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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan, _ that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature?Athe oneBoneCthoseDones2If

2、 you see things in a negative light, you will find faults everywhere and problems where there are really _Anone BsomeCmany Dnothing3I keep the picture where I can see it every day, reminds me of the days in my hometown.AthatBwhichCwhoDwhen4The police have anyone with information to come forward and

3、talk to them.Aappealed to Battended toCresponded to Dattached to5Whats that noise?Oh,I forget to tell you.The new machine_.Ais testing Bwas being testedCis being tested Dhas been tested6That student admitted in the math exam, that he would never do that again in the future.Ato have cheated, promisin

4、gBcheating, promisedCto cheating, promisedDhaving cheated, promising7If you leave this application form and go to another website, you will lose _ you have already filled out on this form.Awhatever BwhoeverCwherever Dwhenever8_ has greater potential than flammable ice being mined from underneath the

5、 South China Sea when it comes to a global energy revolution.AnothingBneitherCno oneDnone9Daniels family _ their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.Aare enjoyingBare to enjoyCwill enjoyDwill be enjoying10They will run an after-class club _ kids can have fun and learnhow to protect themselves.A

6、thatBwhenCwhereDwhat11His strong sense of humor was make everyone in the room burst out laughing.Aso as to Bsuch as toCso that Dsuch that12By the time he arrived in Beijing, we _ there for two days.Awill have stayedBstayChave been stayingDhad stayed13_ well for my job interview, I really had butterf

7、lies in my stomach on my way to the company I had applied to.AHaving not preparedBNot having preparedCNot to have preparedDTo have not prepared14If the service is awful, a customer has the right to to the manager.AreactBapplyCcomplainDsuggest15A proposal was put forward at the meeting _ the new ceme

8、nt plant shouldnt be built near the school.Awhen BwhereCthat Dwhich16Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is _ to be someone in this district who remembers him.AcontentBopposedCboundDrestricted17This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it, _.Ahowever much it may costBno matter how it

9、 may costChow much may it costDhowever many it may cost18Ive got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?_. Tell me all about it and Ill do what I can.ADont mention itBNo wonderCMy pleasureDNo problem19After _ had happened he could not continue to work there.AwhichBhowCwhatDhavi

10、ng20I have no idea what made the students so excited and crazy._ it have been their teams victory in the finals?AMustBCouldCWouldDShould第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Theres no doubt that water is vital to any life. About 3 percent of the average adult human body is made of w

11、ater. This includes most of your brain, heart, lungs, muscles and skin, and even about 30 percent of your bones. Yet theres little scientific agreement about the exact amount of the stuff an individual should consume each day. So how much water do you actually need to drink to be healthy?You may hav

12、e heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Yet, the downside of this rule, researchers say, is that drinking water by the glass is not the only way that humans take in it. The “8 X 8” rule essentially overlooks two big sources of daily water consumption. One such source is f

13、ood. Everything you eat contains some water. Watermelons, for example, are more than 90 percent water by weight. Different diets naturally contain different amounts of waters, and the counts. The other key water sources are other beverages. Non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee, and tea, contain mostl

14、y water and all contribute to your hydration(水量).So, between all the food, water and other fluids you consume in a day, how much water should you aim to take in?The National Academics of Sciences suggests that woman consume a total of approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of warm from all beverages a

15、nd foods each day and men 3.7 liters (125 ounces). But these are just general guidelines.The truth is, there is no magic standard for hydrationeveryones need vary depending on their age, weight, level of physical activity, general health and even the climate they live in. The more water you lose, th

16、e more water youll need to replace with food and drink. If you are looking for concrete advice, though, the best place to look is within. Drink up when youre thirsty.1、How does the author support the underlined sentence in Para 1?ABy providing facts.BBy asking a question.CBy making a comparison.DBy

17、putting forward suggestions.2、According to the “8 X 8” rule, how much water should we take in a day?A8 ounces B64 ouncesC91 ounces D125 ounces3、Whats the disadvantage of the “8 X 8” rule?AThe water from both food and other beverages is ignored.BIt includes the amount of water from both food and beve

18、rages.CIt does not take water from drinks into account.DIt overlooks the fact that we take in 90% of the water from fruits.4、What can we infer from the final suggestion?AA man doing tiring physical work drunks less than 3.7 liters a week.BA person in good health drinks whenever he feels thirsty.CAn

19、overweight male in a hot summer drinks 125 ounces every two days.DA female eating a lot of watermelons drinks more than 91 ounces daily.22(8分)Several Jobs That Will Be Automated By Artificial Intelligence(AI) And RobotsTranslatorImage recognition software and voice recognition software are bringing

20、some major advances to language translationApplications like Googles Word Lens can translate words from signs and documents in real time and there are a lot of translation apps that allow you to type in a word or phrase and will translate it for youSome will even speak the phrase for you and raw wor

21、d-to-word translation will be fully automated soonFast food workersAutomated ordering booths have already made their way into a few McDonalds restaurants around the world,and cooking positions could be removed nextThe booths probably cant handle customer service problems well,so televideo systems co

22、uld bring in an office employee to deal with complaintsField technicianNew advances in the Internet of Things could make this work obsolete.Low-cost sensors combined with high availability cellularsatellite communications and cloud technology are being started to automate and alarm these sites, and

23、can be checked and maintained from a desktop or mobile device.Sales representativeBut, e-commerce is changing how we make purchasing decisions, especially those where there isnt much differentiation among the major competitors.If youre selling a high-differentiation product andor a high-price, low-v

24、olume product you have some job security, but if youre selling a high-volume, low-differentiation product, you better start polishing your resume, said Doug Camplejohn, CEO of Fliptop. “These kind of product sales are all moving online.”1、What can Googles Word Lens do?ATranslate by image and voice r

25、ecognition software.BSpeak the phrase or word for you.CMake real-time translation.DAllow you to type in a word or phrase.2、What can we infer from the second part?AAll the restaurants own automated ordering booths.BService problems cant be handled automatically.CCooks will not be automated by AI and

26、robots.DCustomers will have no complaints because of AI3、What does the underlined word“obsolete”mean in Part 3?AAbandoned. BWelcome.CForbidden. DEfficient.4、What does the author mean by“you better start polishing your resume” in the last paragraph?AYou must value your present work.BYou have some job

27、 security.CYour resume needs correcting further.DYou should consider changing the job.23(8分)Plagiarism is the act of representing another persons words or ideas as your own. The offense may be as small as a sentence copied from a book. Or it may be as extensive as a whole paper copiedor boughtfrom s

28、omebody else.Intellectual dishonesty is nothing new. The only difference now is that the Internet has made it much simpler to steal other peoples work. Yet the same technology that makes it easy to find information to copy also makes it easier to identify plagiarism.Teachers can use online services

29、that compare papers to thousands of others to search for copied work. The teacher gets a report on any passage that is similar enough to suspect plagiarism. These services are widely used. T, for example, says it is used in more than 100 countries and examines more than 130,000 papers a day.Professi

30、onal writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. In schools, the punishment for cheating could be a failing grade on the paper or in the course. Some schools expel(驱逐) plagiarists for a term; others, for a full academic year. Some degrees have even been withdrawn a

31、fter a school later found that a student had plagiarized.Accidental plagiarism can sometimes result from cultural differences.At Indiana University in Bloomington, 60 percent of students who use the Office of Writing Tutorial Services are non-native English speakers. The director, Joanne Vogt, says

32、some have no idea that copying from published works is considered wrong. She says students from China, for example, may think they are insulting readers if they credit other sources. They believe that educated readers should already know where the information came from.The more you give credit, the

33、less you risk accusations of plagiarism. Any sentence taken directly from a source should appear inside quotation marks. And even if you put those sentences into your own words, you should still give credit to where you got the information.1、According to the passage, what is the role of the Internet

34、 in Plagiarism?AThe Internet discourages people from choosing proper papers to copy.BThe Internet helps people get their papers published online.CThe Internet enables people to share their papers with others.DThe Internet contributes to people copying papers from others easily.2、We can infer from th

35、e passage that teachers know a paper is copied when they _.Ahappen to be familiar with the content of the paperBmake investigations concerning the paper among studentsCcompare the paper with many others online to search for the copied onesDsearch journal and periodicals in the library for the origin

36、al paper3、Which of the following has NOT been mentioned as the punishment for plagiarism?AFine of a certain amount of money. BWithdrawal of some degrees.CBeing forced to leave school. DA failing grade.4、The underlined expression “give credit” in the last paragraph probably means _.Aattribute what yo

37、uve quoted from other sources to the original writersBpraise the original writer for providing useful informationCgive the original writer a credit card for your copying the paperDadmit that the original writer has a good reputation24(8分)A robot called Bina42 has successfully taken a course in the p

38、hilosophy of love at Notre Dame de Namur University (NDNU), in California.According to course instructor William Barry, associate professor at NDNU, Bina42 is the worlds first socially advanced robot to complete a college course, a feat he described as “remarkable.” The robot took part in class disc

39、ussions, gave a presentation with a student partner and participated in a debate with students from another institution.Before becoming a student, Bina42 appeared as a guest speaker in Barry s classes for several years. One day when addressing Barrys class, Bina42 expressed a desire to go college, a

40、 desire that Barry and his students enthusiastically supported. Rather than enroll Bina42 in his Robot Ethics: Philosophy of Emerging Technologies course, Barry suggested that Bina42 should take his course Philosophy of Love instead. Love is a concept Bina42 doesnt understand, said Barry. Therefore

41、the challenge would be for Barry and his students to teach Bina42 what love is.“Some interesting things happened in the class,” said Barry. He said that his students thought it would be straightforward to teach Bina42 about love, which, after all, is “fairly simple its a feeling,” said Barry. But th

42、e reality was different. Bina42 ended up learning “31 different versions of love,” said Barry, highlighting some of the challenges humans may face when working artificial intelligence in future.Bina42 participated in class discussions via Skype and also took part in a class debate about love and con

43、flict with students from West Point. Bina42s contribution to the debate was filmed and posted on YouTube. It was judged that Bina42 and NDNU classmates were the winners of this debate.In the next decade, Barry hopes Bina42 might become complex enough to teach a class, though he says he foresees robo

44、ts being used to better the teaching and learning experience, rather than replacing instructors completely.1、(小题1)What was Bina42s performance like in class?AExtraordinary. BInsignificant.CFar-reaching. DUnattractive.2、(小题2)What does the underlined word “addressing” in paragraph 3 probably mean?ADea

45、ling with. BConsulting with.CGiving a speech to. DSending a letter to.3、(小题3)What can we learn from the passage?AIt was interesting for Bina42 to learn about love.BIt was quite tough for Bina42 to learn about love.CArtificial intelligence may somehow be superior to man.DHumans can launch a challenge

46、 to artificial intelligence.4、(小题4)What does Barry think of the future development of Bina42?AIt will surely be able to serve as a teacher.BIt will be able to promote learning and teaching.CIt will completely take the place of instructors.DIt will be smart enough to control human beings.25(10分) Walk

47、 through the Amazon rainforest today and you will find it is steamy,warm,damp and thick.But if you had been around 15,000 years ago,during the last ice age,would it have been the same?For more than 30 years,scientists have been arguing about how rainforests like the Amazon might have reacted to the

48、cold,dry climates of the ice ages, but until now,no one has reached a satisfying answer.Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to slow global warming.Currently the trees in the Amazon take in around 500 million tons of CO2 each year: equal to the

49、 total amount of CO2 giving off in the UK each year.But how will the Amazon react to future climate change?If it gets drier, will it still survive and continue to draw down CO2 ?Scientists hope that they will be able to learn in advance how the rainforest will manage in the future by understanding h

50、ow rainforests reacted to climate change in the past.Unfortunately,getting into the Amazon rainforest and collecting information are very difficult.To study past climate,scientists need to look at fossilized pollen,kept in lake mud.Going back to the last ice age means drilling deep down into lake se

51、diments(沉淀物)which requires specialized equipment and heavy machinery.There are very few roads and paths,or places to land helicopters and aeroplanes.Rivers tend to be the easiest way to enter the forest,but this still leaves vast areas between the rivers completely unsampled(未取样).So far,only a handf

52、ul of cores have been drilled that go back to the last ice age and none of them provide enough information to prove how the Amazon rainforest reacts to climate change.1、What does the underlined phrase “mopping up” in the second paragraph mean?AGiving upBTaking inCWiping outDGiving out2、How will the

53、Amazon rainforest react to future climate change?AItll get drier and continue to remove CO2 .BItll remain steamy,warm,damp and thick.CItll get warmer and then colder and drier.DThere is no exact answer up to present.3、Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?AIts hard to collect information for stu

54、dies of the past climate in the Amazon rainforest.BIts impossible to prove how climate changes in the Amazon rainforest.CIts important to drill deep down into lake sediments to collect information.DIts necessary to have specialized equipment and machinery to study the past climate.4、What is the best

55、 title for this passage?AStudies of the Rainforests.BClimates of the Amazon.CSecrets of the Ice Age.DChanges of the Rainforests.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) It started on a Friday 1 when the 5-year-old and his older brother were playing 2 their

56、 home near the resort town of Aspen, Colorado. Hearing the sound of 3 , the mother raced to her front yard to find a 4 sight: A mountain lion was bent over her 5-year-old son, biting him. The poor boy was completely under the cat and was 5 to get free.So the mother 6 she charged the animal, pulled a

57、way one of its 7 suddenly with a lot of force and discovered her sons whole head was in its mouth. She didnt back down. The mother 8 the lions mouth and got it open, 9 the boy. She then quickly picked him up and ran away.The boys father had just returned from a run when the 10 occurred. He 11 into t

58、he car with his wife and son and called 911 shortly before 8 p.m. As they 12 to a hospital in Aspen. The boy suffered cuts to his 13 , face and neck. The mother 14 bite marks on her hand and scratches on her leg. Aspen valley Hospital reported that the child was not seriously injured and in 15 condi

59、tion and has since been 16 to childrens Hospital in Denver for his recovery.The mountain lion was estimated to be about 2 years old and was not fully grown. It was, perhaps, forced out to hunt on its own. Young lions may be keen on easy 17 , like pets and small children. 18 , it wasnt a big cat. Had

60、 it been a 110-pound lion- which was once seen around there - this would have been a much 19 story.The mother, who had to physically remove the lions paws from her sons face, is credited with 20 his life. Shes a real hero.1、AmorningBafternoonCeveningDnoon2、AinsideBoutsideCtowardsDunder3、AscreamsBlau


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