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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Unit 4 Stories and PoemsLesson 20Say It in Five知识目标单词line,text,poet,single,screen,stretch,liquid,state,noun,adjective,verb,express词组decide to do sth. compare with, come up with句型Look at the poem on the right. Each line has a set number of words.技能目标能听懂本课时的听力材料,能说出本课时的重要句型,能运用句式

2、用英语谈论学习方法掌握文中重点短语和句型。能准确应用本课中的词汇。Step 1:Warming upT:Read a few old Chinese poems. Do they follow a pattern?Ss:Yes,they follow some regular patterns.T:What pattern does a fiveline poem follow?Ss:Im sorry,I dont know.T:OK,dont worry. Today well learn about fiveline poems.So after learning this lesson,

3、we should know what patterns does a fiveline poem follow. Now lets begin our class.设计意图:新课开始,教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,能调动他们的学习积极性。Step 2:Presentation1.Teacher shows the students a fiveline poem:ComputerBright screenHumming with informationShow me the worldConnectThen explain the meaning of this poem and

4、 teach the rules of this kind of poems.2.The students read the text by themselves. Give the students several minutes to remember the dialogue,then role play the dialogue. Find out the main words and sentences in the dialogue.设计意图:教师以五行诗的形式展开学习,能吸引学生的兴趣。Step 3:DrillRead the text again and finish Exer

5、cise 1 on Page 53.设计意图:通过反复朗读课文,加强了学生们的记忆,同时也锻炼了学生们的口语表达能力。Step 4Task 1 Explain the meaning of the whole text sentence by sentence,help the students remember the main words and the main sentences.Task 2 Explain the language points to the students.1.This style was created in the nineteenth century by

6、 an American poet.这种形式是一位美国诗人于十九世纪创造的。create v.创造,创作;n. 创作,作品Ba Jin created a lot of works in his life.巴金一生创作了大量的作品。This poem pattern was created by the poet in last century.这种诗体是由这位诗人在上世纪创立的。The artists creations are over the world.这位画家的作品遍布世界各地。2.This kind of poem always talks about a single topic

7、.这种诗通常只有一个主题。single作形容词,有以下几种含义:(1)单个的,单独的(作定语)a/one single单数名词only one单数名词The letter was written on a single sheet of paper.这封信只用一张纸写成。There is a single table(only one table)in the room.房间里只有一张桌子。(2)单身的,未婚的He remains single all his life.他一生独身。(3)单程的,与return相对a single ticketa oneway ticket单程票;a retu

8、rn ticket来回票3.Each line has a set number of words.每行都有一定数量的词。a set number of.一定数量的,固定数量的;a number of.许多的,大量的;the number of.的数目。4.smooth fur油光顺滑的毛smooth adj.光滑的,平静的The silk feels very smooth.丝绸摸起来很柔滑。Many people are walking by the smooth lake.许多人在平静如镜的湖边散步。【辨析】fur与feather(1)fur n.毛,一般指畜类动物(猫、兔、狗)等身上的

9、软毛、绒毛。The woman is wearing a fur coat.这位妇女穿着一件皮大衣。(2)feather n.羽毛,一般指禽类动物(鸟、鸡、鸭、鹅等)身上的羽毛。as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛5.sleeping,waking,stretching 睡足了,醒来,伸伸懒腰stretch v.伸展,拉长Please help me stretch the rope.请帮我把绳子拉长。He stood up and stretched.他站起来伸了伸懒腰。The seat is too narrow. I cant stretch my legs.座位太窄了,

10、我连腿都伸不开。6.You can use any type of words here.你可以选择任意一种词。any,用在肯定句中,表示“任何的,任何一种”,后接单数可数名词。Any book will do.任何书都可以。You can come at any time.你随时都能来。设计意图:让学生能抓住文中重点词汇和句型,善于归纳。Task 3 Practice.Look at the picture in Page 53 Question 2.Work in pairs and collect some words to describe it.设计意图:锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的合作能力。1The church was built _. Ain 1800s Bin the 1800 Cin nineteen century Din the 19th century2I live in Room 403.Sam lives in the room right above mine, on t


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