



1、直接引语和间接引语考情分析直接引语变间接引语是中学英语教学的重点语法之一。间接引语在多数情况下都含一个宾语从句,直接 引语变间接引语时,人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语、标点符号、大小写、语序等都要作相应 变化。引述别人的话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出别人的原话,这叫做直接引语;一是用自己的话把别人的 话转述出来,这叫做间接引语。在直接引语向间接引语转换的过程中,不仅要进行句式上的转换,而且常常 要在时间,地点、人称等方面做相应的转换。1直接引语变间接引语时,人称变化遵循一主、二宾、三不变”的规律。如:Li Lin said to Xiao Li, I ll help your bro

2、ther with his Chin ese. ”Li Lin told Xiao Li hed help her brother with his chin ese.一主:句中第一人称I改成与主句语Li Lin相应的人称he;二宾:句中第二人称 your改成与主句宾语XiaoLi相应的人称her;三不变:句中第三人称 his无须改变。若直接引语是祈使句,则可根据以下口诀变为间接引语:去掉引号要加to,ask, order须记住;直接引语若否定,not加在to前面”。女口:Mary said to her mother, “ Please give me some money.”Mary as

3、ked her mother to give her some mon ey.名师点睛当祈使句的直接引语变为间接引语时,因为祈使句表示“请求、命令”等口气,所以祈使句直接引语变 为间接引语时不存在时态的变化。但是人称、指示代词、时间、地点状语等的变化还应根据陈述句直接引语 变间接引语的方法进行相应的改变。直接引语变间接引语时引述动词的选择视内容而定:表示 命令时用 tell、order、comma nd;表示 请求时用 ask、beg、request;表示 :忠告时用advise、urge;表示建议时用suggestThe doctor said to me.D ont drink too m

4、uch.The doctor advisd me not to drink too much4.直接引语变间接引语的时态规律如下表所示:时态一致直接引语间接引语主句谓语动词为现在或将来时态时态不变She says, “1 do/did/have done/ will do.”She says (that)she does/did/has don e/will do.主句谓语动词为过去时态过去时态f过去完成时态现在时态一过去时态She said,I do/ did/have done/will do/am doing/was doin g.She said that she did/had do

5、ne/had done/would do/was doin g/was doin g.例外情形一般真理时态不变The teacher said,“ The carth moves round the sun,The teacher said tht the cath moves round the sun.历史事实时态不变Our teacher said,World War lI en ded in 1945.Our teacher said that World War n ended in 1945.5指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化如下表所示:直接引语转换成间接引语时的变化直接引

6、语间接引语例句this t thatShe said,“1 wilome this momi ng.She said that she would go that mormi ng.theses thoseHe said.These books are mime.He said that those books were his.nowT the nHe said, “It is nine o clock nowie said that it was nine o clo(today- t that dayHe said, “1 have nt see n her today.He said

7、that he had nt seen her that day.yesterday t the day beforeShe said. “1 went there yesterday.She said that she had gone there the day before.tomorrow t the net(following)dayShe said,Ib th ere tomorrow.”She said that she would go there the n ext(follow in g)day.here t thereHe said. “ Master was here

8、three days ago. ”He said that his sister had bee n there three days eTg oSho said.I will come here this evening.She said that she would go there that evening.then.考点必备(1)转述表示命令、要求的祈使句,在变为间接引语时除用tell/order sb.to do ”或order+that从句”结构外,还可用“ tell/say+that从句”表示,从句中的谓语动词可用be+不定式”或have(got)+不定式”结构,含有“一定,必须”等意思。(2)“be+不定式”的结构在直接引语中的谓语动词是一般现在时或直接引语中含有时间或条件从句的情况最 为常见。(3) 转述表示建议、劝告的祈使句,在变间接引语时可用“suggest+动名词”或“ suggest+that从句(虚拟 式)”,这种用法在let祈使句中最为常见。(4) 转述表示号召、鼓励的let祈使句,变间接引语时除用“urge/advise sb.to do”结构外,还可用urge/adv


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