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1、 Starter Unit 1 Good morning!学生姓名: 班级: 学习目标学习英语字母A-H学习礼貌用语:Good morning/afternoon/evening Hello/Hi 学会问候熟识的朋友和应答: How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK.培养学习英语的兴趣。课前预习1. 比较下列每组字母或单词的读音,相同的用(S), 不同的用(D)表示。 1. b, a ( ) 2. c, e ( ) 3. a, e ( ) 4. b, d ( ) 5. a, c ( ) 6. Dale, Alice ( ) 7. Fran

2、k, thanks ( ) 8. evening, Helen ( ) 9. A, H ( ) 10. E, F ( )2. 单项选择 ( )1. -Good evening, Eric. -_, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( )2一Good morning! -_ AThank you BGood morning! CHello! ( )3一Hello! 一_ AHello! BThank you CIm fine ( )4一Sit down,P1ease -_. AIm fine BMy name is

3、 Li Lei CThank you ( )5一Whats your name? -_. AClark B. Im OK CThank you3. 通过预习你还有哪些疑问?_学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 1a-5学习策略培养打招呼用语的奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。 1Good morning /afternoon /evening:适用于比较正式客气的场合,双方都应说Good morning /afternoon /evening!例如: A:Good morning,Miss Zhao早晨好,赵老师。 B:Good morning,MrWan

4、g早晨好,王校长。 2Morning:适用于比较熟悉的朋友之间或比较繁忙的情况下。 3Hello:是最广泛、最简单的打招呼语,显得亲切自然。例如: A:Hello,Kate你好,凯特。 B:Hero,Li Lei你好,李雷。 4Hi:在现代英语中,Hi比Hello用得更多,显得更随和。例如: A:Hi,Han Meimei你好,韩梅梅。 B:Hi,Lucy你好,露西。巩固练习选择正确的答案填空 ( )1早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“_ ” AHello! B. How are you? CGood morning,MrMiss! DGood afternoon ( )2假设你叫Lin

5、Lin,当人家问你“Are you Lin Lin?”时,你应该说: “_” AMy name is Lin Lin BYes,I am CI am not DYesit is. ( )3当你要向别人打听某事时,你应说:“_” AHello BSorry CExcuse me DHi ( )4当你向别人介绍你的朋友Jim时,你应说:“_” AThis is Jim BHe is Jim CYou are Jim DI am Jim ( )5当你认错人时,你应说:“_” A. Excuse me B. Im OK CIm sorry DThank you ( )6. _? -Fine,thank

6、 you A. How do you do BHow old are you C. Can you spell it D. How are you 补全对话 1A:Hello! B: _! A:Whats your name? B: _name is Kate Green. A:_ are you? B: Fine, _you. How are you? A:Im fineWhats this? B: _ “Gg”. A:Thank_ 2T:Good morning,class S:_, teacher T: How are you? S:_, thank you, _you? T: Im f

7、ine, _. Whats this? S:Its “Nn(嗯) T: No, its “Nn” /en/. S: “Nn” /en/ T: Yes, sit _, please. 当堂反馈交流检查错误订正情况回想本节内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问/拓展练习按括号内所给要求写出适当形式。1white (反义词)_ 2.Im(完整形式)_ 3what is(所略形式)_ 4its(完整形式)_ 5. Uu( 同音词) _ 从括号中选出一个填空。1How _ you? (am, is ,are) 2What _ this in English? (am, is ,are) 3What color

8、 is the pen? It _ red. (am, is ,are) 4Whats this? Its _ orange. (a, an ) 5. Whats this? Its _jacket. (a, an ) 6. Its _ apple. (a, an ) 单项选择( )1早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼?A. How are you? B. Good morning! C. Good evening! ( )2当别人向你问好时说:How are you? 你应该怎么回应呢?A. Fine, thank you B. Hello! C. How are you? ( )3.

9、 一Good evening, Eric. 一_, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( )4一Good morning! 一_ AThank you BGood morning! CHello! ( )5一Hello! 一_ AHello! BThank you CIm fine ( )6一Sit down,P1ease 一_. AIm fine BOK CThank you ( )7-Colin,whats this in English? -_. AThis is a pen BIts a pen CIts

10、pen ( )8Its _ blackIts _ black ruler Aa; B;a Ca;a ( )9. -_ is that quilt? Its black A.How color BWhat color CWhats color ( )10. 一Whats this in English? 一Its _ orange. A. an B. a C./ 句子配对 ( )1Whats this in English? AGood moring! ( )2Good moring! BIts green ( )3What color is that orange? CFine,thank y

11、ou ( )4How are you? DIts an orange ( )5Hello! Frank. EHello! Eri习Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?班级: 学生姓名:学习目标1.掌握LP英语字母的发音及书写。2.熟练this, that 和it 的疑问形式及答语形式。3.学习确认事物及表示感谢的日常交际用语。4.学会在实际生活中确认事物、培养会话、熟练运用本单元所列日常用语进行口头、笔头交际的能力。5.分角色表演对话的能力。课前预习导学1. 比较下列每组字母或单词所含元音的发音,相同的用(S), 不同的用(D)表示,将你的答案序号写在题后

12、的横线上。1. AH 2. KG 3. Ifine4. MN 5. Oorange 6. Amap 7. QP 8. Frankmap 9. eveninghe 10. Gracemap 11. O-helloS _D _2. 选择12. Spell it, please!_.A. F-I-N-EB. Thanks C. Im OK13. Whats this in English?Its _ orange.A. a B. an C. 不填14. Whats this in English, Kate? _.A. Fine, thanks B. Im OKC. Its a map3. 通过预习

13、你还有哪些疑问?_学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学进行交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 1a-4学习策略培养Englishadj.英国的,英国人的n.英语【考点】in English 用英语:Can you write in English ?你能用英语写吗?表示“英国人”可说He is English .还可说He is an Englishman.不能说,He is an English .the English 指英国人总称,谓语动词用复数。()The English are a hard-working people.()The English is a hard-w

14、orking people. English 如果是指语言时,前边没有冠词;如果它指代的是英语中某个具体词汇或作形容词修饰后面名词时,应用the.()Whats the English (word )for“衣服”?()Whats English for “衣服”?()He explained it to us in English .()He explained it to us in English language .句子破译站1.句型”Whats”及其回答Whats this ?这是什么?这一句型同我们学过的Whats your name ?属同一类句型。前者是询问某物是什么?后者是询

15、问某人叫什么名字,但都用What表示问“什么”放在句首来提问,这种疑问句叫特殊疑问名。对于特殊疑问句的回答要直接陈述事实,句子结尾用降调。Whats this句型中 this是指代所问的这个东西,要指代那个东西则用 that(那),回答时用 it代替 this或 that。如:Whats this ?这是什么?Its E.它是E。Whats that ?那是什么?Its B.那是B。2.-Look ! Whats this ? 看这是什么?-Its milk ./Its a phone . 这是牛奶。/这是一部电话机。(1)Look 单独一个词加感叹号就成了一个感叹句,相当于中文的“瞧!”、“

16、看!”,用来提醒别人注意某人、某物或某件正在发生的事。如:Look ! Whats that ? 瞧!那是什么?Look! A nice clock .看!一只漂亮的钟。(2)句中的a是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前,表示“一个(块)”的意思。如果后边词的读音以辅音开头,用a,如a desk ;如果后边词的读音以元音开头,用an,如an egg, an orange .milk 是不可数名词,故前面没有冠词。如:This is an apple .Its a good apple . 这是一个苹果。它是一个好苹果。Is that a Chinese car ? 那是一辆中国轿车吗?No, it

17、isnt .Its an English car .不,它不是。那是一辆英国轿车。3.Whats this in English .这用英语怎么说?in,介词,表示“使用某种语言”。如:in English 用英语in Chinese 用汉语 in Japanese 用日语巩固练习情景交际.重新排列下列句子,使之成为完整的对话,答案写在下面的横线上1. Hello, Im Helen. Whats your name?2.Good morning, Bob.3.Whats this in English?4.My name is Bob.5. Good morning.6.Its an ora

18、nge._根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.这是什么?它是一把尺子。Whats this? _ _ a ruler.2.这是一把钥匙,它是黄色的。Its a _, its _.3.请拼写orange。_ orange, _.4. 这用英语怎么说?_ this _ _?当堂知识反馈交流检查错误订正情况回想本节内容,你学到了哪些知识,还要哪些疑问?拓展练习书面表达早晨汤姆(Tom)见到林涛(Lin Tao),相互问好,林涛指着一个橘子问汤姆:这个用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问它是什么颜色。请就此情景用英语编一段对话。_Starter Unit 3 What color is it?学生姓名: 班级:

19、学习目标:1.能按字母表顺序背诵26个字母,认读WZ的印刷体和手写体的大小写形式,能合乎规则地书写。注意A,S,U,V,X,Z读音。2.掌握一些有关颜色的词汇。3.日常用语中需重点掌握如何用英语谈论各种颜色。4.在所学词汇范围内用口头、笔头描述事物颜色和对颜色进行提问的运用能力。5.有意识地注意培养阅读能力,不断掌握阅读技巧,形成较强的阅读能力课前预习导学单项选择1.This is _ key.A. an yellow B. yellow C. a yellow2. Whats this? _ is a white eraser.A. This B. It C. Its3. What colo

20、r is the quilt?Its _.A. a blueB. blueC. blue quilt4. Dale is tall (高). He needs (需要) a size(尺寸) _ shirt(衬衣).A. S B. M C. L5. The dog(狗) is _.A. black and whiteB. black whiteC. white black 根据所给句子写问题或答语。6. _? Its blue.7. _? Its “V”.8. How are you?_.9. _?Its a key.通过预习你还有哪些方面的疑问?_学习过程预习情况交流将课前准备的情况与你的同

21、学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 1a-4学习策略培养口语项目:Talking About Colours(谈论颜色)1.常见表达方式(1)What color is the flower ?It is yellow .(2)What color are these boxes ?They are light blue .(3)What color do you like ?你喜欢什么颜色?I like red .我喜欢红色。(4)Which color do you like best ?你最喜欢哪种颜色?I like white best .我最喜欢白色。(5)Color it gr

22、een ,please .请把它染成绿色。中考命题【例1】那是一辆白色的小汽车。误:That is a white color car.正:That is a white car.精析表示具体颜色的形容词作定语或表语时,其后不能再加color。学英语不可受汉语的影响而导致用词重复。【例2】It is _.A.brown desk B.brown desksC.a brown desk D.brown a desk.精析句中的it是单数,故B项排除;desk是单数需加冠词修饰,故A项排除;而D项brown与a位置颠倒。答案C【例3】找出画线部分发音不同于其他三个的词()A. what B.wat

23、ch C.white D.who精析本题考查字母w和字母组合wh的发音规律。其中what, watch ,white都发w音,who中的wh发h,类似的单词还有whose。答案D误点批答【例题】穿蓝色外套的那个妇女是我姑姑。误:The woman on the blue coat is my aunt.正:The woman in the blue coat is my aunt.精析介词in可用来表示“穿;戴”等意思。其结构一般为:“in+表颜色的形容词+服装名词”或“in+表颜色的名词”。巩固练习1.你的钢笔是什么颜色? _ is your pen?2.它是黑白色的。Its _ and_.

24、3.这件夹克是绿色的。This _ is _.完形填空 根据短文内容,从每小题的三个选项中选出一个适当的填空。_1 morning, _2 Jenny. This is a _3 Its a nice quilt. What _4 is it?_5 yellow and white. And _6 this? Its _7. Its _8 jacket. Thats a ruler. _9 is_10.() 1. A. Good B. What C. Hello() 2. A. Its B. Im C. Hi() 3. A. map B. pen C. quilt() 4. A. color

25、B. this C. quilt() 5. A. Its B. It C. Its() 6. A. how is B. what is C. what() 7. A. a jacket B. jacket C. an orange() 8. A. orange B. a orange C. an orange() 9. A. I B. You C. It() 10. A. an blue B. blue C. a blue当堂反馈1.交流检查错误订正情况2.回想本节内容,你学到了哪些知识,还要哪些疑问?拓展练习假设你和你的妈妈去商店买东西,商店里有各种颜色的衣服,鞋子,帽子.编一段你和你的妈妈

26、,售货员的对话。Unit 1 My names Gina. Lesson 1学生姓名: 班级:学习目标掌握简单的问候语,并能自我介绍,初步培养用英语进行交际的能力。 what引导的特殊疑问句的用法。结合各知识点,围绕“初次见面”这一话题进行听、说、读、写训练。课前预习导学 I、写出缩写形式1.whatis_2.sheis_3.Iam_4.mynameis_5.itis_II、根据句子意思,每空填一个英语单词1.Whatsyourn_?MynameisMary.2.ImGina.Nicet_meetyou.3.Hisnamei_Tony.4.Hello,Ia_Jenny.5.Ishisn_Dav

27、e?通过预习,你还要哪些方面存在问题?_学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 1a-2c学习策略培养【例1】 your name, please? My name is .A. Whats, Jim Green B. Whos, Jim GreenC. Whats, Green Jim D. Whos, Green Jim精析 Whats your name, please?询问对方的姓名,回答时用My name is英语国家人的姓名结构顺序为:名姓,故选_。【例2】You a teacher. I a student. My sister a s

28、tudent, too. A. am; is; are B. is; are; amC. are; am; is D. are; is; is精析 动词be在一般现在时中根据不同的人称有不同的形式,在本题中,You与are连用,I与am连用,My sister为第三人称单数,应与is连用。答案_【例3】This is Miss Gao. She your new teacher.A. be B. am C. is D. are精析 这一题考查be动词am, is, are的用法,am与I连用,is与第三人称单数主语连用,are与其他的人称连用,这里she是第三人称单数,故应选is。答案_二、S

29、elf-introduction(自我介绍)1常见表达方式(1 )I am我是(2) My name is我的名字是(3)如果询问对方名字,可以问:Whats your name?/May I have your name?巩固练习提高单项选择( )1.I am _.I am an American boy.A. Gina King B. King Gina C. Tom King D. King Tom( )2. _ is Mary Zhang . _ father is a teacher.A. She; Her B. He ; His C. She ; His D. He ; Her(

30、)3. David,_ is John . _ is David.A. he ; he B. he; this C. this ; he D. this ; this( )4. My brother _ John . Our family name _ Martin.A. is ;is B. is; are C. are; is D.are; are( )5. -_ her name? - _ Lily.A. Whos ; She B. Whos ; Her nameC. Whats ; Shes D. What; Her name is 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我的名字叫Gina。_ na

31、me _ Gina.他的名字叫Tom。_name _ Tom.她的名字叫 Mary。_ name _ Mary.我是吉姆,他是Ben。_ Jim _ is Ben.你叫什么名字?_ your name?当堂反馈交流检查错误订正情况。回想本节内容,你学到了哪些内容,还有哪些疑问?拓展练习 补全对话A: Whats your name, please?B: 1 . A: So Peter is your 2 and Brown is your 3 . Right?B: Quite right.A: 4 ?B:Yes, P-E-T-E-R, Peter, 5 . A: Thank you.B: 6.

32、1._ 2. _3._ 4._5._ 6._Unit 1 My names Gina.Lesson 2学习目标掌握形容词性物主代词的用法。掌握姓名的询问方法及回答。课前预习导学1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1._is Chinese. (his) 2. This is Mark._book is here. (he) 3. Thats Lisa._pencil is old. (she) 4._is my English teacher. (her) 5. Is that_backpack, Jones? (you) 6. My _(one) name is Jim. 7. My friend

33、s_ (be) Tom and Jim2. 翻译 8. Her first names Kenji. (对划线部分提问) _ _her first name? 9. My new friend is Tony. (变一般疑问句) _Tony_ new friend? 10. My first name is Gina. My last name is Jones. (并为一句) My full name_ _ _. 11. Jenny is my new friend. (变为同义句) Jenny and_ _new friends. 12. My last name is Green. (变

34、为同义句) _ _my_name. 通过预习你还有哪些方面的疑问?_学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程3a. Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last names.3b. Choose a first name and a last name from 3a. Ask your classmates for their new names and last names. Make a list.4. Name game.3. 学习策略培养 first adj. adv.

35、 第一,最初,最先n. 最初,当初【考点】at first sight 一见之下,乍看来:At first sight the problem seemed easy. 这问题乍看起来很容易。First of all 首先,第一:First of all, I must check the number. 首先我必须检查那号码。From first to last 从头到尾。at first 起初,开始时。 【引申】同义词:earliest, highest, leading; 反义词:final, last。The First Lady 总统夫人;first name名字(与姓相对);fir

36、st aid 急救的;first cost (商)最初成本last/la:st/ adj. adv. 最后的(地),最近刚刚过去的v. 继续,维持:How long will the fine weather last ?这好天气会持续多久?巩固练习提高 回答问题 1. Whats the boys name?(Bill) _ 2. Whats the girls name?(Amy) _ 3. Whats Karen Suarezs first name? _ 根据所给内容,完成下列对话。(每空一词)1. A: Hello, whats_? B: _Tony Black. A: Whats_

37、name? B: Black. 2. A: Hello, Im your teacher, Miss Wang. B: Good morning, Miss Wang._Wang Fang. A: Can you_, please? B: Yes, W-A-N-G, Wang, F-A-N-G, Fang. A: _you, sit down, please. 3. A: Whats this? B: Its a book. Look!_is a nice picture. A: What_is it? B: Red_blue. I like the colors. A: Me too. B:

38、 Is this_book? A: No, it isnt. Its Tonys book. 当堂反馈交流检查错误订正情况回想本节内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问?Unit 1 My names Gina. Lesson 3学生姓名: 班级:学习目标通过学习数字19,学会获取他人电话号码。进而将姓名和电话号码相统一,形成一个完整的信息.课前预习导学写出下列算式的结果。1one + five =_ 2. four + six = _3. nine + five =_ 4. three + two = _5. tennine = _ 6. five + five = _7. sixsix = _

39、8. zero + ten = _9.three+seven=_ 10 . one + eight = _根据各题的情景或要求选择正确答案。( ) 9. My name is _.A. Green Mary B. Mary Green C. mary green ( ) 10. How are you? _A. Im good. Thank you. B. Im fine. Thank you. C. And you?( ) 11. Two and four is _.A. five B. six C. seven ( ) 12. How old are you? _A. Im young.

40、B. Im twelve. C. Im Peter. ( ) 13._ name is Gina.A. Her B. His C. You ( ) 14. Do you like English? _A. Yes, I am. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 15. Whats his mothers name? _A. Im Sue. B. Her name is Sue. C. I dont know. ( ) 16. Are you a middle school student now?A. No, Im. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes,

41、I am. ( ) 17. _ am in Beijing.A. My B. I C. You ( ) 18. Ben Tony is a _.A. girl B. name C. boy通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在的问题_学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 1a-2c学习策略培养 number n. 数,数字;(数目)大量,许多【考点】a number of 一些,许多(后接可数名词复数):A number of students took part in the sports meet. 许多学生参加了运动会。the number of的数量

42、:The number of boys in my class is fifteen. 我们班有15名男孩。in number 在数字上,总共:They are 18 in number. 他们总共18人。2. Whats your phone number?你的电话号码是多少?Its 2842942. 2842942。(1)这一句型同我们学过的Whats your name?属同一类句型,前者是询问电话号码是多少,后者是询问某人叫什么名字,但都用What表示问“什么”的词放在句首来提问,这种疑问句叫特殊疑问句。它的回答是针对特殊疑问词来回答的,不能用“是”或“不是”来回答。因此对该句的回答是

43、针对所问的内容(phone number)来具体回答的,回答是2842942。注意回答时用It指代上文的phone number,以免重复。(2)Whatsnumber?是用来对自行车牌号、房间号、电话号码、身份证号码等进行提问的,答语是Its号码。此外还有另一种提问方式:Whats the number of?如:Whats the number of your telephone?你的电话号码是多少?巩固练习提高 你记住了多少词汇? 根据下列中文提示或首字母,写出正确的英语单词: 10% 1. Nice to _ (遇见) you.2. -Whats this? -Its a _ (时钟)

44、.3. _ (看) at this picture, please. 4. My _ (第一) name is Tony. 5. Is _ (零) a number? 6. I have a sister. H_ name is Jenny. 7. -Whats your f_ name? -Smith.8. I have a new p_. Its number is 5679863.9. Please make a l_. 10. Look at the ID c_ and answer the questions. 任务型阅读 根据下面短文,在卡片上正确填写有关信息: 10% I am

45、a girl. My name is Gina Green. Im twelve years old. Im in Class Two Grade Seven. My father is Mr Green. He is forty years old. He is an English teacher. My mother is Mrs Green. She is thirty-eight years old. She is a math teacher. My father and mother are in the same school, in No. One Middle School

46、. My telephone number is 8632975. First name _ Last name _Age (年龄) _ Class_Fathers age _ Mothers age _Work place of her parents (她父母亲的工作地) _Father teaches (教) _ Mother teaches _Family numbers _当堂反馈交流检查错误订正情况回想本节内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问?Unit 1 My names Gina. Lesson 4学习目标通过制定电话号码簿、制作自己的名片等一系列活动,巩固所学内容,培养学生动脑、

47、动手的能力。课前预习导学按要求改写句子1.Thisismygrandmother.(改否定句) 2.Histelephonenumberis535-2375.(改一般疑问句) 3.Itshisbackpack.(改一般疑问句) 4.Thats a pencil inEnglish.(对划线部分提问) 5.ThatboysnameisJeff .(对划线部分提问) 通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?_学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 3a-4学习策略培养1. 动词be的现在时态动词be就是我们所学过的am, is ,are的动词原形。如何使用这三

48、种形式要取决于主语。当主语是第一人称I(我)时,用am, 缩写为Im;主语是第二人称you(你)或复数时,用are, 缩写为youre,主语是第三人称it/she/he(它/她/他)或名词及代词的单数时,用is, 缩写为its/shes/hes。如:I am(Im) Liu Ying. 我是刘英。You are(Youre)Lin Tao. 你是林涛。It is(Its)3344278.巩固练习提高、选择正确的选项填空。( ) 1、Hello, whats _ name? My name is Linda.Ahis Bher CyourDits( ) 2、Hello, nice to meet

49、 you. _.AThank you.BBye. CYes.DNice to meet you,too.( ) 3、_ is this desk? Its green.AwhatBwhat color Cwhats thisDwhats color( ) 4、_? Its a card.AWhats this BWhats your nameCWhat color is itDWhat color is this( )5. Can I have your last name , please ? -_.A. Emerson Green B. Green C. Emerson D. Em( )6

50、.Excuse me. _ do you spell your given name ? -A-N-N ,Ann.A. What B. How C. how D. why( )7.-What is _ telephone number ? -_ telephone number is 886677.A. your; Your B. his ;He C. her; Her D. your; I( )8.My name is Amy, _ name is Tina and _ is Frank.A. her; his B. his ;her C. her; her D. She; He( )9.-

51、Whats your first name ? -Its _. A. Brown B. Amy C. Amy Brown D. Smith( )10.Last name means _.A. first name B. given name C. family name D. names( )11. This is _ brother. _ name is Tom.A. your ; His B. my; His C. my ; his D. his; My( )12. This is _ apple, and that is _ orange. A. a; a B. a; an C. an;

52、 an D. an; a( )13. Which of following is not a first name? A. Sam B. Kate C. Millar D. Nick ( )14. This is Tom Smith. _ is _ first name. A. tom; his B. Tom; her C. Smith; his D. Smith; her ( )15. A name is Li Fang-ying. Her family name/last name is _. A. Fang B. ying C. Li D. Fang-yingII. 你能正确地排列对话吗

53、( ) Nice to meet you, too.( ) My names Jane. Nice to meet you.( ) Hello. Im Bill. Whats your name ?( ) C-O-R-N-E-R ,Corner.( ) May I have your last name ?III. 完形填空,选择最合适的答案填入空格。Nemo: Good morning! My name is Nemo . Whats 1 name ?Dory: 2 Dory. 3 to meet you , Nemo.Nemo: Nice to meet you 4 , Dory. Do

54、you know my father(父亲)?Dory: Your father? Whats 5 name ?Nemo: His name is Marlin.( ) 1. A. youB. yourC. my( ) 2. A. I B. My C. Im( ) 3. A. NiceB. Sorry C. Excuse( ) 4. A. twoB. to C. too( ) 5. A. heB. hisC. herUnit 2 Is this your pencil? Lesson 1 学习目标掌握词汇,学习一般疑问句式课前预习导学选择正确的答案( ) 1. Whats this in En

55、glish? Its _ backpack. A. aB. anC. theD. 不填( ) 2. Is this his pen? _. Its her pen. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isntC. No, it isD. Yes, it isnt( ) 3. _ that a ruler?A. IsB. AreC. AmD. 不填( ) 4. _, is this your eraser?A. OKB. Good morningC. HelloD. Excuse me( ) 5. Jane, is this _ pencil sharpener? Yes, it

56、is my ruler. A. herB. hisC. myD. your( ) 6. Whats that in English? _ a dictionary. A. Its B. ThatsC. This isD. Hes( ) 7. Sonia has (有) a book. And this is _ book. A. hisB. herC. myD. your( ) 8. How _ you spell it? P-E-N. A. areB. amC. isD. do( ) 9. How are you? _A. Good morning!B. How are you?C. Im

57、OK. D. Whats that?( )10. Whats your last name? _. A. JackB. SmithC. TonyD. Linda学习过程预习交流情况将课前准备的情况与你的同学交流讨论预习中遇到的问题学习流程Do 3a-4巩固练习提高根据首字母的提示写出单词6.What s your _f_name? 7.Look up a word in a d _ if you dont understand it. 8.Is that your watch in the l _and found case?9.I lost a set of k _ 10.I like c_

58、 games.选择填空( )11.This is _clock. Its _ English clock.A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a ( )12.Whats that _Chinese?A. at B. in C for D. on ( )13.Sorry, this is not _ID card.A. an B. my a C. my an D. a my ( ) 14.It _a pencil. Its a pen.A .is B. no C. not D. isnt ( )15.-_ your teacher ?- -Mr Green.A .

59、 Wheres B. Whats C. Hows D. Whos ( )16.-_do you spell watch?-W-A-T-C-H ,watch.A. What B. Who C. How D. Why ( )17.Please call me _ 256-5896A. at B. for C. on D. to ( )18.-Your bag is very nice.-_? A. Thats all right. B. Here you are C. You dont know. D . Thank you very much. ( ).19._ am a teacher . _

60、name is Tony .A.I. My B. My I C. My I D. I I ( )20.-Excuse me, Jim. -_ A. Hello B.OK C. Yes D. No ( )21.This is the key _the classroom.A. to B. of C. at D. in ( )22.Is the girl_ English?A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )23._ are good friends.Mike and I B.I and Mike C. Mike and me D. Me and Mike( )24.A re you


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