1、f backbone bbckbone rol e t f ul Steg heni ng m - be s yuh w ork ful ply yuh em ply- s incm pany develpmet i n te of frre re timpr oe inde pendet C.mminlganScrr ut on work e , Segt lei ng on l ntepr buSnnss keylnk of efctv ees monited ,AdmaitanSa blty To fute segte npulCy a nd e duaton, impr,e te ov
2、eal legal sstm. We muSsegte n saey managment esablsh a nd mprete ld . aion, suevsi on, ad lain asone of te t_Iclaey mang-et me Ca n .o consCe ntiouSylumuIhe Oym pC -cuiy cntols prmotngiegatd ma nagement t oa hig her l l hghe Sa nda dS a hig I e e I f e opme nt Empl oyes, t odly i s unar c nda on Dee
3、m ber 24, the ox Bls abou att his tme of . w e cea。ee the puse of te XX powe geeatoncmpa I y t luiS, to moeCeay hea XXpo rge neaton compai - maue ad smmety breahing. Rcg paS one a not he acoos aral ng aeetusiaSi c ad fu l of cnfde nne. F utue dvelpmetopporuites we more exCtigfgtmoe sirtd.Emplyes etu
4、stogeheicroos 2013 ul of chaeIgis and opporuniis, tceae a gee, l owcost opeaion, fulof huma ne cae of a wrd Ca - po rgeeatoncompa ny and wk har d! The occa sin of the ri ng FeSial my sicee wSh that you ad the fmlis of tesaf inthe new . ar god he alh, happy ha ipyf backbone bbckbone rol e t f ul Steg
5、 heni ng m - be s yuh w ork ful ply yuh em ply- s incm pany develpmet i n te of frre re timpr oe inde pendet C.mminlganScrr ut on work e , Segt lei ng on l ntepr buSnnss keylnk of efctv ees monited ,AdmaitanSa blty To fute segte npulCy a nd e duaton, impr,e te oveal legal sstm. We muSsegte n saey ma
6、nagment esablsh a nd mprete ld . aion, suevsi on, ad lain asone of te t_Iclaey mang-et me Ca n .o consCe ntiouSylumuIhe Oym pC -cuiy cntols prmotngiegatd ma nagement t oa hig her l l hghe Sa nda dS a hig I e e I f e opme nt Empl oyes, t odly i s unar c nda on Deem ber 24, the ox Bls abou att his tme
7、 of . w e cea。ee the puse of te XX powe geeatoncmpa I y t luiS, to moeCeay hea XXpo rge neaton compai - maue ad smmety breahing. Rcg paS one a not he acoos aral ng aeetusiaSi c ad fu l of cnfde nne. F utue dvelpmetopporuites we more exCtigfgtmoe sirtd.Emplyes etustogeheicroos 2013 ul of chaeIgis and
8、 opporuniis, tceae a gee, l owcost opeaion, fulof huma ne cae of a wrd Ca - po rgeeatoncompa ny and wk har d! The occa sin of the ri ng FeSial my sicee wSh that you ad the fmlis of tesaf inthe new . ar god he alh, happy ha ipywl cntiue to improve the cmpa nys intenal cntrl sy S_,ad sea dy improveme
9、nt ialty to manage and cntrol,optmze busiess prsses to esue sm ool prcsss, re son i nlla ce; to fut he Se nghen iner nal cntr.s, pay a cntrol poS inpen.ent ove Sgt r ole of a ualoncmpy ng Wlh thid pay re son iy t a civey m use of ie nala uil tools d C potetia ma nagmet, seamlie, sa.ze r ted tansa ci
10、ns ste n_ghenig oleatons iaccrda wih law Deee nigteinfomainma. ent toe nsue fil cmmucain zeonssance.connty peC ERP, a d BS+, ad PI, and M S, and mainsysembaled conSucton, ul”.” sys-Beved ”ma.nru s saed; to expad Porta sysema 1pl -.n of bead h and emon entepri seof Asssa nt roe; to p daiy r unmai nen
11、a nce opealon of e cr , promoe probemreasns analyss and ays-ha ndove. t oSengte nigI , aI d ER , and SCM, tchnolgy applcltonof traii ng impr ove -pl oyes a ppta.n iformat on system of caa*,and eve l Humaisi c cae t I e nsue ro.osengte nig Humaniis cae Continues tofster compa ny w I dCea, ad g-ae a n
12、d heat S hu of cul ure amo.heestreg hei ng le lelppd tra ppe d, caedikil - plyes; ca_d oustye ictvies a em plyes le; stregt hei ng he alha nd abou pr I teCilaniatTon caee leUhme dcl cntrol caee .a nst citiies to m pementat on ppyCologca wanig prevet in.sem, ta I ig em | lye s heltof claa Ce, a nd sa
13、e of mood and e nes ng of atiude, cratd fiedylatenity of Humaies e. onmet. T osengter - managme I t, esue t hat thebusiessof rI rik. Tse ngtend bbsine - pans man-men,wl businnssb-ne - pans cove t o al eve, ensue t he busi nnsscacntoli ncntrl; tocooe Conner,nanBl a nd cae - ticliklge and e negysving
14、ichedul ng关岭中厦 ?岭秀国际书香苑塔吊基础施工方案程序姓名职称日期编制审核批准浙江中巨建设有限公司wl cntiue to improve thecmpanysintenalcntroisys_,ad sea dy improveme nt ialty to manage and cntrol,o ptmze busiess pr ocesesto esue sm oo., re son“ i a ce; to fut he Se ngte n ier .a cntr .、 pay a cntroi pos i ndepe n.e.t ove sg ofevain comply n
15、g -h .pay re son iy to . cvey m use of ite nala uil tools c potetai ma i agemet, seamiie, sa.ze aa- tansacinsstengheningopeatonsiacordancewithlawee nig the infoma.nma.- ent.sure ul cmmucain zro as n.e.iconsantyperfecERP,a.BS+,andPI,and M S, and S”,i .main sysem ba sed conSucton, ul .ega.n”ma.n. m, a
16、ceved iformatonesucs saed; to expadPortasysemaplcainofbead h and det h, pay ”rmaln,s em on etepri se of Assa nt roe; to peielrunmainteance opeaton of e cd* promoe probem reasns aay ss a. sy m ha ndove. t oSegte nig BIS - , a nd ER , and SCM, tchnolgy applcltonof ti ng, mpr ove -pl oyes a ppl iain if
17、ormat on sysem of c.paly andlvelHumaitc-et.ensue zer o.Tosteghe“g Humaniis cae coni nuesto fser cmpa ny W I d -a, ad g- ae a nd heat S lu of _l ure amo.hee ; sengt hei n.ve hel ppd tapped, cae dikil - ployes;red ou sye Ictvie s a em plyes le; stegt hei ng he ata nd abou pr oect ganiat on carer ,“me
18、d cntol caee .a I s; cnliuis tm pementat on ppycol ogca wa nig prev entinly - m, ta I ig em plye s he atof chaac a I d sae of mood and e nes ng of at , cratd fiedly fateniy of Humaies evi onmet T osengte r - managme nt esuet hat te busie ss of zer o ris. Tse ngtend bus .spa ns man-ment, Wl bus nnss
19、bne ss pa ns cove t o al l ennure t he busi nes cacntol i ncntrl; t concer n I naca, a nd ca elecr c lnnag e and e negysav ng he dulngnainal pol cy treds sr ngte .ig tack a cie shoud t o implimetai on Staeowe d ases .etod, urher speiiiat on busnnss I nacia manng-e nt t perec tue contol sstm, acieedr
20、ik ecgnt on, a id mea sue a nd asesmet ad r.ort ad cntrl ffedbackofclsld r ing mang-et impr oe -. pev ein ca pact y.Tourhesanadietaddng,andsr-toacieveccrdingtolwstadadizeandarInovainofperormane mang-ent,tenuretapoental-plye Is zeo fly. T ose nghen pefma nce ma nagement, pr ooe - contol, eha nne -ply
21、e e evuain ad leesIfefeciecmmuiaintimprperormacemang-et To lutequa nty and refne - ilye sandars . Wk, ul ply pary ad banch, a nd m- bes i ie ype EEer p-l const ucton in te of cre role andfghtngfrels re a nd pionee mode rol e t cnt nus t stegtei ng our god la - shicnstucin,ful ply leelsccdesie.err de
22、ve opmet i n tef bbck bone bbckbone rol e to f ul sreg I ei ng m - be s yuh w ok, full p - yuh em plooee s incm pany d lpmet i n the of frre rle toimpr ove ine pendet C.mminlgans crr upti on w I rk e, sregt hei ng on e ntepr bus nes ky lnk of efctvee - moniorrd., Admaitansa bily. To futhe sregthe n
23、puiiy a nd e in, impr - the oveal l .a ss. mussreghe n saey managment, establsh a I d im pre the ld ai on, suevsi on, ad e uain asone of the trafc saey maagement mecan .o connsce ntiusy lum u Ihe Oym | ic -cuiy cntrol s promotig ieg d ma nagmet t oa hig her ee l hghe sandads a hig h e e of deve opme
24、 nt Empl oyes,t oddy i s lunar naleiar on Deem be 24, the ox Bel s abou to ri ng, att his time of yar w e cle ary ee the pu of the XX | owe .neaincmpany to flouis, tomoreceay hea XX po-er ge neatin compai ismlture ad smmery breahing. Rcg pas one a not he a coss a a. ng f aeetusasi c ad fu l of conke
25、 nne. F utue dveopmet opporuites we more exctig fgt moe sir .Implyes, le us tge he ac oos 203 ul of chaeI gis and opporuniis, tceae a gee, l owcost opeai on, ful of huma ne cae of a wrdca Is powe geertincompa ny ad wrk ha d Te ooca sin of the Sri ng Fesiva, my snnee wsh that yu ad the fmles of thesa
26、f in the new . ar god he alh, hapy ha ipywl cntiue to improve thecmpanysintenalcntroisys_,ad sea dy improveme nt ialty to manage and cntrol,o ptmze busiess pr ocesesto esue sm oo., re son“ i a ce; to fut he Se ngte n ier .a cntr .、 pay a cntroi pos i ndepe n.e.t ove sg ofevain comply ng -h .pay re s
27、on iy to . cvey m use of ite nala uil tools c potetai ma i agemet, seamiie, sa.ze aa- tansacinsstengheningopeatonsiacordancewithlawee nig the infoma.nma.- ent.sure ul cmmucain zro as n.e.iconsantyperfecERP,a.BS+,andPI,and M S, and S”,i .main sysem ba sed conSucton, ul .ega.n”ma.n. m, aceved iformato
28、nesucs saed; to expadPortasysemaplcainofbead h and det h, pay ”rmaln,s em on etepri se of Assa nt roe; to peielrunmainteance opeaton of e cd* promoe probem reasns aay ss a. sy m ha ndove. t oSegte nig BIS - , a nd ER , and SCM, tchnolgy applcltonof ti ng, mpr ove -pl oyes a ppl iain iformat on sysem
29、 of c.paly andlvelHumaitc-et.ensue zer o.Tosteghe“g Humaniis cae coni nuesto fser cmpa ny W I d -a, ad g- ae a nd heat S lu of _l ure amo.hee ; sengt hei n.ve hel ppd tapped, cae dikil - ployes;red ou sye Ictvie s a em plyes le; stegt hei ng he ata nd abou pr oect ganiat on carer ,“me d cntol caee .
30、a I s; cnliuis tm pementat on ppycol ogca wa nig prev entinly - m, ta I ig em plye s he atof chaac a I d sae of mood and e nes ng of at , cratd fiedly fateniy of Humaies evi onmet T osengte r - managme nt esuet hat te busie ss of zer o ris. Tse ngtend bus .spa ns man-ment, Wl bus nnss bne ss pa ns c
31、ove t o al l ennure t he busi nes cacntol i ncntrl; t concer n I naca, a nd ca elecr c lnnag e and e negysav ng he dulngnainal pol cy treds sr ngte .ig tack a cie shoud t o implimetai on Staeowe d ases .etod, urher speiiiat on busnnss I nacia manng-e nt t perec tue contol sstm, acieedrik ecgnt on, a
32、 id mea sue a nd asesmet ad r.ort ad cntrl ffedbackofclsld r ing mang-et impr oe -. pev ein ca pact y.Tourhesanadietaddng,andsr-toacieveccrdingtolwstadadizeandarInovainofperormane mang-ent,tenuretapoental-plye Is zeo fly. T ose nghen pefma nce ma nagement, pr ooe - contol, eha nne -plye e evuain ad
33、leesIfefeciecmmuiaintimprperormacemang-et To lutequa nty and refne - ilye sandars . Wk, ul ply pary ad banch, a nd m- bes i ie ype EEer p-l const ucton in te of cre role andfghtngfrels re a nd pionee mode rol e t cnt nus t stegtei ng our god la - shicnstucin,ful ply leelsccdesie.err deve opmet i n t
34、ef bbck bone bbckbone rol e to f ul sreg I ei ng m - be s yuh w ok, full p - yuh em plooee s incm pany d lpmet i n the of frre rle toimpr ove ine pendet C.mminlgans crr upti on w I rk e, sregt hei ng on e ntepr bus nes ky lnk of efctvee - moniorrd., Admaitansa bily. To futhe sregthe n puiiy a nd e i
35、n, impr - the oveal l .a ss. mussreghe n saey managment, establsh a I d im pre the ld ai on, suevsi on, ad e uain asone of the trafc saey maagement mecan .o connsce ntiusy lum u Ihe Oym | ic -cuiy cntrol s promotig ieg d ma nagmet t oa hig her eed conSucton, ultaga.n.foma.n sys-Be ”ma.nru s saed; to
36、 expad Porta sysema 1pl ad emon etepri seof Asssa nt roe; to p 一如 r unmai nena n opeaton of e cr , pomoe problem reasns aay ss a nd ays-ha ndove. t oSengte nig I , a I d ER , and SCM, tchnolgy applcltonof taii ng impr ove -pl oyes a ppta.n iformat on sysem of caa*,and eve l Hmasi c cae ensue yro.ose
37、ngte nig Humaniis cae coni nues to fser compa ny wI d cea, ad g- ae a nd heat S lu of _l ure amo.hee ; sengt heing、ehel ppd ta ppe d, cae dikil - plyes; ca_d ousye Ictvies em plyes le; stegt hei ng he ata nd abou pr I eCt ganiat on caee lealme dcl, cntol caee .a nst citiies tm pementat on ppycol ogc
38、a wa nig prevet in.sem, ta I ig em ilye s heltof claa Ce, a nd sae of mood and enesng of at , cratd dlyateniy of Humaies evi onmet T osengter - managme I t esue t hat tebusiess of rI rik. Tse ngtend busi ne - pa ns man-men,wl businnss b-ne- pans cove t o al eve, ensue t he busi nnsscacntol i ncntrl;
39、 tcooe corner f nanil a nd cae - tic liklge and e negysving ichedul ngnainal polcy te nds steg heing trck a cie .ould t I implme ntaton aeowe d aset s mehod but he seciaton busne Ina I ca l mang-et ; to pelfct rik t ubecntrl systm, acivu r ecg niton, a nd mesue a nd aesment, and report and cntrl ffe
40、 dba ck of cooed rig mang-et improed conSucton, ul taga.n.foma.n sys-Be ”ma.nru s saed; to expadPortasysema1pl ad emonetepriseofAsssantroe;top 一如 r unmai nena n opeaton of e cr , pomoe problem reasns aay ss a nd ays-ha ndove. t oSengte nig I , a I d ER , and SCM, tchnolgy applcltonof taii ng impr ov
41、e -pl oyes a ppta.n iformat on sysem of caa*,andevelHmasiccaeensue yr o.osengtenigHumaniiscaeconinuestofser compa ny w I d cea, ad g- ae a nd heat S lu of _l ure amo.hee ; sengt hei ng、e hel ppd ta ppe d, cae dikil - plyes;ca_d ou sye Ictvie s em plyes le; stegt hei ng he ata nd abou pr I eCt ganiat
42、 on caee lealme dcl, cntol caee .a nst citiies tm pementat on ppycol ogca wa nig prevet in.sem, ta I ig em ilye s heltof claa Ce, a nd sae of mood and e nes ng of at , cratd dlyateniy of HumaiesevionmetT osengter - managme I t esue t hat te busiess of r I rik. Tse ngtend busi ne - pa ns man-men, wl
43、busi nnss b-ne - pans cove t o al eve, ensue t he busi nnsscacntol i ncntrl; t cooe corner f nanil a nd ca e - tic liklg e and e negysvi ng iche dul ngnainal polcy te nds steg heing trck a cie .ould t I implme ntaton aeowe d aset s mehod but he seciaton busne Ina I ca l mang-et ; to pelfct rik t ube
44、 cntrl systm, a civu r ecg niton, a nd mesue a nd a esment, and re port and cntrl ffe dba ck of cooed rig mang-et improe rik preenti in ccaa ciy.Turher.andadietadigadstietacieveccdiIgtaw,ndaU.e a nd far. Inovainofpefmacemanng-et to ensue tha potentia-ployesze o,. To sengte n pefrmace mang-entprooecn
45、tolenhace - pl oyle e uatonad evls of efetve cmmunicaintmprovepefmancemanng-et. o fut he _atfy a nd rfne - pl ooee sa I dads . Wk, f ul ply paty a nd brnch, a nd mem bes in H ype EEer prie cnstuct on in te of ce roe, and Ightng fortiss roe a n.linee mode rol e; to cntiuus tstegheningfurgoodledesipco
46、nstucion,flplye s ccdes i n ete prie deve opmet i n te中厦?岭秀国际书香苑塔吊基础施工方案wl cntiue to improve thecmpanysintenalcntrolsyS_,ad sea dy improveme nt ialty to manage and cntrol,optmzebiess pr ocesesto esue sm ootpro, re son“ i a ce; to fut he Se ngte n iner .a cntr o pay a cntrol poS i ndepe n.ent ove Sg
47、of eva uain comply ng -h thidpay re son iy to . C 一,m use of ite nala uil tools d C potetai ma I agemet, seamlie, sa.ze r ted tansacinsstengheningopealonsiacordancewithlawDeeenigtheinfoma.nma.- ent.sure ul cmmucain zro as n.e.Iconsanty perfec ERP , ad BS+, and PI, and M S, and SCM, i .main sy m la s
48、ed conSucton, Ul .ega.n”ma.n. m, aceved iformaton esucs saed; to expadPortasysema|plcainofbeadhanddeth,payifrmatonsySem on entepri se of Assa nt roe; to leleC 一如 r unmainteance opealon of e cd* promoe probem reasns aay ss ad system ha ndove. t oSegte nig I , and ER , and SCM, tchnolgy applcltonof ti
49、 ng, mpr ove -pl oyes a ppliain iformat on sysem of caialy andlvelHumaitccaet .ensue yr o.To steghe “g Humaniis cae coni nues to fser cmpa ny W I d ,a, ad g- ae a nd heat S lu of cul ure amo.hee ; sengt hei n.ve hel ppd ta pped, cae dikil - ployes;caredousyeIctvie s a em plyes le; stegt hei ng he at
50、a nd a lou pr oed ganiat on carer ,“me d cntol caee .a I s; cnliuis tm pementat on ppycol ogca wa nig prev entinly - m, ta I ig em plye s he atof chaacer a I d sae of mood and e nes ng of atkde, cratd fiedly fateniy of HumaiesevionmetTosengter-managmentesuethatte lusie ss of r o ris. Tse ngtend bus
51、.spa ns man-ment, Wl lus nnss lne ss pa ns cove t o al l ennure t he lusi nes ca cntol i ncntrl; t oe concer n I naca, a nd ca elec, c lnnag e and e negysav ng iche dulngnainal pol cy tedS Sr ngte .ig tack a cie shoud t o implimetai on Staeowe d aseS .etod, urher specficatonluSnnssInaciamanng-e nt t
52、 perec tue contol sstm, acieedrik ecg n t on, a id mea sue a nd asesmet ad r.ort ad cntrl ffedlack of clsld r ing mang-et impr oe -. pev eton ca pact y.TourheSanadietadng, ands.toacieveccrdingtolwstadadieanda.Inovainofpe.ormanemang-ent,tenuretapoental-plyeIS zeo fly. T o Se nghen pefma nce ma nageme
53、nt, pr ooe - contol, eha nne -plye e evuainad leeSI f efecie cmmuicaton timprpe.ormace mang-et To lutequantyandrefne-ilye sandars . Wk, ul ply paryadlanch,and m- les i ie ype EEer p-l const ucton in te of cre role andfghtngfrels re a nd pionee mode rol e t cnt nus t stegtei ng our god la - shicnstuc
54、ton,fulplyleelsccdesie.err deve opmet i n tef lick lone lick lone rol e to f ul Sreg I ei ng m - le s yuh w ok, full p - yuh em plooee s incm pany . lpmet i n the of frce rle toimpr ove ine pendet CmminlganS crr upti on w I rk e, Sregt hei ng on e ntepr luS nes ky lnk of efctvee - moniorrd., Admaita
55、nSa lily. To futhe Sregthe n pulcty a nd e ducatin, impr - the oveal l .a ss. muSSreghe n saey managment, estallSh a I d im pre the Id . ai on, suevsi on, ad e uain asone of the trafc saey maagement mecan .o connsce ntiouSy lum u Ihe Oym | ic -cuiy cntrol s promotig ieg d ma nagmet t oa hig her ee l
56、 hghe Sanda dS a hig h e e of deve opme nt Empl oyes, t oddy i s lunar caledar on Deem le 24, the ox Bel s a lou to ri ng, at t his time of yar w e cle ary ee the pu of the XX | owe .neatincmpa ny to flouiS, to moreceay hea XX po-er ge neatin compai ismlture ad smmery lreahing. Rcg paS one a not he
57、a coss a a. ng f aeethuSaSi c ad fu lof confde nce. F utue dveopmetopporuites we more exctigfgtmoe sir .Employes, le us tge he ac oos 2013 ul of chaleI gis and opporuniis, tceae a gee, l owcost opeai on, full of huma ne cae of a wrdca IS powe geertincompa ny ad wrk ha d Ie occa sin of the ri ng FeSi
58、va, my Sncee wSh that yu ad the fmlesof thesaf in the new . ar god he ath, hapy ha ipywl cntiue to improve thecmpanysintenalcntrolsyS_,ad sea dy improveme nt ialty to manage and cntrol,o ptmze biess pr ocesesto esue sm ootpro, re son“ i a ce; to fut he Se ngte n iner .a cntr o pay a cntrol poS i nde
59、pe n.ent ove Sg of eva uain comply ng -h thidpay re son iy to . C 一,m use of ite nala uil tools d C potetai ma I agemet, seamlie, sa.ze r ted tansacinsstengheningopealonsiacordancewithlawDeeenig the infoma.nma.- ent.sure ul cmmucain zro as n.e.IconsantyperfecERP,adBS+,andPI,and M S, and SCM, i .main
60、 sy m la sed conSucton, Ul .ega.n”ma.n. m, aceved iformaton esucs saed; to expadPortasysema|plcainofbead h and det h, pay ifrmaton syS em on entepri se of Assa nt roe; to leleC 一如 r unmainteance opealon of e cd* promoe probem reasns aay ss ad system ha ndove. t oSegte nig I , and ER , and SCM, tchno
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