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1、Macroeconomics, 6e (Blanchard/Johnson)Chapter 11:Saving, Capital Accumulation, and Output11.1Multiple Choice Questions1) An increasehe saving rate will affect which of the following variableshe long run?A) output per workercapital per workerthe level of investmentD)all of the aboveAnswer:D Diff: 22)

2、 A reduction run?he saving rate will NOT affect which of the following variableshe longoutput per workerthe growth rate of output per workerthe amount of capitalcapital per workernone of the above Answer:BDiff: 2he economy3) Which of the following will cause an increase in output per workerhe long r

3、un?an increasea reductionan increasehe saving ratehe depretion ratehe stock of human capitalD) all of the above Answer:DDiff: 24) Which of the following sements is always true?A) investment equals depretion.B) investment equals the capital stock minus depretion.C) the capital stock is equal to inves

4、tment minus depretion.D) any changehe capital stock is equal to investment minus depretion. tion.E) the increase in investment is equal to the capital stock minus depre Answer:DDiff: 1Which of the following is NOT a flow variable?investmentsavingthe money supplyoutputall of the above Answer:DDiff: 1

5、The capital-labor ratio will tend to decrease over time wheninvestment per worker equals saving per worker.B) investment per worker is lessn saving per worker.C) investment per worker exceeds depretion per worker.D) saving per worker equals depretion per worker.E) output per worker exceeds capital p

6、er worker. Answer:BDiff: 27)he absence of technological progress, which of the following remains constanthesteady se equilibrium?investment per workeroutput per workersaving per workerall of the aboveonly A and B Answer:D Diff: 28) Supe, due to the effects of a militarys ended,t a country experienal

7、arge reduction in its capital stock. Ame no other effects of this event on the economy. Whichof the following will tend to occur as the economy adjusts to this situation?a relatively low growth rate for some timea relative high growth rate for some timeC) zero growth for some time, followed by a gra

8、dually increasing growth rateD)itive growth, followed by negative growth, and then zero growthE) none of the above Answer:BDiff: 29) For this question amet technological progress does not occur. The rate of saving inCanada has generally been greatern the saving ratehe U.S. Given this information, we

9、knowthe long runA) Canadas growth rate will be greatern the U.S. growth rate.B) investment per worker in Canada will be no differentn U.S. investment per worker.capital per worker in Canada will be no differentall of the abovenone of the above Answer:EDiff: 2n U.S. capital per worker.When an economy

10、 is operating at the steady se, we knowsteady se saving equals consumption.tB) steady se saving is lessn total consumption.C) steady se saving is equal to depretion per worker.steady se saving exceeds depretion each year by a constant amount.none of the above Answer:CDiff: 2宏观经济学,6e(/)第11章:储蓄,资本积累和产


12、减去折旧。:D差异:15)以下哪项不是流量变量?A)投资B)储蓄C)货币供应量D)输出E)以上所有内容:D差异:16)资本 - 劳动力比率将随着时间的推移而趋于下降A)每个工人的投资等于每个工人的储蓄。B)每个工人的投资少于每个工人的储蓄。C)每个工人的投资超过每个工人的折旧。D)每个工人的储蓄等于每个工人的折旧。E)每个工人的产出超过每个工人的资本。:B差异:27)在没有技术进步的情况下,以下哪一项在稳态均衡中保持不变?A)每个工人的投资B)每个工人的产出C)每个工人的储蓄D)以上所有内容E)只有A和B.:D差异:28)假设由于已经结束的军事的影响,一个国家的资本存量大幅减少。假设此事件对经


14、态储蓄每年超过折旧额不变。E)以上都不是:C差异:211)he absence of technological progress, which of the following is true when the economy isoperating at the steady se?the growth of output per worker is zero.the growth of output per worker is equal to the saving rate.the growth of output per worker is equal to the rate of

15、investment.the growth of output per worker is equal to the rate of deprenone of the above Answer:ADiff: 2tion.12)he absence of technological progress, an increasehe saving rate will cause which ofthe following?increase temporarily the growth of output per workerincrease the steady se growth of outpu

16、t per workerdecrease temporarily the growth of output per workerdecrease the steady se growth of output per workerhave an ambiguous effect on the growth of output per worker Answer:ADiff: 213)he absence of technological progress, we know with certayt an increasehesaving rate will cause which of the

17、following?increase steady se consumptiondecrease steady se consumptionhave no effect on steady se consumptionD) increase steady se consumption only if the increase in saving exceeds the increase indepretionE) increase steady se consumption only if the increase in saving is lessn the increase indepre

18、tionAnswer:E Diff: 314)he absence of technological progress, we knowt the level of output per workerhesteady se willincrease over time.remain constant.decrease as a result of decreasing returns to scale.increase or decrease, depending on the rate of saving.increase or decrease, depending on the rate

19、 of depre Answer:BDiff: 1tion.15) As an economy adjusts to an increasehe saving rate, we would expect output per workerto increaseto increase atto decrease atonstant rate and continue increasing at rmanently higher rate.rmanently higher rate.t ratehe steady se.to return to its original level.none of

20、 the above Answer:EDiff: 216) Our mof long-run economic growth suggeststA) the U.S. growth slowdown since 1950 has been caused largely by low savinghe U.S.B) a higher rate of saving next two decades.he U.S. cannot do much to increase the U.S. growth rate over theC) savinghe U.S. has exceeded the gol

21、den-rule level.D) all of the aboveE) none of the above Answer:EDiff: 117) The So A) 1915B) 1935C) 1945D) 1955l Security systemhe United Ses wasroduced in which year?E) none of the above Answer:BDiff: 118) Supe there is an increasehe saving rate. This increasehe saving rate must cause anincrease in c

22、onsumption per capitahe long run whenA) capital per worker approaches the golden-rule level of capital per worker.B) the saving is used for education rathern physical capital.the rate of saving exceeds the rate of deprethere is no technological progress.tion.E) technological progress depends on huma

23、n capital. Answer:ADiff: 219) When steady se capital per worker is above the golden-rule level, we know with certayt an increasehe saving rate willincrease consumption in both the short run and the long run.decrease consumption in both the short run and the long run.decrease consumptionincrease cons

24、umptionnone of the above Answer:BDiff: 2he short run, and increase it he short run, and decrease ithe long run. he long run.20) Supe two countries are identical in every way with the following exception. Economy Ahas a higher saving raten economy B. Given this information, we know with certaytsteady

25、 ssteady ssteady ssteady se consumption in A is highern in B. n in B.e consumption in A is lowere consumption in A and in B are equal.e growth of output per worker is higher in An in B.E) none of the above Answer:EDiff: 211)在没有技术进步的情况下,当经济处于稳定状态时,下列哪一项是正确的?A)每个工人的产出增长为零。B)每个工人的产出增长等于储蓄率。C)每个工人的产出增长等




29、A中的稳态消耗高于B中的稳态消耗。B)A中的稳态消耗低于B中的稳态消耗。C)A和B中的稳态消耗是相等的。D)A中每个工人的产出稳态增长高于B。E)以上都不是:E差异:221) Supe two countries are identical in every way with the following exception. Economy Ahas a greaterty of human capitaln economy B. Given this information, we know withcertaytsteady ssteady ssteady ssteady se consu

30、mption in A is higher e consumption in A is lowern in B n in Be consumption in A and in B are equale growth of output per worker is higher in An in BAnswer:A Diff: 322) Supe two countries are identical in every way with the following exception. Economy Ahas a higher rate of depretion ()n economy B.

31、Given this information, we know withcertaytsteady ssteady ssteady ssteady se consumption in A is higher e consumption in A is lowern in B. n in B.e consumption in A and in B are equal.e growth of output per worker is higher in An in B.E) none of the above Answer:BDiff: 3The countries with the lowest

32、 output per capitaare rich with human capital, buve little physical capital.B) are rich with physical capital, buve little human capital.C) are poor in both human and physical capital.have low living standards in spite of relatively high levels of both human and physical capital.may or may not be po

33、or in human capital, depending on whether the exchange rate orpurchasing Answer:C Diff: 1arity method is used for comparison.Which of the following are reasons to human capital investment?education spending leaves out foregspending on education might overestimateages.part of total spending on educat

34、ion is really consumption.much human capital investment comes from on-the-job training.all of the abovenone of the above Answer:BDiff: 125) If endogenous growth ms are correct, a lower rate of growthhe long run could occuras a result of which of the following?a lower rate of savinga lower rate of de

35、pretionC) a redefinition of depretiona redefinition of the steady senone of the above Answer:ADiff: 226) Supe the following situation exists for an economy: Kt+1/N Kt/N. Given thisinformation, we knowtA) saving per worker equals depretion per worker in period t.B) saving per worker is lessn depretio

36、n per worker in period t.saving per worker is greatern deprethe saving rate fell in period t.none of the above Answer:CDiff: 2tion per worker in period t.27) Supe the following situation exists for an economy: Kt+1/N = Kt/N. Given thisinformation, we knowtA) saving per worker equals depretion per wo

37、rker in period t.B) saving per worker is lessn depretion per worker in period t.saving per worker is greatern deprethe saving rate fell in period t.tion per worker in period t.E) steady se consumption is equal to the golden rule level of steady se consumption. Answer:ADiff: 228) At the current stead

38、y se capital-labor ratio, amet the steady se level of per capitaconsumption, (C/N)*, is lessn the golden rule level of steady se per capita consumption.Given this information, we can be certahatA) an increasehe saving rate will cause an increasehe steady se level of per capitaconsumption (C/N)*).B)

39、a reductionhe capital-labor ratio will cause a reduction in (C/N)*.C) the capital labor ratio will tend to increase over time.D) the capital labor ratio will tend to decrease over time.E) a reduction Answer:E Diff: 2he saving rate will have an ambiguous effect on (C/N)*.29) Supe the following situat

40、ion exists for an economy: Kt+1/N Kt / N.鉴于此信息,知道这一点A)每个工人的储蓄等于t期内每个工人的折旧。B)每个工人的储蓄少于t期内每个工人的折旧。C)每个工人的储蓄大于t期的每个工人的折旧。D)储蓄率在t期内下降。E)以上都不是:C差异:227)假设经济存在以下情况:Kt + 1 / N = Kt / N.鉴于此信息,知道这一点A)每个工人的储蓄等于t期内每个工人的折旧。B)每个工人的储蓄少于t期内每个工人的折旧。C)每个工人的储蓄大于t期的每个工人的折旧。D)储蓄率在t期内下降。E)稳态消费等于稳态消费的黄金级别。:A差异:228)在目前的稳态资

41、本 - 劳动力比率下,假设人均消费的稳态水平(C / N)*小于稳态人均消费的黄金法则水平。鉴于此信息,可以肯定A)储蓄率的提高将导致人均消费稳态水平的提高(C / N)*)。B)资本 - 劳动力比率的降低将导致(C / N)*的减少。C)资本劳动力比率将随着时间的推移而增加。D)资本劳动力比率将随着时间的推移而趋于下降。E)储蓄率的降低将对(C / N)*产生模糊影响。:E差异:229)假设经济存在以下情况:Kt + 1 / N Kt / N.鉴于此信息,知道这一点A)每个工人的储蓄等于t期内每个工人的折旧。B)随着经济适应这种情况,每个工人的消费将趋于下降。C)每个工人的储蓄大于t期的每个

42、工人的折旧。D)率在t期增加。E)以上都不是:E差异:230)资本的黄金法则水平是指A)最大化每个工人产出的资本水平。B)最大化生活水平的资本水平。C)在稳定状态下最大化每个工人消费的资本水平。D)以上所有内容E)以上都不是:E差异:131) Supe the following situation exists for an economy: Kt+1/N = Kt/N. Given thisinformation, we know with certaytA) the economy is operating at the golden rule equilibrium in period

43、 t.B) saving per worker is lessn depretion per worker in period t.C) saving per worker is greatern depretion per worker in period t.D) investment per worker equals depretion per worker in period t.Answer: Diff: 2D32) Supe the saving rate is initially lessn the golden rule saving rate. We know withce

44、rtayt a reductionhe saving rate will causeA) a reductionhe capital labor ratio.B) a reduction in output per worker.a reduction in consumption per worker.all of the abovenone of the aboveAnswer: Diff: 2D33) Supe the saving rate is initially greatern the golden rule saving rate. We know withcertayt a

45、reductionhe saving rate will causeA) a reductionhe rate of growthhe long run.B) a reduction in output per worker.a reduction in consumption per worker.all of the abovenone of the aboveAnswer: Diff: 2B34) Supe the saving rate is initially greatern the golden rule saving rate. We know withcertayt an i

46、ncreasehe saving rate will causeA) an increasehe rate of growthhe long run.B) a reduction in output per worker.a reduction in consumption per worker.all of the aboveE) none of the above Answer:CDiff: 235) Which of the following represents the changehe capital stock?A) consumption minus depretionB) o

47、utput minus depretionC) investment minus savingD) investment minus depretion Answer:DDiff: 136) When the economy ishe steady se, we know with certaytA) investment per worker is equal to depretion per worker.consumption per worker isoutput per worker isized.ized.the growth rate isall of the above Ans

48、wer:ADiff: 1ized.Which of the following represents the effects in period t of an increase period t?no change in K/Nno change in Y/Na reduction in C/Nall of the above Answer:DDiff: 1he saving rate inIf the saving rate is 1 (i.e., s = 1), we knowK/N will be at its highest level.Y/N will be at its high

49、est level.C/N = 0.all of the above Answer:DDiff: 2t39) Sup causee an economy experiena 5% increase in human capital. We knowt this willA) Y/N to increase by moren 5%.B) Y/N to increase by exactly 5%.Y/N to increase by lessno change in Y/N.n 5%.E) a reduction in output per worker. Answer:CDiff: 240)

50、Supe an economy experience a 4% increase in each of the following variables: N, K, andH (human capital). Given this information, we know with certaytA) Y will increase by moren 4%.B) Y will increase by exactly 4%.Y will increase by lessY will increase by lessnone of the above Answer:DDiff: 2n 4%.n 1

51、2% but by moren 4%.31)假设经济存在以下情况:Kt + 1 / N = Kt / N.鉴于此信息,肯定知道A)经济在时期t内处于黄金规则均衡。B)每个工人的储蓄少于t期内每个工人的折旧。C)每个工人的储蓄大于t期的每个工人的折旧。D)每个工人的投资等于t期内每个工人的折旧。:D差异:232)假设储蓄率最初低于黄金法则储蓄率。肯定知道储蓄率会降低A)资本劳动力比率下降。B)每个工人的产出减少。C)减少每个工人的消费。D)以上所有内容E)以上都不是:D差异:233)假设储蓄率最初大于黄金法则储蓄率。肯定知道储蓄率会降低A)从长远来看,增长率会下降。B)每个工人的产出减少。C)减

52、少每个工人的消费。D)以上所有内容E)以上都不是:B差异:234)假设储蓄率最初大于黄金法则储蓄率。肯定地知道储蓄率会增加A)长期增长率增加。B)每个工人的产出减少。C)减少每个工人的消费。D)以上所有内容E)以上都不是:C差异:235)以下哪项代表资本存量的变化?A)消费减去折旧B)产出减去折旧C)投资减去储蓄D)投资减去折旧:D差异:136)当经济处于稳定状态时,肯定地知道A)每个工人的投资等于每个工人的折旧。B)每个工人的消费最大化。C)每个工人的产出最大化。D)增长率最大化。E)以上所有内容:A差异:137)以下哪一项表示期间t中储蓄率增加的期间t的影响?A)K / N没有变化B)Y

53、/ N没有变化C)C / N的降低D)以上所有内容:D差异:138)如果保存率为1(即s = 1),就知道了A)K / N将达到最高水平。B)Y / N将处于最高水平。C)C / N = 0。D)以上所有内容:D差异:239)假设一个经济体的人力资本增长了5。知道这会导致A)Y / N增加5以上。B)Y / N恰好增加5。C)Y / N增加不到5。D)Y / N没有变化。E)每个工人的产出减少。:C差异:240)假设经济体在以下每个变量中经历了4的增长:N,K和H(人力资本)。鉴于此信息,肯定知道A)Y将增加4以上。B)Y将增加4。C)Y将增加不到4。D)Y将增加不到12但增加4以上。E)以上

54、都不是:D差异:241) Supe there are two countriest are identical in every way with the following exception: n country B. Given this information, we know withCou ntry A has a higher saving ratecertaytthe growth rate will be higher in Athe growth rate will be the samen in B.he two countries.the level of consu

55、mption per worker will be higher in A.the level of consumption per worker will be higher in B. Answer:BDiff: 242) Supe there are two countriest are identical in every way with the following exception:Country A has a higher stock of human capitaln country B. Given this information, we knowwith certay

56、tthe growth rate will be higher in An in B.the growth rate will be the samehe two countries.output per worker will be the samehe two countries.K/N will be higher in B. Answer:BDiff: 243) Supe there are two countriest are identical in every way with the following exception:Country A has a lower depre

57、tion rate ()n country B. Given this information, we knowwith certaytthe growth rate will be the samethe growth rate will be higher in AK/N will be higher in B.Y/N will be higher in B. Answer:ADiff: 2he two countries. n in B.Supe the economy is initially will causea reduction in K/N.a reduction in Y/

58、N.a reduction in C/N.all of the abovenone of the above Answer:DDiff: 2he steady se. An increasehe depretion rate ()Supe the economy is initially will causean increase in K/N.he steady se. A reductionhe depretion rate ()B) an increasehe growth ratehe long run.a reduction in C/N.all of the above Answe

59、r:ADiff: 2Which of the following will likely cause an increase in output per worker?an increase in education expendituresB) an increasehe saving ratean increase in on-the-job trainingall of the above Answer:DDiff: 247) Based on our understanding of the mpresented in chapter 11, which of the followin

60、gwill causermanent increase in growth?A) an increase in education spendingB) an increasehe saving ratean increase in capital accumulationall of the abovenone of the above Answer:EDiff: 248) An increase run?he saving rate will NOT affect which of the following variableshe longoutput per workerthe gro


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