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1、 数 词数词表示数目的多少和顺序的词,分为基数词和序数词1.基数词:表示数目或数量的词 。从十三至十九:以teen结尾,逢十都以ty结尾,二十一至九十九:十位与个位之间加连字符Hundred,thousand,million,billion读法:每三位隔开,十位与百位之间加and 26,256,3522.序数词:表示顺序或第几用法 第一,第二,第三,其他加基数词后加th ;注意第五,第八,第九,第十二fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 二十,三十等:y变i +eth多位数时只变个位,缩略形式:阿拉伯数字加最后两位字母读法:Lesson 2,the second less

2、on,Page 53, the fifty-third page,Room 605,Bus 5,Telephone number: 2225553分数读法:分子用基数分母用序数。1/2,a half;1/3 one third,2/4 two quarters;2/5 two fifths;五又四分之五;five and four fifths小数:0.12,0.32; 百分比:percent;sixty percent加减乘除: Five and ten is fifteen. Five plus ten equals fifteen. Five and ten make fifteen.

3、Seven minus one equals six. Seven minus one is six.Five times six equals thirty. Ten divided by five equals two.日期表示法:1990年3月14日,March 14 1990 ,9世纪the nineteenth century;In the 1990s时刻表达法:练习:This table is about(四英尺长,三英尺高,五英尺宽)No body believes that _ (一个八岁的小男孩) can do so well.We can see(数以千记的) stars

4、at night。 Our office is(和平路号)(第八课)is the simplest lesson of the book. My daughter was born _(1995年4月5日) He gets up _ (6:25) and goes to school _ (7:00) You can take _ (685公共汽车)to go to the department store. This story happened in Guangzhou _ (1996年9月) How much is _ (30-5)数词练习1.There are _ days in a

5、year. A.three hundreds sixty-fiv B.three hundreds andsixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five2.There are_ students in this school. A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six3._people visit

6、 this museum every day. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of4.There are two_ people in the meeting room. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of5.Every year _ watch NBA on TV. A. million people B. millions of people C. millions people D. million of people6._ trees have bee

7、n planted in our school in the past 10 years. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of7.Look! There are _ in the sky. A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star8.My brother is in_. A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C.

8、 Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one9.We are going to learn_ this term. A. book six B. six book C. the book six D. Book Six10.Please turn to_. Lets read the text aloud.A.Page Two B. the page two C.second page D.Page second11.We can say the number 78, 645 in English like this_. A. sevent

9、y-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five B. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five C. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five D. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five12.The year 1999 should be read The year_. A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen ninety-nine

10、 C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine D. nineteen hundred and ninety-nine13.He will come here _ tomorrow morning. A. at fifth B. at ten C. on two D. till tenth14.Every day he begins to do his homework _. A. at ten past seven B. at seven pass ten C. on ten past seventh D. until ten15.He was d

11、oing some washing _. A.at eight yesterday morning B.yesterday morning eightC.yesterday morning at eight D.by eight yesterday morning16 He began to work there_. A. on his fifty B. at age of fifty C. when he fifty D. in his fifties17.They moved to Beij ing _ A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 C. in the 1980s

12、D. on the 1980s18.We all like the boy. A. of ten years old B. ten-year-old C. at ten old D. of age of ten19. She was _ her early twenties when she went abroad. A. At B. On C. Of D: in20.There are_ months in a year. December is the_month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; t

13、welve D. twelve; twelveth21.During_ century, the world population has already reached 6 billion. A. Twenty B. the twentieth C. Twentieth D. the twenty22.Sunday is the_ day of the week. A. Seventh B. First C. Second D. third23.Autumn is season in a year. A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. the t

14、hreeth24.Tom was to get to school and I was _. A. first; ninth B. a first; a ninth C. the first; the ninth D. the second; the nineth25.-Whats the date today? -Its_. A. Friday B. time to go C. Cloudy D. June 4th26.Jenny was born A. on July 10, 1987 B. in July 10, 1987 C. in 1987, July 10 D. on 1987,

15、July 10Monday is the second day, and_. A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is the fifth C. the second is Tuesday D. the second is Thursday28.About_ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese. A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth29._ of the students are girls

16、 in our class. A.Two three B.Two threes C.Two thirds D. Second three30._ of the worlds books and newspapers are written in English. A. Three quarters B. Three quarter C. Thirds four D. Threes fourth31.Tom is_ in the row. A. a second B. the second C. Two D. second32.The girl wanted to sing_ song in E

17、nglish. A.the others B.a second C.Other D.the secondNow let me have_. A.the third try B.a third try C.third try D.this third try参考答案:C C D A B A C B D A C B B A A D C A D B B B B C D A B B C A B B B形容词表性质,状态用法:作定语;表语;宾语补足语She is a good teacher.I have something important to say.My house is big.Who le

18、t the door open?Linda is a lovely girl.Linda is lovely.有些形容词只可以做表语,不能做定语alive; asleep; alone; afraid; illliving peopleThose soldiers are still alive.a sleeping babyThe baby was sound asleep.a lonely womana frightened boya sick person有些形容词只作定语(golden, wooden, many)形容词位置1.放在名词前We have a very beautiful

19、 English teacher.This is an interesting book.2.修饰something等不定代词时放在其后面Do you have anything important to say?We do not know anybody else here.3.许多形容词并列限定词+描述词+大小+新旧+颜色+材质+类别+名词a round glass tableThe boys old black shoes4.被表度量的词修饰Five meters high12 years old5 feet wide比较级与最高组构成:规则与不规则规则: bigger nicer h

20、otter busier warmer heaviermore difficulty不规则: good well (better best)manymuch (more most)bad ill (worse worst)little(less least) far (farther/further further/furthest)用法:两者之间的比较用比较级The earth is bigger than the moon.The book is more interesting than that one.三者或以上进行比较用最高级,前面往往加the,后面用in或of短语Spring i

21、s the best season of the year.This lesson is the most difficult of the three.表示双方程序相等时用as.as.不相等时用not as(so)asMy daughter is as tall as I.Jim is not as(so) honest as Tom.much/even/still/a little/a lot后可修饰比较级She is a little younger than her teacher.Our city is much more beautiful than theirs.倍数表达 tim

22、es as.as. times +比较级+than .This room is four times as big as that one.This room is three times bigger than that one.I am eight years older than my students.He is a head taller than his mother.比较级+and+同一比较级more and moreHe is becoming stronger and stronger.He is becoming more and more beautiful.one of

23、 +最高级最中的一个Dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in China.Dalian is more beautiful than any other city in China.副词修饰动词,形容词,副词,句子时间/地点/频度/程度/方式/疑问/连接1.作状语Mrs. Wang works very hard.She is very beautiful.They speak English quite well.2.作表语She is already back.3.作定语The book here is very expensive.位置W

24、e will meet at airport tomorrow.Linda often helps others.They are never late.I will always remember my trips to America.比较级与最高级与形容词一样用法:最高级前the有时可以省略Jiajia runs faster than I.Tom writes more carefully than his sister.Who jumps (the) highest in your class?11例题This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _.A.

25、 nice; wellB. nice; goodC. well; wellD. good; niceIf you want to be thinner and healthier, you d better eat _ food and take _exercise.A. more; fewerB. more; lessC. fewer; moreD. less; moreTom is the _ one I want to work with. He is always complaining.Be more patient. He is still a good boy.A. bestB.

26、 lastC. firstD. onlyThere is _ in the art exhibition. Please come and visit it.A. something newB. nothing newC. new somethingD. new nothingYour classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _.A. dryB. openC. cleanD. quiet形容词练习题1. Lets go and have a drink. Weve got _ time before the train leaves.A.

27、littleB. fewC. a littleD. a few2. The _ you eat, the better your health will be.A. littleB. fewC. lessD. fewer3. They have just cleaned the windows, so the room looks _.A. more brighterB. more brightC. less brightD. much brighter4. Which is the _, the train station, the bus station or the airport?A.

28、 farB. farthestC. fatherD. more far5. Now the air in our home town is _ than it was before. Something must be done.A. much betterB. more worseC. more betterD. much worse6. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed _ than usual.A. earlyB. earlierC. lateD. later7. Either of them can take this j

29、ob, but what Im interested in is who is _.A. the most carefulB. more carefulC. carefulD. even careful8. In our city, its _ in July, but it iseven _ in August.A. hotter; hottestB. hot; hotC. hotter; hotD. hot; hotter9. I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, will be _ new star in NBA.A. hotB.

30、 hotterC. hottestD. the hottest10. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _ one. I think you can find her easily.A. tallestB. the tallerC. tallerD. the tallest11. Its good for your health to do _ sports.A. muchB. leastC. moreD. most12.Our holiday was _.Yes. Ive never had _.A. such; a better oneB.

31、greatly; a good oneC. so great; a better oneD. very good; the best one13.Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?-Certainly, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this.A. a better; better thanB. a worse; as good asC. a cheaper; as good asD. a more important; not as good as14.Why dont you ask Tom to do i

32、t?-I dont know whether he is _ to. He sometimes makes things worse.A. possibleB. ableC. afraidD. easy15. Lots of visitors come to Nanjing because she is _ city.A. so a beautifulB. very a beautifulC. such beautiful aD. quite a beautiful16. If you like the chicken, you may have as _ as you can.A. much

33、B. manyC. moreD. little17. The Changjiang River is one of _ rivers in the world.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest18. _ children there are in a family, _ their life will be.A.The less; the better B. The fewer; the better C. Fewer; richer D. More; poorer19. The boy is _ young to carry the box.

34、Lets go and help him.A. tooB. soC. veryD. quite20. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. Id like to change it for a _ one.A. smallB. largeC. nicerD. smaller21. 30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but its _ than we need.A. far moreB. very muchC. far lessD. very little22. China has _ p

35、opulation in the world.A. biggerB. largerC. the biggestD. the largest23. Lucys handwriting is good, but Roses handwriting is much _.A. goodB. bestC. betterD. the best24. The day is bright and _. Lets go for a walk.A. sunnyB. darkC. cloudyD. windy25. As a result, _people like to travel by air than be

36、fore.A. much moreB. many moreC. more muchD. more many26. Why not make a kite yourself? You dont need _ for it.A.anything special B. something specialC. special anything D. special something27. This computer is as good as a new one but _ expensive.A. much lessB. more lessC. more muchD. much more28. T

37、he young scientist decided to work _ in the _ forest.A. lonely; aloneB. alone; lonelyC. alone; aloneD. lonely; lonely29. _ you eat butter, cream and chocolate, _ you will become.A. The more; the thinner B. The less; the fatterC. More; fatterD. The more; the fatter30.Theoldmannextdoorwasfound _inthel

38、ivingroom.Maybehediedfromaheart attack.A. deadB. dieC. dyingD. death31. I paid a visit to Mrs Smith yesterday evening. She didnt look _, but she said shewas getting on all right.A. as worried as everB. as happy as usualC. happier thanD. as happily as usual32Now let me have_.A. the third tryB. a thir

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