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1、高中英语外刊英国卫报改编完形填空【含答案解析】外刊英国卫报改编完形填空1Reading ComprehensionDirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A.BCand D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Stephen Hawking remembered by Bernard Carr8January 1942-14 March 2018The

2、physicist s former research student recalls their close relationship at Cambridge,the sheer might of his intellect, and how he once bored the great man to sleepStephen was not so famous when I began my PhD at Cambridge in 1972,but his brilliancewas already clear to his peers and I found it rather da

3、unting when,on becoming hisresearch student,I was informed by one of my tutors that he was the brightest person inthe department.(1) ,it soon became(2) that my relationship with him wouldnot be the usual type of supervisor-student relationship.In those days,before he had hisentourage of nurses and a

4、ssistants,students would necessarily have to help him invarious ways(3) his disability.This was not an arduous task,but it did mean thatmy relationship with him became quite(4) .Indeed,I shared an office with him,lived with his family for a while and (5) him as he travelled around the world,givingta

5、lks and collecting medals.I soon discovered some of Stephens singular(6) .The first,of course,was that hewas very smart.Students are probably always in awe of their(7) and with Stephenthe awe was even greater.Indeed,on matters of physics,I always regarded him as anoracle,just a few words from him yi

6、elding(产生)insights that would have taken weeksto (8) on my own.However,Stephen was only human and not all encounters ledto illumination.Once I asked a question about something that was(9) me.Hethought about it silently for several minutes and I was quite(10) with myself forasking something that Step

7、hen couldnt answer immediately.His eyes then closed and Iwas even more impressed with myself because he was clearly having to think about it verydeeply.Only after some time did it become clear that he had fallen asleep.Nowadays,Ialso sometimes fall asleep while talking to students,so I recall this i

8、ncident withamusement.The other human side of Stephen is that he didnt suffer fools gladly and sometimes gotannoyed.One of the stories put around is that he would vent his frustration by runningoverstudentstoes.Im not sure about that-he once ran over the toes of the Prince ofWales,and Im sure that w

9、as just an accident.On the other hand,I well recall oneoccasion when I made a remark in the departmental common room at tea time thatshowed I had misunderstood what hed been saying.Stephen screamed “No!so loudlythat his wheelchair shot back halfway across the room under the recoil.I was mostimpresse

10、d that a single word from him could have such(11) consequences.I also learned about Stephens stubbornness and determination to continue doingthings for himself as long as possible,despite the relentless progress of his illness.Forexample,because he had an office in both the department of applied mat

11、hematics andtheoretical physics and the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge,I also had offices in bothplaces.I recall that he sometimes gave me a lift(probably illegally!)between the twoplaces in his three-wheeled invalid car.I found this rather (12) because I thought hedrove faster than was safe.La

12、ter,he had to discontinue the use of the car but he neverlost his drive and the desire to travel as far and wide as possible.One regret is he didntlive long enough to achieve his dream of going into space.Im often asked where Stephen stands in the pantheon(名流群)of great physicists.Thereare many ways

13、of being a great physicist and they cannot be(13) like runners in anOlympic race.Stephen himself never(14) to have the status of Newton or Einstein,but I strongly disagree with people who suggest that his scientific contributions have been(15) because of his iconic status.His disability was clearly

14、a factor in his becomingso famous,but I doubt any other(16) physicist will achieve the accolade ofbeing interred next to Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey.Stephen died on Einsteins birthday and was born on the date of Galileos death,so its(17) that heshould be connected to his two greatest heroes in

15、 this way.I doubt Stephen wouldhave attributedmuch significance to this,but he would certainly (18) that we dontunderstand the mystery of time.In any case,the synchronicity is fitting because his firstmajor discovery was that spacetime trajectories can have singular endpoints wherestrange things may

16、 happen.Stephen was the most (19) person Ihave ever knownand I feel truly(20) that he was my friend.1.A.OtherwiseB.NeverthelessC.MoreoverD.Therefore2.A.worldwideB.popularC.evidentD.neutral3.A.in process ofB.on account ofC.in possession ofD.accounting for4.A.familiarB.acquaintedC.intimateD.related5.A

17、.accompaniedB.servedC.treatedD.entertained6.A.habitsB.habitatsC.tempersD.characteristics7.A.supervisorsB.inspectorsC.tutorsD.conductors8.A.work outB.pick outC.put outD.lay out9.A.botheringB.puzzlingC.disorderingD.suffering10 A.satisfiedB.delightedC.impressedD.amused11 A.distantB.dramaticC.remoteD.di

18、stinct12 A.fairyB.chillyC.scaryD.nasty13 A.leveledB.classifiedC.rankedD.awarded14 A.claimedB.appealedC.fastenedD.applied15 A.outnumberedB.emphasizedC.outlinedD.exaggerated16 A.optimisticallyB.potentiallyC.positivelyD.contemporary17 A.magicB.oddC.mysteriousD.procedure18 A.overtakeB.promoteC.confessD.

19、acknowledge19 A.singularB.strangeC.singleD.simple20 A.enjoyableB.gratefulC.privilegedD.rewarding【答案】BCBCA DAABC BCCAD DBDAC【解析】1,根据前面一句中,我的其他导师告诉我Stephen是整个部门里最耀眼的人,后面说很快我和Stephen的关系不是一般的导师和学生之间的关系可知,作者虽然认为Stephen聪明耀眼,但是与自己关系密切,所以用让步比较合适,答案选B.2,由本段后文中可推出,我和Stephen关系密切是很明显的。3,根据句意是由于霍金的残疾,所以学生需要以不同方式



22、怀疑这事和霍金有关,但是他肯定不会承认我们懂得时间的奥秘。(霍金说任何的同步性是合理的,因为他的第一个发现就是时间的轨道会有一些奇怪的结点,而在这些结点会有奇怪的事情发生。)19,霍金是我认识并了解的当中最奇特的一个,所以选A比较合适。20,并且能与他为友,我倍感荣幸。外刊英国卫报改编完形填空2Reading ComprehensionDirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the w

23、ord or phrase that best fits the context.Country diary:a chainsaw massacre in the alder woodsOn an overcast,drizzly afternoon at Durham Wildlife Trusts Low Barns nature (1) ,alder provided the brightest splash of colour in the (2) .A tree had been felled and sawn into (3) .Chainsaw wounds on this sp

24、ecies can look like a massacre,because soon after the timber is cut,it turns a lurid shade of red,almost like blood,in stark contrast to the battleship-grey bark.(4) those wounds,which briefly (5) raw meat,fade to orange and finally to chestnut brown.When this reserve was established half a century

25、ago,around old gravel pits(采沙场),some moisture-loving alders were planted to help (6) a bare,windswept site.Alder wood is one of the finest sources of charcoal,and the plantation trees are old enough now to be coppiced,to produce barbecue fuel.There is also an important natural alder wood here,create

26、d by a cataclysm almost two and a half centuries ago,which led to the designation of the reserve as a site of special scientific interest.The Great Flood of 1771 (7) Weardale,washing away bridges all the way to the coast.When the water subsided,the course of the River Wear had (8) half a mile south,

27、and the old riverbed became what is now the reserves Long Alder Wood,the finest example of its kind in the region.When it sometimes floods,this tangle of gnarled(苍劲鳞峋的)trees has a (9) of the Florida Everglades(佛罗里达大沼泽)about it,with mossy,fallen trunks sinking back into the ooze(淤泥).Year round,there

28、are wonderful (10) to watch birds from an embankment level with the tree canopy.This afternoon an acrobatic flock of about 3o goldfinches(金翅雀)(11) and chattered through the twigs,feeding on tiny seeds that fall from the woody cones.Sadly,since the mid-199os,another (12) has befallen this locally (13

29、) woodland:alder dieback disease has killed around half the mature trees.Coppicing is leading to some regeneration,though in this precious (14) dead timber is allowed to lay where it falls,reserved for the needs of a (15) community of fungi,invertebrates and woodpeckers,rather than back-garden burge

30、r-flippers on summer evenings.1.A.reserveB.preserveC.conserveD.deserve2.A.sceneB.viewC.scopeD.landscape3.A.logsB.materialsC.resourcesD.sources4.A.EverlastinglyB.EventuallyC.ContinuallyD.Sustainably5.A.assembleB.presentC.overcastD.resemble6.A.rejuvenateB.revegetateC.reformD.remain7.A.gone throughB.go

31、t throughC.swept throughD.cut through8.A.changedB.shiftedC.reversedD.revised9.A.clueB.plotC.evidenceD.hint10 A.opportunitiesB.possibilitiesC.alternativesD.probabilities11 A.schemedB.crawledC.bouncedD.scattered12 A.misfortuneB.catastropheC.setbackD.adversity13 A.uniqueB.peculiarC.especialD.particular

32、14 A.frontierB.territoryC.habitatD.boundary15 A.variousB.versatileC.multipleD.diverse【答案】 1-5 ADABD 6-10 BCBDA 11-15 CBACD 【解析】1,reserve有保护区的意思。2,阿尔德木给这景色添上了灿烂的一笔(阿尔德木颜色后面有写)3,一棵大树被砍下哎,很快被整理修建成了伐木。4,5,这些被砍下的树木口一开始颜色像生肉,然后会褪成橙色,最终变成栗棕色。6,半个世纪之前,这个保护区被建立的时候,这个地方还是个老旧额采砂场,为了让这片光秃秃的表面有些生机,喜爱潮湿的阿尔德木就此被种下

33、。revegetate是让.有生机,继续生长的意思。7,由后面的washing away可知,前面选C比较合适,swept through席卷。8,当洪水退去的时候,River Wear的河道向南半公里(洪水改变了河道走向)9,有时候当洪水要来的时候,这片佛罗里达大沼泽的阿尔德木会显现出不一样的迹象,暗示洪水的到来。10,年复一年,由很多机会可以看见鸟儿迁徙。11,金翅雀在树林间跳跃私语。12,13, 自20世纪90年代中后期之后,灾难再次降临在这片对于当地而言独一无二的林区。14,在这边珍贵的栖息地15,被砍伐的树木可以放置在原地,以满足不同真菌生长繁衍。外刊英国卫报改编完形填空3素材源:英

34、国卫报(原文有删改)Guardian graphicGlobal team of scientists find ecosystem below earth that is twice the size of worlds oceansReading ComprehensionDirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A.B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits

35、the context.Scientists identify vast underground ecosystemThe Earth is far more alive than 1 thought,according todeep lifestudiesthat reveal a rich ecosystem beneath our feet that is almost twice the size of that found inall the worlds oceans.Despite extreme heat,no light,minuscule nutrition and int

36、ense pressure,scientistsestimate this subterranean biosphere is teeming with between 15bn and 23bn tonnes ofmicro-organisms,hundreds of times the combined weight of every human on the planet.Researchers at the Deep Carbon Observatory say the2of underworldspecies bears comparison to the Amazon or the

37、 Galapagos Islands,but unlike thoseplaces the environment is still largely original because people have yet to 3 mostof the subsurface.The team combines 1,200 scientists from 52 countries in 4 ranging fromgeology and microbiology to chemistry and physics.A year before the conclusion of their10-year

38、study,they will 5 an amalgamation(融合)of findings to date before theAmerican Geophysical Unions annual meeting opens this week.Samples were taken from boreholes more than 5km deep and undersea drilling sites toconstruct 6 of the ecosystem and estimate how much living carbon it mightcontain.One organi

39、sm found 2.5km below the surface has been buried for millions of years andmay not 7 at all on energy from the sun.Instead,the methanogen(甲烷微生物) has found away to create methane in this low 8 environment,which it may not use toreproduce or divide,but to replace or repair broken parts.The strangest th

40、ing is thatsome organisms can exist for millennia.They are metabolically active but in stasis,withless energy than we thought possible of 9 life.Rick Colwell,a microbial ecologist at Oregon State University,said the timescales ofsubterranean life were completely different.Some microorganisms have be

41、en alive forthousands of years,barely moving except for 10 in the tectonic plates,earthquakes or eruptions.Underworld biospheres vary depending on geology and geography.Their combined sizeis estimated to be more than 2bn cubic kilometers,but this could be 11 further inthe future.The researchers said

42、 their discoveries were made possible by two technical advances:drills that can penetrate far deeper below the Earths crust,and improvements inmicroscopes that allow life to be 12 at decreasingly minute levels.The scientists have been trying to find a lower limit beyond which life cannot exist,butth

43、e deeper they dig the more life they find.There is a temperature maximum-currentlyl22C-but the researchers believe this record will be broken if they keep exploring anddeveloping more 13 instruments.Mysteries remain,including whether life colonizes up from the depths or down fromchemical processes,a

44、nd what this mightthe surface,how the microbes 14 revealing about how life and the Earth co-evolved.The scientists say some findings enter the realm of philosophy and exobiology-thestudy of extraterrestrial life.Robert,a mineralogist at the Carnegie Institution forScience,said:We must ask ourselves:

45、if life on Earth can be this different from whatexperience has led us to expect,then what strangeness might 15 as we probe forlife on other worlds?1.A.comparativelyB.dramaticallyC.elegantlyD.previously2.A.varietyB.diversityC.variabilityD.transformation3.A.distinguishB.faintC.probeD.drain4.A.discipli

46、nesB.subjectsC.regionsD.branches5.A.deliberateB.exposeC.presentD.promote6.A.patternsB.modelsC.imitationsD.assumptions7.A.relyB.focusC.concentrateD.touch8.A.nutritionB.elementC.fuelD.energy9.A.earningB.supportingC.breedingD.generating10 A.conditionsB.stabilities C.shiftsD.transmissions11 A.extendedB.

47、expandedC.calculatedD.tempted12 A.scratchedB.mortgagedC.monitoredD.detected13 A.sophisticatedB.feasibleC.preciseD.rough14 A.stick toB.strive forC.interact withD.see to15 A.awaitB.alterC.eraseD.knit【词汇详解】注意:参考答案是本页右下方:释义及例句来自柯林斯词典minuscule/mn,skju:1/ADJIf you describe something as minuscule,you mean

48、that it is very small.极小的例:The film was shot in 17 days,a minuscule amount of time.这部电影用了短短的17天就拍摄完成了。teem /ti:m/(teeming,teemed,teems)V-I If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals,you mean that it is crowded and thepeople and animals are moving around a lot.挤满例:For most of the year,

49、the area is teeming with tourists.一年的大部分时间里这个地方都挤满了游客.bears comparison to比得上.:可与.相媲美【答案】DBCAC BADBC BDACA【解析】1. 副词辨析,第一句话句意:地球远比我们以前所想的更有活力,故选previously。A.相对地 B.显著地 C 优雅地意思都不合适。2. 名词辨析,此处主要区分variety和diversity,前者是various的名词形式,主要侧重点在不同品种,常用固定搭配“a variety of”;后者强调事物的多样性,常用固定搭配“the diversity of”此处句意:地下物

50、种的多样性,故选Diversity.3. 动词辨析,A.区分 B.晕厥 C.探索 D.促进;前面“is still largely original”可判断,人类尚未probe,have yet to=have not。4. 固定用法,in disciplines 在各个领域、学科方面;由后文“ranging from geology and.to chemistry and physics”克制,5. 动词辨析,A.仔细考虑 B.暴露 C.呈现,出席 D. 提升;将会在美国地球物理联合会年会之前提出迄今为止的综合调查结果。6. 名词辨析,A.模式 B.模型 C.模仿 D.设想;探索场地建立模

51、型,故选models.7. 固定搭配,A.依靠 B.C.集中精力于 D.涉及,碰到;可能不依赖于来自太阳的能源,故选rely.8. 名词辨析,由上文“not rely at all on energy form sun”可知选energy.9. 动词辨析,用比我们所认为的,更少的能源来支撑我们的生活,故选supporting10. 名词辨析,A.条件 B.稳定 C.转换,替换 D.传播,发射;除了地壳板块运动以外几乎不移动,根据barely moving可知后面对应的应选C.shifts11. 动词辨析,A.延伸 B.扩大 C.积累 D.诱惑;未来他们结合的规模会扩大,故选expanded.1

52、2. 动词辨析,A.抓 B.抵押 C.监测 D.发觉,察觉;让生命可以以递减的微小水平被发觉。13. 形容词辨析,A精密的 B.可行的 C.精确的 D.艰难的;仪器是精密的,故选sophisticated。14. 固定搭配,A.坚持 B.争取 C.与相互作用 D.照顾;这些微生物是如何相互作用的揭示了生命和地球是如何共同进化的。15. 动词辨析,A.等待 B.改变 C.清除 D.编织;当我们在探索其他世界的生命时,等待着什么样的奇异呢?故选await.外刊英国卫报改编完形填空4Section A (15%)Directions: For each blank in the following

53、passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.BT removing Huawei equipment from parts of 4G networkBT has confirmed it is removing Huawei equipment from key areas of its 4G network after concerns were raised about

54、the Chinese firms presence in (1)_telecoms infrastructure.The company said the removals were merely the continuation of a policy which beganthe mobile phone carrier EE in 2o15,to ensure that both parts of thewhen it(2)_combined network adopt the same technology.Many peripheral parts of BT and EEs sy

55、stems still (3)_Huawei equipment,and there were no plans to (4)_ that.Governments in the US,New Zealand and Australia have already moved to(5)_the use of Huaweis equipment as part of the future rollout of 5G networks.Earlier thisweek the head of MI6 also suggested the UK needed to decide if it wasco

56、mfortablewithChinese ownership of the technology being used.On Wednesday it (6)_ hat Canada has arrested Huaweis global chief financialofficer in Vancouver,where she is facing extradition to the US in a move likely toexacerbate tensions between the US and China.BT confirmed ina(7)_that it was in the

57、 process of removing Huaweiequipment from the key parts of its 3G and 4G networks to meet an existing(8)_policy not to have the Chinese firm at the centre of its infrastructure.Under BTs“21st Century Network programme”,the company uses Frances Alcatel-Lucent (which was bought by Nokia in 2016)and US

58、-based Cisco to provide corehardware.However,Huawei has still been(9)_in the network,providing thetechnology that powers the telephone exchanges,and also the optical fibre thatconnects the network core.“Were(10)_these same principles to our current RFP(request for proposal)for 5G core infrastructure

59、,BT said.“As a result,Huawei have not been included invendor selection for our 5G core.Huawei remains an important equipment provideroutside the core network and a valued(11)_ partner.”Most notably,Huawei has been(12)_ involved in EEs provision of the newemergency services network(ESN),a 1.2bn Home

60、Office-led project to replace theageing voice-only airwave system that powers police,ambulance and fire brigade radioswith a 4G-capable network that covers all of the UKs major and minor roads.Earlier thisyear,BTs Simon Frumkin,the head of the ESN project,described the company as a “keypartner”.Othe


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