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1、 Iisten and RespondZooming In on the Details1) endangered 2) threats 3) resource 4) diet 5) satisfy6) harvested 7) declining 8) supplies 9) excessive10) starvationWords in action1. 1) disaster; 2) compelled; 3) historical;4) disciplined; 5) destruction; 6) output;7) retreat; 8) abandoned; 9) trace;1

2、0) eternal; 11) investment; 12) transfer;13) justify; 14) nonetheless; 15) contributions;16) accelerate; 17) threaten.2. 1) show signs of; 2) called upon; 3) off limits;4) in fear of ; 5) slow down; 6) cut down;7) from head to foot; 8) come by; 9) lost out;10) As yet; 11) reside in.Increasing your w

3、ord power1. web+log; breakfast+lunch; medical+care;Motor+hotel; net+citizen; science+ fiction;Work+alcoholic.2. 1) anthropology: the scientific study of the humanrace, especially of its origins, development, customs1 / 7 and beliefs;2) archaeology;3) ecology;4) geology: the study of rocks, soils, et

4、c. whichmake up the Earth, and of their changes during thehistory of the world.5) ideology;6) musicology: the study of the history and theoryof music;7) psychology;8) sociology: the scientific study of the nature anddevelopment of society and social behaviour;9) zoology.3. 1) individua; 2) contradic

5、tory; 3) destructive;4) rational; 5) primitive;6) synthetic;7) distant; 8) pessimistic; 9) irreplaceable;10) enormous.Grammar review1. 1) she wished us health and success in the new year.2) he asked how we are getting along with ourwork.3) Jack said to me that I would be happy to know2 / 7 that his

6、condition had improved.4) Rose asked Jack whether he was sure his motherwould like the idea.5) He asked John how long he had been waiting forthem.6) She said I neednt have done all that myself.2. 1) The strikers protested to the police that they hadno right to arrest them.2) He promised that he woul

7、d give us whateverassistance we needed.3) He agreed (that) was the best solution to theproblem.4) My sister admitted that it was she who hadbroken the glass.5) He declard that he meant what he said andwould never go back on his word.6) The man insisted that we give an explanation ofwhat had happened

8、.7) Mrs. Jones complained that no one showedconcern for the elderly in that country.8) The sales manager explained that he couldntgive us a definite answer because he had not received3 / 7 instructions from his company.Cloze1) realm; 2) elemental;3) obtain; 4) stubbornly;5) transfrred; 6) transforme

9、d; 7) subdued; 8)expansion;9) irreplaceable;10) extinct; 11) dynamic; 12)verge;13) moderate; 14) ecological;15) rational;Translation:1. The villageis so close to the border that thevillagerslivein constant fear of attacks from theenemy.2. In only twenty years the country was transformedinto an advan

10、ced industrial power.3. This company has evolved into one of the majorchemical manufacturing bases in this region.4. Given the current finacial situation, it is inevitablthat the US dollar will be further devalued.5. The governmentscallfor suggestionsabout thecontrol of water pollution produced very

11、 littleresponse from the citizens.6. The weather showed no signsof gettingbetterso4 /7 the government called upon us to get prepared forfloods.7. At one time scientists thought that there wasnothing smaller than an atom but now most peopleknow that an atom consists of even smaller particles.8. The s

12、tudents were all very much concerned aboutthe World Cup, spending at least two hours every daywatching the live matches on TV .9. The department store lost out because loans werevery hard to come by and it should not start businesson time.10. We cant go there for a walk because there is anavy base t

13、here, which is off limits to tourists.2.Human beings live in the realm of nature. They are notonly dwellers in nature, but also transformers of it. Withthe development of society and its economy, people tendto become less dependent on nature directly, butindirectly their dependence grows. Human bein

14、gs areconnected with nature by blood ties. No one can liveoutside nature. However, the previous dynamic balance5 / 7 between man and nature has shown signs of breakingdown. Problems such as the population explosion,ecological imbalance and the shortage of naturalresources have become major factors k

15、eeping humansociety from being further developed. Professor Spirkinholds that the only choice for human beings is the wiseorganization of production and care for Mother NatureSample EssayMy Understanding of Environmental ProtectionMan and the environment are closely related.Man relies on the environ

16、ment for water, food andshelter. A harmonious relationship between man andthe environment is essential for human survival onthe earth.However, man and the environment have neverbeen on such bad terms as they are now. As societydevelops, man s transformation of nature hasseverely polluted his living

17、environment.Deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns,6 / 7 causing devastating floods, droughts and sandstorms.The discharge of chemicalPollutants endangers our health and the lives ofother beings. And mass production has resulted in theshortage of irreplaceable natural resources such ascoal and oil. If we take no immediate and effectivesteps to protect our environment, human being maybe the next species to become extinct.We should do our best to protect oure


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