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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Many people may be surprised by the number of chemicals that they are _ to through everyday household products.Ade

2、votedBaddictedCexposedDapplied2The TV station will be _ the game live on Saturday afternoon, and we cant miss it.AcoveringBimprovingChandlingDcanceling3Self- confidence is a kind of quality and that is it takes to do everything well.AwhyBthatCwhatDwhich4The news of the newly-elected presidents comin

3、g to China for a visit was _ on the radio just now.Agiven awayBgiven inCgiven offDgiven out5You can choose not to forgive. _ you can also choose to let it go.AAbsolutelyBConsequentlyCSubsequentlyDAlternatively6Youve made great progress in your English study, havent you?Yes, but much .Aremains to doB

4、is remained to doCremains to be doneDis remained to be done7The lecture about 3D technology was very interesting.Its a pity. How I wish I _ time to attend it.AhadBhaveChad hadDhave had8You can get off the bus one or two stops _ and walk the rest of the way to work every day so as to take some exerci

5、se.Amore earlyBearliestCearlyDearlier9When faced with a big challenge _ potential failure seems to hide at every corner, maybe youve heard this advice before: “Be more confident.”AwhereBwhoseCwhichDof which10He _ a chance to try it again just now.A gave B will give C is given D was given11Recently s

6、ome hospitals in China have adopted _ they call a robot-doctor, _ will be used to operate on patients with more accuracy.Awhat; that Bthat; whichCwhat; which Dwhich; what12You know, people have different opinions about the construction of the project.We welcome any comments from them, favorable or _

7、.AsoBotherwiseCelseDrather13As _ healthier lifestyle is being promoted, the bicycle has also become a tool that keeps people on _ go.Athe; aBa; aCa; theDa; /14- My God! I havent prepared the files for the new project yet!- _. The boss wont need it until next Friday.ATheres no doubt BTheres no panic

8、CGood luck DSounds good15 Youve got your flat furnished, havent you? Yes, I _ some used furniture and it was a real bargain.Awill buyBhave boughtChad boughtDbought16 “Drive-ins” have large parking lots _ customers are served in their cars by waitresses.AwhoBwhenCwhichDwhere17Did Max go to the concer

9、t with his family yesterday?The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrow, he _ it.Acouldnt have attendedBneednt have attendedCwouldnt attendDshouldnt attend18We will remain _to the path of peaceful development and shoulder more international responsibilities.AcommittingBcommittedCto be committedDto

10、 have committed19Martin Luther King, Jr. put it that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means _we arrive at that goal.AthatBwhereCby whichDwith which20It is widely acknowledged that students should be _ in terms of overall quality.AsupportedBmatchedCevaluatedDcontrolled第二部分 阅读理解(

11、满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)England continues to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. London in particular is one of the most visited cities and draws people in with its appeal, history, and pubs. Englands smaller cities, like Bath and Oxford, are equally as

12、 attractive with a lot of culture and fewer crowds. Liverpool, birthplace of The Beatles, has a rich musical history. The countryside has wonderful natural beauty. Here are some tips on traveling in England.Free museumsPublic museums offer free admission in every city throughout England and the UK.

13、Its a great way to learn about the countrys most influential artists and history, and spend a rainy day without paying a cent.Book earlyBook all transportation well in advance, even if you dont plan to use it. Fares can be around 2 with a little planning. The Megabus not only runs buses but also pro

14、vides trains throughout England and is the best choice for cheap travel throughout the country.Pub foodEating in England can be quite expensive, but for good cheap and filling meals, visit the local pubs, where you can get a good meal for less than 10. Besides, the pubs are a great way to meet peopl

15、e!Get a Taste of UK cardThe Taste of the UK card offers up to 1% off at selected restaurants. You dont need to be an English to get the card, and you neednt pay the first months membership fee, which is perfect for most travelers.Take a free walking tourMany major cities in England offer free walkin

16、g tours. They usually last a few hours and are a great way to see the city.1、Compared with London, Oxford is .Amore appealing Bless crowdedClarger in size Dricher in history2、Why is eating in local pubs suggested?AThe price of food is low there.BThe chance of meeting stars is high there.CThe service

17、 is excellent there.DThe dining atmosphere is perfect there.3、What can be known from the text?AAll museums in the UK are free of charge.BThe best way to travel around England is by bus.CFree walking tours are available in only some cities in England.DHolders of the Taste of UK card can enjoy discoun

18、ts at all restaurants.22(8分)British MuseumLocated in Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, the British Museum houses a vast collection of world art and artifacts and is free to all visitors. The British Museums remarkable collection spans over two million years of human history and culture, and it

19、has more than 7 million objects, so it would probably take a week to see everything.Over 6 million visitors every year experience the collection, including world-famous objects such as the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies.Admission and opening timesFree, open daily 10:00 to 17:30.Open until 20:30

20、on Fridays, except Good Friday.Closed on 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January.Large luggage, suitcases and cabin baggageFor everyones safety, all bags, packages and personal items may be searched before entry. Wheeled cases and large items of luggage are not allowed in the British Museum for safety

21、and security reasons. Storage for luggage is available at major rail stations, including Euston, Kings Cross and Charing Cross.MembershipMembership allows you to discover 2 million years of human history with free unlimited entry to special exhibitions, an exclusive discount offer on magazine subscr

22、iption and many more benefits.Individual membership:74Under 26 membership:54Young friends (aged 8-15):25ShopsThe museum has four shops where you can buy books, souvenirs, and family gifts.1、When can you visit the British Museum?AAt 9:00 on Friday.BAt 12:00 on Monday.COn Christmas Day.DOn Good Friday

23、.2、Where can visitors store their large luggage?AAt major train stations.BAt some crossings.CIn the hall of the Museum.DAt the entrance to the Museum.3、If two friends aged 14 and 18 apply for membership of the Museum, how much should they pay?A25.B79.C50.D148.23(8分)Companion planting is the idea tha

24、t when some crops are planted together, they help each other grow. The compatible plants generally have similar needs for nutrients, soil and moisture.Advice for companion plantings is sometimes based more on tradition than proof. But Fabian Fernandez at the University of Illinois says there is evid

25、ence for some combinations. These can lead to better crops, reduce disease and help with pest control by attracting helpful insects. For example, some kinds of soil bacteria take nitrogen(氮) from the air and make a form that plants can use. The plants keep the nitrogen in their roots. Legumes(豆类) ar

26、e especially good at this. Any crops sharing the same space can get the nitrogen as the roots decompose(腐烂).Crops like beans and potatoes, carrots and cabbages, beans and rice can also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil. Deep-rooted vegetables get nutrients a

27、nd moisture from lower down, so they do not compete with shallower plants. But some plants placed together may harm each others development. For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests. So you would probably not want to put them together.Even after harvest, s

28、ome kinds of produce should be kept apart. Apples, for example, release ethylene gas,a plant hormone. It can cause other foods to ripen(成熟)too quickly. Markets often separate high ethylene-producing foods from those that are sensitive to the gas. But sometimes you might want them together. For examp

29、le, if you put an apple in a bag with a green banana, the banana will be ready to eat sooner.Now what about peaches, plums and nectarines that are too firm to eat? Growers in California answer this question at . They say an apple,a banana or a riper piece of fruit is not needed. The peaches, plums a

30、nd nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.Heres their advice: place the fruit in afruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. Keep the fruit at room temperature. When the fruit is soft enough to your liking, either use it or place it in a refrigerator to sto

31、p further ripening.1、What are the basic needs for companion planting?AGood old companions. BSome kinds of soil bacteria.CNutrients, soil and moisture. DHelpful insects.2、What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?ATo some extent, companion planting relies more on traditional

32、 experience.BIn the field of companion planting, proof always speaks louder than tradition.CTraditional experience is much less reliable than scientific experiments.DScientific researches have thrown light on the theory of companion planting.3、According to the text, which group of plants are not sui

33、table to be planted together?ABeans and potatoes. BTomatoes and watercress.CCarrots and cabbages. DBeans and rice.4、What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?AWe should choose fruit from markets as often as possible.BThe peaches, plums and nectarines should always be put together to get ripe

34、r.CThe fruit in afruit bowl or in a paper bag should be eaten as soon as possible.DWe should not place any ripening fruit out in direct sunlight.24(8分)Last Sunday, an earthquake struck the Napa Valley area of northern California. It happened in the middle of the night, becoming the strongest earthqu

35、ake to strike the Napa Valley in 15 years. No one was killed, but many people were treated in hospitals.I said to my seven year old twins, Brad and Brett, and three year old Meghan, “We have so much, and these poor people in trouble now have nothing. Well share what we have with them.”I filled a box

36、 with foods and clothes. While I was doing this, I advised the boys to choose their toys and donate some of their less favorite things. Meghan watched quietly as the boys took out their old toys and put them together. Then she walked away. A few minutes later she came back with Lucy, her much loved

37、doll. She put the doll on top of the other toys. “Oh, dear,” I said. “You dont have to give Lucy. You love her so much.” Meghan said, “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe shell make another little girl happy, too.”I looked at Meghan for a long moment. She taught me a lesson. Its easy to give something

38、 that we dont want any more, but hard to give what we cherish(珍爱), isnt it?1、How many children does the writer have?AOne BTwoCThree DFour2、Which of the following is TRUE?AThe earthquake caused many deaths.BThe earthquake is the biggest in history.CThe earthquake happened at night.DThe earthquake hit

39、 the city of California.3、What did Meghan take out for the people in trouble?AA toy BClothesCA doll DFood4、Whats the best title of this passage?AA Family Story BThe Spirit of GivingCA white night DA Sad Experience5、What can we learn from the last paragraph?AIts really selfless to give what we have.B

40、Its really selfless to give what we love.CIts really selfless to give what we want.DIts really selfless to give what we dont want.25(10分) A brand new scooter(滑板车)was recently left outside a shop in Cornwall with a heartwarming note saying: Free to a little boy or girl who is not lucky enough to have

41、 one The scooter belonged to Max, a generous sixyearold The child was given a new scooter for his birthday but he already had one, so he decided that he didnt need itHe told his parents he wanted a family who could not afford a scooter to take his extra one and they helped him put a plan together Th

42、ey spoke with the owner of a local shop in Trispen, Cornwall, who let the family leave the scooter outside They attached a note to it saying it was free to takeWhen the family returned to the shop after a short trip out, they found a thank you note sitting where the scooter once stood, and the famil

43、y then knew that a happy child was racing home with a new scooter The note read: Thank you so much! I love my new scooter Love AylaMaxs mum, Deborah, proudly said her sixyearold son had always been generous The family was thrilled that someone could appreciate and treasure their spare scooter She al

44、so added how they would love to hear from AylaHe realized he couldnt have two scooters so he said he wanted to give it to another boy or girl who didnt have one, Deborah said The post has been widely shared and appreciated Maxs kind action has warmed the hearts of many people on Facebook Im very pro

45、ud of him Hes my little superstar There are kind people out thereWhen Max was asked if he had a message for Ayla, he joyfully said: I hope you enjoy it1、What was the main reason for Maxs offering his new scooter?AHis friend Ayla badly needed oneBHe already had one of his ownCHis mother asked him to

46、do soDHe disliked the scooters style2、How did Max give away his new scooter?ABy having it sent to AylaBBy offering it as a birthday presentCBy asking a shop owner to show itDBy leaving it outside a shop with a note3、What was the online reaction to Maxs action?AFew people took notice of itBSome peopl

47、e treated it lightlyCMany people expressed their likesDThe majority thought it was foolish4、What is the purpose of the text?ATo report a heartwarming storyBTo describe a birthday celebrationCTo stress the importance of educationDTo call on people to contribute scooters第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分3

48、0分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)Just as the stock market rises and falls in response to what people are willing to put their money behind, we have inside ourselves an inner economy that rises and falls in response to our beliefs about what is possible. Sometimes the degree to wh

49、ich we are willing to 1 our belief systems determines the success of our inner economy. For example, imagine that your family of origin had a belief that musical talent was not something they 2 As a member of that group, you would likely 3 that same belief about yourself. As a result, even if you ha

50、d a great desire to create music, you might be 4 to really get behind yourself. Because you might fear that your 5 would not pay off. Even if you had the courage to follow your passion, your inner belief that you are not born 6 would probably stop your trying. And that would be a major 7 to invest y

51、our energy in your dream.On the other hand, belief isnt anything 8 If you found a way to 9 that negative belief, a great flood of energy would pour forth, greatly increasing the possibility of your success. How much energy we are willing to invest in the various ideas and dreams is like the money pe

52、ople are, or are not, willing to invest in the various products available for trade on the stock market. And in both cases, 10 plays a key role in determining how willing we are to get behind something. One way to open up the possibility for greater success in our inner economies is to understand th

53、at belief is not the reliable 11 we sometimes think. There are other more reliable things of success that we can put our 12 in, such as passion, feeling, and sense. Some of the most successful investors in the stock market are the ones that go against the grain, trusting their sense over the 13 opin

54、ion held by ordinary people about what will work.In the same way, we can learn to trust our hearts desires and our sense to guide us, 14 any beliefs that stand in the way of our ability to fully invest in ourselves. As we take out energy from limiting ideas about what is possible, we 15 the resource

55、s that have the power to make our inner economy prosper.1、AsimplifyBchallengeCeliminateDmaintain2、ApossessedBtrustedCobjectedDmissed3、ArejectBpreserveCdenyDshare4、AwillingBsorryCreluctantDready5、AsuccessBknowledgeCprofessionDinvestment6、AdevotedBtalentedCconcernedDinterested7、AobstacleBexcuseCchance

56、Dprinciple8、AimportantBfixedCchangeableDstimulating9、AenhanceBreserveCreleaseDfollow10、AenergyBhobbyCexpenseDbelief11、AguideBabilityCgoalDpolicy12、AaimBfaithCtaskDdream13、AunacceptableBstrangeCunbelievableDcommon14、AquestioningBunderstandingCinterpretingDbelieving15、Astick toBlead toCfree upDleave o

57、ut第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)Chinas industrial output is expected to rise by around 6.5 percent this year, marking the best 1 (perform) since 2010, 2 the Made in China 2025 strategy (策略) helps to raise productivity and revenue(税收).The increase is 0.5 percentage points 3

58、 (high) than the targeted growth, partly 4 (drive) by strong efforts to increase the use of new technology at traditional enterprises(企业), Miao Wei said on Monday.“The countrys industrial economy has maintained steady and sound growth thanks 5 the Made in China 2025 strategy. It promoted the combina

59、tion of manufacturing and new technologies such as 6 Internet, big data and cloud computing,” Mina added.The ministry also predicted that the countrys industrial output would be likely 7 (grow) by around 6 percent next year, with revenue from the telecommunications, Internet, and software and inform

60、ation technology service 8 (increase) by 50 percent, 30 percent and 13 percent, respectively.According to Miao, the country will also publish policies 9 promoting the development of digital economy. Official data show that the countrys digital economy added up to 22.58 trillion yuan last year, ranki


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