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1、PAGE 1 高考英语3500词40篇文章40篇短文搞定高考35001. Fall in Love with English爱上英语Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents na

2、gging (唠叨的) about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldnt get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60. His partner was conce

3、rned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped (交换) a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highwa

4、y to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friends words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电, 他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。

5、结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。这个少年非常感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。重点词汇解析:1. loose lu:s adj.松动的 The screw has become loose. 螺丝松了。2. dusty dsti adj. 落满尘埃的 Everythings really dusty. 所有东西都布满灰尘。3. curtain k

6、:t()n n. 窗帘 Shall I draw the curtains? 我把窗帘拉上好不好?4. teenager ti:ned n.青少年 As a teenager, she started writing poetry. 从青少年时期,她就开始写诗。5. pack up 打包 He has packed up the papers. 他已经把文件包装好了。6. overcoat vkt n.外套 She took off her overcoat and hanged it on the hook. 她脱下外套,把它挂在了挂钩上。7. suitcasesju:keis n.手提箱

7、8. at dusk 傍晚;黄昏时候 We arrived home at dusk. 我们于黄昏时分到家了。9. thunder nd n.雷 We were woken by thunder in the evening. 晚上我们被雷声惊醒。10. lightning laitni n. 闪电 Two farmers were hit by lightning. 两个农民遭闪电击中。11. outdoorsatd:z 户外 He likes to work outdoors. 他喜欢在户外工作。12. have got to不得不 It is no use doing what you

8、like; you have got to like what you do. 做你喜欢的事是没用的,你必须喜欢你所做的事。13. be tired of 厌烦 Tom may be tired of watching TV now, for he seldom talks about the TV programs. 汤姆可能厌倦看电视了,因为他很少谈论电视节目。14. go through 经历,忍受 You didnt know what I have gone through.你不知道我遭受了什么苦难。15. get along with: 有进展;和.相处 How do you ge

9、t along with others? 你和别人相处得怎样? 16. dislike dislaik v.不喜欢 I dislike jogging early in the morning. 我不喜欢早晨慢跑。17. join in 参加 Everybody likes to join in this activity. 每个人都愿意参加这一活动。18. ignore ign: v. 忽视 Nobody could ignore these problems. 没有谁会忽视这些问题。19. on purpose 故意地 Maybe he does this on purpose? 也许他是

10、故意这么做的? 20. add up to 合计达 The figures add up to 450. 这些数字加起来的总数是 450。21. partner pa:tn n.伙伴;伴侣 Clare is my tennis partner. 克莱尔是我的网球搭档。22. be concerned about 关心 He was concerned about the results of his actions.他关心他行动的效果。23. exactly gz ktli adv. 恰好;正是;精确地 Its exactly the kind of work Ive been looking

11、 for.这正是我一直在找的那种工作。24. suffer from 受病;遭受折磨 How long have you been suffering from a headache? 你头痛有多久了? 25. entirely ntali adv. 完全地 I agree entirely. 我完全赞同。26. disagree with不同意 I strongly disagree with his views. 我强烈反对他的见解。27. in order to为了 They get up early in order to catch the first bus.他们早起为了赶上第一班

12、公交车。28. calm down 平静下来;冷静下来 Calm down, theres nothing to worry about. 安静下来吧,没有什么值得焦虑的。29. settle setl v.解决 They might be willing to settle out of court. 他们或许会愿意庭外和解。30. face to face面对面 We talked face to face. 我们面对面地交谈。31. swap swp v. 交换 He swapped his radio for a ticket of a football match. 他用他的收音机换

13、了一张足球门票。32. a series of 一系列的 He did a series of experiments. 他做了一系列的实验。33. tip tip n. 末端;小费;建议 Did you leave a tip? 你留小费了吗? 34. item atm n. 条款;项目 The other item on the agenda (议程) is the tour. 另一项议程是旅行。35. set down写下;记下 The police set down my car number. 警察记下了我的汽车号码。36. highway hawe n. 公路;捷径 I cross

14、ed the highway, dodging (闪躲) the traffic. 我闪身避让着来往的车辆,穿过了公路。37. grateful gretf l adj. 感谢的 She was grateful to him for being so good to her.她很感激他对她这么好。38. power pau n.力量; 权利 The kings power was limited. 国王的权力有限。39. recover from 恢复 It will be a long time before he recovers from his present troubles. 要

15、使他从目前的困境中恢复过来需很长时间。40. upset pset adj. 沮丧的 Marta looked upset. 玛尔塔看起来很沮丧。41. fall in love with 爱上 Never stop smiling, for some man fall in love with your smile. 永远都不要停止微笑,因为说不定有人会因为你的微笑而爱上你。2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes不同的国家有不同的英语Voyages of people from England play an impo

16、rtant part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by n

17、ative English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently co

18、mmands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British. 英国

19、人的航海在英语的传播中扮演了重要的角色。目前, 英语在许多国家被作为官方语言或通用语言频繁地使用,例如美国、新加波、马来西亚和一些非洲的国家。这些国家的英语都以英式英语为基础,能很好地为以英语为本族语的人所理解。但是实际上,这些英语在口音、拼写、表达和词汇的使用方面都在逐渐变化。因为这一情况的存在,你就可以利用这些英语之间的区别说出你们街区的外国人是哪个国家来的了。例如,如果有个老板流利地命令他的司机:“Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs(直接搭电梯到我公寓上

20、来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,而不是要求说,“Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis(请直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,你就可以轻易地辨认出他的美国人身份,而后者却暗示着那是一位英国人。重点词汇解析1. voyage vd n. 航行;航海 The voyage from England to India used to take six months. 过去从英格兰到印度要航行六个月。2. play a part in起作用;演角色 The Internet pla

21、ys an important part in our daily life. 互联网在我们日常生活中起到重要作用。3. at present目前 We cannot explain this at present. 目前我们对此无法解释。4. frequently fri:kwntli adv.频繁地 Please write to me frequently. 请经常给我来信。5. official f l adj.官方的 An official announcement is expected in the next few days. 一份官方声明预计会在接下来的几天内发表。6. su

22、ch as 诸如;比如 I like drinks such as tea and soda. 我喜欢诸如茶和汽水之类的饮料。7. Singapore sgp: 新加坡 8. Malaysia /mlei/ 马来西亚 9. African frk()n 非洲人;非洲的 Fish is a staple (主食) in the diet of many Africans. 鱼是很多非洲人饮食中的主食。10. base on 以为基础 This song is based on an old folk tune. 这支歌是根据一首古老的民歌曲调创作的。11. native netv adj. 本国

23、的;n. 本地人 Singapore has many native species of palm. 新加坡有很多土生的棕榈树种。12. actually ktuli adv. 实际上 However, this can actually be a good thing. 然而,这实际上可以是一件好事。13. accent ks()nt n.口音 He has a strong American accent. 他有很重的美国口音。14. spelling spel n. 拼写 His spelling is very bad. 他的拼写能力很差。15. expression kspre n

24、 n. 表达, 表情 She smiled, but my expression made her look away. 她笑了笑,但我的表情让她又把目光移开了。16. usage ju:sd n. 使用 This is a book on modern English usage. 这是一本关于现代英语用法的书。17. vocabulary vkbjlr n.词汇;词汇量 She has a very wide vocabulary. 她的词汇量很大。18. because of 因为+名词、名短 The sports meeting was put off because of the h

25、eavy snow. 因为大雪运动会被推迟了。19. make use of 利用 Staff can make use of a wide range of facilities.员工可使用各种各样的设施。20. block blk n. 街区 The church is down the block.教堂就在这个街区那头。21. fluently flu:ntl adv. 流利地 She can speak English fluently. 她能流利地说英语。22. command kma:nd n.&v.命令 He commanded the soldiers to shut the

26、gate. 他命令士兵们把大门关上。23. come up straight 直接上来 He told me to come up straight. 他叫我直接上来。24. apartment pa:tmnt n.公寓 Christina has her own apartment. 克里斯蒂娜有她自己的公寓。25. elevator elvet n.电梯 We took the elevator to the fourteenth floor. 我们乘电梯到了第 14 层。26. gas gs n. 汽油 Coal is actually cheaper than gas. 煤炭实际上比煤

27、气便宜。27. cab kb n.出租车 Could I use your phone to call a cab? 我能用你的电话叫一辆出租车吗? 28. request rkwest n.&v.要求 Do you have any special requests? 你有没有特别的要求? 29. flat flt adj. n.平的;公寓 Its cheaper for you to hire a flat when you stay in Europe. 你在欧洲停留期间,租一套公寓住可省一些钱。30. lift lift n.电梯 v. 抬起 Three workers lifted

28、the heavy box from the truck. 三个工人把沉重的箱子从卡车上搬了下来。31. petrol petrl n. 汽油 The petrol in the tank is leaking out. 油箱里的汽油正往外漏。32. lorry lri n.卡车 The goods will be carried by lorry to Dalian. 货物将用卡车运往大连。33. recognize rekgnaz v.认出;辨认 You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you. 你的变化太大了,我简直认不出

29、来了。34. identity adentt n.身份 He wanted to know the identity of his real father. 他想知道自己亲生父亲的身份。 35. latter lt adj.后者 This article focuses on the latter. 这篇文章的重点在后者。 36. suggest sdest v. 建议;暗示 She suggested that she did not want me to tell the truth. 她暗示我不要说出实情。3. A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行My sister was fond o

30、f traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do so

31、mething, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude. Ou

32、r pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, where the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great views. One night, I put my head on my pillow-a parcel of wool coats, and lay beneath the s

33、tars. When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful! 我的妹妹很喜欢旅行。自从毕业以来,她就下定决心要组织一次往一座古庙的旅行。因为交通费用昂贵,她决定骑自行车去,毫不担心其中的不利情况。顽固的态度一直都是她的缺点,一旦她下定决心要做的事,就没有人能说服她改变主意。最后,我们像往常一样让步,尽管我们更喜欢乘火车去。我们准备好了所有东西,包括时间表、可靠的天气预报,还有保险,就开始了旅程。我们的旅程沿着一条从高海拔处流下来的河流前行。但我们的步伐很慢,因为当流经深

34、深的峡谷时,这条河流急转弯很多,急湍的河水都似乎沸腾起来。正如我在旅行日志里记录的那样,这真是一次艰苦的旅行。但是我们也欣赏到了美丽的景色。一天晚上,我把头枕在一包羊毛衣服做的枕头上,躺在星空下,当岩洞前的火焰在午夜熄灭时,我发现夜空是如此的美丽!重点词汇解析1. be fond of 喜爱 Im not overly fond of cooking. 我不怎么喜欢烹饪。2. ever since 自此;从此 I have distrusted her ever since she cheated me.自从她骗我以后,我就不信任她了。3. graduate grdet v.毕业 He nee

35、ds three more credits to graduate. 他需要再修 3 个学分才能毕业。4. determine dt:mn v. 决定 He determined that he would travel to New York this summer holiday. 他决定今年暑假将旅行到纽约。5. organize :gnaz v.组织 They will organize a Bridge Club. 他们将组建一个桥牌俱乐部。6. temple templ n.寺庙 Would you like to go to the temple fair with me? 想跟

36、我一起去逛庙会吗? 7. transport trnsp:t v. 运输 n.交通 The statue was transported to London. 雕像被运到了伦敦。8. fare fe n.票;费用 He could barely afford the fare. 他几乎付不起车费。9. cycle sak()l v.骑自行车; 循环 n. 自行车;周期 This machine cycles automatically. 这台机器自动循环运动。10. care about关心;担心 She always cares about losing her job. 她总是担心丢掉她的

37、工作。11. disadvantage dsdv:ntd n. 缺点 However, there is a disadvantage to this approach. 但是,这种方法有一个缺点。12. stubborn stbn adj.顽固的 Paul can be as stubborn as a mule. 保尔有时倔得像头驴。13. attitude ttju:d n.态度 All we can change is our attitude toward them. 我们所能改变的是我们对其的态度。14. shortcoming :tkm n. 缺点;短处 He is too pr

38、oud to see his own shortcoming. 他太傲慢了,看不到自己的缺点。15. make up ones mind下定决心 I wish hed hurry up and make his mind up. 我希望他能快点拿定主意。16. finally fanl adv.最后 I finally beat her in that match. 我在那场比赛中最后打败了她。17. give in 屈服;让步;上交 No matter how they slander (诽谤) us, we will never give in. 不管他们怎样诽谤我们,我们决不让步。18.

39、 as usual 像往常一样 I find him in the garden, dreaming away as usual. 我发现他又像往常一样,在花园里失了神。19. prefer prf: v. 更喜欢;宁愿 I prefer milk to coffee.比起咖啡,我更喜欢牛奶。20. schedule edju:l n.日程表,计划表 He has been forced to adjust his schedule. 他已被迫调整了日程安排。21. reliable rlabl adj.可靠的 She was efficient and reliable. 她既能干又可靠。2

40、2. forecast f:ka:st n.&v.预报 Thats what the TV weather forecast says. 电视上的天气预报是这样说的。100. insurance n rns n. 保险 My brother works in insurance. 我的兄弟从事保险业。23. journey d:n n.旅行 The journey took us over three hours. 我们路上花了三个多小时。24. flow fl v. 流动 Water flows to the lowest level. 水往低处流。25. altitude lttju:d

41、n.海拔 Were flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet. 我们的飞行高度为四万英尺。26. pace peis n. 步伐 The pace of life in the countryside is slower. 乡间的生活节奏更慢。27. bend bend v.&n.弯曲;转弯 She bent and picked up a plastic bucket. 她弯腰拎起一个塑料桶。28. valley vl n. 山谷 The hunters camped themselves in the valley. 猎人们在山谷中扎营。29. boil b

42、l v. 煮沸 When the water boils, add the meat and the cabbage. 水开时加入肉和洋白菜。30. journal d:n()l n. 日志;期刊 All our results are published in scientific journals.我们所有的结果都发表在科学刊物上。31. view vju: n. 观点;景色 The view from our window was beautiful green countryside. 从我们窗口可以看到一片绿色乡村的美景。32. pillow pl n. 枕头 He falls as

43、leep as soon as his head hits the pillow.他头一沾枕头就着。33. A parcel of 一包的 They also sent a parcel of food. 他们还寄送了一包食物。34. wool wl n. 羊毛 He bought me a wool overcoat. 他给我买一件毛料大衣。35. beneath bni: prep.&adv.在下方 He sheltered beneath his umbrella. 他打伞挡雨。36. flame flem n.火焰 The heat from the flames was so int

44、ense (强烈的) that roads melted. 火焰的热度如此高以至于路面融化了。37. cave kev n. 洞穴 I live with my family in this cave. 我们一家住在这个洞穴里。38. at midnight在午夜 They went home at midnight. 他们在半夜回的家。4. A Horrible Earthquake可怕的地震Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake. But no one judged that an earthquake was

45、coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed. Railway tracks became useless bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.The next day, this event was the headl

46、ine or main title of all newspapers. With the reporters giving an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked by the damage and the victims extreme suffering. People were moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying “Congratulations! You survived!”. So they not on

47、ly expressed their sympathy sincerely, but also organized together to help the victims right away. The injured were rescued and the dead were buried. The frightened survivors were dug out from under the ruins and were offered shelter, fresh water and electricity. Thanks to peoples help, the loss was

48、 minimized.地震前,水井和运河里的污水都涨涌起来。但是却没人判断出地震即将来临。霎那间,一切都在摇晃,似乎整个世界就要结束。数以百万的砖房和许多水坝遭到破坏;铁路轨道都变成无用的铁条;煤矿管道纷纷爆裂,发出有臭味的蒸汽;到处都有骑车的人被巨大的裂缝陷住。第二天,所有报纸都纷纷以大字标题或主要标题报道了这一事件。记者们描述了灾难的大概情况,全国都被地震的破坏和灾民们极度的苦难所震惊。当人们读到幸存者以“恭喜啊,你还活着。”来互相安慰时,都被感动了。人们不仅衷心地表达了他们的同情,而且还立刻组织起来帮助灾民。伤员被救助了,死者被埋葬了,吓坏的幸存者被从废墟中挖出来了,栖身处、净水和电力也

49、很快得到提供。多亏了人们的帮助,灾区的损失被减到了最小。重点词汇解析1. dirty d:ti adj.下流的,肮脏的; She looked at me as if I had said a dirty word. 她看我的样子,就像我说了句脏话似的。2. well wel 好地;井She lowered her bucket into the well. 她把水桶放到井里。3. canal knl n.运河 The canal is blocked. 该运河阻塞不通。 4. earthquake : kwek n.地震 The bridge broke down in last earth

50、quake. 那座桥在上次地震中坍塌了。5. judge dd n.法官 v. 评判 Dont judge a person by appearances. 不要以貌取人。6. as if 好像;似乎 Youll feel as if you were at home while here. 到这儿就好像到了自己家一样。7. at an end 结束 With this insult, my patience was at an end. 受了这个侮辱,我的忍耐到头了。8. millions of 数百万的 How do you change lives of millions of peop

51、le? 你如何才能改变数百万人的生活呢? 9. brick brik n.砖头 My house is made of brick. 我的房子由砖块构成。10. a number of 许多+C He has written a number of books for children. 他写了许多儿童读物。11. dam dm n.水坝 The dam protected the city from the flood. 这座大坝保护了该城免受洪水的袭击。12. destroy dstr v.破坏 Fire destroyed several houses in the area. 大火烧毁

52、了该地区的几栋房子。13. track trk n. 轨道;足迹 A cow stood on the tracks.一头奶牛站在铁轨上。14. useless ju:sls adj.无用的 She knew it was useless to protest. 她知道抗议是没用的。15. bar ba: n.酒吧;条、棒 What is your favourite chocolate bar? 你最喜爱的巧克力棒是什么? 16. pipe paip n.管;烟斗 Do you smoke a pipe? 你抽烟斗吗? 17. mine main pron.我的 n.矿;地雷 The shi

53、p struck a mine and sank. 船撞上水雷沉没了。18. burst b:st v. 爆裂;爆发 The bitter cold caused the water pipes to burst. 严寒使水管爆裂了。19. smelly smeli adj.发臭的 You probably know that smelly foods and smoking can sabotage your breath. 你可能已经知道,吃有味儿的食物或抽烟会导致口臭。20. steam sti:m n.蒸汽; v. 蒸 Steam the carrots until they are

54、just beginning to be tender. 把胡萝卜蒸到刚好变软。21. crack krk n.裂缝; v.破裂 Dont pour hot water into the glass or it will crack. 不要把热水倒入玻璃杯里,否则杯子会破裂。22. trap trp n.陷阱; v.诱捕 His dog got caught in a trap. 他的狗被捕捉器夹住了。23. cyclist saklst n.骑自行车者 The reason I got into cycling was that my dad was a keen cyclist. 我加入自

55、行车运动的原因是因为我父亲热衷自行车运动。24. event vent n. 事件 Getting married is a major event in anyones life. 结婚对谁来说都是人生的一桩大事。25. headline hedlan n.头条 Every ad had a headline, and so did every paragraph. 每个广告都有标题,每一段都有标题。26. title taitl n. 标题;头衔 I like the title. 我喜欢这个头衔。27. reporter rp:t 记者 n. I hope to be a TV repo

56、rter one day. 我希望有一天成为电视记者。28. outline atlan n. 轮廓;大纲 Following is an outline of the survey findings.以下是调查结果的概要。29. disaster dza:st n. 灾难 The drought could spell (导致) disaster for wildlife. 干旱可能会对野生生物造成灾难。30. nation ne n n. 国家;民族 It was a story that touched the nations heart. 这是一个感动了全民族的故事。31. shock

57、 k v.&n. 震惊 It was a real shock to hear that the factory would have to close. 听说工厂将被迫关闭,真是很震惊。32. damage dmd v.&n.损害;毁坏 The scandal could damage his career. 这起丑闻可能有损他的事业。33. extreme kstri:m adj.极端的; n. 极端 Some people are living in extreme poverty. 有一些人正活在极度贫穷中。34. suffer sf v. 遭受 He suffered terribl

58、y the last few days. 他过去的几天痛苦不堪。35. survivor svav n. 幸存者 Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash. 官员们说这次飞机失事中没有幸存者。36. congratulation kngrtjle ()n n. 祝贺Congratulations on your promotion! 对你的升职表示祝贺! 37. sincerely snsli adv.真诚地 I sincerely hope you will soon recover. 我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。38.

59、right away马上;立刻 Make these determinations right away. 立刻做出这些决定。39. injure nd v. 受伤 He injured his hand in a fire. 他在火灾中伤了手。40. rescue reskju: v. 营救 Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building. 直升机从着火的楼顶救出来了将近二十个人。41. bury beri v. 埋葬;埋藏 She buried it under some leaves.

60、她把它埋藏在一些树叶下。42. frighten fratn v. 使害怕 The noise frightened the child. 喧哗声使小孩惊恐万分。43. dig out挖出 They dug out the weeds. 他们挖掉杂草。44. ruin ru:n n.废墟 One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion. 一名遇难儿童在爆炸发生近两小时后在废墟中被找到。45. shelter elt n. 避难所 Can I go out for shelter? 我可以出去找


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