1、课程名称:声学基础Introduction to Acoustics课程代码:24410030学分:2学时:32 (其中:课堂教学学时:32上机学时:课程实践学时:)先修课程:高等数学、大学物理、理论力学、振动力学、弹性力学 适用专业:工程力学专业教材:1. Heinrich Kuttruff, Acoustics-an introduction, English edition published 2007 by Taylor & Francis.2.声学基础,杜功焕,朱哲民,龚秀芬.大学出版社,2012,第三版。一、课程性质与教学目标(一)课程性质Acoustics is the scie
2、nce of sound, particularly its production, transmission, and effects. The applications of acoustics can be broken down into four main categories: Earth Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, and the Arts. Within Earth Sciences, acoustics is used in such applications as the development and refinement
3、of underwater detection devices, the measurement of seismic waves and sound levels in the atmosphere. Engineering applications of acoustics include Noise Control, Electro-Acoustics, Sonic and Ultrasonic Engineering systems, non-destructive material testing, shock and vibrations of mechanical systems
4、, and sound quality design of products. Life Sciences use Acoustics in hearing, speech production, bioacoustics, and psychoacoustics. In the Arts, Acoustics is involved in musical instruments, room acoustics, and communications. Hence, studying this course will greatly help students in their future
5、carrier.(二)教学目标(需包括知识、能力与素质方面的内容)The main course objective is introducing the following topics to the students:What is sound and acousticsWave equationPlane and spherical wavesAttenuation and sound radiationSound reflection, refraction, diffraction and scatteringSound waves in isotropic solidsUltras
6、oundHelp the students understand the applications of the acoustics knowledge in practical engineering.(三)课程目标与专业毕业要求指标点的对应关系本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求指标点4、5、6:.毕业要求4:掌握力学基础知识和基本理论。掌握理论力学、材料力学、弹性力学、振动力学, 流体力学,计算力学和实验力学的理论体系,初步利用力学思维对自然和工程问题进行机理性 和定量化的建模与描述,明确各种力学理论的适用范围与局限性。(毕业要求4).毕业要求5:掌握基本的力学实验与数值计算技能。前者包括理
7、论力学及材料力学等基础力学实 验,结构健康监测和微纳米测试等方面的最新实验技术,后者要求具有使用数值模拟软件或编 程计算典型工程力学案例的能力。(毕业要求5).毕业要求6:初步掌握力学研究的基本方法和手段,具有初步的工程实践能力,初步具备发现、 提出、分析和解决与力学有关的工程技术问题的能力。(毕业要求6)程目标毕业要求磊课程目标1课程目标2毕业要求3毕业要求4毕业要求5注:课程目标与毕业要求指标点对接的单元格中可输入也可标注“H、M、L-oII、Course content and teaching requirements (Write for each chapter)Introduct
8、ionCourse contentsDefinition of sound Definition of acousticsTeaching requirementsIn this chapter a lot of examples including; videos are necessary to teach the students the definition of sound and acousticsKey points and difficultiesKey pointsDefinition of sound and acousticsDifficultiesSince the s
9、ound is an invisible phenomenon, the students may face difficulties in understanding the definition of sound and acousticsSome facts on mechanical vibrationsCourse contentsA few examplesDefinition of frequency, wave length, resonance and impedanceTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, mechanical vibr
10、ations must be reviewed for the students which can help the students to understand the following chapters.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsDefinition of frequency, wave length, resonance and impedanceDifficultiesSince the students have studied this chapter in previous semesters, they may not fac
11、e any difficulties in this chapter.Acoustic variables and basic relationsCourse contentsDefinition of acoustic variablesIntroducing basic relations in acousticsWave equationsIntensity and energy density of sound waves in fluidsDefinition of sound pressure levelTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, f
12、irstly acoustic variables must be introduced. Then basic relations in acoustics can be taught which will be used for developing the wave equations.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsDefinition of acoustic variables, basic relations in acoustics and wave equationsDifficultiesDeveloping wave equatio
13、ns may be difficult and complicated for studentsPlane waves attenuation(X) Course contentsDefinition of plane wavesAttenuation of soundTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, solution of wave equation will be presented and the plane waves will be introduced. Moreover, the definition of attenuation of
14、sound will be presented in this chapter.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsPlane waves, definition of plane wave and attenuation of soundDifficultiesSolution of wave equation may be complicated for studentsSpherical wave and sound radiationCourse contentsDefinition of spherical wavesSound radiatio
15、nThe point sourceThe Doppler effectTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, firstly the solution of wave equation for spherical waves will be presented then sound radiation will be taught. Finally, the point source and Doppler effect will be introduced.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsSpherical wav
16、es, sound radiation, the point source and the Doppler effectDifficultiesSolution of wave equation for spherical waves may be complicated for studentsReflectiony Refractiony Diffractiony ScatteringCourse contentsAngels of reflection and refractionSound propagation in atmosphereReflection factor and a
17、bsorption coefficientDefinition of diffraction and scatteringTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, firstly the angels of reflection and refraction will be introduced. Then sound propagation in atmosphere will presented. Finally, reflection factor, absorption coefficient, diffraction and scattering p
18、henomenon will be introduced.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsReflection, Refraction, Diffraction, ScatteringDifficultiesSound propagation in atmosphere may be complicated for students.Sound waves in isotropic solidsCourse contentsSound waves in unbounded solidsReflection and refraction, Rayleig
19、h waveWaves in plates and barsTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, different type of sound waves in isotropic solids will be presented.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsSound waves in plates and bars, Rayleigh waveDifficultiesThe definition of Rayleigh wave may be complicated for the students.Ul
20、trasoundCourse contentsGeneral remarks on ultrasoundGeneration and detection of ultrasoundDiagnostic applications of ultrasoundTeaching requirementsIn this chapter, general remarks and the application of ultrasound will be presented.Key points and difficultiesKey pointsUltrasound characteristics and
21、 applicationsDifficultiesGeneration and detection of ultrasound may be complicated for students.Ill、Allocation of teaching hours and teaching methodsChapter (Fill in order)Teaching form and time assignmentMain teaching methodsCourse objectives supportedLectureExperimentComputer classPracticeSubtotal
22、Chapter 144Lecture1、2Chapter 222Lecture1、2Chapter 344Lecture1、2Chapter 433Lecture1、2Chapter 533Lecture1、2Chapter 655Lecture1、2Chapter 755Lecture1、2Chapter 866Lecture1、2total3232LectureNote: The main teaching methods include lecture, discussion, demonstration, research-based teaching methods (based on problems, projects, cases and other teachi
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