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1、Unit10 Section B (3a-Self Check)教案 【教学目标】 1. 连续练习运用订餐或叫外卖等的用语;总结复习订餐时所用句型结构; 2. 依据所供应的材料能运用所学的学问来补全对话,运用目标语言为餐馆写广告 ,介绍餐馆特色食物,包括餐馆名,菜名和价格等; 3. 体会学习英语的乐趣,做到 【教学重难点】 “在用中学 ”在“学中用 ”; 重点:依据所供应的材料能运用所学的学问来补全对话,运用目标语言为餐馆 写广告,介绍餐馆特色食物,包括餐馆名,菜名和价格等; 难点:写作训练; 【课前预备】课本,多媒体课件,学案; 【教学方法】任务型教学法,情形交际法,自主学习与合作学习相结合

2、; 【教学进程】 Teaching procedures 【新课导入】 Step l:Warming-up and revision 1. Check the homework and have a dictation of the newwords and expressions. 2. Let some students retell the passage in 2b (设计意图:活动面对全体同学,让全部同学参与其中体验成功的欢快;通过 复习激活所学学问,为写作做好学问方面的预备;) 【新知显现】 Step 2:Work on 3a 1. Read the ad in 3a. Fill

3、in the blanks with the words in the box. 阅读指导: 第一,明白方框里单词的意思;其次,阅读这个小广告,明白其大意;然后, 认真读每一个句子,依据上下文及空格前后的关键词来确定空格处的意思;并 确定应用哪个单词填空;最终,再通读一遍广告内容,看短文是否通顺恰当; 2. 同学们按老师所指导的方法,认真阅读短文,并用正确的单词填空; 3. Check the answers 1 / 6 第 1 页,共 6 页观看与摸索 观看 3a 的餐馆广告,摸索餐馆广告一般应当包括的要素:和;(选择填 空) A. 扇动大家快来抢购或关于地址电话的终止语;如: Welcom

4、e to.或 Pleasecall us at. B. 标题,即商店的名称;如: The Ice-cream andPancakeHous;e C. 起始句是用来招揽顾客的招呼语,要吸引读者的留意力,如 :Would you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes. D. 主体核心内容:介绍各种食物的种类和价格等; 【新知学习】 Step 3:Writing 3b 1. Make sure the students know what to do. Imagineyouhaveaspecial restaurant. Write the foodsandprice,

5、s. 2. Students work by themselves and try to write thefoods and prices. 3. 指导:可先列出食物名称,然后,再写出价格;最终,再用英语写出来; Foods Prices beef and carrot soup mutton and tomato soup a medium bowl for six yuan a medium bowl for seven yuan We have a medium bowl of beef and carrot soup for onlysix yuan. The medium bowl

6、 of mutton and tomato soup isseven yuan. 4. Let some students read out their sentences. Step 4:Writing 3c 1. Write an ad for your restaurant. These sentence structures may help you. 2. Let students read the sentences first, and try toremember them. 3. Let students make a list of the food and drinks

7、in therestaurant. 4. Use the sentence structures and write the ad. 写作指导: 1这是一篇介绍自己饭店内特色食品及其价格的短文;第一,可先介绍一下自 2 / 6 第 2 页,共 6 页己的店名; 2其次,可依据实际情形将自己饭店内的特色食品及价格一一列出; 3然后,用上面所列举的句型结构来介绍这些食品;说明食品价格可用 “We have.for+价钱 ”句型;举荐食品司用 “You can try our 十食品 ”或 “食品 very +is good/delicious.”句型; 4最终,仍应再通读一遍文章,看是否通顺, 5

8、. Let some students read out their ads. Show some good ads on the big screen as models. 写作要求: 1. 包含全部内容要点,广告结构完整,语句流畅,连贯; 2. 使用较为丰富的介绍食物价格的语言结构,语言句式丰富多样,语法和词汇错 误极少,格式正确,书写规范; (设计意图:同学们依据供应的素材,留意仿照 3a 部分广告内容为自己的餐 馆 写一就广告,运用所供应的重要句型来进行写作,要明白广告的作用和基本写 法;写作重在平常一点一点的指导和平常扎扎实实的练习,复习前的突击是不 能解决写作水平低的现状的;) S

9、tep 5:Self Check 1 1. Make sure students know what to do. Put the words you learned in different groups. 2. Check the answers. (设计意图:对食物名词进行分类能够促进同学更快地把握学问,增强记忆的 牢固性,落实分类学习的学习策略;) Step 6:Self Check 2 1. Tell students theyllreadsomeinterestingjokes.Readthejokesbelowandfillin the blankswith“therebe”st

10、ructure. 2. 指导:这里是考查 there be 句型中的主谓一样原 就; 3. Students read the jokes and fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answers with the students. 5. Let Students act out the jokes for fun 3 / 6 第 3 页,共 6 页Step 7:Make a conversation l. If you are in a restaurant,what should the waiter say to you. What should you

11、 say to the waiter to take your order. Now look at the clues below and write a conversation. Waiter:Ask for the order.“May I take yourorder,Please.” Customer:Ask aboutwhatisin the food.“Are thereanyvegetablesin the eggrice”Customer:Ask for the size of the order.“What sizewouldyoulike.” Customer:Than

12、k the waiter.“Thank you.” 2. Students read the clues and try to write a conversation. 3. Check the conversation with the students. 【课堂小结】 一,同学先独立摸索,然后以小组合作的形式进行争辩: 1. 餐馆广告一般应当包括的要素:和 2. 假如你开了一家水饺馆,为自己写一篇广告做宣扬; 3. 可数名词和不行数名词对比; 可数名词 不行数名词 意义区分 修饰词不同 如何表达数量 作主语时谓语不同 二,老师总结: 本节课我们主要连续练习运用订餐或叫外卖等的用语,总结复

13、习订餐时所用句 型结构;重点是依据所供应的材料运用所学的学问来补全对话,运用目标语言 为餐馆写广告,介绍餐馆特色食物,包括餐馆名,菜名和价格等;英语写作必 须留意平常练习; 【课后作业】 口头作业 1. 听读本节课的词汇; 2. 跟读 3a 录音材料,娴熟把握目标句型; 书面作业 4 / 6 第 4 页,共 6 页1. Write the new words and phrases of this unit. 2. Write a short ad for youruncles noodle restaurant 【板书设计】 Unit10 I dlikesomenoodles.Period

14、5 Section B 3a-Self Check 3a: specials, kinds, strawberry, bowl,order Self Check 2: 1. There is 2. There are 3. Thereisnt Make a conversation: -May I take your order. -Yes,please. Are there any vegetables in the soup. -Yes,there are some carrots. -What size of bowl would you like. -Idlikeasmallone.Thank you. 餐馆广告的要素 标题,即商店的名称; 起始句是用来招揽顾客的招呼语,吸引读者的留意力; 主体核心内容:介绍各种食物的种类和价格等; 扇动大家快来抢购或关于地址电话的终止语; 【教学反思】 通过本堂课,我感到教学设计中有以下 3 个亮 点: 1. 设置情境,激活已知;设置情境,贴近同同学活实际,同时引起同学爱好,激 活本单元已学过的学问; 2. 在明确了本课的任务目标后,细心设计恰当而又有效活动,教学活动的设计丰 富


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