



1、名师精编 优秀教案Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks 【教学目标】1. 学问目标 :1 1 把握以下词汇:put up , ask for, hand out, work out, website ,take after, repair , similar 2 把握并会运用以下重要短语和句型:run out of, take after, fix up, give away, repair, not What do you do, Jimmy. I fix up bikes and give them away. 2. 才能目标: any more,

2、 be similar to 1 Train the students listening ability . 2 Train the students ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation . 3 Train students ability to use the target language . 情感目标:喜爱公益事业,培育乐于助人的优良品质【重点难点】重点 : 进行听力训练和把握主要的短语;难点 : 老师怎样使同学能够在口笔头方面把握这些短语,同时使同学的听力和口头表达得到提高;【教学方法】任务

3、型教学法和情形教学法;【教学过程】I. Warm up老师活动:检查单词让个别同学站起来朗读单词,老师准时正音,强调发音规章;然后领读- 同学自由读 -齐读;听写单词 : fix, repair, similar, take after, fix up, run out of, give away, be similar to 先让 2 个同学上黑板听写,完成后让另外的2 名同学来批改,其他同学以小组为单位相互批改,小组长报告检查情形;夸奖优异者, 对于出错的单词老师结合单词结构,读音规章帮忙同学识记生词,默写的短语要求同学造句;同学活动:大声朗读单词,默写单词,同学之间相互批改单词;II.

4、Pre-task 预备任务 Research (新知探究) :Task 1 : 1a 1. 处理教材 1a, 1b 老师活动: Read the instructions to the students. Make sure that each one knows what to do. Let the students look at the sentences in the left column first. Try to explain the four sentences in English for the children, especially the new phrasal

5、verbs in the sentences. 同学活动:依据老师的说明和要求翻译句子,并说出每句中重点短语的意思;老师活动:提问同学读出原句和正确的选项,老师同时教如下的单词和短语: 老师结合一些句子口头造句 a, run out of =use up 用光,用完b, take after (长相或性格)与 相象c, be similar to 长相与 相象d, fix up =repair 修理,修补e, give away 捐赠东西或钱f, not .any more = not .any longer 不再keys: 1b 2c 3 a 4 d 2. Call the students

6、 attention 名师精编优秀教案students explain to the phrasal verbs in the box. Have four different each phrases in their own words. Make sure each student knows the phrasal verbs meanings. Make their own sentences using the phrasal verbs. Then ask the students to read the instructions together. Correct all th

7、e mistakes in writing or sentence structures that their partners may have made. 同学活动 : 记会短语,并会运用造句,表达自己的思想;III. While-task 同步任务 Task1: Listening 2a,2b 老师活动:让同学认真看 2a 中的四幅画,让他们推测一下每幅图画的意思,老师适当赐予补充,告知同学这个孩子叫 Jimmy. ,特地为那些买不起自行车的孩子收集自行车,为同学听懂听力做预备;同学活动 1: 认真看课本上的图画,依据老师的提示,尝试用短语来表示图画的意思;结合图画简介对话内容:Say,

8、 We will hear a radio program. A man is interviewing a boy. Write a number in each short line next to each picture while you are listening. Your numbers should be from 1to 4 and show which thing they talk about first, second, third and fourth. 放录音,同学做题;检查答案;Answers: a 4 b2 c1 d3 2 处理教材中的 2b 2b 中的句子,

9、并让四个同学面对全班同学读这四句话,然后播放听力,让同学依据 老师活动:让同学再看一遍 听力内容判定正误;同学活动:听听力,努力找出听力中涉及到的四句话,判定是否正确,有才能的改正; 放一遍录音 , 让同学回答: What problem does Jimmy have. 再放一遍录音,让同学圈出T 或 F; 到关键句时停顿一下,给同学摸索和做题的时间; 检查答案,并板书两个定语从句然后进行分析,同学读; 让同学读听力材料;Keys:1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T IV. Post-task 任务提升 Task:2c Pair work 结合 2c 设计任务 1.Speaking 老师活动:让

10、同学依据2a, 2b 表格中内容,和同桌制作对话;(老师做示范; )然后找几组同学上来表演对话,订正错误,并准时勉励和夸奖;同学活动:认真听老师作对话,然后和同桌制作对话;同学先和同桌在下练习一会,然后表演出对话;1 First, play the recording of this lesson again, The students repeat after it. .Let the students read after the tape at least twice. Tell them to try their best to copy the pronunciation of th

11、e recording. 2 Read the instructions to the class. Tell them they will practice the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter, using the information in the Activities 2a and 2b. 3 Ask a pair of the students to read the model conversation. Write the conversation on the blackboard. Then let them pra

12、ctice their own conversations in pairs. Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class. 2. Writing 名师精编 优秀教案老师活动: 让同学表演完后可以让同学把对话内容写到笔记本上来强化学习;书其对话内容,最终大家一起检查;同时可以每组选一个同学上黑板板同学活动:把同学自己多的对话写到笔记本上,在老师的帮忙下改正错误,其他同学写的可以小组内互批,以便取长补短,共同进步;1 口头报告;2)书面报告 可作为 Homework;V. Summary 小组探讨学习,归纳整合本节课所学的内容,然后找个别同学代言,老师适当补充;What have we learnt today. Words _ expressions


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