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1、设备防火涂料施工方案Method Statement of Fireproof Coatingfor EquipmentNoDateRevisionPreparedCheckedApproved12 TOC o 1-5 h z 、概述 General: 1参照标准 Reference Standards 1防火工程范围 Fireproof Range1 HYPERLINK l bookmark22 o Current Document 施工方案 Construction Method2质量、工期、安全控制Quality, Construction Duration and Safety Con

2、trol 错误! 未定义书签。 HYPERLINK l bookmark102 o Current Document 六、危险性分析 JSA8一、概述 General:本方案为2-PH钢结构和设备防火涂料保护施工制定。This method statement is prepared for the fireproof coating of steel structure and equipment in 2-PH.二、参照标准 Reference Standards. GB50160-2008石油化工企业设计防火规范GB50160-2008 Fire Prevention Code of P

3、etrochemical Enterprise Design.爆炸和火灾环境电力装置设计规范GB 50058-92GB 50058-92 Electrical installation design code for explosive atmospheres and fire hazard.防火设计说明Design Specification for Fireproofing”.设备防火一览表Equipment Fireproof List三、防火工程范围 Fireproof Range.防火高度 Fireproof Height:设备防火高度应为地基以上7.3米(详见附件1防火一览表)。S

4、urface of equipment shall be fireproofed up to EL 7.3m from grade(see attachment 1 fireproofing list).防火范围 Fireproof Scope落地钢塔、立式容器的防火构件为钢塔、立式容器的裙座外壁、设备底座、底座锚栓,当 钢塔、立式容器的裙座有人孔时,裙座内壁也须做防火。Steel tower and vertical vessel on the ground: steel column, outer wall of skirt, equipment base, base anchor bol

5、t. If there is manhole at skirt, inner wall of skirt shall also be included.设备裙座人孔内泛边不做防火,外泛边做防火。For the inner edge of the manhole at skirt of the equipment, fireproof is not required, but the outer edge needs fireproof. 防火材料、防火做法 Fireproof Coating and Preparation: 采用厚型防火涂料。Use thick fireproof coati

6、ng.防火工作结束后对表面涂刷面漆,颜色为 RAL 7035厚度为50um(两遍漆)。Apply the finish coating to the surface after the fireproofing work. Its thickness is over 50um(tow layers), the color of top coating is RAL 7035(light gray).落地钢塔、立式容器裙座的防火采用挂镀锌钢丝网涂室外厚型防火涂料的做法。Skirt of floor steel tower and vertical vessel: use outdoor thic

7、k fireproofing coating with galvanized steel wire mesh shall be used.耐火等级与耐火极限 Fire Resistance Rating and Fire Endurance落地钢塔、立式容器设备裙座耐火等级为一级,耐火极限为最小 1.5小时。Skirts of floor steel tower and vertical vessel: fire resistance rating shall be Grade 1 and a minimum fire endurance be 1.5 hours.四、施工方案 Constru

8、ction Method材料选用:上海平海涂料有限公司生产的PHA_ SW龌外厚型钢结构防火涂料Material Selection: Outdoor thick steel structure fireproofing coating PHA SW produced by Shanghai Pinghai Co.Ltd.。涂料选用的总体原则说明General Principle of Painting SelectionA、符合业主工程设计文件钢结构防火涂料方案中对涂料品牌的要求和规定;Meet requirements and regulations for the painting br

9、and in the engineering documents of steel structure fireproof coating by Owner;B、涂层之间有较强的配套性、外观等性能要求;Meet the performance requirements of compatibility and appearance for coatings.C、选用的产品具有较强的施工性能,在符合一切技术要求的前提下,能最大限度地减少施工上的 困难和不便;The selected product should be feasible to construct, meet all technic

10、al requirements and minimize the difficulty and inconvenience in construction.D、在满足性能及其他各项要求的同时,尽可能选用较为经济型的产品,以便合理控制整体工程成 本。The product should be economical while meeting the performance and other requirements, in order to control the whole project cost reasonably.。选用的防火涂料特点介绍 Characteristics of the

11、 Selected Fireproof CoatingPHA-SW室外钢结构厚型防火涂料防火性能好,耐火极限高,符合一般设计要求;For the outdoor thick fireproofing coating PHA SW, the fireproof performance is very good withlong fire endurance, which can meet design requirements;粘结强度高: 0.04MPaCohesional strength 0.04MPa涂层弹性好,不会开裂或整块脱落失去防火性能。The coating should be

12、resilient, which cannot crack or fall off and lose fireproof performance.(一)防火涂料耐火时间与施工厚度(见附件 1)Comparison Table of Fire Resistance Period and Construction Thickne s$see attachment 11)耐火时间 Fire Resistance Period防火涂料的耐火时间最短为1.5小时。A minimum 1.5 hours of fire resistance period against Hydrocarbon Fire

13、shall be applied.Fire Resistance Construction ThicknessThe thick fireproof coating shall be applied for the Equipment Structure,Equipment Support (such as the skirt ,leg,bracket and saddle), Pipe Rac kEquipment Structure; and it shall be constructed by trowel as per JB-OPMT-10-005.3)Equipment Suppor

14、tThe total thickness about 50mm of toweled fire proofing coating shall be applied for equipment support such as the skirt, leg, bracket and saddle.4)Equipment Support Steel Structure and Pipe RackThe total thickness about 50mm of toweled fire proofing coating shall be in accordance with GB 14907-200

15、2. A thickness of 25 2mm shall be applied for Equipment Support Steel Structure and Pipe Rack.Equipment Surface for insulated Equipment by Hot insulation materialThe total thickness about 25mm of toweled fire proofing coating shall be applied for insulated(by Hot insulation Material)shell body that

16、is requested as fire proofing insulation(up to 7.3m from grade) in BEP3.(see attachment 1)Fireproofing coating around equipment nozzles (including manhole) is not requested in consideration of maintenance point of view.Coating for Fireproofing Coating SurfaceAfter fireproof coating construction, its

17、 fireproofing coating surface shall be protected with sealing flame retardant polymer coating. Its thickness is over 50um (two layers), the color of top color is RAL 7035(light gray).(二)施工工艺及流程 Construction Process and Procedure1)施工工艺 Construction Process1.1 隔热型防火涂料涂装 Insulation Fireproofing Coating

18、A.隔热型防火涂料涂装施工准备工作:Preparation:(1)施工前做好施工人员的安全技术培训,所有参加施工人员应经过培训合格后方能上岗.施工安 全按SH3505-1999石油化工施工安全技术规程现场要求执行。Before the commencement, carry out safety and technical training to all workers. Only all involved workers are qualified can they assume the position. The construction safety on site should com

19、ply with SH3505-1999 Technical Specification for Construction Safety in Petrochemical Engineering ”(2)现场需设有堆料棚,防火涂料进入棚内,并要下垫跳板,上盖篷布,堆放整齐,严禁散包受 潮。The shelter should be erected to store materials on site. For the fireproof coating in the shed, make sure that there is plank underneath and tarpaulin abo

20、ve. Stack the materials in order. Loose packing and moisture is not allowed.(3)各种施工机械要检修完毕,试运正常。All construction machines should be maintained and the trial run should be normal.B.隔热型防火涂料涂装施工的环境条件:Environmental Conditions:(1).工作场地:涂装工作应尽可能在室外进行,并应保持环境的清洁、干燥,以防止已涂装好的 任何表面被灰尘、水滴、焊接下溅或其它脏污粘附在上面而影响质量。Wo

21、rking place: Try to carry out the painting work outside. Keep the environment clean and dry to prevent that the painted surface being contaminated by dust, water drop, welding slag or other dirt.(2)环境温度:施工进行时的环境温度一般控制在5-35C之间(指涂料施工到涂层干燥固化前的整个过程期间)。风速小于5m/sAmbient temperature: The ambient temperature

22、 is usually kept at 5-35 C for construction (the whole period from the coating work starting till the drying and solidification of the coating). The wind speed should be less than 5m/s.(4)相对湿度:涂装施工应控制相对湿度在85%以下。当钢构件表面有结露时不宜作业。Relative Humidity: the relative humidity should be controlled below 85% fo

23、r painting. It is not fit to work if there is dew on member surface .(5)其它方面:对钢构件需在安装现场进行焊接的部位,应按标准留出规定的长度不涂刷防火涂料,事后进行修补工序。Other factors: For the steel member where needs welding on site, leave the required length not to apply fireproof coating. Then carry out the touch-up procedure later.C 涂覆施工 Coa

24、ting ConstructionSG本工程隔热型防火涂料采用喷涂与抹涂施工。In this project, the insulation fireproofing coating uses spraying and brushing.基层防锈处理复检Re-inspect the rust-proof treatment of the base layer作好防污措施及脚手架搭建等准备工作Make preparations such as antifouling measure and scaffolding erection, etc.基层防锈表面除污去杂处理Remove the dirt

25、 and debris on the rust-proof surface of the base layer作好安全,技术交底工作Carry out safety and technical clarification隔热型防火涂料的施工方法:Construction method of insulation fireproofing coating:.按生产厂家提供的材料配比,用搅拌机充分搅拌至所需要的稠度和粘度备用.According to the material proportioning provided by the vendor, mix the materials compl

26、etely to the required consistence and viscosity by the mixer.采用喷涂机具,喷涂或刷涂底层涂料,涂覆率大于70%,相隔24小时后抹涂一层5-10 mm再相隔24 小时以上再涂抹一层5-10 mm再相隔24小时以上涂抹至所需厚度Use the spraying machine to spray or brush the primer painting, covering more than 70%; after 24h, apply a 5-10mm coating; after 24h, apply a 5-10mm coating

27、again; after 24h, apply to the required thickness.D流程如下Procedure基层除污由于在实际施工过程中,轮emve%ed/fhe性se勾件形状、大小等诸多因素的影响,The actual construction is influenced在过程中不断自检,抽点即量厚度,最后对于厚度不足部位力唳修补many factors, such as construction degree, constructionpainting.(三)粘钉与挂网 Cohere Forcer and Mesh Bindingdimension, member sh

28、ape, size and othersso that self-inspection should be carried out constantly. Check some points for the thickness. At last,落 thepositions where it is not thick enough, carry out touch-up Primea).保温车丁要求 InsulatiopNail Requi需meg涂300mmx 300mm,常温固化时间 48小A、粘钉:用万能胶把成品保温货血苗斓距离时后再开始挂网Cohere nail: cohere the

29、 fabricated insulation nails to the components by the all-purpose adhesive with space 300mmx 300mm. After 48h of solidifying at normal temperature, start to bind the mesh./、定。B、保温钉固定好后,触而聊鼾需妆、时后开始挂网,将保温钉压弯把铁丝网固决洒勒吊弹.48,Coating (according to therequired thickness)After fixing the insulation nails, st

30、art to bind the mesh after 48h of the painting or brushing the primer. Fix the wire mesh py bending the insulation nails.c、设备裙座已焊接小钉或粘接60mm长的保温钉,,第一遍底料干燥后绑扎直径0.5-1mm,洞距20mm x 20mm铁丝网。Self-inspectionFor the equipment skirt which has algady welded with,welding nail or bonded with 60mm longinsulation n

31、ails, after the drying of the first primer,似 the wire mesh with diameter 0.5-1mm and holedistance 20mmx 20mm.D、以上3条的保温 铁丝网的紧固。r钉横竖间距为交300mm左右在型钢转角处必须粘结保温钉或焊钉,以利于Inspection and acceptance forhandoverFor the insulation nails mentioned in the above 3 items, bond the insulation nails or welding nails at

32、 the corner of the shaped steel approximately every 300mm horizontally and vertically to fix the wire mesh.E、加网方法:先量出构件需加网的部位周长,再加 1-2个孔径长,把网剪断,透过保温钉把 网覆在涂层上,接头用钢丝纽把它们纽在一起压平,在进行下道施工。Mesh binding method: Measure the perimeter of the location which needs mesh binding for the members and extend 1-2 hol

33、e diameter. Cut off the mesh and cover the mesh to the coating through the insulation nails. Flatten the joints by steel wire and then proceed the next step.(四)涂料施工 Painting Worka).1 搅拌 Mixing :防火涂料搅拌必须使用低速砂浆搅拌机,以免涂料中轻骨料过度粉碎影响涂料质量,材料应 随拌随用。The low-speed mortar mixer must be used for the fireproof pa

34、inting to prevent that the medium and lightweight aggregate being over smashedso that the painting quality will be affected. The materials should be mixed only when it is needed.底料配比 Primer Painting Proportion:施工PHA-SW涂料前必须用本涂料与专用底胶配置打底,底料施工配置:专用底胶:PHA-SW涂料:水=1: 3: 2 (重量比)”先放水再放胶后放料”进行搅拌 10-15分钟呈均匀稠

35、厚流体无结块 即可施工。Prior to use painting PHA-SW, this painting must be mix with special glue as the paint primer. Special glue: painting PHA-SW: water=1 : 3: 2 (proportion by weight). Put in water first, then the glue and painting at last. Mix for 10-15 min until the mixture becomes liquid with uniform thi

36、ckness without agglomeration. Then the coating can start.涂料施工配制 Painting Proportion:PHA-SW涂料:水=1 : 0.9 (重量比)”先放水后放料”进行搅拌10-15分钟呈均匀稠厚流体 无结块(稠度在8-12CM范围内)即可施工,搅拌好涂料应在 40分钟内完成施工。Painting PHA-SW: water=1: 0.9(proportion by weight). Put in water first, then put in painting” and mix for 10-15 min till the

37、 mixture becomesliquid with uniform thickness without agglomeration (the consistence should be within 8-12CM). The mixed painting should be used within 40 min.b)底料施工 Primer Painting:室外厚型钢结构防火涂料底料按要求的配比搅拌均匀后,可采用喷涂施工,喷涂采用大口径 的专用喷枪(口径为6-10MM)空气压力为0.3-0.5MPA,涂层厚度为2-3mm均匀覆盖即可。After the primer of outdoor

38、thick steel structure fireproofing coating is mixed according to the requirements, use the special spray gun with big bore (6-10MM) to spray the paint with air pressure 0.3-0.5MPA. The primer should be uniform and 2-3mm thick.c)面料施工 Finish Painting Work:室外厚型钢结构防火涂料面料施工必须在底料表干后方可进行。如遇表面过干,施工前需适 量喷洒点自

39、来水。施工可采用抹涂或喷涂,抹涂一般采用常规的抹涂工具进行人工抹涂(每道厚度控制在10mm以内),喷涂与底料施工方法相同(每道厚度控制在5mm以内)。The finish painting of the outdoor thick steel structure fireproofing coating should be carried out after the primer surface is dried. If the surface is too dry, spray some water before applying. Brushing or spraying can be u

40、sed. For the brushing, use the brushing tools manually (the thickness of each layer should be within 10mm). The spraying method is the same as that of the primer (the thickness of each layer should be within 5mm).室外厚型钢结构防火涂料施工时,对涂层作必要的维护,乳突部位及时用抹刀剔除。在施工 过程中,施工人员应带探针随时检查涂层厚度,直到符合要求的厚度为止。When doing th

41、e outdoor thick steel structure fireproofing coating work, maintain the coating and use the spatula to remove the mastoid points immediately. During the coating, workers should inspect the coating layer thickness all the time with the probe until the thickness is accepted.防火涂料施工时,防火涂层在未固化之前应避免雨淋、水冲和

42、机械撞击,涂层应防止污染和 损坏,应做好周围环境的保护。Protect the fireproof coating from rain, water flushing or mechanical collision before solidification.Protect the coating from the contamination and damage. Do well in the environmental protection.五、质量保证体系图 Quality Insurance System项目经理:er:施工经理ChiefEngineer:质量经理设备工程师防火检查员八

43、、质量、工期、安全控制北觥 Construction Duration and Safety Control1、质量控制_Quality control measures(1)产品质量控制product quality control产品生产格按ISO9002及产品标准:GB14907-2002钢结构防火涂料通用技术条件,每批涂料 运场应填写材料报审表附产品质保书,并做抽样检测,作好记录,合格方能施涂,最后一道涂 层应采用同一批产品,防止造成工程整体色差。The product should be in strict accordancewith the ISO9002 and product

44、 standard: GB14907-2002 “ Generf Specification of Steel Structure Fire Proof Paint. For mobilization of each batch of paint, fill in Inspection Application of Materials ,attach the product quality guarantee, and do the spot inspection, make records. After they are qualified, they can be used for pai

45、nting. The last coating should use the same batch product, in case of the color difference.(2) 施工质量控制 Construction quality control防火涂料存放时,下面应进行支垫,并采取防雨措施There should be pillow under the fireproof painting for storage and take some weather protection measures.施工严格按照施工标准:CECS24: 90钢结构防火涂料施工应用技术规范,防火涂料

46、由专业 人员施工,严格按照技术规范操作,施涂遍数间隔时间做好完整性记录,并对过程中的涂层厚度, 涂层表面质量定期自检。Construction should be in strict accordance with the construction standard: CECS24: 90 Technical Code for Application of Steel Structure Fire Proof Paint Construction. The fireproof paint should be proceeded by the professional in strict acc

47、ordance to technology standard. Make records in the interval between the painting times. Carry out regular self-inspection the thickness of painting coat and the quality of painting surface in the process.2、工期控制措施 Duration control measures主要措施如下: Main measures as following:(1)合理制定进度计划表;Prepare reasonable schedule;(2)按照计划进度,组织调配材料供应,以免出现材料供应不及时而影响施工进度;According to the schedule, organize and arrange the materials suppl


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