已阅读5页,还剩27页未读 继续免费阅读




1、What is your father?一、知识也能力目标。1、掌握本节课中出现的新单词。2、掌握本节课中的句型What is your father/mother?及其回答。二、过程与方法1、用PPT、歌曲引入,营造氛围,让学生对所学单词进行初步感知,在教师的引导下能自主学习、合作学习,提高学习能力。2、能够掌握运用所学句型,自主对话。三、情感态度与价值观通过对单词学习,让学生了解各项职业。通过学习让学生感知各项职业都非常辛苦,让他们能体会父母工作的艰辛,并爱自己的父母。教学目标:1、掌握本课的职业单词,并能正确、流利的拼读,理解词义。2、掌握本课的句型What is your father

2、/mother?询问他人职业的用语及其正确回答。3、能正确流利读小诗。教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会拼写,认读职业单词,并对单词teacher进行复习巩固。2.能听懂Whats your ?并能根据实际情况用Hes/shes a 回答。3.能听懂、会说Whats he/she ? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/shes a 回答。4.能读小诗歌What is your father mother?教学难点 1.能听懂Whats your ?并能根据实际情况用Hes/shes a 回答。 2.能听懂、会说Whats he/she ? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/shes a 回答。 3.能配动作诵读小

3、诗歌What is your father mother ?教学准备:PPT教学过程:Step1:T:1、greeting 2、sing a songT:Today is sunny。Are you happy?S:Yes。T:Now,lets sing a song。OK!S:OK!T:Good!Nice to see meet you。S:Nice to meet you ,too。T:How are you?S:IM fine,thank you ,and you。T:IM fine ,too. Sit down ,please.Show PPTT: Who is she?S: She

4、is Miss Ling.T: Good! Its me . What is she? (show PPT)S: She is a teacher.T: You are so clever. Teacherteacherteacherteacher. Read after me.S: teacherteacherteacherteacher. T: We can see many teacher in the school or a hospital?S: In the school.T: Yes, we can see many teacher in the school. Who is i

5、n hospital? Lets have a look.( show PPT) Whats he? Oh, he is a doctor. Doctor doctor doctor ,Read the word.S: Doctor doctor doctor.T: Doctor stand up. Read the word. S: Doctor doctor doctorT: Whose father is a doctor? Feng Chenxiangs .Lets ask . “Whats your father?”Feng Chenxiang: He is a doctor.S1:

6、Feng Chenxiang ,Feng Chenxiang,Whats your father?Feng Chenxiang:He is a doctor.S2: Feng Chenxiang ,Feng Chenxiang,Whats your father?Feng Chenxiang:He is a doctor.S3: Feng Chenxiang ,Feng Chenxiang,Whats your father?Feng Chenxiang: He is a doctor.(Show PPT)T: Then you look “Who is he?”S2: He is Wang

7、Yubo.T: Wang Yubo , whats your father? (show PPT)Wang Yubo: He is a T: He is a cook. Cook cook , he is a cook. Cooks stand up, read the word.S: Cook cook ,he is a cookT: (show PPT) Who is she ?S: She is Chen Ximiao.T:(show PPT) Lets have a look. Chen Ximiao , Whats your father?Chen Ximiao: He is a p

8、olicemen.T: You are so clever. policeman , policeman, He is a policeman. Then read the word. And read it one by one.S: policeman, policeman, He is a policeman.T: policeman stand up, read the word .S: policeman, policeman, He is a policeman.T: Good!(show PPT). Who is he ?S: He is Qian Long.T: Good, Q

9、ian Long, Whats your father? (show PPT). Qian Long: He is a T: Oh, he is a farmer. Farmer, farmer, he is a farmerS: Farmer, farmer, he is a farmer.T: Farmers stand up. Read the word .S: Farmer, farmer, he is a farmer.T: Great, now lets ask Qian Long, Whats your father?Qian Long: He is a farmer.S1: W

10、hats your father?Qian Long: He is a farmer.T: (show PPT)You look, who is he ? S: He is Huang Wenzhuo.T: Good. Huang Wenzhuo, whats your father?Huang Wenzhuo: He is a worker.T: You are great. Worker, worker, he is a worker.S: Worker, worker, he is a worker.T:Good .now we ask Huang Wenzhuo “Whats your

11、 father?”Huang Wenzhuo: He is a worker.T: Good. (show PPT). Who is she? S: She is Li Yumeng.T: Good. Li Yumeng , “Whats your mother?”Li Yumen: She is a nurse.T: wonderful ! nurse nurse ,she is a nurse. Read after me.S:nurse nurse ,she is a nurse.T:Nurse stand up .read the word.S: nurse nurse ,she is

12、 a nurse.T: Good. Now lets ask Li Yumeng , “Whats your mother?”S: She is a nurse.T: very good. (show PPT) Who is she?S: She is Chen Boyu.T: You are right. Chen Boyu , “Whats your mother?” (show PPT).Chen Boyu: She is a T: Driver , she is a driver. Read after me. Driver driver ,dr iver driver She is

13、a driver.S: Driver driver ,dr iver driver She is a driver.T: Driver stand up .read the word . S: Driver driver ,dr iver driver She is a driver.T: So we ask Chen Boyu “Whats your mother?” Chen Boyu: She is a driver.T: very good. Look children , who is she?S: She is Zhang Ruixi .T: Zhang Ruixi “Whats

14、your mother?” (show PPT).S: She is a singer.T: Wonderful. Singer. Read after me. Singer singer, she is a singer .S: Singer singer, she is a singer .T: Singer stand up . read the word.S: Singer singer, she is a singer .T: Good , now we ask Zhang Ruixi “Whats your mother?”Zhang Ruixi: She is a singer.

15、Step2:Lets chantT: Children, now lets chant .Ok!S: Ok!Whats your father? Whats your father?Cook cook , he is a cook. Cook cook , he is a cook.Whats your mother? Whats your mother? Singer singer,she is a singer. Singer singer ,she is a singer.T: Good. We try again. OK!S: OK!Step3:Talk about your pict

16、ure!T: Good! Boys and girls , show me your picture ,then talk about your picture , you may use “who is he ?” He is . Whats your father? He is a . Who is she ? She is . Whats your mother? She is a . And six persons as a group ,practice these sentence.OK!S: OK!T: S practice ,teacher walk around and he

17、lp them.Then check their practice.T: Our father、mother very kind of me ,they are our good friend. So we love father and we love mother.板书设计:Whats Your Father?Whats your father?He is a .Whats your mother?She is a .Doctor cook policeman farmer worker nurse driver singerWhats your father? Whats your fa

18、ther?Cook cook , he is a cook. Cook cook , he is a cook.Whats your mother? Whats your mother? Singer singer ,she is a singer. Singer singer ,she is a singer.Unit 2 What do they have on the farm?Teaching aims1、Knowledge objectsStudents can master these new words: farm, cow, horse, pig, sheep, duck, h

19、en.2、Ability objects: Students can express the dialogA: What do you have on the farm?B: I have 3、Emotion objectUnderstand the animals are our friends, and we should protect them and love them.Key points: Master these key words well.Difficult points: Master the sentence pattern,What do they have on t

20、he farm?-They haveProcess and method: First, set up a real situation,let them talk to inspire their interests, then, show some pictures ,so as to discuss, the end,help them master this period.Teaching process:Stepwarming up and lead in.Sing a song to lead in . (In this song ,there are many animals o

21、f this class, so it can warm the class up , and lead in these new words).Step II Presentation(1).Show the pictures of these animals, ask some of them to act as a little teacher. For example: pig , pig , Its a pig. Others read and repeat.(2).Play a game.Let them clear what is in the zoo and whats on

22、the farm.(By this way, they can relearn these words and learn the new phrase on the farm and in the zoo)(3).Show a beautiful farm to them. What a beautiful farm. Do you like it ?(By this way to attract their attention)Would you like to go to a farm with me?Yes./Great. /Good idea.(4)There is a beauti

23、ful farm. They can see a horse. So (review horse,farmer, teacher and so on).Let them erase the picture.(利用SMART白板的擦除功能,让孩子自己发现,农场上有什么?那么这个句子的输出就更加的自然)A:What do they have on the farm?Ss: They have a. They have .(单复数对比 板书)(5).Group-work. Pair up the word and the picture.(利用白板的图文配对功能,能很好的实现此功能,在此,还利用了白

24、板的滚动提示,及时提醒学生)Ask a student to ask , and others answer.A: What do you have on the farm?B: I have.(According the answer to pair up the words and pictures)(6)Pair-work.Give them 90 seconds to practice, and ask some pairs to show on the stand.(利用了鞭炮计时器,给了准备的时间,增加了课件的娱乐性,和学生的紧迫性。利用表格功能,对所学重点再巩固)(7)Impro

25、ving.Show a picture of a beautiful farm. There are many animals on the farm. There is a hen, a duck, a horse, a cow and a sheep. But my babies, I have a magic pen. Look , What do you have ?(利用SMART软件的无限克隆功能,来学习名词的复数形式,而在这个活动中,就从对话的学习上升到了表述性句子的输出上,再拔高的同时,也降低了难度,有提示性的输出。)Step III ConsolidationCheck if

26、 they have mastered those points well.(锻炼了学生的书写)Step IV HomeworkMake up short dialogue like this-What do they/ you have on the farm?-They have a/two .2. Design your own farm, and try to write a short essay to introduce your farm to us.(By this way to finish the blackboard design.)Step V Summary What

27、s for breakfast?教学目标:一、知识与技能:认知词汇juice eggs bread toast and jam porridge cereal 能够运用句子I like _ for breakfast.进行问答。二、过程与方法:创设情景,使学生在语言情境中体会并使用语句。学生小组合作, 给学生更多的交流机会。运用事物或图片,学生更直观的理解认知词汇。三、情感态度与价值观:培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。教学重难点:理解认知本课词汇及句子。了解西方的饮食文化,介绍早餐。教具学具:与本课教学相关的实物及图片,单词卡片等。教学过程:一、C

28、lass opening and review.1、Greating .Hello , boys and girls ! Did you eat your breakfast? 2、ReviewI like _. I dont like _. 二、New concepts1、Whats this ?I get up in the morning . In the morning ,I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast?Look, ask and answer“Whats this?”.出示实物及图片,演示词汇juice eggs bread toast an

29、d jamListen to the radio ,read these words a few time. Play “Whats missing?”2、Porridge or cereal?(1). 利用手偶演示板书I like _ . I like _ for breakfast.(2). Ask and answer in pairs.What would you like for breakfast ?I like _ for breakfast.(3)帮助学生理解本课中涉及到的食物及相关的文化背景。In Canada , we eat cereal for breakfast.It

30、 comes in a box.I put milk and suger on it .(4).Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.(5). 小组创编对话 use these sentences: I like _ for breakfast. Would you like some _ ?Yes, please.No, thanks.I put _ on it. Its delicious!三、Class closing活动手册板书:Lesson 6 Whats for breakfast?juice eggs b

31、read toast and jamWhats for breakfast?I like _ .I like _ for breakfast.When do you have classes?单元教材分析 本单元要学生学会问对方什么时候干什么事这个句型,是在前一个单元的基础上再进一步接触特殊疑问句,要求学生继续谈论他们生活中间的一个热门话题,通过练习,讨论来提高学生的各方面能力。教学目标:能听懂、 会说 、会读 、会写词汇: get up, have class, have lunch, play games, watch TV, go to bed.2.通过游戏、练习等方式巩固本单元知识。教

32、学重点:能灵活运用上述词汇。能听懂、会说句型-When does your father/mother+动词短语?-He/She并且能在实际生活中加以运用,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。能灵活自若地对他人的日常生活进行回答,熟练掌握所学词汇,并能进行相应的替换练习,以达到学以致用的目的。教学难点:能听懂、 会说 、会读 、会写下列句型: 1.When do you + 动词短语? -I 2.Do you + 动词短语? -Yes, we do. 3. When does your father/mother + 动词短语? -He/She does 能灵活自若地对他人的日常生活进行回答,熟练掌握

33、所学词汇,并能进行相的 替换练习,以达到学以致用的目的。通过故事的学习,达到情感教育。教学准备教学卡片、录音机,课件幻灯片 第一课时教学环节:一.学习目标(2分钟)(一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:get up, have class, have lunch, play games, watch TV, go to bed.(二)学生齐读学习目标,明确本节课任务。二.自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新1.通过简短的会话,复习巩固前面学过的一些内容。1.Hello, boys and girls. How are you?2.Whats for breakfast?3.Do you like

34、 eggs for breakfast?4.Do you like English songs? Lets sing a song, ok?2.做Look and write.(二)阅读方法对照课本,边看图边连线。互助释疑1学生集体听磁带跟读单词,要求指读。2个别学生展示,教师及时评价。3 教师逐一对学生容易出错的单词进行有针对性的训练。(四)探究出招通过教师的描述,先用铅笔在书上画出答案。三.展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示通过课本第26页Lets learn 部分的主图或课件展示词汇。(二)班级展示 1指名小组上讲台做动作,用英语描述词汇,你来表演我来猜。 2教师借助卡通时钟拨动时间,学

35、生按照时间顺序来学习活动。四.点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师引导学生仔细观察每组图片。(二)听录音,完成选择。五.课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清1.英汉互译 起床 上课 吃午饭 做游戏 看电视 睡觉3.完成Think and Match.板书设计:When do you have classes?I have classes 第二课时教学环节:一学习目标(2分钟)(一)出示学习目标:1.学生多说多练,为学习对话做好铺垫。2.用所学单词和句型进行问答练习。(二)学生齐读学习目标,明确本节课任务。二自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新教师做动作让学生猜词。(二)阅读方法让学生说出图片上的时间,然后再说一

36、说在这个时间可以做什么。(三)互助释疑教师可以看着表引入本节课要掌握的句子提前让学生了解。(四)探究出招结合这几幅图片反复练习句型,让学生熟练并慢慢掌握。三展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示将全班学生分为三人一组,小组件进行对话练习。(二)班级展示1.教师先扮演爷爷奶奶,学生扮演Li Shan,分角色对话。2.请准备充分的小组上台表演对话。四点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)教师再次播放录音,让学生带着问题去听。问题参看如下: 1.When does Li Shan have classes? 2.Li Shan plays games at school. Yes

37、 or no?五课堂作业(5分钟)(一)作业当堂清Look and Writego have a go to have go to get板书设计:1.When do you + 动词短语?I2.Do you + 动词短语?-Yes, we do.第三课时教学环节:一学习目标(2分钟)(一)能听、 说 、读、 写单词early, late。(二)学习When does your father/mother?句型及其回答。二自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新1.教师由复习引入本节课新手单词。2.教师和学生做游戏并问答.(二)阅读方法教师鼓励学生完整地朗读对话,帮助其建立说英语的信心。(三)互助释

38、疑学生在完成对话的基础上可鼓励他们运用已学知识创编新对话。(四)探究出招小组合作用When does your father/mother?造句,并进行回答。三展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示选出小组代表背对黑板,看下面学生的动作猜词。(二)班级展示将全班分为四组,教师将所有的词汇卡片贴在黑板上,大家一起拼读。四点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,让学生整体感知。(二)教师给出问题,要求学生带着问题听录音,然后回答问题。(三)教师播放录音,要求学生模仿录音中人的语音语调。(四)再将全班分为两大组,进行对话练习。五课堂作业(5分钟)(一)作业当堂清教师出示Look and talk部分的图片,

39、或让学生直接看课本29页。选择其中一幅图举例,如第一幅起床图:T: What time is it? Does the boy go to bed?(二)挑战自我 同桌两人一组,互相指图描述。教师要多在组内观察指导。板书设计:early lateWhen does your father/mother?课后反思 第四课时教学环节:一学习目标(2分钟)(一)做游戏,做练习,巩固本单元所学单词和句型。(二)读故事,体会其中的教育意义。二自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新分角色读对话,复习上节课内容。(二)阅读方法读课本上的故事,理解含义。(三)互助释疑小组内交流故事内容。三展示交流(10分钟)(一

40、)请同学上台表演故事情节,教师进行适当的情感教育。(二)请同学上台做游戏,一人读,一人画,巩固所学知识。四点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)指名学生有感情读对话。五课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清教师安排学生两人一组,进行小故事的排练。板书设计: go to bed/get up/play games/have lunch Our schoolTeaching aims and demandsThe students can master some words about places at school and make sentences with these

41、words.Improving the reading comprehension of students.The students can master the common expression to introduce their schools .The main and difficult points:Common expression: be able to be located in on the left of be proud ofSentence structure There beTeaching materials: Power-pointTeaching proce

42、ss: Step 1: Pre-reading and warming up(一)Free Talk: “Is your school beautiful?“Do you like your school ?”(二)Revise the new words.(三)Ask and answer;1.To ask the students to ask and answer:What primary/middle school were you in?What are there in your school ?2.To show the students some pictures of sch

43、ool place , Then press the button and pronounce the words. During the presentation , the teachercan ask the students: “Where is it?”, “Do you like it?”Step 2: Reading (一)Listening and scanning:Reading with this question:Where is our school?(二)Intensive Reading: Part one :Lead students to read this t

44、ext, and analyze the structure of this textPart two: Read the text again, try to answer some questions:Read the details below and choose which ones are true(T),which ones are false(F).( )1. Not far from our school is the beautiful lake-the West Lake. ( )2. The teaching building has five stories.( )3

45、. The classrooms are large enough for forty students to study in comfort.( )4. On the right of the dormitory,there are several smaller buildings.( )5. We love our school very much.Read the details below and complete the following sentence with a word from the text. P20Step 3:Post - Reading Common ex

46、pression: be able to be located in on the left of be proud ofSentence structure There beStep 4:Summary &HomeworkDo some exercises on the text to practice phrases.What subjects do they have this morning?教学目标: 1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:drawing,great,be good at.2.能听懂、会说句型:Do you like(学科名称)? Yes,I do./No, I dont. I

47、m good at 并且能在实际生活中灵活运用。3.能灵活自如地运用所学句型的一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答;激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:drawing,great,be good at.2.能听懂、会说句型:Do you like .(学科名称)? Yes,I do./No, I dont. /Im good at 并且能在实际生活中灵活运用。教学难点:1.通过练习,掌握对话 ,能自主编出对话。2通过趣味课堂活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教具准备小熊玩偶, 单词卡片, 各科课本教学过程游戏温习旧知用小熊为投掷玩具,叫个生上讲台复习单词。展示课件中的老师照片,鼓励

48、学生用英语句子描述老师的特征。(二)新授1. 引出短语“一本书”2引导孩子用英语说出an English book a Chinese book a PE book等,强调英语,美术前面要用an.3.将2中的短语展示出来,让孩子们集体读。4.连词成句练习,引出Whats in your hand ?并引导孩子回答。5.同桌练习以上句型。6. Do you like科目?的问答练习(Yes, I do./No, I dont.7.将以上两个对话结合起来组成对话同桌练习。Whats in your hand?It s an English book.Do you like English?Yes,

49、 I do.8.出示PPT,让孩子们结合图片提示,编出对话,口头练习。(三)巩固练习1.读熟对话。2.和同桌互练对话。3展示学生的照片,老师运用be good at 引出句子,让孩子试着听,并大概听懂。(四)作业 自编2组对话,并和同桌练习。板书:Unit 6 What subjects do they have this morning? an English book an Art bookIts Tuesday. 单元总目标本单元既对前两个单元的学习内容进行再现与整合,同时又把学校生活这一话题延伸到了周内的活动。本单元要求学生能够运用句型:What day is it today ? I

50、ts We have on Is it today ? Yes, it is. What do you do on?IWhat does Liu Zhao yang do on?He likes to谈论自己及他人的周末安排。Unit7课时分配课时数所包含的内容 第一课时Part AWarming-up: Circle the dayWrite out your classes todayLets learn 中的前四个单词第二课时Part ALets learn 中的后四个单词第三课时Part ALets talk第四课时Part BLets learn more第五课时Part BLets

51、 playLook, ask and answer 第六课时Part BLets sing第七课时PartCPut the seven days in itListen and color第八课时Part CTalk about Jimmys afternoon teaPartCPut the words in order and write单元具体目标能听、说、读、写以下词汇:week Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday. Saturday Sunday能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:(1) What day is it today?I

52、tsWe haveonIs ittoday?Yes,it is.What do you do on?IWhat does he/she do on?重点:学习掌握句型: (1) What day is it today?ItsWe haveon(2) Is ittoday?Yes,it is.(3) What do you do on?IWhat does he/she do on?He/She likes to难点:能在实际生活中灵活自如地运用英语谈论每日课程及生活安排,并能用所学单词进行相应的替换练习。情感目标培养学生热爱学习,热爱生活的美好情感。鼓励学生发现他人的优点,培养学生良好的学习生活习惯。第一课时教学内容:Warming-up. Cirle the day. Write out your classes today . Lets learn 中的前四个单词教学目标1.知识与技能(1)能听、说、读、写单词:week Friday Saturday Sunday(2)能在实际生活中灵活运用句型: What day is it today?Its2.过程与方法学生能把新学的单词,灵活运用到已学的句子中,编成对话,在课堂上表演出来。3.情感、态度与价值观引导学生合理安排每天的活动。教学重点:听、说、读、写新单词


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