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1、第二章 证书的翻译 2.12.234内 容2.32.4证书翻译特点证书种类及翻译证书翻译实训概 述 证书涉及毕业证、学位证、证明函、营业执照、授权书等应用类信函。一方面,由于证书翻译属于公文翻译,措辞谨慎,格式规范,所以在证书翻译中既要遵循目的语的特定格式 ,又要针对源语中的要点客观陈述,尽量避免对源语信息的异化;另一方面,由于汉语和英语在词序安排、句子结构等方面存在差异,翻译时需要译者在保持源语意图的前提下灵活处理。原文:This is to certify that Ms. Mary (passport number 123456789) has been working in ABC C

2、ompany as business assistant ever since Jan.10, 2011.译文:兹证明,玛丽女士,护照号码为123456789,自2011年 1 月 10 日起在ABC公司作为商务助理,工作至今。2.1 证书翻译特点英汉翻译技巧: 化整为零、化显性为隐性2.1.1 侧重文本信息的真实、连贯和完整再现原文:此次旅游的所有费用包括:机票费、交通费、住宿费和医疗保险等均由他本人承担。我们保证他在国外旅游期间将会遵守当地的法律法规。译文:All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation,

3、 accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself. We hereby guarantee that he will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad.汉英翻译技巧: 化零为整,化隐性为显性结构2.1.2 注意准确性、非私人性和程式化等特点原文:This is to certify that Qian Pugeng, student from Shanghai University of Finance and Econom

4、ics started her internship in Financial Department of Bank of China Co. Ltd. on July 20, 2013 and ended on August 20, 2013. During the internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike.

5、译文:兹有上海财经大学钱朴更同学于2013年7月20日至2013年8月20日在中国银行财务部门实习。这位同学在实习工作期间工作努力,学习刻苦,能够独立思考,善于举一反三,能够把所学的东西有效运用于实际工作中。2.1.3 忠实源语的交际意图,实现译文的交际目的 2.2 证书种类及翻译证书种类1. 结业证书2. 专业技能证书3. 防伪证书4. 答谢证书5. 奖状6. 授权代理人7. 户口簿8. 委托书9. 居留证10.房产证 1. Certificate of Completion2. Certificate of Expertise 3. Diploma of Authenticity4. Ce

6、rtificate of Appreciation5. Certificate of Merit 6. the authorized representative7. Household Certificate8. Letter of Authorization9. Resident Certificate10. Property Ownership Certificate 河南师范大学毕业证书 学生张华英,男,1985年7月5日生。于2004年9月至2008年6月在河南师范大学外语系英语教育专业完成了四年制本科规定的全部课程,成绩及格,准予毕业。校名:河南师范大学 证书编号:75832008

7、73 院长 刘东方 二八年六月三十日 2.2.1毕业证(Certificate for Graduation) CERTIFICATE FOR GRADUATION HENAN NORMAL UNIVERSITY Certificate No.: 7583200873 This is to certify that Zhang Huaying, male, born on July 5,1985, majoring in English Education in the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Henan Normal University during

8、 September 2004 to June 2008, has successfully fulfilled all curriculums of the four-year undergraduate program of study, and passed the examinations. Hereby he is allowed to graduate. President: LIU DONGFANG Henan Normal University June 30, 20082.2.1参考译文:翻译提示: 证书编号;句式整合;信息排序 学士学位证书 张华英,男,1985年7月5日出

9、生。于2004年9月至2008年6月在河南师范大学外语系英语教育专业完成了四年制本科规定的全部课程,业已毕业。经审核符合中华人民共和国学位条例的规定,授予英语教育学士学位。 学位评定委员会主席:河南师范大学2008年7月1日证书编号:8475200826282.2.2学位证书(Diploma of Degree) Diploma of Bachelors Degree This is to certify that Zhang Huaying, male, born on July 5, 1985, has completed courses of study in the Faculty o

10、f Foreign Languages of Henan Normal University, majoring in English Education from September 2004 to June 2008. There upon, he has been allowed to graduate from the university. In accordance with “The Registration on Academic Degree of the Peoples Republic of China”, Mr. Zhang Huaying has been award

11、ed the Bachelors degree of English Education.Certificate Number: 847520082628Date: July 1, 2008Academic Degree OfficeHenan Normal University 2.2.2 参考译文:尊敬的美国大使馆签证官: 兹证明 (先生/女士)自 年来我公司任职,职位是 。他/她的月收入是人民币 元。他/她将于 年 月 日到 年 月 日赴美国旅游。他/她的具体信息如下:*此次旅游的所有费用包括:机票费,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由他/她本人承担。我们保证他/她在国外旅游期间将会遵守当地

12、的法律法规。我们也保证他/她将会按时回国并继续在我公司工作。特此证明! *2.2.3工作证明(Certificate for Employment)2.2.3 参考译文To: Embassy of the United StatesDear Visa Officer: This is to certify that (Mr./Mrs.) has been working in our company as since the year of . His/Her monthly salary is RMB . He/She will make a tour of the United State

13、s of America from to . His/Her information is listed as follows, * All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself.We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her stay

14、ing abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company. Yours sincerely企业法人营业执照副本(副本号:1-1) 注册号:4420002006789名称:中山市连胜浴室设备有限公司住所:中国广东省中山市南头镇升辉南工业区建东路18号,528450法定代表人姓名:吕搏击注册资本:人民币壹佰万元实收资本:人民币壹佰万元公司类型:有限责任公司经营范围:生产并销售按摩浴缸、电脑蒸汽房、淋浴房、泳池和桑拿浴室设备

15、等成立日期:二一一年九月三日营业期限至:2020年9月20日条形码编号:1400075032.2.4 营业执照(Business License)2.2.4参考译文 BUSINESS LICENSE OF AN ENTERPRISES LEGAL PERSON(Duplicate Copy) (No.: 1-1)Registration Number/Registered Number: 4420002006789Name of Business/Enterprise: Zhongshan Liansheng Bathroom Equipment Co., Ltd.Address: 18 Ji

16、andong Rd., Shenghuinan Complex, Nantou Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province 528450, ChinaLegal Representative/Person in Charge: Mr. Lv BojiRegistered Capital: CNY 1,000,000.00Paid-up Capital: CNY 1,000,000.00Character of Economy/Scope of Business: Co., Ltd.Scope of operation: Manufacture and sell th

17、e bathroom equipment including pool spa/hot tub/jacuzzi, massage, bathtub, simple bathtub, computer-controlled steam room, swimming pool spa and sauna room, etc.Founding/Setting-up Date: September 3, 2011Date of expiration: Till September 20, 2020.Bar code: 140007503 出生公证书 (12)吉长证字第4223号 根据吉林省长春市户籍管

18、理机关档案记载,兹证明史青云,女,于一九七一年九月二十五日在吉林省长春市出生。史青云的父亲是史峰,母亲是汪秀珍。 中华人民共和国吉林省长春市公证处 公证员:王海清 长春市公证处 二一二年六月二十三日 2.2.5 公证书(Notary Certificate)2.2.5参考译文NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH(12) JCZZI, No.4223 This is to certify that Shi Qingyun, female, was born on September 25, 1971 in Changchun, Jilin Province. Her fat

19、hers name is Shi Feng and her mothers name is Wang Xiuzhen according to the record of file kept by the Administration of Census Register of Changchun, Jilin Province. Notary: Wang Haiqing Changchun Notary Public Office Jilin Province The Peoples Republic of China June 23rd, 2012 2.2.6成绩单(Grade Repor

20、ts) 东北师范大学学生学业成绩单姓名:陆青 系别:化学 专业:化学教育第一学年(20122013)课程分数分数第一学期第二学期无机化学7468无机实验7886普通物理8070英语7567高等数学9071体育9078中国革命史85772.2.6参考译文ACADEMIC RECORD OF GRADUATESAT NORTHEAST TEACHERS UNIVERSITYName: Lu Qing Department: Chemistry Major Field: ChemistryEducationFirst Year(20122013)CoursesRecordRecordFirst Te

21、rmSecond TermInorganic Chemistry7468Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry7886General Physics8070English7567Higher Mathematics9071Physical Education9078Revolutionary History of China85771.Certificate of Completion 结业证书2. Certificate of Expertise专业技能证书3. Diploma of Authenticity防伪证书4. Certificate of Appre

22、ciation答谢证书5. Certificate of Merit奖状2.3 证书翻译实训2.3.1将下列英文短语译成汉语。6. the authorized representative授权代理人7. Household Certificate户口簿8. Letter of Authorization委托书9. Resident Certificate居留证10. Property Ownership Certificate房产证2.3.1This is to certify that Mr. Zhang works in our company since the year of 201

23、0. 兹证明张华先生自2010年来我公司任职。 2. We hereby guarantee that he will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad 我们保证他在国外旅游期间将会遵守当地的法律法规。 3. This is to authorize Mr. Zhang to be the attorney of our company to execute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary regist

24、ration. 现授权张先生代表我公司全权办理相关审批事宜。 2.3 证书翻译实训2.3.2将下列英语句子译成汉语。 4. I recognize the documents executed by the Attorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization. 上述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关文件我(公司)均予承认。5. Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. 请贵方协助办理有关签证手

25、续。2.3 证书翻译实训2.3.2将下列英语句子译成汉语。 6. If required, we can provide first-class references.如果需要,我方可以提供一流的证明材料 7. If you give us this agency we should spare no effort to further your interests.如果能得到该代理权,我方将竭尽全力保障贵方的利益。8. Thank you for offering us the agency in this product. We appreciate the confidence you

26、have placed in us.感谢贵方授予我方在该产品的代理权,对于贵方的信任我方深表感激。2.3 证书翻译实训2.3.2将下列英语句子译成汉语。 9. Miss Parker has been employed as Assistant Sales Administrator in our office for the past 2 years and I feel sure you will find her in every satisfactory. 帕克女士曾我公司担任销售助理达两年,我们深信贵公司会对她在各方面的表现都非常满意。10. We will be sorry to

27、lose Miss Parker, but realize that her abilities demand wider scope than is possible at this company. 对于帕克女士的离职我们深感遗憾,鉴于她需要比我们公司更大的空间以发挥她的才能,我们只能忍痛割爱。 2.3 证书翻译实训2.3.2将下列英语句子译成汉语。 4. I recognize the documents executed by the Attorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization. 上述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关

28、文件我(公司)均予承认。5. Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. 请贵方协助办理有关签证手续。2.3 证书翻译实训2.3.2将下列英语句子译成汉语。 2.3.2将下列英语证书译成汉语。California State UniversityUpon the Nomination of the Council and FacultyBy Virtue of the Authoring Vested in ThemHave Conferred Upon

29、Sun, XiaopingWho has satisfactorily pursued the studies and passed the examinationRequired therefore the Degree ofMaster of Business AdministrationWith all the rights, privileges, honors and responsibilities thereunto appertaining.Given at California State University, CaliforniaThis Nineteenth Day o

30、f May, Two Thousand OneJohn Williams (signature) Mary Brette(signature)Chairman of the Board Affairs Dean of Academic Gramham Birley Lisa Brown(signature) (signature)President of the University Registrar of the University例1Diploma of Degree美国加里福尼亚大学学位证书美国加里福尼亚大学学位授权委员会授予孙晓萍工商管理硕士学位。该生圆满完成工商管理硕士所规定的全

31、部课程, 考试合格,享有加里福尼亚洲爱尔哈姆布拉市美国加里福尼亚大学工商管理硕士的一切权利和荣誉等。 二二一年五月十九日 董事长(签字) 系主任(签字) 约翰.威廉 玛丽.布莱特 校长(签字) 注册主管(签字) 格林汉姆.伯利 丽莎.布朗译文学位证书例2Certificate of Graduation泽维尔高等教育学院威彻斯特 纽约 兹证明 已顺利完成了本院四年制本科规定的全部课程。经审核,该生符合我院毕业要求,经教育中心批准,特颁发此证。纽约塞勒姆教育中心一九九八年六月执行委员会(签字) 学院院长(签字) 董事会(签字)译文毕业证书例3Certificate for Employment

32、工作证明 兹证明, (先生/女士)自2009年2月5日至 (日)受雇于法国德西尼布集团(Technip Consortium)越南榕桔炼油厂现场工程部,该雇佣关系基于TPC公司和BK工程建筑公司的变更合同。我方对 (先生/女士)工作期间的表现非常满意,对 (先生/女士)的工作能力和团体合作态度也予以特别肯定。德西尼布集团负责人 越南油气公司榕桔炼油厂 Savo Glavas Mai Trieu Quang二九年 月 日 译文工作证明例4Notary CertificateNOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION(14) GLZZI, No.4583 Accor

33、ding to the certificate offered by Northwest Teachers University, this is to certify that Chen Hua (male, born in Lanzhou on September 20, 1964) was given the Instructors License by the Ministry of Education in July 1993. Notary: (Signature)(Official Stamp)Lanzhou Notary Public OfficeThe Peoples Rep

34、ublic of ChinaApril 5, 2014资格证书公证(95)甘兰证字第4583号 陈华,男,1964年9月20日出生于兰州。经教育部批准,陈华于1993年7月由西北师范大学颁发了教师资格证书,特此证明。公证员:(签名)(公章)兰州公证处中华人民共和国二零一四年四月五日译文公证书例5Business License BUSINESS LICENSE(1)REGISTERED NO.: 110000450DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 9/03/2010REGISTRATION AUTHORITY: BEIJINGADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY


36、2) Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment consulting; Corporate Planning consulting; public relationship service.INVESTOR(S): THE RICCI GROUP LIMITEDBUSINESS TERM: FROM 03/09/2

37、010 TO 08/03/2040 例4Business License 营业执照注册号:110000450成立日期:二零一一年九月三日法定代表:北京工商业管理处名称:北京ABC有限公司地址:北京朝阳区朝外街16号中国生活楼3楼12房法定代表人姓名:李平注册资本:100,000美元实收资本: 0美元公司类型:有限责任公司(港澳台企业)经营范围:食品饮料咨询、社会经济咨询、经济信息咨询、经济贸易咨询、公司管理咨询、投资咨询、公司规划咨询、公共关系服务等投资方:里奇集团有限公司营业期限至:2010年3月9日至2040年8月3日译文营业执照2.3.4将下列短文翻译成英文。毕 业 证 书 学生陈华,女

38、,1978年3月出生。于2005年9月至2008年6月在广州大学外语系英语文学专业完成了三年制硕士规定的全部课程,成绩及格,准予毕业。校名:广州大学 院长 李升证书编号 1234567890 二八年六月三十日 例1毕业证书CERTIFICATE FOR GRADUATIONCertificate No.: 1234567890 Chen Hua, female, born in March, 1978 was a postgraduate student majoring English Literature in the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Gua

39、ngzhou University during September 2005 to June 2008. She has completed all the prescribed three years postgraduate courses, passed all the examinations . Hereby he is allowed to graduate. President: Li Sheng Guangzhou University June 30, 2008译文毕业证书致泰国驻上海总领事馆签证处: 兹证明李美丽女士,身份证号42572519720101,现居住于上海市长

40、宁区玉屏南路5弄505号室,将于2011年4月期间前往泰国旅游。玉屏南路街道居委会保证其遵守贵国法律,按期回国。感谢贵领馆的配合!此致!居委会2011年3月18日 例2证明信Certificate for ResidenceTo Thai Consulate General in Shanghai Visa Office, Ms.Li Meili, Chinese citizen ID card:42572519720101. Currently living in Room505, No.5 , Lane, Yuping South Road, in Shanghai, Will be he

41、ld in April 2011 traveled to Thailand. We guarantee she will comply with the law in your country and will be back on schedule.Thank you for your cooperation! NeighborhoodMarch 18, 2011译文证明信例3在读证明在 读 证 明 张楠,男,1987年12月15日出生。该生于2005年6月参加全国统一高考,被我院商务英语系国际贸易专业录取,普通全日制本科,学制四年。该生学号为050734238,已完成大学一年级第一学年全部

42、课程,预计于2009年7月毕业。特此证明。北京林业大学教务处2006年6月30日译文在读证明 Certificate for On-campus Students This is to certify that Zhang Nan, male, born on December 15, 1987, was admitted into the Foreign Trade Major of Business Department after reaching the required standard in the National College Matriculation Exam. He w

43、ill be required to complete a 4-year undergraduate courses for a Bachelors Degree. His student number is 050734238 and up to now she has completed and satisfied the requirements for the first academic year. She is expected to graduate in July, 2009.Teaching Affairs DivisionBeijing Forestry Universit

44、yJune 30,2006例4结业证明 兹证明,李美丽女士于2013年8月1日至31日参加了英国里丁大学举办的中国高校英语教师短期课程培训,该教师已圆满完成课程任务并顺利结业,特此证明。培训负责人:约翰史密斯国际学习与语言培训机构英国里丁大学2013年9月1日译文结业证明 Certificate of Completion This is to certify that Li Meili attended and successfully completed the course for the University Teachers of English from China between

45、 August 1 and August 31,2013. Granted: September 1, 2013 Director: John Smith International Study and Language Training Institute Reading University例5成绩证明海南外国语学院学业成绩单姓名:李强 系别:商务英语系 专业:国际贸易第一学年(20112012)课程分数分数第一学期第二学期国际贸易7468外贸单证7886英语视听说8970英语写作7567商务英语阅读9071电子商务9078外贸函电8777译文成绩证明ACADEMIC RECORD OF

46、GRADUATESAT HAINAN FOREIGN LANGUAGE COLLEGEName: Li Qiang Department: Business English Major Field: Foreign Trade First Year(20112012)CoursesRecordRecordFirst TermSecond TermInternational Trade7468International Document7886English Listening and Speaking8970English Writing7567Business English Reading

47、9071Electronic Commerce9078Business Letters8777第二章 翻译的原则和要素翻译的标准信:译文必须忠实原文的意义;达: 译文的文字必须通顺、流畅;雅: 译文要文雅,吸引读者。 “雅” 的质疑:认为翻译应忠实原文,不仅忠实原文的内容,还要忠实原文的风格,即所谓的“人雅我亦雅、人俗我亦俗”。翻译的标准 严复的“三字”标准无可厚非。然而,在当代,文学翻译只占翻译总量的0.5%,大量的翻译文本是非文学性的,翻译的标准应该因文本的性质、读者对象和翻译的目的等而异。(张春柏,2002:7) 当代翻译的标准 评判译文质量的优劣应该有比较客观的标准或尺度。首先,翻译质

48、量的评估应该以原文为参照点。流畅的译文未必就是好的译文,因为原文不一定都是流畅的。其次,不同的文本对译文有不同的要求。根据德国翻译理论家莱斯(2000)的观点,大多数文本可以分为以下三类:2.1.1描述性文本(descriptive text) 描述性文本注重内容或信息的传达,包括新闻报道、商业信函、商品目录、产品使用手册、官方文件、法律文书、论文、报告等。这类文本注重客观地表达所要表达的内容,也称为“注重内容的文本”。 当代翻译的标准2.1.1描述性文本(descriptive text) 对这类文本译文质量的衡量标准主要是看译文是否准确地传达了原文的内容或信息;译文是否符合地道的译语的习惯

49、用法和表达方式。例如,产品说明书的文字特点是简洁明了,其目的是让读者了解该产品的结构和操作方法。翻译说明书时如果一味地追求文字的优美,反而会给读者增加负担,甚至不知所云。 当代翻译的标准2.1.2表达性文本(expressive text) 表达性文本注重用各种不同的语言形式,表达作者的情感和立场,也称为“注重形式的文本”。每个具体的文本都有自己的语言特点和艺术风格。 忠实的译文必须是能够用相应的手段表达了原文的语言特色,尽可能让译文读者有与原文读者大体相同或相近的艺术享受。评价这类译文要看译者是否使用恰当的手段让译文读者充分领略原文中的文学和美学特点。 当代翻译的标准2.1.3祈使性文本(v

50、ocative text) 祈使性文本主要包括广告、宣传品、宗教说教、政治宣传以及辩论性文本。这类文本注重它们的“感染”(鼓动)效果,也称“注重感染(劝说效果)”的文本。评价这类译文主要是看它们是否达到了与原文相同的效果。在翻译这类文本时译者可以抛开原文的形式,甚至某些语句的具体内容,以求得形同的效果。 当代翻译的标准2.1.3 祈使性文本(vocative text) 译者对于不同文本要按照不同文本的要求和标准进行翻译,尽可能在思想内容、表现手法及文本功能等方面,使译文读者能够得到与原文读者大致相同或近似的感受。如果做到这一点,就是好的或比较好的译文;相去甚远或完全不同,则是质量低劣甚至是不

51、合格的译文(见下页译文解析): 当代翻译的标准例1 Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in private-ness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以博采, 足以长才。 其怡情也, 最见于独处幽居之时;其博采也, 最见于高谈阔论之中; 其长才也, 最见

52、于处世判事之际。 当代翻译的标准 赏析 译文采用直译法,较好地保留了原文的形式,但具体词组或单词的翻译又不拘泥于原文,作了适当变通,如三个“足以”的排比与表达, 所以说它又使用了意译法。整个译文是直译与意译的巧妙结合,把原文中的意义美、形式美和声韵美都淋漓尽致地表现出来了。 当代翻译的标准 例2 this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the ea

53、rth. 要在上帝的保佑下,使我们的国家获得自由的新生;要使我们这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。 当代翻译的标准赏析 对原文最后一句话的翻译, 用了几个排比句型, 较好地体现了原文的语言风格。特别是对“government of the people, by the people, for the people”的处理,从传意和表形上都译得相当成功。三个介词分别译为三个动词,而且紧紧扣住了原文的信息内核,用简洁有力的汉语表达出来,这一成功的译例一直被传为译界佳话。此段体现了演说词的风格。 当代翻译的标准不合格的翻译1. wrong translation: 错译2. missing tra

54、nslation: 漏译3. careless translation: 马虎翻译4. wrong expressions: 表达不当5. wrong word collocation: 词不搭配6. translation difficult to understand: 译文费解7. translation sounding like English or the original language: 洋化翻译8. tasteless translation:白水翻译不合格的翻译例 1 1981年,在一个小县城里,他出生在一个小地主家里。 原译:In the year of 1911, h

55、e was born in the home of a petty landlord in a small county town. 改译:In the year of 1911, he was born into the family of a petty landlord in a small county town. 不合格翻译例 2 群众是复杂的,工作又很多。 原译:The masses of people are complex/ especially in the present masses there are extremely complex elements. 改译:The

56、 situations are very complicated with the masses of the people. And we have a lot of work to do.不合格翻译例 3 Try to be modest and prudent, guard against complacency. 原译:要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。 改译:要谦虚谨慎,防止自满情绪。例 4 可是,凭我的心眼捉摸,这个 好像还有什么问题。 原译:But in my opinion there was a problem in this family. 改译: But as I saw it, t

57、here seemed to be a problem with this family.不合格翻译例 5 He is physically weak but mentally sound. 原译:他身体虽弱,但是思想健康。 改译:她身体虽弱,但精神尚佳。不合格翻译例 6 The body lay white and still beneath the pines. 译文:这具尸体苍白而安静地躺在松树下。 改译:这具苍白的尸体静静地躺在松树下。不合格翻译例 7 The alternatives are now clear to see. 原译:代替的办法现在已经清楚在望。 改译:现在有几条路已经能够清楚地摆在我们面前。不合格翻译例 8 I can come to help you if it is necessary. 原译:我会来帮你的,如果必要的话。 改译:如果有必要,我会来帮助你的。不合格翻译例 9 They had hardly enough time to catch the train. 原译:他们仅有足够的时间赶上火


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