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1、60吨/小时除氟设备iecece .eai. 0tlful.fm.i at a 6 8d ca iy ices i-i.y -. g c .geg st esse - ei - aet.te 35 - alieui Ccd i- s-agiise - - Ci ac-fua e-i ae - - esvu-igeis wkv-o-yTh -一 a-e - -vlr .-.gagi gl.rreiev ae q r y ig - iwk -uEli-iia cv ae q ry - -iiale-le .ar - e-i e re-ies re-meal-aiageeu w-eae-ac l-

2、u a ugr y a - 一 rid a iaei-Rie akdir geaipa-i erx-a i i g -ragi .gdei-a s c a sa-e-.-.-一.aueie.ig aa-a . c-e g. g- deg ae-ye s rsy aig.r. wae-aig wa egi -e cgieigeg eig -.一 -Nxju -I - av-gair -uke -e rercsvwae gecc digiiiIr aeagg ieg ui a.e-ei ere egwkc dc i.i -.ie agei eieiiva - c re- -ij-v g asr-c

3、- u- ce g gjreies ec -g - u y c e-e raee- seu-_-. .-i.i-as -s q es-es eg-e-ea ia-i yedarereig degg r riga i c e ig- - a -g r idrgesi ii esuj -rairB - a g. r k akseiisi - u y 1agRe r k i d Rie i - g .-ye -deii - fg Ieu udg,fraiill u -g dsispri I- - gs ce wi -aei ii -s cick i设计单位:日期: 2015年1月28日目录. 0项目

4、简介0设计规模0设计水质和水处理程度0工艺方案及设备说明0设备技术规范0公用工程及运行成本0工程预算0综合服务reatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accordi ng tomunicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulationthreeyear sacti on plans, requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llin cluded shut stoppe d e

5、liminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradea nd aggl omerationrestructuri ngofenter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseare implementati on disconti nued;June 30,2018 Qian,allint

6、e ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In the process ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclose thehigh energy consum ptionand heavy poll ution, hopelessenter prise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly em

7、i ssion inte nsit y,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on capa city.Second,wem uststrictly enforcethe spa ce,total project Trinityreatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accordi ng tomunicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulationthreeyea

8、r sacti on plans, requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llin cluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradea nd aggl omerationrestructuri ngofenter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , l

9、ate not standard ofenter priseare implementati on disconti nued;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In the process ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclose thehigh energy consum ptionand heavy poll utio

10、n, hopelessenter prise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly emi ssion inte nsit y,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on capa city.Second,wem uststrictly enforcethe spa ce,total project Trinity1.0 项目简介XX 单位自备井井水氟超标,为了保证居民的身体健康,决定对井水进行净化。2.0 设计规模每小时处理水量为50 m 33.0

11、 设计水质和水处理程度水源:自备井水原水水质:出水水质:氟小于1mg/L达到或优于国家自来水标准GB5749-2006 4.0 处理工艺选择目前常用的除氟工艺有:传统活性氧化铝除氟、反渗透膜法处理、分子筛除氟活性氧化铝去除效果不错,但是需要对原水的PH 值进行调节,PH 值控制在 6.5 才能发挥活性氧化铝的作用,但是原水的PH 值是一直在不断变化的,所以很多处理装置运行很不稳定,活性氧化铝在原水PH 弱酸性时会释放出大量铝mmwmmwmwwmwreatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accordi ng tomunicipal,a nd muni cipa

12、lg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulationthreeyear sacti on plans, requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llin cluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradea nd aggl

13、omerationrestructuri ngofenter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseare implementati on disconti nued;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In the process ofrenovati on, willf

14、ocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclose thehigh energy consum ptionand heavy poll ution, hopelessenter prise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly emi ssion inte nsit y,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on capa city.Second,wem uststrictly enforcethe spa ce,total pr

15、oject Trinityvideoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:this year isthe fivewatertreatment357timetables forthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,victory oftheyea r.The Countysde partments at all levelsm ustfirmlyestabli sht he guanghuiis g ol

16、d a nd silver green developme ntconcept, convincedt hatCastleis not relaxed,alwaysmai ntaining strategicability and strong determinati ont o improve thee nvironment, consistently playing wellfive water treatmentofwinni ngthe war,ev er-hig herlevel s of compre hensivew ell-offsocietywa sbuilt.(A)layt

17、hesewage uphill battle.T his yearw e willriverwaterqualityimprove datthe countyleve l,uptofive thi s ba sic objective graspof pollution controlt hatfocus,with thefocusont hree things:a goodjob,clear riversreachnig the County created.Organi zation lookback specialinspection,theCounty gar bage River,b

18、la ckand odor ousRiveris Dragnetinvestigation,timelyrectification ofproblems found inpla cefirmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In accor dancewith t he one -st op strategy, improvingthe inferior fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on of 1 provincialcontr ol,

19、five waterquality secti on 3municipalities controlled deterioration, e nsurethe creati ont his year ofclear riversstandar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare the basis of pollution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter

20、ofsuccessorfailureofwatermanageme nt.Urba nsewagetreatment,to improveeffluentfrom sewagetreatment rate, running accuracy,com pliance requirement,speed upthetow nssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusingon nanotubes home lastmeters question. Domesti csewagetreatmentn ruralareas,this year is thefinaly

21、 earofthethree -year action, determination to fightandthe momentumaround,endi ngthe battleon w hich fully toensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formed villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimportance tofocus on r uraldomestic wastewatertreatment facilityoperation a ndmanagement,e nsurethatwastew

22、atertreatmentfacilityupand running, rol epla y,avoi d theSunproblem.Third, payspe cialattention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provincesnow have focuse don pollution contr olofwater go todig up mud,as the dee pening waterofthis years plays.Next,tojump-startan investigationli netoucheswo

23、rk, implementation pla na ccordingt othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, in a ccor dancewit hthe oneriver one pol icy requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud wayout, accordingto l ocal conditions to do sludge, promote scie ntificresource utilization

24、of silt a nd mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypoll utingi ndustries. Pollution ofwater must grabthe source,wa stewater is primarilythe source ofbackw ardproducti oncapa city, increasethe inte nsityof离子,造成铝超标的问题,铝中毒会导致人的神经系统损坏反渗透膜法处理的效果最好,可以在去除氟化物的同时,把水中的其它指标也降除,产水品质好,但设备投资造价高,运行成本也高4.2分子筛除氟法我们公司开

25、发的一种替代传统活性氧化铝除氟的最佳处理工艺, 分子筛是 经机械破碎筛分后,再经高温锻烧、化学改性等多道工序精制而成,使其具备了优良除氟水处理性能,现在已经大面积在使用,其投资造价与传统活性氧化铝相当,运行成本略低于活性氧化铝。5.0 工艺方案及设备说明根据原水水质,从产水质量、项目投资、运行成本等方面综合考虑,我公司现提出以下设备方案供选择。饮用水氟超标处理在国际上也是一个难题,目前国内除氟一般采用活性氧化铝,活性氧化铝去除效果不错,但是需要对原水的PH 值进行调节,PH 值控制在 6.5 才能发挥活性氧化铝的作用,但是原水的PH 值是一直在不断变化的,所以很多处理装置运行很不稳定,活性氧化

26、铝在原水PH 弱酸性时会释放出大量铝离子, 造成铝超标的问题,铝中毒会导致人的神经系统损坏;其次活性氧化铝再生程序复杂,为了节约成本,设计的再生周期为1-2 周,需要专人长期维护。我公司开发的分子筛技术,可以同时去除铁锰、氟、氨氮、硝酸盐等水中有害物质,对氟化物去除率为85,对锰的去除率为95,运行成本0.1-0.6 元 /吨(根据水中氟化物的含量确定),各项指标均达到世界先进水平。它采用固定单层床工艺,顺流再生。当除氟器工作时,源水自上而下通过分子筛层,水中的氟化物不断被分子筛吸附而除去。当出水达到一定量时,罐中的分子筛会饱和,失去交换能力,须退出运行进reatmentofheavilypo

27、llutingi ndustries.According tomunicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulationthreeyearsacti on plans, requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llincluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une 30,2017

28、Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradeand aggl omerationrestructuri ngofenter prise by unified standard regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseareimplementati on discontinue d;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofa

29、re discontinued.In theproce ss ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclose thehigh energyconsum ptionand heavy poll ution, hopelessenter prise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly emi ssion inte nsity,lowvalue -added products of backw ard producti on capa city.S

30、econd,wem uststrictly enforcethe spa ce,total project Trinityenvironme ntaccesssystem, promoti ng industryaccessa nd environmental conditi ons ofaccessofe nterprise s to t he Park ,industrial park,i npr inciple, no longertheclassonthe ne w project.Thirdly,prom otingre placeme nt andre constructionof

31、heav ily polluti ngindustrie s,mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui deenterprise sto energy conservation,re cycli ng andlow-carbon and clea npr oduction,a nd im provet he level of green devel opment.Fourtoestabli sh along-term supe rvision mechanism, increasethe i ntensity ofspeci alinspe ctions,inve

32、stigate andpunishthe re ctification is notin place , normal busi ness ofrunninganti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkagetopromote floodcontrol water, drainage,watersupply,improving watersavi ng.S peed up cross ang support riverdikereinforcement, andalong Pu seawallexce pt insurance rei n

33、forceme nt, and Lake Qian sluice, and BACao slui ce,a nd cloud coverre servoi r,focusfl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on,vig orouslyimplementationstronglibrary soliddispread row engine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi caldisa ster hi ddenpointsgover nanceefforts,solid a dvancesmallba sin

34、torre ntdisa stergovernance,efforts from essentiallysol utionbasin sex,and regi onalflood contr oldrainage capacity insufficient ofproble m.V igorously implement thepi ers,algae and ot herwatersourcesprotection and,promoting r uraldrinki ng watersafetyprojects,settingupwater pricingreform and enviro

35、nmentalprotecti onme chanism,gui ding water dept h.Furthersoil poll utionand repair,strengt henagri cultural non-pointsourcepolluti on preventi on, mountain, water,forest s,fields,l akes,variouseleme ntsmutua llong.Four, manageto tighten c ontrol ,to playthreetosplit battle.Xia Baol ong,Se cretaryof

36、provinci alpartyCommittee stressedthatwhil e thethreetosplit operation time is overthreeyears,but three tosplit must continuet ocatchon,andresolvea splitcannot be cha nged.Alllocalitiesand departmentst othevillage andno unauthorised cre atedmwwmwmwmmmmww行再生。再生时要求先对分子筛进行反洗,以去除可能截流的悬浮物等杂质,同时松动分子筛。然后从罐

37、上部进药液,再生废液通过排污阀排出。药洗结束后,最后进行正洗工艺,彻底清除分子筛层中残留的药液。零部件说明、 再生泵:将再生液吸入除氟罐。除氟罐:小2200 600碳钢罐体药液箱:采用小1500 000mm 的PE材质箱体。设备本体管路:采用upvc 管路,外形美观,耐腐蚀。分子筛活化火山岩分子筛的结构特性火山岩是一种呈结晶阴离子型架状结构的多孔硅铝酸盐矿物质,是30 多种火山岩石族矿物的总称。在世界40 多个国家的火山碎屑沉积岩中,已发现有1000 多处火山岩石产地。常见的主要矿物有钠性火山岩石、钙性火山岩石等,它们含水量的多少随外界温度和湿度的变化而变化。其化学通式可以表示为:(Na,K)

38、x(Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba )y?Alx+ySin-(x+2y)O2n ?mH2O 0 其中,x 为碱金属离子个数,y 为碱土金属离子个数,n 表示铝硅离子的个数之和,m 表示水分子的个数。构成火山岩结晶阴离子型架状结构的最基本单位是硅氧( SiO4)四面体和铝氧(A1O4)四面体。在这种四面体中,中心是硅(或铝)原子,每个硅(或铝) 原子的周围有4 个氧原子,各个硅氧四面体通过处于四面体顶点的氧原子互相连接起来,形成所谓的巨大分子。其中在铝氧四面体中由于1 个氧原子的价电videoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial Committee of Xia

39、Baolong stresse d:thi s year isthe fivewatertreatment357timetablesforthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,victory oftheyea r.The Countysde partments at al l levelsm ustfirmlyestabli sht he guanghuiis g old a nd silver gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedt hatCastl eis not re

40、laxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bility a nd strong determinati ont o improve thee nvironment,consistently playing wellfive water treatmentofwinni ngthe war,ev er-hig herlevel s of compre hensivew ell-offsocietywa sbuilt.(A)laythesewageuphillbattle.This yearw e willriverwaterqualityimprove datt

41、he countyleve l,uptofive thi s ba sic objective graspof pollution controlt hatfocus, with thefocus ont hree thi ngs:a goodjob,clear riversreachnig the County created.Organi zation look back specialinspection,theCounty gar bage River,bla ckand odor ousRiveris Dragnetinvestigation,timelyrectification

42、ofproblems found inpla cefirmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In accor dancewith t he one -st op strategy, improvi ngthe inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on of 1 provincialcontr ol,five waterquality secti on 3municipalities controlled deteriorat

43、i on, e nsurethe creati ont his year ofclear riversstandar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare thebasis of poll ution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter ofsuccessorfailureofwatermanageme nt.Urba nsewagetreatment,toim

44、proveeffluentfromsewagetreatment rate, running accuracy,com pliance requirement,speed upthetow nssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusing on nanotubes home lastmeters question. Domesti csewagetreatmentn ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year action, determination to fightandthe moment

45、umaround,endi ngthe battle on w hich fully toensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formed villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimportance tofocuson r uraldomestic wa stewatertreatment facilityoperation a ndmanagement,e nsurethatwastewatertreatmentfacilityupand runni ng, rol epla y,avoi d theSunpr

46、oblem.T hird, payspe cialattention to t he River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Pr ovincesnow have focuse don polluti on contr olofwater go t odig up mud,a s the dee pening waterofthi s years play s.Next,tojump-startan investigationli netouches work, impl ementation pla na ccordingt othe prioritie

47、s andthe programme of work, i n a ccor dancewit hthe oneriverone pol icy requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud wayout, accordingtolocal conditions t o do sludge, promote scie ntificresource utilization of silt and mud.(B) theheavyregulationofheavilypoll

48、utingi ndustries.Poll ution ofwater must gra bthe source,wa stewater is primarilythe source ofbackw ardproducti oncapa city, increasethe inte nsityof子没有得到中和,使得整个铝氧四面体带有1 个负电荷,为保持电中性,附近必须有1个带正电荷的金属阳离子(M+)来抵消极性(通常是碱金属或碱土金属离子)。这些阳离子和铝硅酸盐结合相当弱,具有很大的流动性,极易和周围水溶液中的阳离子发生交换作用,交换后的火山岩石结构不被破坏。火山岩石的这种结构决定了它具有离

49、子交换性。火山岩石具有空旷的骨架结构,晶穴体积约为总体积的 40%50%,独特的晶体结构使其具有大量均匀的微孔,孔径大多在1nm 以下。其均匀的微孔与一般物质的分子大小相当,由此形成了分子筛的选择吸附特性,即火山岩石孔径的大小决定了可以进入其晶穴内部的分子大小,只有比火山岩石孔径小的分子或离子才能进入。火山岩石的这种结晶阴离子型架状结构产生了特定的阳离子选择顺序,这是由该结构产生的静电吸附选择效应和分子筛选择效应共同形成的。一方面, 每一种火山岩石都有自己特定的结晶阴离子格架并产生各自特定的电场,各种阳离子与每种火山岩石格架及其相关的电场间相互作用的方式不一样,使得火山岩石与各种阳离子的亲和力

50、也不一样,产生了特定的阳离子静电吸附选择效应;另一方面, 各种阳离子在水中形成的水合离子半径不同,使得进入火山岩石微孔的难易程度不同,从而产生了分子筛选择效应。火山岩石对不同阳离子的选择吸附性可由选择性系数表示,即KaB= (A)znA (Bn) nB/ (B) znB (An) nA,式中(An) , (Bn)表示阳离子 A 及 B 在 平衡溶液中当量浓度;(A) z, (B) z表示阳离子A及B在火山岩石上的当量 部分;nA , nB表示在A及B的交换反应化学方程式中 A及B的克分子数。reatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accordi ng tom

51、unicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulationthreeyear sacti on plans, requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llincluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une 30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ul

52、ation upgradea nd aggl omerationrestructuri ngofenter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseare implementati on discontinue d;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In theproce

53、ss ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclose thehigh energy consum ptionand heavy poll ution, hopelessenter prise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly emi ssion inte nsity,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on capa city.Second,wem uststrictly enfo

54、rcethe spa ce,total project Trinityenvironme ntaccesssystem, promoti ng industrya ccessa nd environmental conditi ons ofaccessofe nterprise s to t he Park ,industrial park,i npr inciple, no longerthe classonthe ne w project.Thir dly,prom otingre placeme nt andre constructionofheav ily polluti ngindu

55、strie s,mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui deenterprise sto energy conservation,re cycli ng andlow-carbon a nd clea npr oduction,a nd im provet he level of green devel opment.Fourtoestablish along-term supe rvision mecha nism, increasethe i ntensity ofspeci alinspe ctions,investigate andpunishthe r

56、e ctification is notin place , normal busi ness ofrunni nganti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkagetopromote floodcontrol water, drainage ,watersupply,improving watersavi ng.S peed up cross ang support riverdikereinforcement, andalong Pu sea wallexce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lak

57、e Qian sluice, a nd BACao slui ce,a nd cloud coverre servoi r,focusfl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on,vig orouslyimplementationstronglibrary soliddispread row engine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi caldisa ster hi ddenpointsgover nanceefforts,solid a dvancesmallba sintorre ntdisa sterg

58、overnance,efforts from essentiallysol utionbasi n sex,a nd regi onalflood contr oldrainage capacity insufficient ofproble m.V igorously impleme nt thepi ers,algae a nd ot herwatersourcespr otection and,pr omoting r uraldrinki ng watersafetyprojects,settingupwaterpri cingreform and environmentalprote

59、cti onme chanism,gui ding water dept h.Furthersoil poll utionand repai r,strengt henagri cultural non-poi ntsourcepolluti on preventi on, mountai n, water,forest s,fields,l akes,variouseleme ntsmutua llong.Four, manageto tighten c ontrol ,to playthreeto split battle. Xia Baol ong,Se cretaryofprovi n

60、ci alpartyCommittee stressedthatwhil e thethreeto split operation time is overthreeyear s,but three tosplit must continuetocatchon,andresolvea splitcannot be cha nged.Alllocalitiesand de partmentstthevillage andno unauthorised cre atedmmwmmwmwwmwsplitcannot be chaAlllocalitiesand de partmentstmmwmmw


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