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1、期中词组复习 sb sth依旧不加.句子不用句号但是首字母注意希望大家能够自己先默写一遍,而不是先拿答案,恶意刷分。相信认真复习的大家能够考出好成绩哦!趋向全球化 填空题 *_(答案:go global)以令人惊恐的速度 填空题 *_(答案:at an alarming rate)唯一活着的人 填空题 *_(答案:the only man alive)受到灭绝的危险 4(很重要哦) 填空题 *_(答案:be threatened with extinction)承认做过某事 填空题 *_(答案:admit doing sth|admit having done sth)被复旦大学录取 填空题

2、*_(答案:be admitted to Fudan University)保护语言和文化的多样性(7) 填空题 *_(答案:protect the diversity of languages and cultures)互相交流观点 填空题 *_(答案:exchange ideas with each other)那些对工作上瘾的人(定语从句) 填空题 *_(答案:those who are addicted to work|those who are addicted to working)对sth有正面的影响 填空题 *_(答案:have a positive impact on sth

3、)答案解析:是不是又忘记a了?a千千万万不要忘!来自各种种族背景的学生(range n.) 填空题 *_(答案:students from a wide range of races)在很大程度上(large) 填空题 *_(答案:to a large extent)从8岁到18岁不等 填空题 *_(答案:range in age from 8 to 18|range from 8 years old to 18 years old)对sth造成威胁 (threat) 填空题 *_(答案:pose a threat to sth)和sth相比(comparison) 填空题 *_(答案:in

4、comparison to sth|in comparison with sth)英语是官方语言的国家 填空题 *_(答案:countries where English is an official language)答案解析:中文读读清楚控制 (control n.) 填空题 *_(答案:take control of)结果是,(不用写逗号,但是放句首) 填空题 *_(答案:As a result)接受教育的机会有限 (access n. 5) 填空题 *_(答案:have limited access to education)多亏,由于 填空题 *_(答案:thanks to|owin

5、g to)勤奋很重要。(count 不用加句号) 填空题 *_(答案:Hard work counts|Diligence counts)数学家 n. 填空题 *_(答案:mathematician)没钱完成他的学业(afford) 填空题 *_(答案:cant afford to complete his education|cannot afford to complete his education)一个有奉献精神的教师 填空题 *_(答案:a dedicated teacher)面对这个突发情况, (不用写逗号,但是放句首) 填空题 *_(答案:Faced with the unexp

6、ected situation|Faced with the emergency|Facing the unexpected situation|Facing the emergency)大多数人都惊慌失措。(most people) 填空题 *_(答案:Most people panicked|Most people were panicked)由于缺乏睡眠 (lack n.) 填空题 *_(答案:for lack of sleep)处理这个问题的不同方式 (approach) 填空题 *_(答案:different approaches to the problem|different a

7、pproaches to this problem)从长远来看 填空题 *_(答案:in the long run|in the long term)被证明是一个成功的人 填空题 *_(答案:prove to be a successful person|prove to be a success)依赖/指望某人做某事 (count) 填空题 *_(答案:count on sb to do sth)他毕生致力于帮助穷人。(dedicate;the poor;不用写句号) 填空题 *_(答案:He dedicated his life to helping the poor|He dedicat

8、ed his whole life to helping the poor)在颁奖典礼上 填空题 *_(答案:at the award ceremony)赶到了现场 填空题 *_(答案:hurry to the scene|rush to the scene)给它留足时间 (aside) 填空题 *_(答案:set aside enough time for it)选择未来的职业 填空题 *_(答案:choose a future career)让他们看到新的机会和工作 填空题 *_(答案:open their eyes to new opportunities and jobs)成就一名好的

9、新闻记者 填空题 *_(答案:make a good journalist|build a good journalist)毫无相同之处 填空题 *_(答案:have nothing in common)字数限制 填空题 *_(答案:a limit on the number of words)困扰我 (3) 填空题 *_(答案:on my mind)关注时事 填空题 *_(答案:keep up with current events)注意正在发生的事情 填空题 *_(答案:pay attention to whats going on|pay attention to what is goi

10、ng on)眼观四路,耳听八方 填空题 *_(答案:keep your eyes and ears open)一直,始终 填空题 *_(答案:at all times)遇到值得报道的事情 填空题 *_(答案:come across things worth reporting)完全正确的 填空题 *_(答案:entirely true)核对事实 填空题 *_(答案:check up on facts)唤起读者的感情 填空题 *_(答案:appeal to readers emotions|appeal to the readers emotions|appeal to the readers

11、emotions)客观地 (词组) 填空题 *_(答案:in an objective way)准时交报告 填空题 *_(答案:turn in the reports on time|turn in the report on time)按小时获得报酬 填空题 *_(答案:get paid by the hour)指导我 填空题 *_(答案:mentor me)发现他正在作弊(spot) 填空题 *_(答案:spot him cheating)吸引人的adj. (不写attractive) 填空题 *_(答案:appealing)地震灾区 (the,单数) 填空题 *_(答案:the eart

12、hquake-stricken area)容易发现(4) 填空题 *_(答案:be easy to spot)有意义(2) 填空题 *_(答案:have purpose)好的信息来源(复数) 填空题 *_(答案:good sources of information|good information sources)缺乏勇气、决心和坚持 (lack v.) 填空题 *_(答案:lack the courage, determination and perseverance|lack courage, determination and perseverance|lack the courage

13、, determination and persistence |lack courage, determination and persistence)抱怨这种(the)高价格是没有意义。 (point ) 填空题 *_(答案:There is no point complaining about the high price|There is no point in complaining about the high price)怀着决心和恨意 (with) 填空题 *_(答案:with determination and hatred)把鲨鱼用绳子捆起来(wrap) 填空题 *_(答案:wrap the shark in the rope|wrap the shark in a rope|wrap a shark in the rope|wrap a shark in a rope)“鲨”口逃生 填空题 *_(答案:survive a shark attack|survive the shark attack)下个月举行的婚礼 (hold,不定式做定语) 填空题 *_(答案:the wedding to be


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