



1、2021-2022学年上海大学市北附属中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just _.Aby nature Bin return Cin case Dby chance参考答案:2. After a whole afternoons heated discussion, they finally _ to us what had been decided. A. told B. declared C. stated D. made 参考答案:B略3.

2、From the_ look on his face, we know that the price of meat_Adisappointed; has been raised Bdisappointed; has been gone upCdisappointing; has gone up Ddisappointing; has risen参考答案:A略4. There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and borrow_? No, Id rather buy _ in the bookstore. A.i

3、t; one B.one; one C.one; it D.it; it参考答案:A略5. You cant see well through a telescope unless it is _ correctly to your sight.A. adjusted B. accustomed C. adopted D. admitted参考答案:A6. _ the global economy is showing signs of recovery, many developing countries are still suffering. A. As B. Where C. How

4、D. While参考答案:D7. Edward, you play so well. But I you played the piano.A. didnt know B. hadnt knownC. dont know D. havent known参考答案:A8. _ succeed in doing anything.A. Only by working hard we can B. By only working hard we canC. Only we can by working hard D. Only by working hard can we参考答案:D9. 29As i

5、s known to all, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _ AParis is the largest BParis the largest CParis to be the largest DParis be the largest参考答案:B略10. Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A. when taking B. when taken C. when to

6、 take D. when to be taken参考答案:B11. Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time.A.of whichB.with whichC.about whichD.into which 参考答案:C提示:先行词是Gun control,指物,关系词在从句中作介词的宾语,介词前置,介词与从句动词构成搭配argue about sth.,故选C项。12. Among the children _by the rich couple_ a clever boy called Tom.A. ado

7、pted; were B. adapted; were C. adopted; was D. adapted; was参考答案:C试题分析:句意:在被这对富有的夫妇收养的孩子们中有一个叫Tom的聪明男孩。adopt“收养”, adapt“适应”,根据句意用adopt. 主语是a clever boy是单数,动词用单数was. 故选C.【名师点睛】英语单选题解题技巧1、找准关键词语有时题干中带有对解题起着关键作用的词语,如果能迅速找准这些词语,再结合各选项的意义和特点,就能很快选出正确答案。2、分析句子结构有些试题的考点本来十分简单,但命题者却通过使用定语从句,或者将我们熟悉的固定词组有意拆分,

8、重新组合,使我们在结构上产生错觉,出现迷惑。这时,我们只要保持清醒的头脑,仔细分析句子的结构就会拨开迷雾。3、适当转换句式有时将题干的句式转换成自己更熟悉的句式,就很容易选出正确答案。比如将疑问句、强调句、感叹句或倒装句改为陈述句,将被动句改为主动句,无序句调整为正常句。口语中常常会使用一些省略句,做题时若将被省略的成分补充完整,答案就会一目了然。4、利用对称结构在做题过程中要善于利用and, but等并列连词。若前面是个句子,后面也必定是个句子,反之亦然;若连接的是几个动词,这几个动词也必定是同一时态或同一形式。5、注意标点符号标点有时对我们做题有提示作用,不同的标点可能导致不同的答案,做题

9、时一定要小心。6、熟记固定搭配在平时的学习中注意积累一些常见的固定句式、动词与副词的搭配、名词与形容词的搭配等等,对做题十分有利。7、排除思维定式有些试题的题干,看上去好像就是固定搭配,我们完成后自以为十分有把握,结果却做错了。所以当我们越是遇到十分熟悉的所谓固定搭配时,越要从句子结构上或者句子意义上仔细分析,以免步入命题人设计的陷阱。13. The problem the chairman referred to _ at the meeting.A. be discussed B. being discussedC. should be discussed D. have been dis

10、cussed参考答案:C“the chairman referred to”是一个定语从句,省略了引导词which/that,所以所填的词应该作句子的谓语。句意:主席提到的那个问题应该在会上被讨论。若选D项,应改为“has been discussed”。14. Where did you come across my lost pen? - It was in the drawer _ your old books are usually stored. A. thatB. whereC. thereD. which参考答案:B44.It was one in the morning _ t

11、he fire broke out. Athat Bhow Cwhich Dwhen参考答案:D略16. It was with great joy_ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. because B. which C. since D. that参考答案:D17. The astronauts found that _ the spaceship went further and further into space, it became more and more difficult to con

12、trol its own movements.A. if B. till C. as D. while参考答案:C18. Accustomed to _ the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top.Aclimbing BclimbChaving climbed Dhave climbed参考答案:Abe accustomed to(doing)sth.be used to(doing)sth.习惯(做)某事。二、 单词拼写81. E_ yourself to the sunlight for too long will b

13、e harmful to your skin.82. Listening is an active rather than a passive behavior c_ of hearing, understanding and remembering.83. I cant c_ on my studies with that noise going on.84. To my d_, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. I was so happy that I couldnt wait

14、 to telephone my family.85. A_ some medicine to the wound and you will feel better soon. 86. We bought this house for c_; its near the school.87. Although we are faced with a lot of difficulty, we should still remain o_ and hope for a bright future.88. She didnt a_ of her daughter going out at night

15、 with a stranger.参考答案:81. Exposing 82. consisting 83. concentrate 84. delight 85. Apply 86. convenience 87. optimistic 88. approve 三、 阅读理解20. It was 1:30 a.m. Monday at Londons Savoy Hotel and, with autograph books and cameras, a group of brighteyed tennis fans of all ages were waiting for just a gl

16、impse of Maria Sharapova(莎拉波娃). The 17-year-old girl defeated champion Serena Williams(威廉姆斯) 6-1 6-4 in the Wimbledon(温网)final on Saturday in London to become the first Russian to win a single title at the championships. A silver lining to a depressing, rain-hit Wimbledon, she has raised heated pass

17、ion. Nobody was complaining, though, for the 1.83-metre Sharapova has created a welcome wave of interest in tennis, something missing in recent years. Not even Anna Kournikova(库尔尼科娃)evoked(唤起) such passion when she broke on to the scene. To look good on court is one thing, but Sharapova can actually

18、 play the game too. Extremely well. She proved it over 13 days at the worlds most prestigious tournament. Playing tennis of the highest quality throughout, the Russians triumph not only lifted the tournament from fits of rain-induced depression but also salvaged(拯救;挽回) the season for the womans tour

19、. Sharapova was given no easy ride in the tournament, having to beat 1999 champion Lindsay Davenport(达文波特)in the semifinals and twice-champion Serena Williams for the title. Neither caused her much concern. “I dont remember too much about the final,” Sharapova giggled. “I was in my own place.” She w

20、ill find it increasingly hard to find any place to call her own from now on after advertisers identified her as the most marketable woman in sport. In Russia she is sensational news. She headlined the news bulletins and was telephoned by former Russian President Boris Yeltsin after her triumph. Shar

21、apova will return to her adoptive Florida home knowing life will never be the same again. But the girl who arrived in the US aged seven with her father and just US$700 is determined not to let fame and riches detract from her number one love, tennis. “I know things will start coming up and that many

22、 more things will want to get involved, but I want to keep my head cool and play tennis,” she said. 61. Why is Savoy Hotel mentioned in the passage?A. Because the good-looking Kournikova would break on to the scene.B. Because the fans wanted to take a picture of Sharapova.C. Because Sharapova was expected to appear there.D. Because it gave the fanatics shelter from the rain.62. Who has won the most times in Wimbledon?A. Sharapova. B. Kournikova. C. Serena


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