their expectations.Presents in a lively way.Knows when to stop.第六十七页,共九十五页。Is clearly organisedShows the idea clearlyExplains and interprets itEmphasises key and difficult pointsBrings the points to lifeEncourages and responds to questionsListeners are more Likely to Lis
30、ten to a Presentation that:第六十八页,共九十五页。Active ListeningVersion 1.1 5/96第六十九页,共九十五页。Send reinforcementswere going to advanceSend three and four pence were going to a danceConfusion第七十页,共九十五页。Loss of detailSubstitutionFiltersMisinterpretationAdditionORIGINALLISTENING DISTORTIONRECEIVEDDistortion第七十一页,
31、共九十五页。Active ListeningTracking wordsDrifting in and outTHE KEY IS TO LISTENAPPROPRIATELYLevel of Listening第七十二页,共九十五页。Hearing with half an earGiving into day dreams and fantasiesExploring tangentsZappingEssentially passiveDrifting in & out第七十三页,共九十五页。Appearing to pay attention and listen intentlyHea
32、ring words but not making the effort to understand the speakers intentReally only slightly concentratingMaking a bit of an effortThe yes dear syndromeTracking words第七十四页,共九十五页。Paying attentionListening non judgementallyTrying to read the intentionUnderstanding the feelingsProcessing what is being sa
33、id- Noting- Checking back- Physical signals- Eye contactActive Listening第七十五页,共九十五页。AgencyAttentionLevelTime第七十六页,共九十五页。AgencyAttentionLevelTimeX第七十七页,共九十五页。AgencyAttentionLevelTimeXXBlue Dress第七十八页,共九十五页。AgencyAttentionLevelTimeXXXXXXThe Rehearsal CurveBlue Dress第七十九页,共九十五页。Paying attentionListenin
34、g non judgementallyTrying to read the intentionUnderstanding the feelingsProcessing what is being said- Noting- Checking back- Physical signals- Eye contactActive Listening第八十页,共九十五页。XXXXXXNNNNNDefeating the Rehearsal Curve第八十一页,共九十五页。The work youve just sold deserves the highest level of listening.
35、Listen actively and non-judgementally to your clients response. Force yourself to take notes of key points and then return quickly.Avoid surfing the rehearsal curve.Listening: Summary第八十二页,共九十五页。They judge that the presenter really cares about their businessThe idea seems right because of the suppor
36、t offeredMajor concerns have been satisfactorily addressedTheir input has been incorporated in some way into the ideaPeople Are More Likely to Accept Ideas when:第八十三页,共九十五页。Five Step ModelActAdoptPresentPreparePlan第八十四页,共九十五页。They are asked to act on itThe action required is not too much troubleThey
37、 have previous positive experience with the originator of the ideaIt meets their needs better than other optionsThe benefits to them outweigh the risksThey will be part of the implementation processPeople Are More Likely to Act on an Ideas when:第八十五页,共九十五页。What we bringWhat is expectedPreparing the way第八十六页,共九十五页。What we bringWhat is expectedFind ways toreframeexpectationsFind ways topresell the ideaPreparing the way第八十七页,共九十五页。QuestionsWhat we
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