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1、学习必备 欢迎下载四上 Unit Six Meet My Family 教材分析:本单元内容主要环绕家庭成员绽开;通过学习,同学能介绍自 我的设计己的家庭和描述自己的家庭成员等;习中易于创设情形,同学也会比较感爱好;一、单元教学目标(一)、才能目标 1. 能够简洁介绍自己的家庭,如:学习内容贴近同学的生活, 老师在学This is my uncle. 2. 能够简洁描述家庭成员, 如:He s a baseball player. He looks strong. 3. 能听懂一些简洁的指令 ,如: Act like a .并能依据指令做出相应 的动作;4. 会唱歌曲“Father and M

2、other”;(二)、学问目标 1.把握单词 father, mother, sister, brother, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer,能娴熟 听、说、读、写;2.认读、懂得 A、B 部分 lets learn 、Lets talk 中的单词和句子及Lets chant部分的句型;3.明白 Story time、Good to know 等部分的内容;(三)、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 1.情感态度:培育同学喜爱家庭,喜爱生活的美好情感;2.学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达、沟通;3.文化目标:明白英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗;二、重点、难点 重点:

3、1.能够简洁介绍自己的家庭;2.一般疑问句的学习和简洁运用;难点:综合运用本单元的主要句型描述自己的家庭成员;三、课时支配:六课时第一课时: A Lets learn Group work C Good to know - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -其次课时: A Let学习必备欢迎下载s talk Lets count 第三课时: A Read and write Write and say 第四课时: B Lets learn Lets do C Task ti

4、me Lets sing 第五课时: B Lets talk Lets chant 第六课时: B Read and write Write and say C Story time Lets check Lets find out 四上 U6A1(词汇课)教 学 内 容 : A Let s learn Group work C Good to know 我的设计 教学目标:1.能听、说、认读单词:family ,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother. 2.能用英语简洁介绍自己的家庭;3.明白英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗;教学重点:能听、说、认读单词: famil

5、y ,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother. 并能用英语简洁介绍自己的家庭;教学难点:单词 family 的发音 . 教学预备: 1.老师预备自己家庭成员的单人照和全家福;2.老师预备录音机、磁带、词卡;3.同学预备单词卡、家庭成员的单人照和全家福;教学过程:一、 Preparation 1. Lets chant. 三下 p34 s go, girls. Lets all be a family. Lets go, boys. LetWho plays father. Who plays mother. Who plays brother and sister. I

6、 am father. I am mother. We are brother and sister. 2. Game: Who is he/she. 1老师描述班内一名同学的外貌爱好等,让同学猜猜是谁?- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载(2)老师请一位同学描述,其他同学猜是谁;猜对的同学接着上来描述,让其他同学猜,以此循环 2-3 组;二、 Presentation A、单词导呈 1. Learn: parents 1接上一环节 T:(简洁描述自己父

7、亲的外貌、爱好等)Guess!Whos he. Ss: T: He is my father. T:(简洁描述自己母亲的外貌、爱好等)Guess!Whos she. Ss: T: She is my mother. 老师把爸爸妈妈的照片放在一起, 指着照片告知同学, They are my parents. (2)板书、教读 parents- They are my parents. 2. Learn: uncle (1)T:(老师展现一张照片的背面, )Guess!Whos he. Ss: T: He is my uncle. Hes my fathers brother. (2)板书、教读

8、 uncle- He is my uncle. 3. Use the same way to learn aunt. 4. Learn:baby brother 1T;(出示一张班内有弟弟的同学的全家福)着上面的弟弟说 :This is her baby brother. 2板书、教读 baby brother-baby brother;5. Learn:family Look!This is XXX. 然后指1T:展现自己的全家福照片 Look. What is this. Ss: T: This is a picture of my family. 2板书、教读 family-This i

9、s my family. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载B、听读正音;听录音、跟读新单词;要留意仿照录音中的语音、语调;C、合作学习;Read the news in groups. 会的同学要留意帮忙读的不太好的同学; 三、 Practice. 1. 看照片说单词;老师拿出不同的照片,让同学快速说出称呼;如:uncle. 2. 看词卡,读单词;老师出示本课的单词卡片, 同学读出相应的单词;3. 幸运星;老师把预备好的单人照片放到信封中,然后老师从

10、中任凭抽出一张但不拿出来,等同学猜过之后再拿出来, 看看哪些同学猜对了; 猜对的同学便是幸运星;老师示范一两次后,可请一名同学上来做,其他同学猜;4. Sing a song. 老师播放三年级下册第15 页“ Father and Mother” 的伴奏音乐,让同学在唱第一遍时把 father、mother换成 parents和 family ;其次遍时换成 uncle 和 aunt;第三遍时换成 parents和 baby brother. 四、 Production. 1. Group work 同学拿出自己预备的照片在小组内相互介绍自己的家庭;如:This is my father. H

11、e is strong. 2. Good to know. 老师介绍 C 部分 Good to know 的内容,同学跟说 mom, mommy, dad, daddy, papa.老师让同学明白这些都是口语;五、 Progress. (一)检测题;1. 圈出你所听到的单词(1) A. father B. mother C. uncle 2 A. family B. baby brother C. brother 3 A. uncle B. aunt C. sister - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - -

12、 - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载2.选词填空;A. parents B. uncle C. aunt D. family E. baby brother (1)My father and mother is my . 2 My fathers brother is my . 3This is a picture of my , my mother 、my father and me. 4My mothers sister is my . 5Look. He is my , a clever聪慧的 boy. 老师也可以依据情形选择基础训练中的相关题目;(二) Homewor

13、k. 1.听 Lets learn部分的录音并跟读; 2.画一幅自己的全家福,并试着用英语简洁介绍自己的家庭;四上 U6A2(对话课)教学内容: A Let s talk Let s count 我的设计教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在情形中进行运用;2.能听、说、认读本课句型 进行替换练习;How many people are there in your family .并能3.明白英语国家的一些称谓方式;教学重点:娴熟把握How many are there . 教学难点:句子“My family has seven members.” 的认读;教学预备: 1.老师预备全家

14、福照片 2.老师预备录音机、磁带、词卡、头饰;3.同学预备一张全家福;教学过程:- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载一、 preparation 1. Sing the song: One、Two、 Three、 Four、Five(三年级下册 P26)2.快速认读人物称呼词卡:3. Lets chant. family ,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother. Lets go, boys. Lets go, girls. Le

15、ts all be a family. Who plays uncle. Who plays aunt. Who plays grandma and grandpa. I am uncle. I am aunt. We are grandma and grandpa. Lets go, boys. Lets go, girls. Lets all be a family. Who plays baby brother. Who plays baby sister. Who plays father and mother. I am baby brother. I am baby sister.

16、 We are parents. We are parents. 二、 Presentation 1. My family has .members. (1)T:(用事先预备好的文具提问)Ss: How many can you see. (2)T:(询问一两组后, 出示自己的全家福) How many people can you see. Ss: T: Good. My family has members. My dad、my mom, my brother .and me. 3 板书教读 members-My family has members. (4)同学在小组内用自己全家福进行练

17、习:dad、my mom, my brother .and me. My family has members. My 2. How many people are there in your family. . Who are they. 1T:My family has members. My dad、my mom, my brother .and me. How many people are there in your family. Ss:老师可赐予肯定的提示 . 2 T:My family has members. My dad、my mom, my brother . and m

18、e. How many people are there in your family. St1: . T:Who are they. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载St1: 3老师板书、 教读 How many people are there in your family. . Who are they. 4老师示范后让同学在小组内操练 family. . Who are they. 3. But thats only six puppy Ho

19、w many people are there in your 1T: My family has six members. My parents, my brother, my sister and me. 老师说的同时用简笔画在黑板上画出来;Ss: . T:(指着黑板上的简笔画) But that s only five. Oh, and my little puppy. Gee. (再在简笔画上添上一只小狗; )2教读 But thats only six !And my little puppy. 并帮忙同学懂得这两句话的意思;三、 Practice 1.听音答题;(留意提示同学合上课

20、本听)How many people are there in Chen Jie2.听音正音;(1)Listen and point . 2 Listen and repeat. 3.合作共建s family. A. three B. six 小组内分角色朗读对话,组长留意安排好角色,同时要留意角色互换;4.表演展现;Act the dialogue in pairs. 四、 Production 1. Lets count. P71 老师先做好示范和要求,然后让同学两人一组练习;2. Make a survey. How many people are there in your famil

21、y. Who are they. - - - - - - - - - - - - - sister Name uncleHow many. parents brother 精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 第 7 页,共 21 页- - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载五、 Progress. 1.检测题;(一)、选择正确的答案填空;1. people are there in your family. -Three. A. What B How C How many 2. My family six members. A. have B has C is 3. a

22、re they. A. What B. who C. Who (二)、选择句子,补充对话完整;Betty: Hello, Sarah. Come to meet my family. Sarah: Ok._ Betty: Six. Sarah: _ Betty: My parents 、my uncle、my brother and me. Sarah: _ Betty: And my little puppy. A. But thats only five. B. How many people are there in your family. C. Who are they. 老师也可以

23、依据情形选择基础训练中的题目;2.Homework s talk 部分录音,并跟读;1 听 Let(2)课下连续调查你四周的同学,看看他们家里有多少人,分别是谁;并做好记录- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载四上 U6A3(读写课)教学内容: A Read and write Write and say 我的设计教学目标 :. 1.能听、说、读、写四会单词 2.能用所学英语介绍自己的家庭;3.明白英语国家对运动和健康的关注;father,mother,

24、brother,sister. 教学重点: father,mother, brother,sister四个单词的书写;教学难点:在实际情形中运用所学的单词和句型来介绍家庭;教学预备: 1.老师预备录音机、磁带、词卡、全家福、Family tree;2. 同学预备全家福照片;教学过程:一、 preparation 1. Lets chant.(自编歌谣)Lets go, boys. Lets go, girls. Lets all be a family. Who plays uncle. Who plays aunt. Who plays grandma and grandpa. I am u

25、ncle. I am aunt. We are grandma and grandpa. Lets go, boys. Lets go, girls. Lets all be a family. Who plays baby brother. Who plays baby sister. Who plays father and mother. I am baby brother. I am baby sister. We are parents. We are parents. 2.老师出示词卡,让同学认读单词:family ,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.

26、 二、 Presentation 一 Read and write 1.学习单词 father. 1T:(出示自己的全家福) Whos he . Ss: Father. T:Yes, hes my father. Lets spell it together. 2老师板书、同学拼读并书空;2.用同样的方法学习单词mother,sister, brother;- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载3.听录音,并跟读;4.小组内拼读单词;(二)学习 Write

27、 and say. 1.1T:(拿出自己的全家福)Come and meet my family. This is my father,this is my mother ,this is my brother and this is my sister. 2老师板书、教读:Come and meet my family. This is ,this is .and this is 3同学在小组内用自己的全家福介绍;2.老师出示 Write and say部分的内容,让同学依据图片写出相应的单词;3.听录音,跟读;三、 Practice. 1.Spelling Game . 老师出示图片, S

28、1 读出单词,并拼读出该单词的第一个字母,然后 S2 接 着说出下一个字母,依次类推;2.Game: Whats missing. 老师将缺少字母的单词出现出来如:fathr,让同学找出所缺的字母;3.小小书法家;同学照着黑板把本节课学习的四个单词誊写 3 遍;然后,自己工工整整的写一遍交给小组长;每小组推选一位写的最好的参与全班评比;在班级评比中优秀的同学就可获得“ 小小书法家” 的称号;四、Production. Make a family tree, and talk about it with your partner. 1老师展现自己制作的 family tree;(2)同学自己动手

29、制作自己的 family tree;五、 Progress 一检测题;1.依据提示圈单词;father mother sister brother (1)adfatherm lsisterh brotherich hamotherber 2.依据句子内容写单词;- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载1.Come and meet my family.This is my 2.My aunt is my mothers . 3.My uncle is my

30、 brothers (二)Homework. 爸爸,this is my 1. 听 Read and write 部分的录音并跟读;2. 画出自己爸爸、 妈妈、哥哥、姐姐的形象, 并用英语单词标记出来;四上 U6B1(词汇课)教学内容: A Let s Learn Let s do 我的 设计 教学目标:1.能听、说、认读单词 :doctor,nurse,driver,farmer和 baseballplayer, 并能介绍人物的职业;2.能够听懂、会说句型Whats your father.My mother is a doctor.并能做替换练习;3.会唱歌曲“Father and Mot

31、her”教学重点:单词 doctor,nurse,driver,farmer和 baseball player的听、说、 认、读;- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载教学难点:单词 baseball player的认读;教学预备:录音机、磁带、词卡、图卡;教学过程:一、 Preparation 1. Enjoy the song: My father is a doctor. 2. 老师出示 father、mother、uncle、aunt 等单词的词

32、卡,让同学认读 单词;二、 Presentation A.单词导呈 1. Learn:doctor 1T:有意装作很痛楚的样子 Oh, Idoctor 的图片并教读;m ill. I must see the doctor.老师出示2 板书教读 doctor-Act like a doctor老师说的同时让同学和自己一起 做动作 2. Learn:nurse 1T:出示护士的图片 Look.Is she a doctor. Ss:No. T:Good. She is a nurse. 板书教读 nurseShe is a nurse. 2老师和同学一起边说边做 3. Learn:farmer

33、Act like a doctor ,Act like a nurse. 1T:出示自己的全家福, This is my father.He s a farmer.说的同时做锄地 的动作;板书、教读 farmer-Hes a farmer. 2老师和同学一起边说边做 farmer. 4. Learn:driver Act like a doctor ,Act like a nurse,Act like a (1)T:(连续展现全家福) This is my brother. Hes a driver.做开车的动作 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 21 页精

34、品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载(2)老师板书、教读 driver. (3)老师和同学一起边说边做 5. Learn:baseball player driver-driver-Act like a driver. 1T:(出示 baseball player的图片) Look. Is he a driver. Ss: No. T:Hes a baseball player. 板书、教读 baseball player. 2老师和同学一起边说边做baseball player-baseball player-Act like

35、a baseball player driver-driver-Act like a driver. B.听读正音 Listen to the tape and read after the tape. C.合作学习;小组内利用词卡读单词;三、 Practice 1老师出示本课所学单词doctor,nurse, driver, farmer,baseball player 的图卡,让同学依据图卡说出相应的单词,并出示相应的词卡;2.Guessing Game: 老师把单词 doctor,nurse, driver, farmer,baseball player的图卡装到一个信封 中,从中抽取一

36、张并遮住,让同学猜老师抽出的是什么;3.Lets do. 1同学听录音,做动作;(2)同学听录音,边说边做动作;(3)老师打乱 Let4.Game:心心相印;s do 部分的次序发出指令,让同学依据指令做动作;老师选择六名同学, 两人一组; 老师单独给一生看词卡, 该生依据词卡做 动作,另外一生猜;猜对最多的那组获胜;四、 Production. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 21 页1.(1)T:My father is a farmer. Whats your father. 精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - -

37、- - -学习必备 欢迎下载S1:在老师的引导下 My father is . T:My father is a farmer. Whats your father. S2: My father is . 2老师板书并教读 Whats your father. My father is . (3)Practise it with your groups. 4Make a survey. Whats your father/mother/uncle/aunt. uncle aunt Name father mother Mike doctor nurse driver farmer 2.Sing

38、 a song:My father is a doctor. 1 老师播放录音,让同学熟识歌曲旋律;(2)老师播放录音,让同学学唱歌曲;五、 Progress 一检测题;1.依据听到的内容排列次序;( )Act like a farmer. Act like a doctor Act like a nurse Act like a teacher. Act like a driver Act like a baseball player. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 14 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - -

39、- -学习必备 欢迎下载2. 完成单词:1. n se护士 2.f m r 农夫3.d tor 医生 4.dr v r 司机5. b s bal play r 棒球运动员 6.t ch r 老师 7.st d nt 同学(二) Homework. 1.听本课的录音并跟读;2.把学到的歌曲唱给家长听;四上 U6B2(对话课)教学内容: A Let s talk Lets chant. 我的设计教学目标: 1. 能听、说、认读本课句型Is this your father.Whats your mother. He looks strong.并能在情形中运用;2.能听懂、会说本课对话,并在实际情形

40、中运用;3.懂得会说 Lets chant 部分内容;教学重点:使同学把握句型 Is this your father.Whats your mother. He looks strong. 教学难点:懂得、会说句型They look strong. Are they farmers. 教学预备: 1.老师预备职业词卡,全家福照片;2.老师预备录音机、磁带;- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 15 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载3.同学预备全家福照片;教学过程:一、 Preparatio

41、n 1. Sing a song: My father is a doctor 2. Lets do 老师播放录音,同学跟着录音边说边做;3. Free talk Whats your father. My father is a 1老师询问同学,让同学依据实际情形回答;(2)老师出示职业词卡,让同学依据词卡内容回答;二、Presentation 1. 学习 Whats your mother. My mother is 1T:My father is a farmer. What about you. Whats your father. S1: My father isT:Whats yo

42、ur mother. S2:My mother is老师询问一两位同学后, 板书、教读 What s your mother. My mother is(2)同学两人一组练习;3Lets chant. Whats your father. 老师播放录音,师生共同吟唱;2.学习“Is this your . Yes, she/he is.”He looks(1)T:(出示自己的全家福照片) This is my mother. She is a nurse. She likes sports.拿起一位同学的全家福照片;Is this your mother. S1:(在老师帮忙下) Yes, s

43、he is. T:拿起另外一位同学的全家福 S2: Yes, he is. T:He looks strong. Is this your father. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 板书、教读“Is this your . Yes, she/he is.” He looks精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 第 16 页,共 21 页- - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载3.老师做好示范后,同学两人一组利用手中的全家福操练 . 4.学习“Are they farmers.”1T:连续利用同学的全家福 Who is this man .

44、S3: Hes T: Who is this woman. S3: T: They look young .Are they farmers. S3: 2老师板书、教读教读Who is this man . HesAre they farmers. 三、 Practice 1.听音答题;Whats Amys mother. 2.听音正音;(1)Listen and point . 2 Listen and repeat. 3.合作共建 小组内分角色朗读对话,组长留意安排好角色,同时要留意角色互换;4.表演展现;Act the dialogue in pairs. 四、 Production 利

45、用手中的全家福,用今日学过的句子和同桌一起做一个新的对话;五、 Progress (一)检测题;1.选词填空;(1) is your mother. A. What B. How 2 Is this your aunt. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. 3 is this man. He2. 对答如流;s my uncle. A. What B. Who (1)Whats your father . 2Are they farmers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 17 页,共 21 页精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - -

46、- - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载3Is this your father. 4How many people are there in your family. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, you are right. C. Four. D. Hes a doctor. 二 Homework 1.听 Lets talk 部分是录音、跟读,并读给家长听;2.吟唱 Lets chant 部分的歌谣;四上 U6B3(读写课)教学内容: B Read and write Write and say C Story time L ets check. Lets fi

47、nd out 我的设计教学目标 : 1.能听、说、读、写四会单词nurse,doctor,farmer,driver. 2.能用所学英语介绍自己的家庭成员并描述人物特点;3.明白 C 部分故事内容;4.明白英语国家有关生活习俗;- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 18 页,共 21 页教学重点: 使同学娴熟把握四个单词的拼写,在故事中培育同学的学习兴精品pdf 资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备 欢迎下载趣;教学难点:运用所学英语介绍并描述人物;教学预备: 1. 老师预备录音机、磁带、词卡、图卡;2.同学预备全家福照片;一、 Preparation 1.Sing the song: My father is a doctor 2.(1)老师出示 farmer、doctor、driver、nurse的图卡,让同学依据图片 说单词;(2)Whats missing. 老师拿出预备好的farmer、d


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