



1、六年级英语U5-U6单元班级_姓名_ 得分_听力部分(30分)听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10分)( )1. A.little B.letter. C.litter.( )2. A.mean . B.mobile C.make.( )3. A.skin B.bin C.thin( )4. A.water B. wood C.energy( )5. A.much B.many C.more ( )6. A. Project B.protect C.poster( )7. A.cut down B.sit down C. Put dowm( )8. A.on the ground B.on th

2、e floor C.in the playground( )9. A.No parking. B.No littering. C.No shouting.( )10. A.keep the air clean B.keep the school clean C.keep the class clean听录音,选择正确的应答。(5分)( )1. A.Yes,I can. B.No,you cant. C.Yes,you do.( )2. A.It means we shouldnt walk on the grass. B.It means we shouldnt litter. C.It me

3、ans we shouldnt eat or drink there.( )3. A.Im sorry. B.Ouch. C.ok.( )4. A.Rubbish. B.Black smoke. C.Water.( )5. A.It comes from coal and oil. B.It comes from the Earth. C.It comes from the trees.听录音,根据所听对话和问题,选择正确的应答。(5分)( )1. A.Green. B.Yellow. C.Red.( )2. A.In the cinema. B.In the library. C.On th

4、e wall.( )3. A.8:50 . B.9:10 C.10:09( )4. A.Its Sunday. B.Its Saturday. C.Monday.( )5. A.At a clothes shop B.At a bookshop. C.At a restaurant.听录音,完成短文,每空一词。(10分)-What makes the air _? -_from the cars and _.What can we do to _ the city clean?We can take the bus and the _ to school.We can _ _ trees.We

5、 can _ some factories _ from the city. We can put _ in the bin,too.笔试部分(70分)一、选出划线部分发音不同的一项(4分)。( )1.A .bird B. skirt C. tired D. dirty( )2.A. her B. sister C. winter D. grandfather( )3.A.clean B. please C. sweater D. read( )4.A.cool B. food C. school D. wood( )5.A.here B. hair C. pear D. where( )6.

6、A.many B. messy C. anywhere D plastic( )7.A.smoke B.poster C.collect D.most( )8.A.reuse B.energy C.smell D.sentence二、中英互译(16分)。1.小心地滑 _ 2.保持教室整洁 3.太多纸 4.种更多的树 5.许多有用的新闻 6.来自石油 _ _7.使街道变脏 8.在房子周围的花 _9.感觉又渴又饿 _ 10.参观博物馆 _11.小心 _ 12.在购物中心 13.这些标识 _ 14.fall down 15. Earth Day 16. make a beautiful poster

7、 三、选择(10分)。( )1. Where Su Yang and her cousin yesterday? A. was B. were C. did( )2. They often help me my English. A. with read B. read C. reading( )3.Now ,we can use mobile phones music. A.to listen B. listen C. to listen to( )4. At that time, Sam starts . A.dancing B. dance C. danceing( )5.Please

8、dont use plastic. A. too much B. much too C. too many( )6.We can after school. A. walk to home B. go home C. walk home( )7.What this ?It “No smoking”.A.do,mean,means B.does,means,means C.does,mean,means( )8. Dont the water, please it. A. waste, reuse B. reuse, waste C. use, protect( )9.Its seven ocl

9、ock in the evening.I TV at home. A. watching B. am watching C. watched( )10. it often in London? A. Does, rainy B. Does, rains C. Does, rain四、情景匹配(10分)。( )1. What did you do yesterday? A. At six forty.( )2. What are they doing? B No, I didnt.( )3. Did you fly the kite this morning? C.No,thanks.( )4.

10、 What can we do to keep our city clean? D.No climbing.( )5. What makes the air dirty? E. We can walk to school.( )6.What does it mean? F.Smoke makes the air dirty.( )7.Do you want some juice? G.Theyre playing cards.( )8.When did you get up this morning? H.I flew the kite.( )9.How is your holiday? I.

11、In the park.( )10.Where are you walking? J.It is great fun.五、用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)。1. My father (go) fishing last Sunday.2. Look! There (be) not much milk in the fridge.3. - (not smoke ) here. Im sorry.4. There is a lot of (rubbish) in the river.5. Sam and I are in different (class).6. Look,the old man (w

12、ater) the flowers. 7. The signs (mean)“Do not touch”.8. Its time (play ) football.9. Wood (come)from trees.10. What can we do (keep)our streets clean?六、根据中文完成句子(10分)。1.为保持城市整洁,我们可以做些什么? we the city clean?2.请捡起地上的塑料瓶。Please the plastic on the ground.3.我们可以使用纸做玩具。We paper toys.4.请不要摸。它的意思是危险。 touch it

13、 ,please! It means“ ”.5.那个标志意思让你不要在这停车。That sign you shouldnt here.6什么使河流变得很脏?垃圾。 the rivers ? The rubbish.七.根据首字母完成短文(5分)。Theres a sign at the s c .It means the f is w .The sign in the juice shop means we cant l _ there. The sign in the b means we cant eat or d .So Helen cant t her juice into it.Th

14、e sign in the r means we cant s here.八、阅读理解(10分)。(一)阅读短文,判断正误 (用“ T”或“F ”表示)(5分) Hi, everyone. Here is the weather report. Its an interesting day today for weather around the country.Look! Its sunny in Beijing, but rainy in Jinan. Its fine and cloudy in Qingdao. Its raining in Shanghai. Its warm in

15、Guangzhou and Fuzhou. Its cool and windy in Xian and Shenyang .Its cold in Harbin. Its very hot in Shenzhen, its 30-32 and Hongkong is 30-32,too.Thats the weather report for today. Thank you for watching this TV program. ( )1、The radio is giving the weather report . ( )2、Its a fine day in Beijing to

16、day. ( )3、Its a good day for flying the kite in Xian. ( )4、People can wear shorts or skirts in Harbin.( )5、Its in Shenzhen as hot as in Hongkong.(二)阅读短文,选出正确的答案。(5分)There are many mice in a house, so the master gets a cat. The cat kills many mice.One day, the oldest mouse says,“All the mice must com

17、e to my room and we will think what we can do about this cat.”All the mice come. Many mice speak, but none knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says,“We must put a bell on the cat. Then when the cat comes near, well hear the bell and run away and hide. So the cat will not catch any more mice.”“Thats a good idea!”the oldest mouse says,“but, who will put the bell on the cat?”No mouse answers.( )1.There are many in the house.A.cats B.mice C.dogs D.bells ( )2.


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