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1、2021届高考英语二轮创新复习专题三第二节策略篇学案含解析2021届高考英语二轮创新复习专题三第二节策略篇学案含解析PAGE 2021届高考英语二轮创新复习专题三第二节策略篇学案含解析第二节策略篇授课提示:对应学生用书第28页题型1语篇层次题一、辨体裁,识特点记叙文:从近几年的高考完形填空来看,记叙文一直是考查的重要文体。记叙文在材料组织和叙述过程中具有“双线”特点,即情节线和情感线.情节线:文章往往以第一或第三人称进行叙述,描写生活中看到、听到或亲身经历的一些人物或者事实情节等.情感线:在记叙人物或事件的过程中,作者肯定要对文中的人物或者某一特定情节表达自己的思想情感和进行个人评论,有时思想

2、情感或评论并不明确说出,而是隐含在字里行间。通过浏览全文,梳理“双线”,考生便能快速把握整篇文章的脉络和作者的情感态度。2019年高考全国卷双线如下:1显性情节线:saw a trembling dog alongside the roadtried to coax the dog but frightened it to run offsearch for the lost dogcall the lost dogs ownerput the dog on a flight to Michigan2隐性情感线:show mercy for the lost dogfelt troubled

3、by his behaviourbe glad to know someone cared about the dog夹叙夹议文:该类文体在高考完形中的占比较高。在阅读该类文体时,无论议论部分在叙述之前、之后或边叙边议,务必要把二者结合起来,要顾及事件与论点的关系,要能从平淡的论述中读出其中深刻的收获或哲理。如2019年高考全国卷讲述了乞力马扎罗山环境的变化.过去lots of waste;damage the beauty;glaciers disappear现在a clean mountain;environmental challenges are still significant;e

4、fforts pay off旨在呼吁人们去保护这一自然奇观议论文:绝大多数议论文类完形填空在开头提出论点,然后在余下的段落或文字里进行阐述或提出分论点.议论文类完形填空的三要素(论点、论据和论证)一般有序地分布在引子、正文、结论部分.说明文:该类完形填空最显著的特点是:1开头点题,语篇在最开始就交代出要说明的事物或现象。2说明文的写作一般按时间顺序(先后顺序等)、空间顺序(从局部到整体,从上到下,从内到外等)、逻辑顺序(前因后果,先果后因,先主后次等)、认知顺序(由此及彼,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质等)。弄清说明顺序对理解文章细节大有裨益。总之,辨别了文章体裁之后,依据各种体裁的成文

5、手法,结合语篇的具体内容,就可大大提升筛选正确答案的概率。二、开篇句,着重看完形填空的首句是考生了解文章大意的关键和窗口,是全文的中心或主题所在。因此,考生在做题时,要认真读懂首句或者前几句,要重视首句与下文的逻辑关系,这样才能更好地解答完形填空题.(2019高考全国卷)Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro,the highest mountain in Africa.They _41_ with them lots of waste。The _42_ might damage the beauty of the

6、 place。The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing,changing the _43_ of Kilimanjaro。41A。keepBmixCconnect Dbring解析:上文语境题。根据第一句“Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro。”可知,每年大约有4万人试图攀登乞力马扎罗山,所以他们攀登的时候带来了很多垃圾.答案:D42A。stories BbuildingsCcrowds Dreporters解析:上文语境题.联系上文中的about 40,000 people可知,这些人群

7、有可能破坏这个地方的美.答案:C43A.position BageCface Dname解析:上文语境题。联系上文中的“The glaciers are disappearing”可知,冰川的消失正在改变乞力马扎罗山的面貌.答案:C根据首句可获取以下信息:Who:about 40,000 peopleWhat:attempt to climb KilimanjaroWhere:KilimanjaroWhen:every year以此为起点,结合第二句中的lots of waste,可以预测文章内容的发展思路:众多游客登山造成乞力马扎罗山的污染问题,那么接下来一定是对上述问题进行说明和论述,最后

8、得出结论。由此我们可推测出本文体裁为夹叙夹议文。三、溯根源,查复现 在完形填空试题中,有些词语常常重复出现在语篇之中。复现是一种语义衔接手段,它通过原词复现、同义复现、反义复现和代词复现等重复出现来表达某一概念,使整篇文章上下连贯,有机地衔接在一起。因此,考生可根据文章的具体情况,理解文章的结构和语境,利用文章中的复现来选择正确的答案。(2020高考全国卷) .He bought a book and was 53.surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the

9、same _54_ as his fathers painting.“Thats the garden in our picture,” Nicolos son told his father。54A.room BkitchenChall Dgarden解析:词汇复现题。根据下一段的“Thats the garden in our picture”可知答案.答案:D(2018高考全国卷)When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person,we usually say “sorry, 41。wro

10、ng number!” and move on.But when Dennis Williams_42_a text that clearly wasnt intended for him,he did something43。special42A。received BtranslatedCcopied Dprinted解析:同义词汇复现题。文章第一句提到大多数人收到(get)陌生人的短信时的反应,接下来讲了发生在丹尼斯身上却有着不同反应的故事,可知此处应该是丹尼斯“收到(received)陌生人的短信。答案:A四、既顾后,又瞻前完形填空主要考查考生对语境的理解,半数以上的题目都是句间和语篇层

11、次上的语义辨析。答题时要有语篇意识,注意瞻前顾后,通读上下文,切忌自以为是。(2020高考全国卷) When Nicolo retired and went to live in Sicily,he _47_ the paintings with him.He hung them above the same table he had 48。moved from Turin。.。47A.held BleftCregistered Dbrought解析:根据上文中的“When Nicolo retired and went to live in Sicily”及下文的“He hung them

12、above the same table.。”可知,他把两幅画和那个餐桌都从Turin带到了Sicily。答案:D(2019高考全国卷) Its about 250 miles from the hills of westcentral Iowa to Ehlers home in Minnesota。During the long trip home,following a weekend of hunting,Ehlers 41.thought about the small dog he had seen 42。trembling alongside the road。He had _4

13、3.tried to coax(哄)the dog to him but,frightened,it had 44.run_offBack home,Ehlers was troubled by that 45。lost dog。So,four days later,he called his friend Greg,and the two drove _46_After a long and careful 47.search,Greg saw,across a field,the dog moving _48_ away.Ehlers eventually succeeded in coa

14、xing the animal to him.Nervousness and fear were replaced with 49。joy46A。home BpastCback Don解析:根据本段的第一句“Back home,Ehlers was troubled by that lost dog。”可知Ehlers回家了,但是被那条走失的狗弄得心烦意乱,因此四天后,他叫上朋友Greg又驱车返回。根据上文可知,此处是指他们又返回到之前见到那只走失的狗的地方.答案:C48A。cautiously BcasuallyCskillfully Dangrily解析:根据第一段最后一句中的fright

15、ened及本空所在句下一句中的nervousness,fear可知,那条狗受到了惊吓,感到紧张和恐惧,因此当Greg看见它的时候,它正小心谨慎地移动。答案:A五、理逻辑,看语篇完形填空所选短文通常都是前后连贯、结构严密的文章,其文章脉络自然有序,这充分体现“突出语篇、强调运用”的高考命题指导思想。对语篇逻辑的理解能力是完形填空主要的考查内容之一,这就要求考生不仅要注意句子中的词语搭配,更要从整体上把握文章的结构和脉络。因此,借助语篇标志,理清逻辑关系,有助于快速准确地找出正确答案。(2019高考北京卷)The students who hes 15。driven have gone on to

16、 become physicians,teachers and engineers,but what theyve also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson.Some students _16_ call him “Grandpa”16A。even BeverConce Dalready解析:Wilson每天接送那些学生,这些学生现在已经成了物理学家、教师、工程师等.这些学生将Wilson当作他们的偶像和朋友,有的甚至称他为“爷爷。答案:A题型2句间层次题一、依情感,识

17、褒贬在高考完形填空文章中,我们一定要在快速阅读文章的过程中,仔细找出能够反映作者态度或感情色彩的重要词汇,它们往往是名词、形容词、副词或动词。这些词汇通常是我们做题时重要的参照线索,可以帮助我们快速确定某些题目的正确答案.(2019高考全国卷)“I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as 59。close to it as I am to my dogs, says Ehlers.“If it had been my dog,Id hope that somebody would be _60_ to go that extra mi

18、le。60A.suitable BproudCwise Dwilling解析:Ehlers认为,丢失这只狗的主人很可能跟这只狗的关系很密切,就像他与他的狗之间的关系一样。此处是表达他希望面对类似的事情,大家能愿意付出更多努力去帮忙.答案:D(2018高考全国卷) Two weeks earlier,my son,Ben,had got in touch.Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since Id 41.last seen him。So imagine my 42.de

19、light when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me。I was_43_!I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to 44.meet43A.scared BshockedCthrilled Dashamed解析:根据第一段可知,作者将要见到分别了13年的儿子,再结合第二段第二句“I arrived early at Byron Bay”,作者早早地就来到了见面的地点,可知他应该是感到非常兴奋的.答案:C二、划范畴,前后连完形填空对词汇的考查与上下文的语境息息相

20、关.明确上下句之间话题的范围有助于确定答案。(2019高考天津卷) I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me.My wallet was gone。I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some 16.unknown station.The_17_moment was quickly followed by mental math。How much time an

21、d money would it cost to replace the_18_of that little wallet?The credit cards,the drivers license,the cash,all lost to the bus.17A。face。saving BbrainwashingCeye.catching Dheartstopping解析:根据上一段中的fear seized me可以推知,作者在发现丢了钱包之后的第一感觉是“害怕。之后,作者开始在内心计算找回钱包里的那些东西所需要的时间和钱数.故该空应和fear表达的意思相近.答案:D18A.parts Bc

22、ontentsCdetails Dingredients解析:该空指下文中提到的“the credit cards,the drivers license,the cash,这些都是钱包里装的东西。答案:B三、析群意,定答案在句间层次题中,有些题目我们往往也需要通过上下文的语境暗示来解题,即根据已知信息,推导出正确答案.(2019高考全国卷)A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one _50_ as lost in the local paper.The ad had a _51_ number for a town in souther

23、n Michigan.Ehlers _52_ the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had 53.found their dog.50A。predicted BadvertisedCbelieved Drecorded解析:当地的一个农民告诉他们,这听起来像是当地报纸上刊登的那只丢失的狗。根据本句的in the local paper及下句中的the ad可确定答案。答案:B51A.house BphoneCstreet Dcar解析:根据下文Ehlers跟狗的主人取得了联系可知,广告上留有电话号码。答案:B52A.called Bcopied

24、Ccounted Dremembered解析:根据上下文语境可知,Ehlers给他们打电话告知找到了他们的狗。答案:A(2019高考全国卷) The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid.March_41_ six months out of the year.41A.only BobviouslyCnearly Dprecisely解析:根据前文from late Septe

25、mber to mid。March可知,从九月底到三月中旬,差不多半年。答案:C题型3句内层次题一、遇搭配,直接选(2019高考全国卷).Wednesday,residents(居民)of Rjukan 47。received their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to _48_48A.repair BriskCrest Duse解析:根据前一句their very first ray of winter sunshine可知,获

26、得了冬天的第一缕阳光,是由于反射板投入使用了.put(sth.)to use(把某物)投入使用。答案:D二、据常识,作判断完形填空的语篇中往往渗透着诸如文化科学、历史地理、风俗民情等方面的知识。考生在做题时,若能积极地调动自己掌握的文化背景知识和生活常识,巧妙地加以运用,特别是注意中西文化的差异,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,从而轻松地做出正确判断。(2020新高考全国卷)Molai grew up in a tiny village in India。The village lay near some wetlands which became his second_21

27、_He learned the value and beauty of 22.nature there from a very young age。21A。dream BjobChome Dchoice解析:根据第一句可知小村庄是他的家,那么后文提到的wetlands就是他的第二个家了。答案:C三、平行结构句中现平行结构的形式整齐匀称,内容联系紧密。试题命制者常从平行结构的句式相同或相似这一角度出发,利用其表现出的意义的关联性或对比性这一特点来设空,掌握这些结构相似的句子可以大大提高解题的效率。(2020新高考全国卷)A flood had hit the area earlier that

28、year and the 24。damage it caused had driven away a number of birds。_25_,the number of snakes had declined as well。25A.Besides BHoweverCTherefore DOtherwise解析:词义辨析题。由前一句“鸟类飞走了”和后一句“蛇的数量减少了”可知两句都是洪水的危害,在语义上表示递进。答案:A授课提示:对应学生用书第32页I walked past my father.A few seconds later,I walked past him again。And

29、then I was carefully wrapping(包)Allysons birthday presents while_1_the cake for her coming party.As soon as I finished the call,I glanced up and met Dads_2_“You are too_3_,honey, he said。“You need to_4_and enjoy life a little more。”He was_5_At that moment,I realized I had been totally_6_my precious

30、Dad in order to_7_all of the tasks on my to。do list that morning.All Dad wanted me to do was_8_and spend some_9_time with him。So I did.I knew the presentwrapping could wait,and I could return_10_later.We laughed and talked and_11_on our favorite contestant(选手)in the Showcase Showdown before going to

31、 the_12_for a mid。morning snack and coffee。Im so glad I didnt_13_that special time with my Dad.Daddy_14_away a few months later,and Id give up anything to spend another morning like that with him,but only his words of_15_remain with me。When Im_16_non。stop trying to meet a book deadline or trying to

32、clean and reorganize the entire_17_or packing for a coming conference or trying to do all of those tasks at once,Ill hear Dads_18_The to。do lists will always be there,but too_19_,special times with loved ones can slip by。So take_20_today and every day to simply enjoy life.语篇解读为何总是那么忙忙碌碌,不放慢生活节奏多陪陪自己

33、的父母,多与家人分享快乐的时光呢?1A.enjoyingBorderingCbaking Dmaking解析:根据语境与下文中的“As soon as I finished the call”可推断,此处表示作者一边忙着订购蛋糕一边仔细地包装生日礼物。C项和D项有一定的干扰性,做蛋糕和包装生日礼物不能同时进行,因此C项和D项不符。故选B项。答案:B2A.photo BvoiceClist Dlook解析:根据句中的“I glanced up”可知,作者抬头看时眼神碰上了父亲的眼神。此处look意为“眼神,神情”。答案:D3A。occupied BsimpleClazy Dsilly解析:由下文

34、中的“enjoy life a little more”可知,父亲认为作者太忙碌了,应该多享受生活.occupied意为“忙于,忙碌,符合语境。答案:A4A.run away Bslow downCgive up Dwork out解析:父亲建议作者不要太忙碌,应该慢下来享受一下生活。run away逃跑;give up放弃;work out计算出,锻炼。答案:B5A.old BoutCill Dright解析:根据下文作者的做法和感悟可知,此处是作者个人的判断,作者认为父亲说的话是正确的。答案:D6A。ignoring BunderstandingCobeying Dworrying解析:根

35、据语境可知,作者为了完成所有任务完全忽视了父亲。答案:A7A.accomplish BarrangeCavoid Dwrite解析:根据上下文语境可知,此处表示作者要在那天早上完成单子上所列的所有任务,因此忽视了父亲。答案:A8A。sit down Bgo awayCstay up Dwalk around解析:根据上文可知,作者一早上都忙于做各种事而忽视了父亲,因此父亲希望作者坐下来与自己共享快乐时光。答案:A9A。working BqualityChard Dextra解析:只有B项符合语境。quality time表示“(尤指关爱子女、增进感情的)黄金时光.此题易误选D项,extra time表示“额外的时间。文章主要讲不要总是太忙碌,应该放慢生活节奏,与亲人度过


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