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1、2021-2022学年安徽省阜阳市河东办城郊中学高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The dress is really fashionable and eye-catching, but it is too big for me. A. fairly B. rather C. quite D. pretty参考答案:B略2. Scientists are working on components for mobile phones Aradiation-reduce Bradiation-reducing Cradiation-reduced Dradiation-reduci

2、ble参考答案:B3. Do you think shopping online will_ _take the place of shopping in stores?A. especially B. frequently C. merely D. finally参考答案:D4. He went on talking while I tried to _ what it meant.A. come out B. turn out C. take out D. figure out参考答案:D5. The government must be very _ about setting poli

3、cies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one. A. particular B. concerned C. cautious D. certain参考答案:C6. _ many countries in Latin America have been trying to reduce gaps in income, America has allowed inequality to grow.A. While B. Since C. If D. Where参考答案:A略7. 30She got s

4、tuck in a terrible traffic jam on the highway to Guangzhou, or she dinner with her family now : Awill be having Bwould be having Cis having Dwas having参考答案:B略8. You were silly not _ your car.A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked参考答案:B9. _in a white uniform, he looks more like a co

5、ok than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. dressing D. having dressed参考答案:A10. He flew to Paris two hours ago, he would stay for three days.A. thereB. whichC. whenD. where参考答案:D11. So hot a day! I would buy one soft-drink can, but I _ money on me. A. didnt have B. dont have C. hadnt had D. wont hav

6、e参考答案:B略12. If you want to learn a language well, keep this in mind: the stronger the _, the more quickly you will learn it.A. motivationB. maximumC. minimumD. motion参考答案:A13. I am surprised that a company with the good _ would produce such poor quality goods.A enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertain

7、ment D. reputation参考答案:D14. _ ! Somebody has broken the vase!_Dont look at me.A. Come onB. Hi,thereC. Thank goodnessD. Dear me .参考答案:D【详解】考查情景交际。A. Come on加油;B. Hi,there你好;C. Thank goodness谢天谢地;D. Dear me哎呀、天哪。句意:哎呀!有人把花瓶打破了!别看我(不是我)。根据“Somebody has broken the vase!”可知,作者说话时非常惊讶,故D项正确。15. The owner

8、of the mine was _ to twenty years because he had broken the law to employ children as miners.A. sentenced B. trapped C. sheltered D. buried参考答案:A16. Why were so many people trapped into buying the stock of the company? enough money within one night. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting参考答案:C

9、17. If you had seen a doctor, you much better now. Aare Bwill be Cwould be Dwould have been参考答案:C略18. Jack is a man of his words. He always _ what he saysA. putsB. makesC. meansD. gets参考答案:C试题分析:考查动词 句意上:Jack是位守信用的人,他说什么就是什么。A项表示“提出”;B项是“使得”之意;C项表示“意味着”而D项是“得到”,根据句意可得知此处mean一词意思适合,故选C。19. May I use

10、your new dictionary? I want to look up a word . Its over there. _ A. Feel free B. Got it C. It depends D. Its my pleasure 参考答案:C略二、 完型填空20. 阅读下面材料,在空格处填人适当的内容(1个单词)或使用括号中单词的正确形式。Scientists have discovered that 6 1 (stay) in the cold could help us lose weight.Researchers at the University of Californ

11、ia found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat-the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm.Brown fat burns energy, 62 helps us lose weight. White fat stores extra energy, which results 63 weight gain. The researchers said that because air conditio

12、ning and heating give us constant, 64 (comfort) temperatures, our bodys need for brown fat has decreased. They found that:“Outdoor workers in northern Finland who 65 (expose) tocold temperature have 66 significant amount of brown fat when 67 (compare) to same - aged indoor workers.” The research was

13、 conducted on two different control groups of mice. 68 group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat. This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high - fat diets. The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity. People who are obese

14、have 69 (low) levels of brown fat than thinner people. Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said: This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity - related diseases. She added: If you can somehow increase levels of this protein, you could 7

15、0 (possible) lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food.”参考答案:61.staying 62.which 63.in fortable 65.are expose 66.a pared 68.in vain 69.lower 70.possibly21. During the Nov. 11 shopping event, many people tend to buy more than they need because of sales promotions or just plain urge. But

16、 what normally _21_ the shopping spree (疯狂购物) is not _22_ but regret. Thats because many people just buy things to fill the _23_ in their hearts, but accumulating things actually _24_ the burden in their minds.The concept of Danshari may provide a(n)_25_ to the problem. Danshari was based on three C

17、hinese characters, duan she li,_26_ refusal, disposal (清除) and separation. It promotes the idea of getting rid of _27_ things and separating oneself from the drive to own _28_ possessions. There are two basic rules that _29_ whether you should keep something-the relationship between you and the item

18、 under _30_ as well as the timing. So before you _31_ your payment password for something, ask yourself two questions: Do I _32_ it now? Does it suit me?Danshari encourages you not only to _33_ yourself things, but to give up the unreasonable desire associated with owning them. Nowadays, people need

19、 to learn to _34_ their daily lives. Buy only the necessities and _35_ items, regularly _36_ things you dont need any more, then youll get freedom in your heart.However, it doesnt mean that you should _37_ your desire and live a less interesting life. Instead, you should _38_ yourself rather than ma

20、terial goods. Through _39_ what to buy and what to get rid of, you can see a deeper reflection of yourself,_40_ learning to make wise decisions about more important things.21. A. prevents B. follows C. starts D. promotes22. A. expectation B. wealth C. satisfaction D. relief23. A. emptiness B. needs

21、C. silence D. space24. A. measures B. covers C. relieves D. indicates25. A. limit B. alternative C. solution D. introduction26. A. meaning B. abolishing C. violating D. predicting27. A. updated B. temporary C. used D. unnecessary28. A. private B. material C. valuable D. popular29. A. prove B. permit

22、 C. decide D. affect30. A. guarantee B. consideration C. control D. discussion31. A. change B. create C. provide D. enter32. A. need B. try C. want D. match33. A. deny B. prepare C. spare D. serve34. A. fix B. risk C. enrich D. simplify35. A. special B. cheap C. suitable D. optional36. A. discover B

23、. recycle C. update D. abandon37. A. fuel B. identify C. kill D. balance38. A. reflect on B. focus on C. give up D. cheer up39. A. choosing B. avoiding C. comparing D. mentioning40. A. rather B. otherwise C. therefore D. still参考答案:21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. D 32.

24、 A 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. C本文主要讲了在双11时,人们往往疯狂的网上购物。疯狂购物过后,随之而来的并不是满意,而是后悔。因为许多人买东西,仅仅是为了填充他们内心的空虚。但是,逐渐积累的东西实际上表明了他们思想的负担。“断舍离”的想法可能为这个问题提供解决方法。通过选择买什么和去掉什么,你可以看到一个更深层的自己。因此,学会对更重要的事情做明智的决定。21. B 考查动词。由but regret可知但是一般跟在疯狂购物之后的,不是满意。Prevents阻止,follows跟随,starts开始, promotes提升。22

25、. C 考查名词。由but regret可知但是一般跟在疯狂购物之后的,不是满意。expectation 期盼,wealth 财富, satisfaction满意,relief安慰。23. A 考查名词。那是因为许多人买东西,仅仅是为了填充他们内心的空虚。emptiness 空虚, needs需要, silence 沉默, space空间。24. D 考查动词。但是,逐渐积累的东西实际上表明了他们思想的负担。measures 测量, covers覆盖,relieves 解除, indicates表明。25. C考查名词。“断舍离”的想法可能为这个问题提供解决方法。limit限制,alterna

26、tive 供替代的选择, solution 解决,introduction介绍。26. A 考查动词。“断舍离”意思是拒绝、清除和分离。meaning意思是, abolishing废除, violating违背,predicting预测。27. D 考查形容词。它提升了这样的观点:除去不必要的东西,使自己从拥有物质财富的内驱力中分离出来。updated 更新, temporary 暂时的,used 使用的,unnecessary不必要的。28. B 考查形容词。它提升了这样的观点:除去不必要的东西,使自己从拥有物质财富的内驱力中分离出来。Private私人的,material物质的,valua

27、ble 有价值的, popular流行的。29. C 考查动词。有两个基本的原则决定你是否应该保持一些东西。prove证明,permit允许,decide 决定, affect影响。30. B 考查固定用法。你和这件商品的关系在考虑中。under consideration在考虑之中的。31. D 考查动词。所以在输入你的付款密码买东西之前,问你自己两个问题。change 改变, create 创造,provide提供,enter进入。32. A 考查动词。我现在需要吗?它适合我吗?need需要, try尝试, want想要, match匹配。33. A 考查动词。“断舍离”不仅鼓励你自己拒绝

28、物质的要求。deny拒绝的要求, prepare 准备,spare节约,serve招待。34. D 考查动词。当今,人们需要学会简化他们的日常生活。fix 固定,risk 冒的危险, enrich 使充实, simplify简化。35. C 考查形容词。仅仅买有必要的和适当的物品。special 特别的, cheap便宜的, suitable 适当的, optional可选择的。36. D 考查动词。经常地放弃你不再需要的东西。discover 发现, recycle使再循环, update 更新, abandon放弃。37. C 考查动词。然而,那并不意味着你应该扼杀你的欲望,过一种无趣的生

29、活。fuel供以燃料,加燃料,identify识别, kill扼杀, balance使平衡。38. B考查动词短语。相反,你应该关注你自己,而不是一些物质的东西。reflect on思考,focus on 关注,give up放弃, cheer up高兴起来。39. A 考查动词。通过选择买什么和去掉什么,你可以看到一个更深层的自己。choosing 选择, avoiding避免, comparing比较,mentioning提到。40. C 考查副词。因此,学会对更重要的事情做明智的决定。rather宁愿,otherwise 否则,therefore 因此, still仍然。三、 阅读理解2

30、2. Everyone worries about exams,but test anxiety is in another league, causing such fear that it is impossible to do your best. Does your mind go blank in exams? Do you become distracted? Do you score much lower on exams than on homework? Then you may have what psychologists call test anxiety.Test a

31、nxiety involves severe stress before, during or after exams, making it impossible to do your best. It can make your heart feel as if it is racing, and you may submit to “negative self-talk”, convincing yourself you are going to fail or upset. These stressful thoughts, not surprising, can block your

32、brains ability to find what is stored in its memory, as well as making it harder to understand the questions and organize your thoughts. Is it possible to stop test anxiety?Developing good study habits, understanding the exam format and marking scheme (评分方案)can all help to reduce anxiety. But for a

33、greater effect, other methods are also needed, such as relaxation techniques in which you lie down before the exam, close your eyes and focus on breathing while tensing and relaxing group muscles in turn (legs, arms and stomach).A study looked at anxious students in maths exams and concluded that wr

34、iting about how worried you feel before the exam may also reduce anxiety.Be as prepared as possible before the exam, arrive early, and repeat positive statements such as:“Everyone feels anxious; I know I can do this.” Just as in a race, do not look at what everyone else around you is doing. Focus on

35、 the paper in front of you. Do a quick skim to evaluate the feel of the overall test. If you feel nervous, take deep breaths and remember that it is just a test.21. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about _.A. what causes test anxiety B. how to deal with test anxietyC. what effects test anxiety brings about

36、D. why everyone worries about exams22. According to Paragraph 4, a study is mentioned to _.A. explain it is easy to get around test anxiety.B. introduce another good approach to handling test anxiety.C. confirm that maths exams are more likely to cause anxiety.D. make a conclusion about how to overc

37、ome test anxiety.23. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?参考答案:CBD本文告诉我们,只要方法得当,考试焦虑是可以缓解的。21. C. 推断题。从第二段第一句的主题句和后几句的危害分析可知。22. B. 细节题。证据在第四段的后半句。23. D. 细节题。第一段引出话题,第二段说明危害,第三、四、五段并列说明缓解焦虑的方法。23. Notre-Dame de Paris, a cathedral church in Paris, is the most famous of the Gothic ca

38、thedrals of the Middle Ages. For the French, it represents something immortal, ever-present and unchanging, like a mountain. Built over almost two centuries, the Notre-Dame is, as President Emmanuel Macron said, “where the French lived all their great moments”. Soldiers prayed here before leaving fo

39、r the Crusades; Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned here; it survived the French Revolution, two World Wars and the Nazi occupation. It is where men bend their knees to profess love and thousands of tourists take photos every day.A fire, whose cause was not identified yet, engulfed (吞没), on April 15th, t

40、he cathedrals upper structure. More than 400 firefighters took part in the 15-hour battle to control the blaze (火苗) that triggered sorrow over the globe. The extent of the damage is still unknown, but the fire destroyed much of the gothic cathedrals wood-timbered roof and spire (塔尖). The cathedral w

41、ill certainly be restored (the French government promises), but the sight of flames bringing down the spire moved the world in a manner far exceeding its religious significance.French Culture Minister Franck Riester on Thursday said the government would draw all the consequences from the huge flames

42、 that destroyed the centuries-old Notre Dame Cathedral, adding measures to protect the national heritage were on the table. “Staff from the fire department, the culture ministry and the city town hall rushed to the Cathedral, when the fire started, to protect the main artworks that were inside. The

43、artworks, which include relics such as the Christs crown of thorns and French king Saint-Louiss 13th century tunic, were first moved to the city town hall and will now be transferred to the nearby Louvre Museum .” the minister told Le Parisian newspaper in an interview without giving details on the possible measures.1. What can we learn about the Notre-Dame de Paris?A. It is the most well-known cathedral.B. Most of the French think little of it.C. It was built by Napoleon Bonaparte.D. Its still in existence after two World Wars.2. What is true


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