《商务谈判课件(英文)》Lecture 1_第1页
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1、Lecture 1Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation Before we start, lets read A Day of A Young Couple Everybody negotiates all the time, at work, at home, and as a consumer.Life is a constant series of actions where we attempt to influence others. We seem forever absorbed in trying to get p

2、eople to agree with us. Whatever the case or cause, whenever you communicate with an objective in mind, engagingin social exchange to affect someones attitudeor behavior, you are playing the negotiating game.“Negotiation is not limited to international affairs. It takes place everywhere there are di

3、fferences to conciliate (调解), interests to placate (安抚), people to persuade, and purposes to accomplish.Thus, all life could be regarded as a continual negotiation.We always need to win friends, overcome enemies, correct unfortunate impressions, convince others of our views, and use all appropriate

4、means to further our projects. Fortune Barthelemy De Felice - 1723 Herb Cohen believes the world is a giant negotiating table and, like it or not, youre a negotiator. 世界谈判大师赫伯柯恩曾说:“人生就是一大张谈判桌,不管喜不喜欢,你已经置身其中了。”to trade or do businessnegotiation- “negotiari”negotiatenegare- “to deny”otium- “leisure”“d

5、eny leisure” until the business has been settled“negotiation” derives from the Latin Infinitive The ancient Roman businessperson would “deny leisure” until the business has been settled.Lin Weixians Explanation on “Negotiator”N:E: G:O:T:I: A: T:O: R:(need) Find his need 发现他的需求 (expectation) Create h

6、is expectation 创造他的期望(Guarantee) Guarantee for facts 事实的保证 (Objection) Dispose of the discrepancy between you and your partner 处理你的异议 (Trust) To build up your credit 建立你的信任 (Interaction) To interact actively 积极的互动 (Assume) To assume tip close假设成交(Time) Control your time掌握你的时间(Over) Satisfy his requi

7、rements 满足他的需求(Relationship) Establish relationship for future business要维系和他的关系 Content1. What is business negotiation2. The basic principles of a successful negotiation3. Stages of negotiation4. Psychology in negotiation1. What is business negotiation 1.1 Different definition for negotiationNegotia

8、tion is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want. Robert MadduxDifferent definition for negotiationWhenever people exchange ideas with the intention of changing relationships, whenever they confer for agreement, then they are negotiating. Gerard I. Nierenberg T

9、he Art of Negotiating Dr. Gerard Nierenberg -a universally acknowledged professor in the field of negotiation.Different definition for negotiationNegotiation, in its modern sense, is defined as follows:The ability to deal with business affairs, to arrange by discussion the settlement of terms, to re

10、ach agreements through treaties and compromise, and to travel through challenging territory.All of these suggest a purposeful effort to resolve problems through talking and intellectual maneuvering.It includes consultation, bargaining, mediation, arbitration, and sometimes, even litigation. The Root

11、s of Sound Rational ThinkingIn conclusionAbove all, negotiation is a pervasive process in which people ultimately attempt to reach joint decision on matters of common concern in situations in which there is initial disagreement. Thus, a negotiation always requires both shared interests and issues of

12、 conflict. Obviously, without commonality there is no reason to achieve resolution. So without discord there is nothing to negotiate about.1.2 Fundamental facts in negotiation Recently two of my sons were squabbling over some apple pie, each insisting that he should have the larger slice. Neither wo

13、uld agree to an even split. So I suggested that one boy cut the pie any way he liked, and the other boy could choose the piece he wanted. This sounded fair to both of them, and they accepted. Each felt that he had gotten the square deal.First, “negotiation” is an element of human behavior. It depend

14、s on communication, that is, it occurs between individuals. Secondly, negotiation takes place only over issues that are “negotiable”.Thirdly, “negotiation” takes place only between people who have the same interest. Fourthly, negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in t

15、aking but also in giving.Finally, negotiation takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent.1.3 Types of NegotiationProfessor Mary P. Rowe of Massachusetts Institute of Technology listed 8 different types in her book Negotiation: Theory and Practice:1) Competitive style 竞

16、争式谈判To try to gain all there is to gain2) Accommodative style 通融式谈判To be willing to yield all there is to yield3) Avoidance style 回避式谈判To try to stay out of negotiation4) Compromising style 妥协式谈判To try to split the difference or find an intermediate point according to some principle5) Collaborative

17、style 合作式谈判To try to find the maximum possible gain for both parties by careful exploration of the interests of all parties and often by enlarging the pie6) Vengeful style 报复式谈判To try to harm the other7) Self-inflicting style 自损式谈判To act so as to harm oneself8) Vengeful and self-inflicting style 报复和

18、自损式谈判To try to harm the other and also oneselfCollaborative Negotiation is known by many names: “Problem-solving negotiation”“consensus-building negotiation”“interest-based negotiation”“win-win negotiation”“mutual gain negotiation”The goal of Collaborative Negotiation is to manage the dispute so tha

19、t the outcome is more constructive than destructive. And it fosters communication, problem-solving, and improved relationships.To sum in collaborative negotiationIn a good negotiation, everybody wins something. Success isnt winning everything; its winning enough.Back2. The basic principles of a succ

20、essful negotiation Equality principle Sincere cooperation Keep it flexible and fluid 2.1 Equality principleWithout equal status, there will be no real sense of negotiation. In modem negotiation, equality and mutual benefit is a very basic principle.In a successful negotiation, each party must gain s

21、omething or there is no reason for the other party to participate. Hence either party should be well prepared for the negotiation and ready to satisfy each others needs on an equal basis.从另一个角度看,在谈判中人们实施的各种谋略与技巧,其实质在于掩饰本身的不足而维护表面上的对等;或试图打破表面上的对等而取得形式上的优势,从而获得维护自身利益或取得更好谈判结局的效果。维护在物质力量、人格、地位等方面的相对独立或

22、对等不仅是构成真正谈判关系的一个条件,而且也是双方在谈判中进行较量的一个焦点。2.2 Sincere cooperationNegotiation is to negotiate with the other party in order to solve problems. Negotiation in itself is a kind of cooperation. As a matter of fact, both parties are making concessions. The purpose of this is to seek a win-win situation inst

23、ead of a win-lose one. It is through sincere cooperation that this win-win result can be made. A negotiator needs to be canny and even difficult to deal with. But at the same time he should be one who keeps his words and trustworthy. Then both parties can enjoy sincere cooperation. To be sincere not

24、 only at the time around negotiation table but also later on to strictly stick to the performance of the contract.2.3 Keep it flexible and fluid It needs some flexibility to keep it fluid in the process of negotiation as to how to seek the consistency of both parties to achieve the holistic objectiv

25、es as long as we dont give up some important principles. Especially you have to use different kinds of negotiation strategies and tactics to deal with different negotiation opponents in different negotiating atmosphere and under different conditions.谈判没有特定的模式可遵循,古语“兵无常势,水无常形”可以用于描述谈判。高明的谈判者不应拘泥于某种特定

26、的模式,应随进展调整战略。Any negotiation is a process of constant thinking, exchanging of information and continuous concession of both parties. Apart from sticking to principles you should also master in a flexible way various negotiation techniques, assess whats in the other partys mind, what their needs are

27、and what their tactics will be. By doing this you will put yourself in an active and favorable position in the process of negotiation. When assessing others needs, try to be realistic. You can never force your own standard onto others to avoid the negative effects.3. Stages of negotiationPre-negotia

28、tion Face-to-face negotiation Post-negotiation Pre-negotiation 前期准备阶段The pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown.From this stage on, both sides begin to understand one anothers needs and evaluate the benefits

29、 of entering into the process of negotiation. This stage is more usually important than the formal negotiations.Both sides now also start to form their strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events. The environmental factors refer to pol

30、itics, religious belief, legal system, business practices, social customs, financial state, infrastructure and climate, which will affect the negotiation in a direct or indirect way. The gathering of information includes that of markets, science and technology, policy and regulations, finance and of

31、 the opponent, it may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation. backFace-to-face negotiation面对面谈判阶段 It is time for both sides to explore the differences in preferences and expectations so that they can come closer to each other. Generally, the negotiation process is controlled

32、 by the side that has arranged the agenda, for in the process, he can stress his own strengths and the opponents weaknesses, thus putting the other side on the defensive. However, the agenda may reveal the preparing sides position in advance and hence permit the other side to prepare its countermeas

33、ures. The phases of the face-to-face negotiation do not often follow one another in sequence. But for effective control of the negotiating process, the negotiator must have at the back of his mind an awareness of the four phases.biddingbargainingsettling & ratifyingexplorationGenerally, there are fo

34、ur phases. They are: Post-negotiation 谈判的后期阶段All the terms and conditions at this stage have been agreed upon with the contract being drawn up to be signed. What is worth noticing is that writing the contact and the wording in it is a negotiation process in itself, for meaning and values may be diff

35、erent between both sides. 4. Psychology in negotiation The essence of negotiation is that the parties are driven by their needs and find out ways of satisfying their needs through negotiation. One of the key theories about People at work is Maslows hierarchy of human needs. Maslow suggests that huma

36、n beings take actions in order to satisfy essential needs. He classifies human needs under five main headings:4.1 The need theoryPhysical or survival needsSecurity and safety needsSocial needsEgo or esteem needsSelf-realization needs马斯洛需求层次模型Physical or survival needsTo survive:food, water,Shelter,

37、restSecurity and safety needsPhysical safety: locked doors and barred windows Economic security: a steady joblife insurancea savings accountSocial and belonging needs belong to and be accepted by a small intimate group, his family and a few close friends and colleagues Be wanted and acceptedEgo or e

38、steem needsthe need for self-respect and respect from others Self-realization needs1. aimed at self-fulfillment, desire to become his best self2. to realize capabilities to the fullest3. sometimes called the creative need There is one further important element to Maslow s theory. It is the assertion

39、 that each lower level must be satisfied before people become concerned at a higher level. In negotiation, how to use the need theory to find, analyze and satisfy each others needs is very crucial for any negotiator to gain over the most possible benefits. 4.2 The need theory and negotiation(1) Surv

40、ival needs and negotiationNegotiation is very physical and mental consuming work with great psychological pressure. If the negotiators survival needs cant be ensured, his spirit and mood will be affected and consequently fail to achieve the expected negotiation objectives. The survival needs are emb

41、odied in the negotiation as the negotiators needs for dress, food, accommodation, and traveling.The need for dress is to dress properly to match your identity and status. The need for food is to eat well, which means nutritious and to your taste as well as up to the healthful requirement. The need f

42、or accommodation means to match your identity, status and living habit. The need for traveling indicates convenient traffic and communication with the outside world to improve negotiating efficiency and quality and fulfill all the negotiating tasks.As a host and negotiating organizer one should prov

43、ide for the other party a better living condition to lighten the inconveniences, the psychological pressures and the doubtful feelings of the guest negotiators, which is helpful for creating a friendly negotiating atmosphere. The need theory and negotiation (2) Security needs and negotiation The gue

44、st negotiator is not familiar with the local social situation, customs and public order and traffic. They may feel a lack of security or safety. So the host should try to give more considerations to every detail of safety issues such as sending a special car to pick up and send off, keeping their co

45、mpany on visiting places, going shopping, sightseeing and tour guiding. The need theory and negotiation (3) Social needs and negotiation Every negotiator hopes to establish friendly relationship with the other party. They also hope to have a solidary team of their own to get a successful negotiation

46、 result. Therefore negotiators should remain a psychologically friendly and cooperative attitude and seize every possible chance including the use of language, facial expression, dining, entertainment and gift to strengthen the friendship with the other party. Once the relationship is built, the two

47、 parties could do business better later on. The need theory and negotiation(4) Ego needs and negotiation Ego satisfaction depends more on what a person values than on what we can create within the negotiation. Even when the survival, security and social needs are met, there are many individuals whos

48、e ego need has to be satisfied by material goods and by respect. Ones need for respect is from three different sources:1. He needs the respect of his colleagues back home which is fundamental to his personal satisfaction from the negotiation. 2. He will be influenced by the respect of the other part

49、y and believe that the other partys respect depends on his success in earning those material goods. 3. He will also be concerned with his self-respect which will equally focus on his success in winning material goods.In a negotiation if both parties can satisfy each others needs for respect, then th

50、is respect will change into a power to restrict each others behavior and ensure a successful negotiation.The need theory and negotiation(5) Self-realization needs and negotiationThe satisfaction of the self-realization needs in negotiation depends on the achievement the negotiator has made. The more

51、 benefits you obtained, the higher degree of satisfaction youll have of self-realization needs. It is the highest needs level for the negotiator. It is also the most difficult needs to meet.Peoples self-realization is to show their own value. To evaluate the negotiator, it is not enough to observe t

52、he benefits he strives for. Under what condition and how he strives for the benefits should also be taken into consideration. In conclusion Use the need theory in motivating creative people. Satisfy their basic needs more so that they can work on a higher level. It is only after meeting the basic ne

53、eds that the more creative aspects of a person can be realized and released. As is true that creative person does not suffer from a shortage of new ideas but from difficulty in having them considered. Therefore the skilled negotiator must check that the negotiation is moving successfully through the

54、 lower levels. Exercises 1. Case Study 2. Read the following statements and tell which is True or False.3. Answer the following questions.Case I AnalysisIn this case, both parties meet two main problems. First, Party A asks for a 3% -5% commission. Party B refuses to pay but he agrees to consider it provided a large order. Second, Party A complains the prices of the products are 25% higher than those in the previous year. Party B explains that it is


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