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1、PAGE PAGE 17山西省民办学校年检报告书山 西 省 民 办 学 校 ( ) 年 学 校: (盖章) 填表时间: 年 月 日 山 西 省 教 育 厅 制 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air t

2、o strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens wit

3、h a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personn

4、el dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different fun

5、ctional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feedin

6、g all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 填 表 说 明 一、本表内容均须打印。 二、本表根据不同类型学校及有关变更情况选择栏目打印凡没有的项目一律填“无”不得空格。 三、本表一式三份由教育行政主管机关、举办者和

7、学校各留一份。 resistancent of g the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and managemerry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before enterinuld cacontact with chickens

8、in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel shont functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct ifferenst pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from enterin

9、g, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the dess of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection agaiof acct regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to r

10、aising channel d and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out birclean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to preven trol. Mainly for temperature, h

11、umidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy tosecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental con-r to strict bioduction processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the peo

12、ple, chickens, equipment, transport, and even aiseparating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various pro, 基 本 情 况 学 校 名 称 ,公章, 办学许可证号 注 册 地 址 注 册 资 金 学校法人代表 办公电话 宅 电 家 庭 住 址 手 机 学 校 校 长 办公电话 宅 电 家 庭 住 址 手 机 职务 姓名 办公电话 宅电 手机 主要副校长 联办公室主任 系人 联系人 学校批准文号 批准时间 举 办 者

13、其 中 其 中 其 中 其 中 小计 外 籍 教 党 员 专 职 兼 职 高级职称 中级职称 教 师 职 教 师 工 行政人员 情 况 后勤人员 (人) 合 计 是否建立党组织 党组织建立形式 1.党总支2.党支部 是否建立工会组织 建筑面积,平方米, 学校占地面积,亩, 仪器设备,元, 图书,册, 校舍 总计 自建 租用 情况 E-mail 学校长期通讯地址 电话 邮编 ickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel shoul

14、d carry out pth chnal areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact wipeople carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functio gen ofptive persons and general

15、 protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathoing and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of caclean ent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen arou

16、nd the hen house for target, easy to carry out regularnfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and roddisi ly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to

17、clean andsecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Main-ing the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bioseparating spaces. Rational division of functional units a

18、ccording to the needs of various production processes, and classifyeoop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistanccken ceriodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. B

19、efore entering the chi, 办 学 情 况 幼小初高中职高自培其办学类型 儿学 中 中 专 业职 考训 它 合项 园 高助计 目 中 学 班级 全年招生 人数 班级 毕(结)业 人数 班级 现有在校生 人数 班级 其中全日制 人数 教学点地址,若租用学校校舍请注明校名, 主要专业,科目, 在校生数 学校所有 教学点分布情况,此表 填写不下可 另附表格 填写, resistancent of g the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, th

20、rough daily feeding and managemerry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before enterinuld cacontact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel shont functional

21、areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct ifferenst pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the dess of captive persons and general protection items for re

22、liable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection agaiof acct regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel d and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for tar

23、get, easy to carry out birclean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to preven trol. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy tosecurity control. Build

24、ing construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental con-r to strict bioduction processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even aiseparating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to

25、 the needs of various pro, 现有专兼职工作人员及各专业主要专兼职教师情况 序性年文化 原工作单位,兼职的 在学校,班,专职或 姓 名 号 别 龄 程度 填正在工作的单位, 所任职务学科 兼 职 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 注:1.此表填写不下,可另附表格填写。 2.财会人员附会计上岗证复印件及财会人员培训结业证。 3.学历教育学校附校长任职资格证复印件。 cken ceriodic physical examinations. For

26、feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chiickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out pth chnal areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfectio

27、n measures are available. Direct contact wipeople carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functio gen ofptive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against patho

28、ing and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of caclean ent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regularnfect, can give the chickens with a safe and c

29、omfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and roddisi ly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean andsecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing perfor

30、mance, environmental control. Main-ing the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bioseparating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifyeoop chickens to control as much

31、as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistanc, 学校(院)董(理)事会情况 本年度召开董,理,事 召开时间分别是: 会议 次 会议主要议题,附书面打印材料, 姓 名 性别 年龄 工 作 单 位 职 务 董,理, 事长 ,理, 事 董 ,理, 会 成 员 名 事 单 说明:如董,理,事会成员有变动,附董,理,事会决议。 resistancent of g the chicken coop chickens to control as much as pos

32、sible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and managemerry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before enterinuld cacontact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside wo

33、rld. Keeping personnel shont functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct ifferenst pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the dess of captive per

34、sons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection agaiof acct regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel d and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill t

35、he pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out birclean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to preven trol. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic

36、 factors. Easy tosecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental con-r to strict bioduction processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even aiseparating spaces. Rational d

37、ivision of functional units according to the needs of various pro, 财 务 情 况 总 总 计 创办者投入的财产 办学积累的财产 捐 赠 其 他 财 产 (元) 其 中 学校固定资产,元, 本年度投入,元, 全年收入 全年支出 全年结余 ,元, ,元, ,元, 开户银行 开户账号 本 年 度 收 费 情 况 收 费 收 费 收 费 收 费 学制 课时 学制 课时 项 目 金 额 项 目 金 额 eoop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of c

38、arriers, through daily feeding and management of resistanccken ceriodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chiickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should

39、 carry out pth chnal areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact wipeople carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functio gen ofptive persons and general

40、protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathoing and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of caclean ent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen aroun

41、d the hen house for target, easy to carry out regularnfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and roddisi ly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to c

42、lean andsecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Main-ing the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bioseparating spaces. Rational division of functional units ac

43、cording to the needs of various production processes, and classify, 变 更 情 况 变更事项 批准时间 变更前情况 变更后情况 学校名称 本 年 校 址 度 法人代表 变 更 校 长 事 项 注册资金 举 办 者 学校历史沿革: 注:该栏请按时间顺序填写学校批准的时间,年、月、日,、批准文号及办学过程中校名、举办者、办学层次、法人代表、董事长等重大事项变更的批准时间、批准文号、变更前后的内容等。 resistancent of g the chicken coop chickens to control as much as

44、possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and managemerry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before enterinuld cacontact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside

45、 world. Keeping personnel shont functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct ifferenst pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the dess of captive

46、persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection agaiof acct regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel d and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kil

47、l the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out birclean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to preven trol. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other clima

48、tic factors. Easy tosecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental con-r to strict bioduction processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even aiseparating spaces. Rationa

49、l division of functional units according to the needs of various pro, 主办单位及学校意见 学 校 全 部 印 鉴 印 模 学 校 年 检 校长,签字, ,公章, 意 见 年 月 日 举 办 者 年 ,签字或公章, 检 意 年 月 日 见 1.本报告书数字根据要求均取自, ,年一月一日起至, ,年十二月三十一日止。 2.本报告书内容及数字已核实,均真实准确。 报 告 学校法人代表,签字, 校长,签字, 学 校 盖 章 人 承 诺 people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from enteri

50、ng, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functio gen ofptive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathoing and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated t

51、o raising channel of access of caclean ent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regularnfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and roddisi ly for t

52、emperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean andsecurity control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Main-ing the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens

53、, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bioseparating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifyeoop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistanccken ceriodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chiickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out pth chnal areas of keeping person


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