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1、专题一词法篇第7讲情态动词和虚拟语气高考感知1(2021全国新高考卷改编)If I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it _(be) Yellow Hostel.【答案与解析】1would be考查虚拟语气。根据前面的“If I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome”可知,这里表示对现在事实的假设,因此,主句要用虚拟语气。故填would be。2(2021全国新高考卷改编)Michael Kelsey Paris,

2、vice president of the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, said a robot _(be) extremely useful given rising concerns about cattle theft.【答案与解析】2could be考查虚拟语气。后面的“rising concerns about cattle theft”是一个省略句,应该为“concerns about cattle theft was rising”,given在此为介词,意为“考虑到;如果;假设”。这里是表示与现在事实相反,“如果与盗牛有关的担心继续上升”,

3、因此要用虚拟语气。故填could be。3(2021全国新高考卷改编)And the more we look, the more we _(see) that social factors(因素)like gender, race, and class do not determine the appearance of genius. 【答案与解析】3will see考查情态动词。根据前面的“And the more we look”,结合其中的谓语动词look可知,这里要一般将来时。故填will see。4(2021全国新高考卷改编)So why do so many of us hat

4、e our open offices? The problem _ (be) that, in our offices, we cant stop ourselves from getting drawn into others conversations while were trying to focus.【答案与解析】4may be考查情态动词。针对前面提出的问题,空格后面接着进行了回答。根据文意可知,作者在此仅仅表示的是一种推测,而不是断定,含有“可能是”的意味。故填may be。5(2019江苏卷改编)What a pity! You missed the sightseeing,

5、or we _(have)a good time together.【答案与解析】5would have had考查虚拟语气。句意:真遗憾!你错过了这次观光,否则,我们本应该在一起度过一段愉快时光的。根据语境可知是对过去事情的虚拟,与过去事实相反的假设。其句子结构为:从句:If主语过去完成时其他,主句:主语should(would, could, might)现在完成时其他。6(2019天津卷改编)The workers were not better organized, otherwise they _(accomplish) the task in half the time.【答案与解

6、析】6would have accomplished考查虚拟语气。句意:工人们没有被更好地组织起来,否则他们用一半的时间就能完成任务。根据上句“The workers were not better organized”可知,这是对过去事情的虚拟,与过去事实相反的假设。其句子结构为:从句:If主语过去完成时其他,主句:主语should(would, could, might)现在完成时其他。7(2018天津卷改编)If we _(catch) the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach now.【答案与

7、解析】7had caught考查虚拟语气。句意:如果昨天我们赶上了航班的话,我们现在正在海滩上享受我们的假期了。此句是错综时间虚拟语气,由yesterday可知从句是对过去的虚拟(用过去完成时),主句是对现在的虚拟。考情分析1考查在非真实条件句中的虚拟语气的用法以及with, without, but for, or等构成的含蓄虚拟的用法;2考查wish后的宾语从句、as if/as though引导的从句等固定句式中虚拟语气的用法。考点突破考点一情态动词的基本用法1can和could的用法(1)表示“能力”。(2)表示理论上的可能性,“有时候可能会”,用于肯定句中。(3)表示礼貌地请求,意为

8、“能;可以”。could可代替can,表示委婉的语气。(4)cannot too/enough 表示“无论也不过分”“越越好”。No one can be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.打篮球无人能够与姚明相提并论。I cant thank him too much.我怎么感谢他也不为过。2may和might的用法(1)表示允许、许可、请求,might比 may的语气更委婉。当may用于疑问句时,其否定回答用mustnt。(2)“may as well动词原形”表示“最好;倒不如”。May I take this book out o

9、f the reading room?No, you mustnt.You read it in here.我可以把这本书带出阅览室吗?不,不能。你在这里读。If you think the price of beef is too high, you may as well buy some pork.It depends on you.如果你认为牛肉的价格太高,你不妨买些猪肉。这取决于你。3must的用法(1)表示必要性,意为“必须”。当must用于疑问句时,其否定回答用neednt/dont have to。(2)表示偏执、固执,意为“非得;偏要”。Must I give up smok

10、ing?Yes, you must./No, you neednt.我必须戒烟吗?是的,必须。/不,你不必。4shall的用法(1)用于第一、三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。Shall I/he go to see you?我/他去看你,好吗?(2)用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。What time shall I pick you up at your house tomorrow, sir?I havent decided on the time.But I will call you.我明天应该什么时候到你家接你,先生?我还没决定

11、时间。但我会打电话给你。5should的用法(1)表示劝告和建议,意为“应该”。(2)表示推测、可能性、预期,意为“应该;可能”。(3)用于表示感情或意志等的that从句中,意为“竟然;居然”。I should go and visit him this afternoon, but I wonder if I will be free.我今天下午应该去拜访他,但我不知道是否有空。6will和would的用法(1)表示意志或意愿。will指现在,would指过去。He will/would take you home.他愿意送你回家。(2)表示习惯性动作,意为“总是”,will指现在,woul

12、d指过去。He would get up early when he was in the country.他住在乡下时总是早起。(3)表示功能,意为“能;行”。Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but wouldnt say where he was.几天后,我弟弟打电话来说他很好,但不愿说他在哪里。考点二情态动词表示推测情态动词用法must只能用于肯定句中,意为“一定;必定”。can/could用于疑问句中,意为“可能”;用于否定句中,意为“不可能”,语气强烈。may/might用于肯定句中表示不十分肯定的推测,意

13、为“有可能”;用于否定句中意为“可能不”,表示一种不太确定的语气。温馨提示情态动词表示推测用法的判断(1)首先看是肯定句、否定句还是疑问句。肯定句中一般用must/may/might;否定句和疑问句中一般用can/could。(2)然后看是对什么时候的推测。表示对现在的推测用“情态动词do”,表示对过去的推测用“情态动词have done”。(3)最后看句子语气的肯定程度:must(十分肯定)may(不太肯定)could/might(可能性较小)。高考对情态动词表示推测的考查基本集中在must,may,might,can和could的用法上。切记:对现在和将来的推测用“情态动词动词原形”;对正

14、在发生的动作的推测用“情态动词be doing”;对过去的推测用“情态动词have done”。考点三“情态动词have done”的含义和用法情态动词have done含义和用法must have done过去一定做过(肯定句)can/could have done过去不可能做过(否定句)过去可能做过吗?(疑问句)could have done本来能够做但却未做(肯定句)may/might have done过去可能做过(肯定句) 过去可能没有做过(否定句)should/ought tohave done本来应该做但是实际上未做(肯定句)本来不应该做而实际上做了(否定句)neednt hav

15、e done没必要做却做了We could have faced the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me?我们本来可以一起面对困难,但是你为什么不告诉我?Mark neednt have hurried.After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.马克本不必着急。他开快车后,早到了半小时。考点四虚拟语气(一)条件状语从句中虚拟语气的用法1虚拟语气在if 条件句中的运用if条件状语从句从句谓语动词主句谓语动词与现在事实相反过去式(be用were)should/wo

16、uld/could/might动词原形与过去事实相反had过去分词should/would/could/might have过去分词与将来事实相反过去式(be用were)should/would/could/might动词原形should动词原形were to动词原形If it should rain this afternoon, the basketball match would be put off.如果今天下午下雨,篮球赛就会推迟。2虚拟条件句中的省略与倒装如果虚拟条件句中含有were/should,有时可把if省略,把were/should提到主语之前形成倒装;若为否定形式,not

17、不可提前。Had he caught the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting.如果他赶上早班火车,他开会就不会迟到了。3错综时间条件句有时条件句的动作与主句动作发生的时间不一致,这时动词的形式应根据它们各自表示的时间加以调整。If we had booked a table earlier, we wouldnt be standing here in a queue.(if 条件句是对过去的虚拟,而主句是对现在的虚拟)如果我们(当时)早一点订桌子,(现在)就不会在这里排队了。4含蓄条件句(1)有时假设的情况

18、不用条件句表达,而是用but for,without 等介词(短语)或上下文来表示。We wouldnt have finished the project on time without your timely help.如果没有你的及时帮助,我们是不可能按时完成这个项目的。(2)用otherwise,or 等暗示后文与前面的情况相反,从而引出后文的虚拟语气。My friends lent me the money.Otherwise, I couldnt have afforded the trip.我朋友借给我钱。否则,我就负担不起旅行的费用。(3)虚拟条件通过but暗示出来,结构为“虚

19、拟情况but真实情况”。I would have taken part in the sports meeting, but I was ill that day.我本来要参加运动会的,但是那天我病了。(二)目的状语从句中虚拟语气的用法for fear that/in case从句:从句谓语用“should动词原形”,意为“以防,万一”。We got up early for fear that we should miss the early bus.我们起得很早,生怕误了早班车。(三)方式状语从句中虚拟语气的用法as if/though从句:(1)与现在事实相反,从句中的谓语动词形式用过去

20、式;(2)与过去事实相反,从句中的谓语动词形式用“had过去分词”;(3)与将来事实相反,从句中谓语动词形式用“would/could/might动词原形”。She speaks English as if/as though she were a native of New York.她说英语好像她就是土生土长的纽约人。注意as if/as though引导的从句表示很有可能是事实时,不需用虚拟语气。(四)名词性从句中虚拟语气的用法1主语从句中的虚拟语气在“It is important/necessary/natural/strange/essential/vital/a pity tha

21、t ”句型中,谓语动词形成用“(should)动词原形”。Its vital that we (should) take our safety driving along the road seriously.重要的是,我们应该认真对待我们在路上的安全驾驶。2宾语从句中的虚拟语气(1)在would rather (that) 后的宾语从句中,从句的谓语动词如果表示现在或将来要发生的动作,从句的时态用一般过去时;如果表示过去发生的动作,从句的时态用过去完成时。Id rather he had gone to the seaside with me the day before yesterday

22、.要是他前天和我一起去海边就好了。(2)表示“坚持(insist)、命令(order, command)、建议(advise, suggest, propose, recommend)、要求(request, require, demand, ask)”等意义时,宾语从句中的谓语动词形式用“(should)动词原形”。He suggested that we (should) start off early the next day.他建议我们第二天应该早点出发。注意suggest意为“表明、暗示”时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气。insist意为“坚持说”时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气。The man i

23、nsisted that he had never stolen money.这人坚持说他没有偷钱。(3)wish后宾语从句中的虚拟语气I wish (that) I had met that scientist yesterday.我希望我昨天遇到了那位科学家。wish后宾语从句从句谓语动词与现在事实相反过去式(be动词一般用were)与过去事实相反had过去分词与将来事实相反would/should/might动词原形3表语从句和同位语从句中的虚拟语气(1)在suggestion, proposal, order, request,advice 等名词后的表语从句或同位语从句中要用虚拟语气

24、,谓语动词形式用“(should)动词原形”。He gave orders that the guests (should) be hospitably entertained.他命令要热情款待客人。(2)as if,as though引导的表语从句常用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反,从句的时态用一般过去时;与过去事实相反,从句的时态用过去完成时。She looks as if nothing had happened to her.她看起来好像什么事情都没有发生过一样。注意如果从句中描述的事情可能会发生,那么从句可用陈述语气。4固定句式中的虚拟语气Its (about/high) timethat

25、从句(从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用过去式或should动词原形,should不能省略),意为“某人该做某事了”。It is high time that we should start out.是时候我们开始(工作)了。技巧点拨语法填空解题“2注意”1若句中谓语动词为原形,在其前设有空格题时,注意考虑情态动词。然后,根据句意或句式结构填入恰当的情态动词。2一旦判断所给动词在句中作谓语,就要考虑其时态、语态、语气、主谓一致等,特别是注意虚拟语气中的时态。判断虚拟语气,除了常见的if虚拟条件句,还应注意其他常搭配虚拟语气的标志词, 如suggest, would rather, as if, wis

26、h, otherwise, or, but for等。 对点特训.单句语法填空1Once he makes up his mind to do something, seldom _ he give it up.2If the weather had been better, we _(have) a picnic yesterday.3Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I_ (be) late for the flight yesterday.【答案】1will 2could have had3would have been4There i

27、s a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ there be a sudden loud noise.5I have something important to tell John.But I cant find him.His cell phone is here, so he_ have gone too far.【答案】4should5cant6Its really great to have a computer to store my photos.Dont count on it too much.

28、It _ break down and youd better make a copy of them.7What a pity! You missed my birthday party.Terribly sorry! _ my uncle not visited me unexpectedly.【答案】6can7Had8We _(visit) more places of interest yesterday, but we lost our way in that small village.9It has been announced that all the candidates _

29、 remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.10Investigators urged that safety procedures at the construction site _(improve)as soon as possible.【答案】8would have visited9shall10be improved.写作运用1愿你快乐每一天!_2他不可能是我们经理。他已经去北京了。_【答案】1May you be happy every day!2He cant be our manager.He

30、has gone to Beijing.3她能讲一口流利的法语。_4昨晚一定下雨了,因为路很泥泞。_5天气这么好,我本没必要带雨伞的。_【答案】3She can speak French fluently.4It must have rained last night, for the road is quite muddy.5I neednt have taken the umbrella, for the weather is fine.语法填空(以虚拟语气为主)Tom and Peter are twins.They look as if they 1_(be) the same per

31、son.Both the two boys are smart,but Tom is hardworking while Peter is lazy.Tom always wins the first place in the exams while Peter doesnt.However,people believe if Peter 2_(work) as hard as Tom,he would do as well as his brother in his study.【答案】1were2workedAt home,their parents suggest that they 3_ (finish) their


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