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2、下名词只有单数形式。foodsoilpopulationhairbreaddamageadvicehouseworkhomeworkgame (猎场)furnitureworkclothingaircouragesceneryinformationdustequipmentevidencefruitfunmachineryglassintelligenceicemoneyluckmeatmilkpovertynewsprogressricerainsandidea想法snowsoapignoranceteasugarwaterworktrafficwealthvocabularypoetryt

3、ransportationluggagewarfareThey are so excited today, for they bought a lot of furniture yesterday. ( two pieces of furniture, set)注:furniture前可用pieces of或much, much 通常用在否定句或疑问句中。My information is that she has passed the college entrance examination.2以下名词只有复数形式goods (货物) effects (财物) papers(文件)green

4、s (青菜) looks (外貌) manners (礼貌)riches(财富) arms (武器) customs (关税)The greens are always nourishable. 青菜总是富有营养的。Small arms are often carried by the soldiers. 士兵常携带小型兵器。3以下名词单、复数同形aircraftChinesefishJapaneseseriessheepSwissshark (鲨鱼) deermeansspecies buffalohovercraft (气垫船) wildduck (野鸭)There are some de

5、er in the woods.Blackmail is species of crime which we all hate.4以下名词形式上为复数,意义上则为单数scissorsglassestrousersshoesclothestongsshorts (短期债券) stockingstweezers (镊子)上述名词可用some修饰;clothes除外。也可用a pair ofTry to find me some scissors.He stands 1.7 meters in his stockings.5以下名词的复数是不规则的childchildrenmanmenwomanwo

6、mentoothteethfootfeetmousemicelouseliceoxoxengoosegeeseChildren less than 5 years old have emotional needs that only loving parents can fill.6以下是一些外来词的不规则形式analysisanalyses (分析) crisiscrises (危机)bacteriumbacteria (细菌) criterioncriteria (标准)diagnosisdiagnoses (诊断) mediummedia (媒介)appendixappendices (

7、索引) emphasisemphasesradiusradii (辐射状部分;半径) datumdata (数据)phenomenonphenomena (现象) thesisthesesformulaformulae/formulas (公式;俗套话) axisaxes (轴)This article deals with the natural phenomenon which is most interesting to everyone. 这篇文章论述的是人人都感兴趣的那种自然现象。The media are often accused of being biased. 传媒常常被指责

8、有偏见。7复合名词的复数1). 把主要名词变为复数editor-in-chiefeditors-in-chiefstander-bystanders-bybrother-in-lawbrothers-in-lawlooker-onlookers-onmother-in-lawmothers-in-lawpasser-bypassers-by2). 以man-或woman-为首构成的复合名词,若有性别之分,前后都变为复数womanstudentwomenstudentsmanservantmenservantswomancadrewomencadres8名词定语和复合名词常见的名词定语和复合词有

9、:traffic accident 交通事故table lamp 台灯street light 街灯dress shop 服装店blood type 血型shoe store 鞋店member state 成员国launch pad 发射台room numberpolitics teacher 政治教师lunch room 供快餐的小饭馆mosquito net 蚊帐bus driver 公共汽车司机注意:名词定语和复合名词变为复数形式时,应将被修饰的那个名词变为复数。He said that he forgot both of the room numbers.9. 以-s结尾的学科名称通常

10、用作单数。但当这些名词作“学科”以外的意义解释时常用作复数。如:Mathematics is a very important subject. 数学是一门很重要的学科。His politics are quite strange to us.他的政治观点对我们来说很陌生。(politics, physics, mathematics, economics, linguistics, classics, phonetics)10. 一些-s结尾的地理名词及专有名词通常用作单数。如:the United Nations, Los Angeles, Wales, Naples, Athens, T

11、he Times.The United Nations is an Organization helping to solve the international problems.联合国是协助处理国际问题的组织。但是,表示群岛、山脉、瀑布等以-s结尾的专有名词常作复数。如:The Himalayas, the Alps, the BermudasThe Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant.喜马拉雅山脉有大量各种各样的植物。11. 物质名词作可数名词用时,词义有些变化。试比较:Please give each of them a piec

12、e of paper. 请给他们每人一张纸。Everyone of them was given a paper. 他们每人都发了一份试卷。air 空气airs 架子effect 结果effects 财产damage 损害damages 赔偿金advice 忠告advices 通知,消息spirit 精神spirits 烈酒;酒精manner 方式manners 礼貌color 颜色colors 军旗regard 尊敬,注意regards 问候;致意spectacle 场面spectacles 眼镜custom 习惯customs 关税;风俗12 抽象名词用来表示具体、个体情况时,也可作可数名

13、词,但意义有变化。试比较:All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience. 一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。His experiences are very good stories. 他的经历都是些挺不错的故事。13. 集体名词majority单独使用时作单数,与其他复数名词连用时作复数。如:The majority agrees to stop the case for some time.多数人同意终止这个案子一段时间。The majority of us like to go out for a change. 我们中的多数人喜

14、欢出去换换空气。(二)名词的格1主要掌握of+名词性物主代词的用法。它通常表示部分的所有,即其中之一。He is a son of Mr. Robinsons (=one of Mr. Robinsons sons)It is a book of his. (=one of his books)2名词所有格也可用于省略形式,其后面的名词省略。This post card is sent by a friend of my mothers.Thats a good idea of our teachers.3. 如某物为两人所共有,只需在这两个名词的后一个名词加“ s ”。例如:Mary and

15、 Janes car (她俩共有的车)否则,需要在这两个名词后分别加上“ s ”。例如:Marys and Janes cars (她俩各自的车)4. 表示国家、城市等地方的名词,以及表示时间、距离、度量及金钱等的名词,虽是无生命的,但是也可用以上形式表示所有格。例如:Chinas modernization plan 中国的现代化计划a two weeks holiday一个两周的假期a dollars worth of apples一元钱的苹果注:(1)“of + 名词”的结构,常用于表示无生命的名词的所有关系,但也可表示有生命名词的所有关系,尤其是当后者有较长的定语的时候。例如:the

16、legs of the table 桌子的腿the works of Mark Twain 马克吐温的著作the classroom of the first-year students 一年级学生的教室(2)双重所有格“of + 名词s”结构常用于表示部分概念或带有一定的感情色彩。例如: a friend of my fathers the important theory of Einsteins 爱因斯坦的重要理论双重所有格也可以用“of + 名词物主代词”构成。例如:That gentleman is a friend of mine.This is no fault of yours

17、. 这绝不是你的错误。(3)名词所有格,有时可代替前面提到过的东西,相当于一个名词性物主代词。例如: These books are Marys. (= hers)(4)有时,名词的所有格可表示“家,商店”或其他处所。例如: my uncles 我叔叔的家the barbers 理发店 the chemists 药店the Smiths 史密斯的家注意:“姓氏+ s ”表示 “全家”,例如:the Smiths (史密斯的一家), the Smiths 则表示:“史密斯一家的住所”。Exercise 11. The _ of this problem _ still not clear to

18、most of us.A. bases, isB. basis, areC. basis, isD. basises, are2. Computers are tolls carrying _ for human beings.A. many informationB. many informationsC. more informationD. much information3. You can order _ if you like.(set)A. two furnitureB. two pieces of furnitureC. two piece of furnituresD. tw

19、o pieces of furnitures4. The _ in this schools are mush more active than those from other schools according to a recent research.A. womanstudentB. womenstudentsC. womenstudentD. womanstudents5. Its said that the _ here would never go on strike.A. postmenB. postsmanC. postmansD. postsmen6. He finally

20、 found that the two _ were his _.A. standers-by, sisters-in-lawB. stander-bys, sister-in-lawsC. stander-by, sisters-in-lawD. stander-by, sister-in-law7. Nowadays, cards _ not so popular as Majong.A. wereB. areC. isD. was8. The Himalayas _ a large variety of living _.A. has, specieB. have, speciesC.

21、have, specieD. has, species9. The majority _ on this point and the majority of us _ the question in the same was.A. agree, answerB. agrees, answerC. agrees, answersD. agree, answers10. My sister cut the cloth with _ scissors.A. a couple ofB. a pair ofC. a handle of (a handful of)D. a piece of11. No

22、one can believe that he is a _.A. bank presidentB. banks presidentC. president of a bankD. president of the bank12. _ is supposed to be of great importance in daily life.A. HonestyB. An honestyC. The honestyD. Honest13. We have prescribed for _.A. childs pictorialB. childrens pictorialC. child picto

23、rialD. pictorial of children14. My uncle prepared two _ into the mixture.A. cup waterB. cups of waterC. cupful of waterD. cupful of the water15. After a long time of waiting, the news _ to be very good.A. isB. areC. seemsD. were16. All the kids in the garden were frightened by _ of lightening.A. a p

24、ieceB. a boltC. a flashD. a set17. _ is famous all over the world.A. Peters B. The painter PeterC. Peter, the painter,D. Peter painter18. I always buy some _ for my father.A. beautiful Chinese paintingsB. Chinese beautiful paintingC. Chinese beautiful paintingsD. some beautiful paintings of Chinese1

25、9. The _ supplies us a place to put our food on.(the planet of Earth)A. stones of tableB. stone tableC. table of stonesD. stone of table20. I hardly slept _ last night.A. a winkB. winksC. much winksD. many winks二、形容词与副词(一)当两个以上形容词修饰同一名词时的顺序十分复杂,但只要记住以下几条常用规则即可:1靠近名词最近的形容词一般说明这东西是什么用的,即说明用途:a tennis

26、racket 一个网球拍子。2在用途前的形容词通常说明这东西是什么造的:a steel and nylon tennis racket 一个用钢和尼龙制作的网球拍子3靠名词最近的形容词前的形容词一般说明东西的来源:a Chinese writing desk 一张中国的写字台4再往前是说明颜色的形容词:a green glass ashtray 一只绿色的玻璃烟灰缸a very valuable old watch 一只很值钱的旧金表5所有这些形容词前还可以加表示年龄、大小、温度等方面的形容词:a big round conference table 一张开会用的大圆桌子也可以用下表来表示其修

27、饰顺序:放在动词前的代词冠词,指代,物代序数词基数词性质大小长短新旧,温度颜色国籍材料名词6形容词后置的几种情况:1)当形容词修饰 something, everything, nothing, everyone, anyone everybody, nowhere等时,形容词要后置。I have something important to tell you.I think he said nothing wrong.2)以-ible或-able结尾的形容词修饰其前有最高级或every, only, the few, all的名词时,通常应后置。但possible可放前也可置后。She is

28、 the most diligent girl imaginable. 她是最勤奋的姑娘,你想象她有多勤奋就有多勤奋。He tried every means imaginable. 他把能想像到的方法都用上了。3)else, present, absent, alone, alive, alike, there, here等作修饰语时通常后置。He gave some presents to all the people present.Those absent from class stood up.He is the only writer alive.4)下列形容词没有比较形式,表比较

29、时后用to,不用than:inferior比差minor较小的,年幼的senior年长的prior优先的,在前的superior优越的junior年幼的major较大的,年长的preferable更好的anterior先于posterior(时间)以后的,(位置)后面的A lieutenant is inferior to a captain. 中尉低于上尉。This book is superior to the other in style.这本书的文体比那本好。5)so/as/too/how/however+形容词+a(n)+单数可数名词It is too large a room.Th

30、at is so beautiful a park.6)such/what/quite/rather+a(n)+单数可数名词It is quite a good chance.What a wonderful film it is!7)最高级的比较范围介词用in, over, of, among等。In, (all)over用于某一范围内的比较,如in China, all over the world; of, among用于同一群体同类事物的比较,如among the teachers, of the four dresses等。注意among相当于one of, 不能用among all

31、。8)比较形式表示最高级意义时,比较对象的范围应用:any other +单数,the other+复数名词,anyone/anything else等She is more clever than any other girl in this class.9)注意用that或those代替比较内容时,所用代词应与所指代的名词在数上一致。The weather in Chongqing is hotter than that in Chengdu.10)特殊句型 Not so muchas 与其说不如说 No/not any more than两者一样都不 Just asso 正如,也 The

32、 morethe more 越.越Exercise 21. Please be quiet. I have _ to announce.A. a important thingB. an important somethingC. something importantD. important something2. He is a _ man.A. handsome tall youngB. young tall handsomeC. tall handsome youngD. young handsome tall3. He is a _ professor.A. amiable, lea

33、rned and popularB. learned, amiable and popularC. popular, learned and amiableD. popular and learned amiable4. I am _ her in many aspects.A. inferior toB. inferior thanC. more inferiorD. more inferior than5. One twin is indistinguishable _ the other.A. betweenB. fromC. atD. in6. What you say is not

34、consistent _ what you do.A. inB. ofC. withD. by7. _ are seldom seen in this city.A. Those black long American carsB. Those long American black carsC. Those American cars long and blackD. Those long black American cars8. That event was _ 1937.A. before thanB. prior thanC. prior toD. before of9. He is

35、 indifferent _ hardship and dangers.A. ofB. atC. inD. to10. I was fortunate _ having a good teacher. (be to do sth./in doing sth.) A. toB. toC. withD. in11. She showed me a _ shirt yesterday.A. silk long redB. long silk redC. red long silkD. long red silk12. Joe is _ his brother.A. four years senior

36、 thanB. four years senior thanC. four years senior toD. four year senior to13. It was very considerate _ you to send me a get-well card. (for, of)A. aboutB. ofC. onD. with14. He likes literature better _ linguistics.A. toB. thanC. ofD. comparing15. _ should respect the old.A. YoungB. YouthC. The you

37、ngD. The young people16. He heard _ from his work-mates.A. these all strange thingsB. all these strange thingsC. all strange these thingsD. all these things strange17. “Why have you decided to go back to school?”“Im tired _ as a secretary.”A. for workB. of workingC. to workD. about working18. I was

38、annoyed _ my mistake.A. atB. withC. toD. over19. “Who won the race?”“First prize was awarded _ Jackie Stevens, the smallest girl on the team.”A. forB. onC. withD. to20. She is extremely well qualified _ the job.A. toB. forC. aboutD. on三、情态动词(一)情态动词无人称和数的变化,其后可跟不定式的一般式,也可跟不定式的完成式。can用在否定句中,表示否定的判断或推测

39、以及理论上的可能性,其肯定形式为must+原形;could+原形动词表示现在或将来的推测或判断。That cant be true.It must be done.You could be right.(二)can和could可用于下列结构:cant help + v-ingconnot help but不得不can but只得cannot choose but只得cannottoo (over)无论也不过分One cannot be too careful.I can but say it again.(三)can或could与不定式的完成式连用,表示说话人对过去发生的行为的真实性所持的态度

40、(惊奇或怀疑)。can只用于疑问句或否定句。cant/ couldnt have + 过去分词表示对过去情况的强烈否定推测,一般译为“一定没”。Where can she have gone?She cant have gone to school. Its Sunday.He could have gone off with some friends.(四)may和might均可表示可能性和许可。may可表示给予许可,might则不能。may用于现在和将来时,might用于过去时或表示婉转意义,或可能性不大。She may not be at home. (= It is possible

41、that she is not at home.)She cant be at home. (= it is not possible that she is at home.)Brown might come to sign up for the match 2 days later.(五)may +不定式的完成式表示说话人对过去发生的事情的怀疑与推测;might+不定式的完成式表示对过去发生的事情可能性的推测,所推测的可能性有时与实际情况相反,一般含批评、责备的口吻。可能性最小,一般译为“也许”。She is late. She may have got up late.You might

42、 have done it better.(六)must表示义务时,其否定式形式为dont need to, neednt + V或dont have to.You neednt come to see me if you dont want to.You dont have to talk so loud.(七)must + 不定式的完成式表示对过去发生的事情较有把握的推测,译为“一定”,否定式为cant have done.The road is wet. It must have rained last night.He cant have finished all the exerci

43、ses within an hour.(八)ought to 与should + 不定式的完成式用于肯定句,表示该做而未做,用于否定句表示不该做的事而做了,有强烈的批评与责备口吻。You ought to have handed in your homework this morning.You should not have done such a foolish thing.(九)neednt have + 过去分词表示做了不必做的事,译为“其实没有必要”。You have five days more. You neednt have worked so hard.Exercise 31

44、. The film was wonderful; you _ it.A. must go to seeB. must have gone to seeC. should have gone to seeD. may see2. “We didnt see him at the lecture yesterday.”“He _ it.”A. mustnt attendB. cant have attendedC. should not have attendedD. neednt have attended3. The elephants ought _ hours ago by the ke

45、epers.A. to be fedB. to feedC. to being fedD. to have been fed4. She went to sleep in the park and when she woke up her watch had vanished. Someone _ it while she slept.A. must stealB. should have stolenC. must have stolenD. need have stolen5. If you _ over there for a moment, Ill tell Mr. Li youve

46、arrived.A. shall waitB. waitedC. will waitD. should wait6. The room is in a terrible mess. It _ cleanedA. mustnt beB. mustnt have beenC. cant beD. cant have been7. In the eighteenth century writers _ hours in coffee houses, discussing the news of the day.A. may spendB. would spendC. might have spent

47、D. could spend8. I wish that I _ with you last night.A. wentB. have goneC. could goD. could have gone9. He was a good runner so he _ escape from the police.A. ought toB. mightC. was able toD. could10. “Have you seen Marie?”“She wasnt feeling well. _ gone home?”A. She might haveB. She might hasC. Mig

48、ht she haveD. She could have11. If the telephone _ ring please say that Ill be back at six.A. shouldB. willC. shallD. can12. “You ought to have gone to see your uncle yesterday.” “Yes, I _.”(be, have, have been)A. should B. ought toC. would toD. should have13. Nobody knows how people first came to t

49、hese islands. They _ from South America on rafts.A. must have sailedB. can sailC. might have sailedD. should have sailed14. “I dont know what has happened to Harold,” she said.“Maybe I _ him.”A. had to callB. shall callC. should callD. would call15. “What did Pat do last night?”“She _ tickets to a f

50、ootball game, but decided to stay home.”A. could getB. could has gottenC. could have gottenD. can get16. You are incompetent! It _ hours ago.A. should be finishedB. must be finishedC. must have finishedD. should have been finished17. “Can we finish cleaning this garage tonight?”“I dont know, but we

51、_ try to.”A. wouldB. used toC. shouldD. were able to18. “Helen, will you be at the party tonight?”“I dont know, because I have so much homework to do that I really _.”A. cantB. mustntC. wontD. shouldnt19. “I didnt go to class last night because my car broke down.”“You _ mine. I wasnt using it.”A. co

52、uld borrowB. could have borrowedC. may have borrowedD. may borrow20. To be really happy and safe, one _ at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real.A. would haveB. could haveC. ought to haveD. may haveeednt四、时态英语的时态很多,限于篇幅,我们只就一些需要特别注意的,考试中常常出现的时态加以归纳。(一)一般现在时1. 表示自然现象与普遍真理。The Sun rise

53、s in the east. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。2. 在时间、条件从句中表将来。Ill tell him when he comes.They will do it if they are not very busy tomorrow.注意:如果if从句表示一种愿望时,可用will+动词原形,will相当于情态动词。If you will be quiet, Ill tell you what happened.(二)现在进行时1. 动词go, come, leave, stay, start, do, begin, arrive等

54、动词的进行时表示一个最近计划和安排要做的事。多用于口语。What are you doing next Saturday?You may catch the Golden Queen which is sailing to Brazil this afternoon.你可以乘坐金皇后号,这艘船今天下午将驶往巴西。2. 进行时与always, constantly, forever等词连用表示感情色彩。He is continuously finding fault with me. 他不断地挑我的毛病。These kinds of persons are always doing things

55、 like that. 这种人经常那么干。3. 在由while引起的状语从句中,动词要用进行时。While you are resting, Ill read you todays news.While I was having my breakfast the morning post came.(三)现在完成时1. 在时间、条件状语从句中,用现在完成时代替将来完成时。Ill give this dictionary to you as soon as I have finished reading it.If you have done the experiment, you will r

56、ealize how difficult the theory is.2. 现在完成时可用于下列句型:This /That /It is the first that This /That /It is the best that This /That /It is the only that This is the first time that I have played table tennis.It is the only party that Ive ever really enjoyed in my life.That is the most interesting film th

57、at Ive ever seen.3. 无论since作介词还是连词,句子应用完成时。Great changes have taken place since the reform and opening to the world.I havent seen her since I last saw her.4. 当since, before作副词用置于句末时,应用完成时。I havent studied English before.We havent met each other since.5. 在it is since结构中,主句的谓语通常用一般现在时,也可用现在完成时,但从句通常为终

58、止性动词的过去时。Its a long time since I saw you last time.It is four years since Tom left school.6. 终止性动词appear, begin, set up, buy, die, join, start, come, fall, finish, leave, lend, sell, lose, stop, etc.的完成时不能与for连用。不能说:He has got up for 2 hours.只能说:He got up 2 hours ago.He has been up for 2 hours.It is

59、 2 hours since he got up.7. by + 将来时间状语用将来完成时,by + 现在时间状语用现在完成时。By this time next year well have graduated.By now I have seen the film three times.(四)过去完成时1. by + 过去时间状语用过去完成时。By last year I had learned 2000 English words.2. 在no sooner than, hardly when, scarcely when, barely when等句型中,主句中的谓语用过去完成时,从

60、句中的谓语用过去时。No sooner had we got all the crops in than it began to rain.She had hardly finished his speech when the audience started cheering.Exercise 41. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisement showing happy, balanced families.A. are often seeingB. often seeC. will often see


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