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1、美国文学史及选读练习题Sectio n A I()1. Walt Whitman()2. Herman Melville()3. Wash ington Irving()4. O He nry()5. Natha niel Hawthor neSectio n BI()1.Hester Prynne()2.George Hurstwood()3.Isabel Archer()4. Ahab()5. Eva ClareSectio n C I()1.Benjamin Fran kli n()2.Thomas Pai ne()3. James Fenimore Cooper()4.Mark Twa

2、i n()5.Jack LondonIIMarti n Ede nLeather-Stocking TalesRights of ManPoor Richars s Alma nacThe Adve ntures of Huckleberry FinnI. Choose the releva nt match from Colum n II for each item in Colum nIIThe Scarlet LetterThe Sketch BookC. TypeeLeaves of GrassThe Gift of the MagiIIThe Portrait of A LadyUn

3、cle Tom CabinMoby DickSister CarrieThe Scarlet LetterComplete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase accord ing to the textbook. (10%)In Washington Irving work appeared the first modern Short stories and the first great American juvenile literature.The first important Americ

4、an novelist was .To a Waterfowl is perhaps the peak of swork, it regarded asfhe most perfectbrief poem in the Ianguage ” .A superb book entitled came out of Henry David Thoreau two-year life experie nee n ear a small lake.William Sidney Porter , whose pen name was , was the author of The Cop and the

5、 An them .Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were thevalues that domin ated much ofthe early American writing.American Romanticism ended with the Walt Whiteman . was called the father of the America n detective stories ” . was resp on sible for bring Transcenden talism to New En gla nd.Theodore D

6、reiser s first novelThe ship carried about one hun dred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its wayacross the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth,Massachusetts.was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutio nary WarAmerican

7、Romanticism started with the publication of Washington Irving The ship carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its wayacross the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts.Benjamin Franklin best writing is found in his masterpiece .On Jan

8、uary 10,1776, Thomas Paine famous pamphlet appeared.Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were thevalues that dominated much ofthe early American writing.The most outstanding poet in America of 18 th century was. was the first American lyric poet. was resp on sible for bring Transcenden talism to Ne

9、w En gla nd.III: Each of the followi ng stateme nts below is followed by four alter native an swers. Choose the ONE that would best complete the stateme nt.American literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century. This wasA. Anne Bradstreet B. Jane Austen C. Emily DickinsonD. Harrie

10、tBeecherWho was considered as the“ Poet of American Revolution” ?A. Michael Wigglesworth B. Edward Taylor C. Anne Bradstreet D. Philip Fren eau was the only good American author before the Revolutionary War. One of hisfellow America ns said,“ His shadow lies heavier tha n any other man s on this you

11、ng n ation.A. Joh n Smith B. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jeffers onD.Thomas Pai neRoma ntics put emphasis on the followi ng EXCEPT.A. com mon sense B. imag in ati on C. in tuiti on D. in dividualismMelville novel is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seem in gly super natural

12、 white whale.A. Typee B. Omoo C. White Jacket D. Moby DickAs a philosophical and literary movement,flourished in New England from the1830s to the Civil War.A. Modernism B. Ratio nalism C. Sen time ntalism D. Transcenden talismThe theme of origi nal sin is fully reflected in .A. The Scarlet Letter B.

13、 Sister Carrie C. The Great Gatsby D. The Old Man and SeaRealism was a react ion against or a move away from the bias towards roma neeand self-creat ing fictions, and paved the way to Moder ni sm.A. Ratio nalism B. Roma nticism C. NeoclassicismD. En lighte nment was the most leadi ng spirit of the T

14、ran sce nden tal Club.A. Thoreau B. Emers onC. Hawthor neD. Whitma nChoose the work NOT written by Mark Twain.A. The Adve ntures of Tom SawyerB. Innocents AbroadC. Life on the MississippiD. The Rise of Silas LaphamWhich is regarded as theDeclaration of Intellectual IndependenceA. The America n Schol

15、arB. En glish TraitsC. The Con duct of LifeD. Represe ntative MenTranscenden talist doctri nes found their greatest literary advocatesandin Thoreau.A. Jeffers on B. Emers on C. Fren eau D. OversoulWhich of the following doesn t belong to DreiserTrilogy of DesireA. The Finan cieAn America n TBagedyTw

16、attie n by HenCyThm SidOcought himfirst intern ati onal 14.fame.A. The Golden Bowl B. The America nWalden is written by _A. Emers on B. Thoreau C. PoeThe Cop and the An them is writte n byA. O. HenryB. He nry JamesC. The Tragic MuseD. Hawthor neC. Jack LondonD. Daisy MillerD. Mark Twain is famous fo

17、r psychological realism.A. Mark TwainB. W川iam Dea n Howells C. Henry James D. Walt WhitmanWhich is gen erally regarded as the Bible of New En gla nd Tran sce nden talism?A. NatureB. Walde n C. On Beauty D. Self-Relia neeWho was the ONLY good America n author before the Revoluti onary War.A. Joh n Sm

18、ith B. Benjamin Fran kli n C. Thomas Pai ne D. Thomas Jeffers onAs a literary and philosophical moveme nt,flourished in New En gla nd from the 1830s to the Civil War.A. modernismB. rati on alism C. sen timeD. transcendenntalismtalism is NOT writte n by Ralph Waldo Emerso n.a.The Amenca s湍蛙AddressDB.

19、 SCeivlifl-RDeislioabneedeie neeEmily Dickinson wrote many of her poems on various aspects of life. Which of the follow ing is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expressi on?A. Religio n B. Life and deathC. Love and marriageD. War and peaceIn 1862, Preside nt Lincoln exclaimed: So you are the little

20、woma n who wrote thebook that started this great war!” The book refers to.The Adve ntures of Huckleberry FinnB. BelovedPride and PrejudiceD. Uncle Tom s CabinIn Leaves of Grass,is all that concerned Whitma n.A. i ndividualismB. freedom C. democracyD. all the aboveDuring the period after the Civil Wa

21、r, the American society entered in what Mark Twai n referred to as.A. the Golde n Age B. the Modern Age C. the Gilded Age D. the Purita n Age 26. America n literature produced only one female poet duri ng the 19th cen tury. This was A. Anne Bradstreet B. Jane Austen C. Emily DickinsonD. HarrietBeech

22、er27. Who was considered as thePoet of American RevolutionA. Michael Wigglesworth B. Edward Taylor C. Anne Bradstreet D. Philip Fren eaus on this young n atiwas the only good America n author before the Revoluti onary War. One of his fellow America ns said,“ His shadow lies heavier tha n any other m

23、anon.A. Joh n Smith B. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jeffers onD.Thomas Pai neRoma ntics put emphasis on the followi ng EXCEPT.A. com mon sense B. imag in ati on C. in tuiti on D. in dividualismMelville s novel is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seem in gly super natural whi

24、te whale.A. Typee B. Omoo C. White Jacket D. Moby DickAs a philosophical and literary movement,flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War.A. Modernism B. Ratio nalism C. Sen time ntalism D. Transcenden talismThe theme of original sin is fully reflected inA. The Scarlet Letter B. Siste

25、r Carrie C. The Great Gatsby D. The Old Man and SeaRealism was a reacti on against or a move away from the bias towards roma nee and self-creat ing fictions, and paved the way to Moder ni sm.A. Ratio nalism B. Roma nticism C. NeoclassicismD. En lighte nment_ was the most lead ing spirit of the Trans

26、cenden tal Club.A.Th0reauB. Emers onC. Hawthor neD. Whitma nChoose the work NOT written by Mark Twain.A. The Adve ntures of Tom SawyerB. Innocents AbroadC. Life on the MississippiD. The Rise of Silas LaphamWhich is regarded as theDeclaration of Intellectual Independence” ?A. The America n ScholarB.

27、En glish TraitsC. Dh RepresfeJnttafvefMen 37. Transcenden talist doctri nes found their greatest literary advocates inandThoreau.A. Jeffers on B. Emers on C. Freneau D. OversoulWhich of the following doesn t belong to DreiserTrilogy of Desire ?A. The Finan cieAn America n BaThdyw&tte n by HeniC.J0lm

28、e8tbrought himfirst intern ati onal 39.fame.A. The Golde n Bowl B. The America n C. The Tragic MuseWalden is written byA. Emers on B. Thoreau C. Poe D. Hawthor neThe Cop and the An them is writte n byA. O. HenryB. He nry JamesC. Jack London is famous for psychological realism.A. Mark Twai nB. Willia

29、m Dea n Howells C. Henry JamesD. Daisy MillerD. Mark TwainD. Walt WhitmanA. Nature B. Walde n before the Revoluti onary War.43. Which is gen erally regarded as the Bible of New En gla nd Tran sce nden talism?C. On Beauty D. Self-Relia nee 44. Who was the ONLY good America n authorA. Joh n Smith B. B

30、enjamin Fran kli n C. Thomas Pai ne D. Thomas Jeffers on45. As a literary and philosophical movement, 1830s to theflourished in New En gla nd from theCivil War.46.A. modernismB. rationalism_ is NOT written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.C. sentimentalismD. transcendentalismA. The American ScholarB. Self-Rel

31、ianceC. The Divinity School AddressD. Civil DisobedienceEmily Dickinson wrote many of her poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression?A. Religion B. Life and deathC. Love and marriageD. War and peaceIn 1862, President Lincoln exclaimed: So

32、 you are the little woman who wrote the bookthat started thi s great war! ” The book refers to _ .The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnB. BelovedPride and PrejudiceD. Uncle Tom s CabinIn Leaves of Grass , is all that concerned Whitman.A. individualismB. freedom C. democracyD. all the aboveDuring the period after the Civil War, the American society entered in what Mark Twain referred to asA. the Golden Age B. the Modern Age C. the Gilded Age D. the Puritan AgeDefine the literary terms listed below.1 Transcendentalism2Free Verse3Local ColorAnswer the followin


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