已阅读5页,还剩125页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第二部分 话题专项训练第一节 解题指导目录contents题型突破解题技巧真题分析完形填空Listen attentively题型突破 近几年广东省中考采用的完形填空题是从四个所给答案中选择一个最佳答案的这种形式。其题量为一篇200个左右单词的短文和提供10个单项选择的小题。其选材多数是故事性的短文,也有科普文章、人物传记、社会文化等一类的文章。完形填空主要考查词义的辨析和根据上下文得出答案。完形填空Listen attentively 要做好完形填空,必须掌握一定的解题方法和技巧,才能做到在有能力得分的题上尽量不丢分。完形填空解题步骤是:通览试填复核。 1通览速读全文,把握大意。 快速阅读一

2、下全文,通过通览全文、领会大意,概略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构层次、情节、写作风格等。 2试填紧扣文意,瞻前顾后。 先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻找线索,注意从词数的意义、搭配、惯用法、语法、常识等多个角度进行综合考虑。解题技巧完形填空Listen attentively 3复核全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确。 试填后,要把全文再通读一遍,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章意思通顺、前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。 解题技巧有: 1充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。 2注意固定搭配,包括动词与介

3、词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。完形填空Listen attentively3注意近义词的辨析。4根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项。有时,选项中所给的四个词为表示上下文逻辑关系的连接性词语,它涉及文章的起承转合、上下连贯。这类题主要考查考生对上下文逻辑关系的理解,如转折关系、让步关系、因果关系、递进关系、增补关系、比较关系,以及对比关系等。5根据生活常识以及相关知识确定选项。完形填空Listen attentively真题分析(2016广东)完形填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项

4、中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 Im sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on.Those are considered to be symbols of _46_ on the material(物质的) level. When I was young, I was also _47_ reaching for material success.So I chose a job as a salesman

5、and I did make some pretty good money.完形填空Listen attentivelyBut later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers.I became very unhappy _48_ I could make a lot of money.I no longer felt proud of my job and even _49_ myse

6、lf for doing things like that.So I _50_ my sales job and took another job, this time helping people _51_the poor and the weak.The sense of belonging(归属感) was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again.I made less money, but I was _52_ with myself.第一节 题型解读Listen attentively For my own part

7、, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy.I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about _53_.And I feel the most successful when I _54_ my kindness everywhere I go. So be _55_ to yourself: Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart.And find your own

8、 way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.完形填空Listen attentively考查话题: 个人情感 体裁:夹叙夹议 字数:247考点46.A.luck B.successC.safetyD.hope名词辨析47.A.sadly B.hardlyC.crazilyD.honestly副词辨析48.A.if B.sinceC.untilD.although连词辨析49.A.looked down upon B.looked up toC.looked throughD.looked into动词短语辨析50.A.made up

9、B.gave upC.set up D.turned up动词短语辨析 danger surprise介词短语辨析52.A.strict B.carefulC.angryD.satisfied形容词辨析 B.loveC.moneyD.health名词辨析54.A.throw B.spreadC.sellD.lend动词辨析55.A.true B.braveC.friendlyD.terrible形容词辨析完形填空Listen attentively【语篇解读】 很多人都想努力工作赚钱买房买车等。他们把这些视为物质

10、成功的标志。“我”年轻时也疯狂地追求物质上的成功。作为一名销售员,“我”被迫把不利于顾客的产品推销给客人,虽然能够赚到很多钱,但是“我”感到不开心。后来“我”选择了一份帮助穷人和一些需要帮助的弱势群体的工作,虽然赚的钱较少,但有满足感和成就感。完形填空Listen attentively【答案详解】46.B 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文推理。luck 幸运,success 成功,safety 安全,hope希望。根据上下文的理解,大房子、新车、昂贵的衣服等被视为在物质水平上成功的标志。47.C 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文推理。根据语境可知,作者年轻时也曾疯狂地追求物质上的成功。48.D 解析:考

11、查词义辨析和上下文推理。“我”变得非常不开心,尽管“我”能赚好多钱。完形填空Listen attentively49.A 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文推理。look down upon “看不起”,look up to“尊敬”,look through“浏览,仔细查看”,look into “调查,观察”。句意:我不再以我的工作而自豪了,甚至看不起我自己像那样做事。50.B 解析:考查词义辨析和推理。make up “组成”,give up“放弃”,set up“组成”,turn up“出现,开大”。根据took another job可知“我”放弃了“我”的工作,去从事了另外一份工作。完形填空

12、Listen attentively51.C 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文推理。in danger“处于危险之中”,in order“整齐,按顺序”,in need“需要”,in surprise“惊讶的”。根据破折号后面的“the poor and the weak”,可知,这次“我”是去帮助那些需要帮助的人。52.D 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文理解。strict“严肃的”,cheerful“欢快的”,angry“生气的”,satisfied“满意的”。根据前一句“我找到了强大的归属感和成就感”可推知“我”对自己很满意了。完形填空Listen attentively53.C 解析:考查词义辨析

13、和上下文理解。trust“信任”,love“爱”,money“钱”,health“健康”。根据上一段最后一句可知,尽管钱赚得少了,但“我”对自己很满意,可推知“我”不再过多地关注金钱。54.B 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文推理。当“我”把“我”的善良传播(spread) 到“我”去的每一个地方时,“我”感到最成功。55.A 解析:考查词义辨析和上下文理解。true“真实的”,brave“勇敢的”,friendly“友好的”,terrible“糟糕的”。根据冒号后面的句意可知,是“做真实的自己:学会听从你心底的声音”。阅读理解Listen attentively 从近几年的广东中考考题来看,阅读理

14、解题包括A、B、C三篇短文,每篇短文生词率不超过3%。A篇阅读是应用文,一般以表格、图表或配有图片的短文出现,本篇短文的5个考题基本上属于文中细节题,都可以直接从文中找出答案,同学们在解答A篇阅读时,要认真、细心,找准句子,找准信息点。A篇阅读比较简单,要尽量不失分。题型突破阅读理解Listen attentivelyB篇阅读是考查学生能力的短文,一般为记叙(说明)性的短文,其中有两小题有些难度,可能会涉及文章的标题(title)、主题(main idea)、结论(conclusion)、结局(end),猜测词义等有关问题,在做题时需要仔细推敲,结合上下文,经过推理、筛选最终才能得出结论,选出

15、正确的答案。C篇为配对阅读题,命题者给考生提供若干段简短的信息,让学生把相应的信息进行配对,属于细节考查题,C篇的难度也不大,也要尽量不失分。题型突破阅读理解Listen attentively(2016广东)阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读A、B两篇短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。真题分析阅读理解Listen attentivelyA(应用文)Welcome to the Painting Competition for Woodlands Students. The International Ant

16、i-Drug(禁毒) Day this year is coming soon.In order to raise teenagers awareness(意识) to fight against drug taking, the City Art Council is going to hold a painting competition for the students in our city. Students who want to take part in the competition can hand in their own 2D paintings in either of

17、 the following two ways: 真题分析阅读理解Listen attentivelyEach school will be provided with a box for students to put in their paintings.Boxes will be picked up by the City Art Council on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, before the end of the school day. Paintings can be also handed in on Friday, June 24th, from

18、 8:00 am to 10:00 am at the Woodlands Art Hall (175 Riverside Street). 真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively All paintings are required to be 60cm wide by 80cm long or smaller.Larger sizes will not be accepted. Each student can only hand in one painting. The final decision on the competition results will be ma

19、de on June 26th, the Anti-Drug Day.The name list of the winners will be made known on the website of the City Art Council on the same day.All winning paintings will be shown to the public at the City Youth Park from June 27th till the end of July. 真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively Prizes: 1st Prize (10 stu

20、dents )=$ 300 Gift Card each. 2nd Prize (20 students )=$ 200 Gift Card each. 3rd Prize (30 students )=$ 100 Gift Card each. For further information: Visit http: /www.WoodlandsArtC or call 2569-8632.真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively( )56.Students in woodlands can take part in _ held by the City Art Council.

21、A.a pop music concert B.a singing competitionC.a painting competition D.a name-signing activity真题分析C阅读理解Listen attentively( )57.The main purpose of this competition is teach the teenagers some painting tell the teenagers to walk away from provide the teenagers with some a

22、rt introduce the history of the Anti-Drug Day to the teenagers真题分析B阅读理解Listen attentively( )58.The size of the paintings like _ will NOT be accepted.A.40cm wide by 60cm long B.50cm wide by 70cm long C.60cm wide by 80cm long D.80cm wide by 100cm long 真题分析D阅读理解Listen attentively( )59.The

23、 public can enjoy the winning paintings the City Youth Park the City Art Council 175 Riverside Street the Woodlands Art Hall真题分析A阅读理解Listen attentively( )60.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Students must put their paintings in the school box on June 24t

24、h. B.Each student can take part in the competition with one 3D painting. C.Students can get more information about the competition in two ways. D.Each of the second prize winners in the competition will get 300 dollars.真题分析C阅读理解Listen attentively【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,题材为绘画比赛广告。为了在“国际禁毒日”向青少年宣传毒品知识,市艺术协会特举办

25、一场青少年绘画比赛。文章介绍了活动举办的宗旨、比赛规则及其他信息。真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively【答案详解】56.C 解析:细节理解题。根据文章标题和第一段最后一句“the City Art Council is going to hold a painting competition for the students in our city”可知答案选C。57.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“In order to raise teenagers awareness(意识) to fight against drug taking,.”可知举行本次比赛的目的是

26、提高学生抵制毒品的意识,B项表达的意思与其一致,故选B。真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively58.D 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“All paintings are required to be 60cm wide by 80cm long or smaller. Larger sizes will not be accepte D.”可知,超过60厘米宽、80厘米长的画都不符合要求,故选D。59.A 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“All winning paintings will be shown to the public at the City Yout

27、h Park from June 27th till the end of July.”可知答案选A。真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively60.C 解析:细节理解题。 根据标星号的两种方式可知A项错误;根据第二段可知每个学生可交一幅2D绘画作品,故B项错误;根据第二段最后“.in either of the following two ways”可知C项表达正确;根据“2nd Prize (20 students)=$200 Gift Card each.”可知二等奖每人奖励200美元,故D项错误。真题分析阅读理解Listen attentivelyB When people

28、talk to each other, write letters or make phone calls, words of the spoken form or the written form can send any message they want to pass on. But besides words, do you know any other ways you can use to communicate with people? Rich expressions on your face can be one of them.A smile on your face s

29、hows that you are happy.Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad or excited.真题分析阅读理解Listen attentivelyBody languages can do the same job.When you put your hand up in class, the teacher knows that you want to say something or you may have some questions to ask.You shake your head from side to

30、side and people know you are saying “no” or refuse others requirements.When you nod, people will understand that you are saying “yes” or agree to others opinions or suggestions.真题分析阅读理解Listen attentively Other forms can also carry different messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop gives passeng

31、ers instructions on which bus to take.The flag language made by soldiers can pass different orders.Sound from the school bell tells the students and the teachers when to begin or end a class.A photographer can use the photos he has taken to tell others about what he thinks of the world around him.Mu

32、sic and films also convey the feelings and ideas of the musicians and the directors.So next time when you see a piece of art or listen to some music, take it as communication with its creator and try to get the meaning behind it.阅读理解Listen attentively( )61.When people want to use words to communicat

33、e with others, they _. A.write letters B.cry aloud C.keep silent friendly( )62.According to the passage, you just need to _ if you agree to others suggestions. A.close your eyes B.put up your hand C.move your head up and down D.shake your head from side to sideAC阅读理解Listen attentively( )63.T

34、hrough a photo, we may know _. A.which bus can be taken B.what the orders mean for soldiers the photographer sees the world D.when the students should have a class( )64.The underlined word convey probably means _ in the passage. A.掩饰 B.传递 C.克制 D.爆发CB阅读理解Listen attentively( )65.The best title f

35、or this passage may be _. A.Spoken and Written Languages B.Forms of Communication C.Facial Expressions and Gestures D.Suggestions on CommunicationB阅读理解Listen attentively【语篇解读】本文主要讲述人与人之间交流的各种方式。介绍了人类用语言、书信传递信息,用肢体语言、面部表情等进行交流,还介绍了其他传递信息的方式,如公共汽车站标志、音乐、电影、照片等隐藏的信息。阅读理解Listen attentively【答案详解】61.A 解析:

36、细节理解题。文章第一段第一句有提到“When people talk to each other,write letters or make phone calls,words of the spoken form or the written form can send any message they want to pass on.”可知选A。62.C 解析:细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句“When you nod,people will understand that you are sayingyesor agree to others opinions or suggestion

37、s.”可知,答案很明显。阅读理解Listen attentively63.C 解析:细节理解题。从文章第三段第五句“A photographer can use the photos he has taken to tell others about what he thinks of the world.”可知,答案很明显。64.B 解析:词义猜测题。从文章第一段开头“. words of the spoken form or the written form can send any message they want to pass on.”以及文章第三段开头“Other forms c

38、an also carry different messages.”可知,convey应理解为“传递”。阅读理解Listen attentively65.B 解析:主旨大意题。文章不仅仅提到了语言、书信、肢体语言、表情能够传递信息,还提到了各种形式的交流方式,如公共汽车标志、音乐、照片、电影等隐藏的信息等。所以本文主要讲“交流的方式”。阅读理解Listen attentively 从上面的真题可以看出广东中考阅读理解A、B篇主要考查的题型有细节理解题、词义猜测题、主旨大意题、推理推断题等。下面我们就重点讲讲这几种题型的解题技巧: 题型一:细节理解题 在阅读理解题目中,有相当一部分是考查细节和事

39、实的题目。这类题目相对容易一些。广东中考阅读理解中细节题的比重一般至少占二分之一。细节题主要考查考生对文章中阐述主题的细节与具体事实的把握能力。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively内容涉及询问事实、原因、结果、目的等。这些题目有两个共同特点:(1)凡属针对特定细节的考题,其正确答案大都可以在阅读材料中找到对应的文字部分作为验证。这一部分可能是一个词或短语,也可能是一个句子或相关的若干句子,但句式、用词和表达方式不同。(2)干扰项往往是主体思想与细节混杂,正确答案细节和非正确答案的细节混杂,甚至真假混杂。因此,解答这类试题时,考生应快速阅读材料,抓住大意后,迅速浏览考题,确定关键

40、词。然后,根据这些关键词,运用查读法,迅速查找关键信息,进而分析这些信息的结构和意义,理清逻辑关系,最后确定正确答案。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively题型二:词义猜测题猜测词义是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇的信息、逻辑、背景知识及语言结构等的综合理解去猜测或推断某一生词、难词、关键词的意义。猜测词义的方法主要有:1.根据文章中心或主题猜测词义。一般来说,要查找的生词都是与揭示文章主题有一定联系的,如果能够把握好文章的中心,往往有助于猜测出文章中的生词的含义。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively2.利用构词法猜测词义。前缀通常改变原来词语的词义,而不改变原来词语的

41、词性。后缀通常改变原来词语的词性,但对词义的影响有时不明显,有时很明显。派生词的词义可依据“前缀变词义,后缀变词性”的原则来猜测词义。在阅读中,如果我们熟悉构成合成词的每个独立单词的词义,就可能猜出合成词的意思。例如: inexpensive一词,其中词根expensive的含义是“贵的”。in-前缀是“不”的意思,因此可以猜知,此词词义为“不贵的,便宜的”。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively3.根据上下文的同义或对比关系来理解词义。同位关系是指文章中与之相关的同义词、同位语、定语(从句)等,如果能够借助它们的解释或定义,则很容易猜测出词义来。根据同义关系猜测词义,关键是要了

42、解显示同义关系的线索。换句话说,破折号、逗号等标点符号,以及or,and,in other words,thats to say,namely等词或短语就是这种线索。定语从句主要起修饰限制或补充说明先行词内容或性质的作用。因此,我们可以根据定语从句的内容推测出先行词的词义。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively对比关系是指上下文中的一些连词经常被用来表示转折关系,如果能够抓住说明事物的这种比较和对照的方法,就会给人“柳暗花明又一村”的感觉。常见的表示转折关系的词有but,however,instead,yet等。上文中的某些词或句子往往会为下文的生词埋下伏笔或作出暗示。上文中的某

43、些词或句子往往会在下文有回应的地方。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively4.根据上下文的因果关系或顺承关系猜测词义。有什么样的原因就会产生什么样的结果,因果关系是文章中一种普遍的语言表达关系。在这种关系中如果知道了原因,结果也就知道了;反之,如果知道了结果,原因也就不难发现。5.根据生活经验或常识猜测词义。已有的生活经验和常识,往往会给阅读后的理解提供有力的支持。借助于已有的,推测陌生的,这就上升到了能力的提高,使生词的破解成为可能。当然,有些词的确切含义还须综合应用几种方法才能正确猜出。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively题型三:主旨大意题 主旨大意题主要是测

44、试考生对一篇文章或一段文字的深层理解程度以及在速读中准确把握文章主旨大意的能力。一般针对某一语段或某一语篇的主题标题或题目的设题。这类题目考查的范围是:基本论点、文章标题、主题或段落大意等。它要求考生在理解全文的基础上能较好地运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑思维方法,对文章进行高度概括或总结,属于高层次题。 主旨大意题的测试内容主要侧重“概括文章大意”和“确定文章的最佳标题”。常见设问形式的题干主要有:解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentivelyA.标题类1)The best title/headline for this passage might be_. 2)The text (

45、passage) could be entitled_.3)What is the best title for the passage? 4)Which of the following would be suitable as a title for the passage?解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentivelyB.大意类1)This passage chiefly deals with_ 2)Whats the topic of the article?3)What is the subject discussed in the text? 4)With what topi

46、c is the passage chiefly concerned?解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively做这类主旨大意题时常用的方法是“略读法”。快速阅读文章找出各个段落的主题句。把各个段落的主题句联系起来,着眼于全文结构安排,了解文章的重心,就能概括出文章的中心。文章的标题是中心思想最精炼的表达形式,选择的标题意义范围要能涵盖全文,不能太大也不能太小。命题者在出这类题时,常常利用生活常识编造干扰项,把文中的细节当主旨,利用局部信息编造干扰项,编制超出文章范围的标题或不能涵盖文章中心意义的标题来考查考生的理解程度,考生要特别留意。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentiv

47、ely1.标题类阅读理解题的解题技巧 标题是段落中心思想最精炼的表达形式。在阅读中不仅要求考生能够通过自己已知的信息概括出段落的中心思想,而且还要对概括出的中心思想加以提炼,拟定出段落的标题。在测试中能够迅速而准确地选择标题。 文章标题可以是单词,短语,也可以是句子。标题可帮助读者迅速推测出整篇文章的主要内容,抓住文章讨论的中心,把握作者的观点和意图。它的特点是:短小精悍,多为一短语;涵盖性强,一般要求能覆盖全文,其确定的范围要恰当,既不能太大,也不能太小;精确性强,不能随意改变语言表意的程度及色彩。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively2.大意类阅读理解题的解题技巧 主旨大意类

48、阅读理解题的一般范围是:基本论点、文章标题、主题或段落大意等。它要求考生在理解全文的基础上能较好地运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑思维的方法,对文章进行高度的概括或总结,属于高层次题。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively解答该题型最关键的是找出主题句,把握文章主旨。主题句多在文章的开头或结尾,有的出现在中间。概括大意一般是先看首尾或各段开头,再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文中寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。此时,要注意一

49、些转折词,如but,yet,however,although,in spite of等。当文章中表示相反的观点时,往往用到这些词。答题时要弄清哪个是作者的观点,排除迷惑性信息,准确归纳主旨大意。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively题型四:推理判断题 中考英语阅读理解题中那些要求通过词、句、段,或通过计算去判断其他含义的题目属于推理判断题。推理判断题的考查每年都在中考英语阅读理解题中占有一定的比例。 推理判断的题目中常含有suggest,mean,learn,know,purpose等动词,或含有表示推测的情态动词can,could,might,would以及表示推断的副词pro

50、bably,most likely等。 推理判断题的干扰选项有以下设置特点:1将文章中一些从字面含义上就能了解到的信息作为干扰项;2将不符合事实、逻辑的判断推理结果作为干扰项。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively解答这类问题,头脑应当清楚:问题是要求把正确的选项圈出,还是要求把错误的选项圈出。有的考生不看清问题,就去选择选项,想当然地把正确的、符合文章事实的一项圈出,而问题明明问的是Which of the following is not true (mentioned),结果误选。推理判断题的四个选项的设计一般有三种情况:解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively

51、四个选项中的信息集中在一两个句子里。这种是非题比较容易做。只要找到相关句,细细读一下就不难选定正确答案。四个选项中的信息集中在一段里。这样查读的范围要大一些,但还是比较容易的。验证一个,排除一个,答案就出来了。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentively四个选项中的信息分散在全文。这种是非题就比较难做,因为要花较多的时间去找各个相关句,一一去查证。一般说来,应首先把四个选项都看一遍,根据第一遍读的印象和基本常识,尽可能先排除掉一两个,以减少查的选项。实在排除不了,需要到文章中去一一查证的,次序也应从易到难,即从印象最深的,相关句最易找的,最容易证实的那个选项开始查。解题技巧阅读理解Li

52、sten attentively推理计算题:计算题也是推理判断题中常见的形式,此类试题要经过具体的计算才能够得出正确的答案。具体的计算题可以是对年代的计算、月份的计算或比例的计算等。文章中经常会出现许多数字,它们对解题产生一定的影响。解答此类试题的方法是先理解文章的大意,然后经过对比、分析、计算等就能够得出正确的答案。解题技巧阅读理解Listen attentivelyC配对阅读 左栏是五个人对应用软件的需求,右栏是七个应用软件的简介,请为不同的人找到合适的应用软件,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。阅读理解Listen attentively( )66.Jenny has to do the ho

53、usework after work. She is so busy that she seldom has time to take care of her 2-year-old son, so she needs an app for him to learn to speak and count.( )67.Sam was given a list of books to read by his teacher.But he has just had an eye operation and needs some apps that can store the books and rea

54、d them aloud to him.FD阅读理解Listen attentively( )68.Bob finds it difficult to remember all the new words from the English textbooks.He wants to make progress in a relaxing way for he thinks it boring to do a lot of word exercises.( )69.Cathy is fond of traveling.She needs an app that can make it easie

55、r for her to buy train or airline tickets.( )70.John is going to have a long railway trip. During the trip, he needs something like games to kill the time.GBC阅读理解Listen attentivelyA.Word Easy is a fantastic English learning app with word exercises of different levels.Only when you pass a test of a c

56、ertain level can you go on to learn words of a higher level.B.Rail Friend can be the best for helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets.You can buy tickets anywhere at any time.C.World of Tanks Blitz, a free-to-play online game with over 40 million downloads, brings quick-fire

57、 tank fights. “A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun.” It will be the best choice to kill your time.阅读理解Listen attentivelyD.Himalayas Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children.Whats special about it is that you can use it to dow

58、nload book recordings that can be listened to.E.Cheese Reading catches the main idea of each book you have downloaded so that you can save time by finishing reading a book within 5 minutes.阅读理解Listen attentivelyF.Baby Bus is a good friend for children under 3 years old.Kids can learn to speak, under

59、stand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.G.Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words while you are playing games.So if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English, use it!阅读理解Listen attentively解析:这是一道信息匹配题。此种题型主要考查学生对文章的理解能力和信息匹配能力。常见的种类有:1.人名观点配对;

60、2.地名描述配对;3.句子句子配对;4.分类题;5.段落标题配对;6.段落细节配对。同学们在平时的练习中可以参考以下步骤进行解题:1.认真阅读背景介绍,了解话题或主题。2.仔细阅读题目,找出不同人物的不同要求,并在关键词下画线,以便为后面的顺利解题创造良好的条件。阅读理解Listen attentively3.快速浏览7个答案部分,迅速抓住每个答案的要点。浏览过程中若发现答题所需的具体信息,在词语或句子下面画线并标上所答的题号,以初步敲定。对那些暂时无法肯定的可暂且放置一边,留待第二次阅读时解决。4.第二次阅读短文时必须有针对性,主要为了解决两个问题:一是仔细检查已初步认定的内容与题干是否匹配


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