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1、12999英语网 12999英语网 听力材料Unit 1课堂精练Part ALets talk一、新学期开始了,班上来了好几位新同学,听一听他们的自我介绍,他们都来自哪个国家?用线连一连:Hello! Im Lily. Im from Canada.Good morning, boys and girls. Im Little Panda. Im from China.A: Hello, this is Tom.B: Hi! Im Tom. Im from United States of America.Good afternoon! Im Little Kangaroo. Im from

2、UK.二、听一听,判断所听到的内容是否与图意相符,相符的打“”, 不符的打“”。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1、Class, we have a new friend today.2、Good morning, Lily.B: Good morning, Tom. Lets go to school.3、Im John. Im from Canada.4、Im Bai Ling. Im from America.5、Good morning, boys and girls. - Good morning, Miss White.6、Hello! Im Tom. Im

3、 10 years old. Im from Dongguan.Lets say一、听一听,辨一辨。录音中将读出的单词中含有的一个音,请选择含有这个音的单词,并选出来,写在题前的括号内。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1.b2. k3.4. k5. b二、听一听,排一排。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. Hello! Im Little Ant 2. I like Coke. 3. Show me big letter C. 4. I have a new bag. 5. Hi! Im Chenjie. Im a girl. Im from

4、China. 6. Big letter A 7. Mike is a boy. 8. Show me small letter b.三、听一听,选择所听到的单词,将编号写在括号里。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. I like coffee. 2. Look at the ant. Its cute. 3. Im a girl. 4. Im Little Duck. 5. This is a cat.四、听一听,选择相应的字母,把下列单词补充完整。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. boy 2. coffee 3. antPart BLe

5、ts talk一、听一听,给下列的图片排序。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. A: Dad, this is my new friend, LiuYun.B: Where are you from, LiuYun? C: Im from China.2. A: Good morning, Amy.B: Good morning, Tim.3. Miss White: Good afternoon, boys and girls. This is our new friend, Amy. Ss: Welcome!4. A: Good afternoon, John.B

6、: Good afternoon, Amy.A: Lets go to school.B: Great! Lets go.5. A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Green.B: Nice to meet you.二、听一听,选择最佳答语。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)This is my friend, Amy.Where are you from?Good afternoon.Im sorry.Watch out!Lets learnLets say一、听一听,辨一辨。录音中将读出的单词中含有的一个音,请选择含有这个音的单词,并选出来,写在题前的括

7、号内。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1.d2. e3.d4. e5. d二、听一听,排一排。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. I have a dog. 2. This is an egg. 3. Im a teacher. 4. Look at the elephant. Its funny. 5. I have a duck. 三、 听一听,看看你听到的内容跟图片是否一致,是的画 ,不是的画 。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. BBB, touch your knee.2. DDD, make a “D”.

8、3. AAA, say “OK”.4. EEE, drink some tea.5. ABCDE, come and follow me.6. CCC, look and see.四、听一听,判断所听到的内容是否与图意相符,相符的打“”, 不符的打“”。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)A: Where are you from? B: Im from America.Hi! Im Miss White. Im a teacher. A: Nice to meet you. B:Nice to meet you, too. Class, we have a new fri

9、end today.Mr. Black, this is my friend ,Amy.第一单元测试听力部分一、听一听,排一排。用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. My father likes coffee.2. This is an egg.3. Look at the dog. Its cute.4. I like ants.5. This is my new bag.6. The apple is red.7. I can see 1 elephant.8. I like Coke.9. Im John. Im from UK.10

10、. Big letters CBA.二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. I like coffee. 2. This is my dog. 3. I have an egg. 4. I can see an ant. 5. I have a bag. 6. Show me big letters EAD, EAD, please.7. Show me small letters bde.8. Spell the word boy, B-O-Y, boy.9. A-A-A, Say OK!10. My name is John. Im a

11、 student. 三、听录音,圈出你所听到的图片字母编号。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. Im from Canada. 2. Draw a girl. 3. This is my teacher, Mr. Black. 4. This is my friend, Amy. 5. BBB, touch your knee.四、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,用 “”或“”表示。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)1. Im John. Im a boy. 2. Small letter d. 3. A: Good morning, M

12、iss White. B: Good morning, John.4. Im Bailing. Im a student. 5. This is a cat. 6. Its a duck.7. Big letter “BDE”.8. Im from America.9. Look at that boy, he is my new friend, Mike.10. I like Coke.五、听录音,连线。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)Im Chen Jie. Im a girl. Im from China.Im Miss White. Im a teacher.

13、Im from America.Im John. Im a boy. Im from Canada.Im Mike. Im a student. Im from UK.六、听录音,给下列句子重新排列顺序。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)Class, we have a new friend today.This is Lily.Hello, Lily! Nice to meet you.Where are you from?Im from Canada.七、听录音,选择最佳答句。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)Where are you from

14、? Good morning, boys and girls.Watch out!Im sorry.This is my friend, Mike.八、听一听,根据读音选择正确的字母,将下列单词补充完整。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案) 1. elephant 2. apple 3. dog 4. Coke 5. bag6. eggUnit 2 My Family 听力材料课堂精练 Part ALets talk下面是一段对话的内容,但是句子已被打乱。请仔细听录音,然后用阿拉伯数字重排句子。 A: Whos that woman? C: Shes my mother.

15、A: Whos that man? C: Hes my father. Hi, mom! This is my friend, Amy. M: Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too.Lets learnAmy和家人一起去公园,刚好碰到了BaiLing,她介绍了谁给BaiLing认识?请仔细听听,圈出答案。(把正确图片下面的字母圈出来。)1. This is my mother. 2. He is my father. 3. The girl is my new friend. 4. That man is my grandfather. 5. W

16、hos that woman? Shes my grandmother. 6. Look at that goose. 三、Amy来Chenjie家做客,她出了一道选择题给Chenjie做,你能完成吗?(请听录音,用“”把你听到的单词勾出来) 1、This is my father. That is my mom. 2、She is my friend. 3、Shes my grandma. 4、That man is my grandpa.课堂精练 Part BLets talk下面你将听到一段对话,请仔细听录音,把你听到的单词用“”勾出其大写字母编号。Sarah:Come on, Bai

17、Ling. Lets watch TV. Bai Ling: Great!Bai Ling:Whos this boy?Sarah: My brother.Bai Ling: Cool! Whos this girl?Sarah:Oh! Shes my sister. Bai Ling: Really?Sarah: Look! This is my mom. And this is my dad. Bai Ling:Wow, how funny!Lets learn一、听一听,圈一圈。(圈出你所听到的字母组合。) 1. ce 2. dg 3. hai 4. GC 5. F-A-C-E 6. h

18、-i-b-e 7. b-a-d 8. i-c-e二、请听一段Chant,把下面的句子所缺单词找出来,并将其大写字母填在横线上。 Lets chant Father and mother help each other. Sister and brother play together!三、听一听,排一排。(用阿拉伯数字给下列图片标上正确的序号。)1. EFGHI, say “goodbye”. 2. CDE, draw a tree. 3. ABC, look and see.4. EFG, have a seat. 5. GHI, fly a kite. 四、同学们正在玩一个判断游戏,你能快

19、速地把它完成吗?(假如图片与录音内容相符合的画“”,不符合的画“”。)1. The girl is my sister. 2. Lets go to school. 3、A:Whos that woman? B:Shes my mother. 4、A: Whos that man? B:Hes my grandfather. 5、ABCDE, come and follow me. 单元测试听一听,圈一圈。(把正确图片下面的大写字母圈出来。每小题读2遍,每小题之间将停留3秒供你选择。)1.This is my dad. 2.E-G-G EGG 3.This is my mother. 4.Wo

20、w, youre so cool.5.Shes sister. 6.Look at my hand. 7.My grandpa is from Canada.8.Look at the Teddy bear! How nice! 9.Happy Teachers Day!二、听一听,排一排。(用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排列顺序。每小题读2遍,每小题之间将停留3秒供你标号。)1.This is my dad and mom. 2.ABCDE, listen to me. 3.EFG, have a seat.4.A:Are they friends? B:No,theyre brothers. 5.

21、GHI, fly a kite.三、听一听,判一判。(图片与录音内容相符合的打“”,不符合的打“”。每小题读2遍,每小题之间将停留3秒供你作判断。)1.My mother is from China. 2.I like ice water. 3.This is ChenJies family.4.Come on.Lets watch TV. 5. A:Whos that man? B:Hes my grandpa.四、听一听,写一写。(在横线上写出小写字母。每小题读2遍,每小题之间将停留5秒供你写字母。)1.ice-cream 2.hamburger 3.girl 4.fish 5.duck五

22、、听一听,选一选。(选择最佳的回答,将其大写字母编号填在题前的括号里。每小题读2遍,每小题之间将停留3秒供你选择。)1.Whos that boy? 2.Whos that woman? 3.Come on, lets watch TV.4.Happy Teachers Day. 5.Mom, this is my friend, ChenJie.六、听一听,勾一勾。(根据录音内容在相应的表格内打“”。本题读两次,每次之间将停留10秒供你思考和打勾。)This is my family. In my family my grandpa likes fish and hot dogs. My g

23、randma likes chicken and cake. My father likes ice-cream. My mother likes hamburgers and chicken. I like ice-cream and French fries.Unit 3 Lets paint听力材料Part ALets talk一、听录音,把下列句子按录音顺序重新排列。 A:Look! So many kites.B: Oh! So beautiful!A: Lets count.B: Ok!A: How many kites can you see?B: 1,2,3Wow! I can

24、 see 16 kites.Lets learn一、Sarah的生日到了,在生日Party上大家在谈论自己的年龄呢。听一听,写下大家的年龄吧!1Hello! Im Sarah. Im 13. 2. Hi! Im Jacky. Im 16.3. I am Peter. I am 14.4. Hello! My name is Amy. Im a girl. I am 15.5. Hi! Im Eric. Im 7.二、你看!Sarah收到了很多礼物,请听录音,写出你所听到的礼物的数量。I am Sarah. Im a girl. Today is my birthday. I have so m

25、ane gifts. Look! I have 13 toy jeeps, 6 bags, 11 kites and 15 sharpeners. Oh how many toy cars do I have? 1, 2, 3 I have 14! Wow! Im so happy today.Lets say一、听录音,请给下列单词选出缺少的字母。1.key 2.jeep 3.hamburger 4.bag 5.jump 6.apple 7.kangaroo 8.eggPart BLets talk一、听录音,把下列句子按录音顺序重新排列。 A:Hi, Amy. I have a new p

26、encil-case. B:Wow, how beautiful. How many pencils do you have? A:Guess.B:Ten? A:No. Open it and see.B:Oh, you have three pencils.A:Thats right.Lets learn听录音,把你听到的数字前面的字母圈出来。1、 11 2、 15 3、18 4、20 5、17 6、8Lets say一、听录音,给下列图片排序。K,K,K,kick, kick, kick. 2.M,M,M,meow, meow, meow.3.N,N,N,no,no,no. 4.L,M,N

27、,raise your leg. 5.L,L,L,la,la,la. 6.J,J,J,jump, jump, jump.听录音,从下表中选出下列单词中缺少的字母,并把它填在横线上。字母可重复使用。1.lion 2.lock 3.jeep 4.night 5.milk 6.kangaroo 7.nest 8.key 9.girl 10.mouse单元测试一听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将其编号写在括号里。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间将停留三秒钟。1、ten 2、seventeen 3、twenty4、night5、jump 二、听录音,圈出与你所听到的内容相对应的图片。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间

28、将停留三秒钟。1 How many books do you have? I have 11.2 How many cats can you see? I can see 19.3 Look, 13 balls. 4 Look at my new crayons.5 Lets fly kites. Great.三、听录音,判断下面的图片与录音内容是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间将停留三秒钟。1. Show me 17 pencils. 2. How many keys can you see? I can see 14. 3. I have 15 apple

29、s. 4.I can see 8 kites. No, the black one is a bird.5. Wow,so many dogs.1,2,314.四、听录音,排序号。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间将停留三秒钟。1.Bounce the ball. 2. Lets fly a kite . 3.How many crayons can you see? 4. I have 12 rulers. 5. I have 20 rulers.五、听录音,给相应的字母或数字涂上颜色。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间将停留三秒钟。1. I am M. Colour me yellow.2. I am

30、 16. I am green.3. I am 20. Colour me pink.4. I am L. Colour me blue.5. I am 15. I am red.6. I am J. Colour me purple.7. I am 19. I am black and white. 8. I am K. I am brown.9. I am N. Colour me orange.10. I am 13. Colour me red and purple. 六、听录音,选择最佳的答句,将其编号写在括号里。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间将停留五秒钟。1.Look , I hav

31、e a new schoolbag. 2.How many rulers can you see? 3.How many balls do you have? 4.You have 18 pencils.5.Whos this girl?七、听一听,连一连,并写一写,根据你所听到的内容把人物与相应的物品图片连线,并在该图片下面的括号中写上相应的数字。1.Mike, How many cars do you have? I have 12. 2.How many books do you have, Amy? I have 18.3.How many pens do you have, Sara

32、h? I have 13.4.How many pencils do you have, Wu Yifan? I have 11.5.How many rulers can you see,John ? I can see 15.八、听单词,选出该单词开头的字母,把这个字母用一圆圈圈住。(5分)1. jump 2. mouse 3. father 4. lock 5. duckRecycle 1 一、本题的听力没有变化。二、本题的听力没有变化。 三、本题的听力没有变化。四、本题的听力没有变化。五、听一听,连一连。把听到的单词与其缺少的字母连起来。每小题将连读两次,每小题之间将停留4秒钟。kit

33、e 2. farmer 3. jump 4.go 5.here 6. lake 7.nice 8.big 9.desk 10.can六、本题的听力没有变化。七、本题的听力没有变化。Unit 4 Do You Like Pears? (听力材料)课堂精练Part ALets talk一、听一听,排一排。听句子把下列5个句子用15排列顺序。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们写号码。 -Do you like peaches? -No, I dont. I like watermelons. -Have some watermelons. -Thank you!二、听一听,判一判。听

34、句子,请你判断听到的内容是否与图片相符,打“”、“”。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们判断对错。 eq oac(,1)Have a pear, please. eq oac(,2)Oh, I like watermelons! eq oac(,3)Show me letters O B Q. eq oac(,4)I have a bear. Its orange. eq oac(,5)Do you like pears? No, thanks.Lets learn一、听一听,圈一圈。听录音,圈出你听到水果。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们圈号码。 Hello

35、! Im Zoom. I like pears, watermelons and oranges.Part BLets talk一、听一听,判一判。听句子,判断对错,用和表示。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们画笑脸或哭脸。 eq oac(,1) Close your eye. eq oac(,2.) Drink some tea. eq oac(,3.) Show me 5. eq oac(,4.) Wave your arms. eq oac(,5.) Listen to me.二、听一听,连一连,并在括号内写数字。听短文,将相应的人物和水果连线,并把水果的数量写在括号里。

36、每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿8秒钟供同学们连线和写数字。Hello! My name is Anna. I have a happy family. My mother likes pears. She has 15 pears. My father likes apples. He has 11 apples. I like watermelons. I have 3. My brother likes oranges. He has 8 oranges. My grandma likes strawberries. She has 20!Lets learn一、听一听,写一写。在括

37、号内写出听到的水果的数量。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们写数字。 A: This is a big fruit shop. I can see many fruits. Look! 10 apples, 8 bananas, 13 pears and 15 peaches.B: I can see many fruits, too. 14 watermelons, 12 strawberries, 20 grapes and 11 oranges.二、听一听,填一填。听读单词,补充它们缺少的字母。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们写字母。1、tiger 2、

38、snake 3、rainbow 4、queen 5、pear 6、orange三、听一听,圈一圈。把你听到的字母组合圈起来。1、t-e-n 2、r-a-i-n 3、p-e-a-r 4、q-u-e-e-n 5、s-n-a-k-e单元测试一、听一听,写序号。图中有许多水果,请你根据听到的顺序给它们写上号码。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们写号码。 Hi! I am a farmer. I have many fruits. I have oranges, pears, watermelons, apples, strawberries and peaches.二、听一听,辨一辨。

39、判断所听到的内容是否与图片相符合,用“”、“”表示。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们判断对错。 eq oac(,1) Have some food. eq oac(,2.) I want some French fries, some Coke and a hot dog. eq oac(,3.) Can I have an apple, please? eq oac(,4.) Draw a watermelon. eq oac(,5.) -Lets have some fruits. -OK!三、听一听,选一选。听录音,把听到的单词的号码写在题前的括号里。每道题将连续读两次

40、,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们选择答案。 eq oac(,1)I want a watermelon. eq oac(,2.) My mother likes bananas. eq oac(,3.) Can I have an apple, please? eq oac(,4.) How many pears can you see? -I can see 13 pears. eq oac(,5.) Show me your ruler, please.四、听一听,选一选。听录音,把听到的图片的号码圈住。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们圈号码。 eq oac(,1)Thi

41、s is a pear. I like it. eq oac(,2.) I can see some grapes. eq oac(,3.) Have some orange juice,please. eq oac(,4.) Lets have some pears, bananas and strawberries. eq oac(,5.) Draw some grapes,please.五、听一听,辨一辨。听录音判断下列各图是否与录音内容相符,用 表示。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿8秒钟供同学们画笑脸或哭脸。 eq oac(,1) Kick the ball. eq oac(,2

42、.) Have an apple, John. eq oac(,3.) Pour the tea. eq oac(,4.) Listen to me. eq oac(,5.) Draw some strawberries, please. 六、听一听,排一排。听一段对话,用1-5把下列句子重新排列。本对话将连续读两次,两次之间将停顿5秒钟供同学们写号码。- HYPERLINK Can I have a banana? -Sure, here you are. -Thank you. -Have some more? -No, thank you.七、听一听,涂一涂。听录音给下列各种水果涂上颜色

43、。每道题将连续读两次,每道题之间将停顿10秒钟供同学们涂颜色。John likes fruits. He has an interesting picture. Look! The strawberry is yellow. The pear is red. The watermelon is green and pink. The peach is blue and the orange is purple. Haha! Its colorful and funny.Unit 5 Where Is My Ruler ? 听力材料课堂精练Part A Lets talk一、第二关:听一听,标一

44、标。在圆圈里用数字标号。听每小题之前,你有2秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有3秒钟的答题时间。(读两遍。)1.Woman: Where is the plane? Man: Its on the desk.2. Woman: Where is the kite? Man: Its in the toy box.3.Woman: Where is the jeep? Man: Its on the desk.4.Woman: Where is the car? Man: Its under the chair.5.Woman: Where is the doll? Man: Its on

45、 the chair.6.Woman: Where is the boat? Man: Its on the desk.7.Woman: Where is the ball? Man: Its under the desk.第三关:听课本第50页的对话,在上图中圈出Mike在寻找的玩具。(读两遍。)Son: Mom, where is my car? Mom: On your desk?Son: No! Mom: In the toy box?Son: No! Mom: Look! Its under the chair.Son: Oh, yeah! Thanks, Mom.Lets lear

46、n一、听一听,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。(读两遍。)1.The ball is in the toy box. 2. Woman: Where is the taxi? Man: Its under the desk. 3.The jeep is on the desk. 4.The bag is on the bike.5.The ruler is under the book.Lets say一、听一听,圈一圈。听录音,圈出你所听到的图片。(读两遍。)1.Big letter V U W. 2. Small letter w m u.3.The taxi

47、 is under the chair. 4.The cat is on the window. 5.This is a nest.二、听一听,标一标。听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序。(读两遍。)1. Point to FGHIJ. 2. Type JKLMN. 3. Colour OPQRS. 4. Circle STUVW.5. Show me ABCDE.三、听一听,填上所缺的字母。(读两遍。)1. wind 2. vest 3. under 4. water 5. violinPart B Lets talk一、任务1:听一听,排一排,指挥小羊们排好队。(读两遍。)1. Excus

48、e me, can I use your eraser ? 2. No problem. But where is my eraser ?3. In your schoolbag? 4. No. Look, its here, under your chair. Here you are.5. Thank you. 6. Youre welcome.二、听一听,选择正确的答案。(读两遍。)1. Where is the ruler ? 2. Can I use your sharpener ? 3. Thank you very much. Lets learn一、听一听,排一排。(读两遍。)

49、1. Can I use your walkman ? 2. The chair is near the window. 3. My bed is purple. 4. Where is my bag ? 5. This is a lamp.二、任务1:听一听,把下列物品连到正确的位置上。(读两遍。)1. The walkman is in the desk. 2. The lamp is on the desk. 3. The doll is under the bed. 4. The car is on the window. 5. The cat is under the chair.

50、6. The umbrella is on the bed. Lets say一、听一听,在图前的括号内标号,并在四线格上填上所缺的字母。(读两遍。)1.fox 2.rain 3.yellow 4.zebra 5.woman拓展延伸 一、语音训练听一听,勾一勾。听录音,勾出正确的开头音。(读两遍。)1. sun, snake 2. vase, van3. witch, watch 4.zebra, zipper听一听,写一写。听录音,在方框内填入正确的字母。(读两遍。)提示:听录音之前,想一想这些元音字母的发音:letter A sounds , letter o sounds , lette

51、r u sounds .1. bag , bag 2. bug , bug3. sun , sun 4. fox , fox5. cat , cat 6. cut , cut 7. duck , duck 8. dog , dogUnit 5 Where Is My Ruler ? 单元测试听力一、听录音,在正确的图片下面打“”。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有3秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有3秒钟的答题时间。)1. This is my chair. 2. Look, its a jeep. 3. The car is on the desk. 4. Draw a fox, pl

52、ease. 5. The ruler is in the book. 二、听录音,判断图片的对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有3秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有3秒钟的答题时间。)1. Point to ABC. 2. The toy car is on the book. 3. The pencil is in the book. 4. I can say from A to W. 5. The vest is here. 三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片标上正确的序号。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有3秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有3秒钟

53、的答题时间。)1. Zebra, zebra, its a zebra. 2. I have a walkman. 3. Circle STUVW. 4. The plane is in the box. 5. Lets go to the zoo. 四、听录音的问题,并根据图片选出正确的答案,将其字母编号填在括号里。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有3秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有3秒钟的答题时间。)1. Where is the bag? 2. Where is the bus? 3. Where is the ball? 4. Where is the pencil? 5. W

54、here is the lamp? 五、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或字母。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有3秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有3秒钟的答题时间。)1. The book is on the desk. 2.Do you have a bike ? 3. Look at the rainbow. 4. This is a vest. 5. What a big watermelon! 6. Small letters zsl. 7. Small letters yj. 8. Big letters TBV. 9. Big letters CEO. 10. Small le

55、tters ril. 六、听录音,按图片提示写出下列单词所缺的字母,使单词完整。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有4秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有4秒钟的答题时间。)1. zoo 2. bike 3. box 4. umbrella 5. bus七、根据你所听到的句子,找出每题中正确的答句。(每小题读两遍。听每小题之前,你有4秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有4秒钟的答题时间。)1. Can I use your pen? 2. Here you are! 3. Can I have some apples? 4. Do you like bananas? 5. Where i

56、s the big box? 听力到此结束,请继续完成笔试部分。Unit 6 At the zoo课堂精练Part ALets talk一、1. Long ears, long ears, it has 2 long ears.2. Big body, big body, it has a big body.3. Small, small, its so small.4. Short, short, its so short.5. Short legs, short legs, it has 4 short legs.二、This is an elephant. Its tall. It ha

57、s big ears. Its from PRC.Lets learn一、Long, long, long! Make your arms long.Big, big, big! Make your ears big.Small, small, small! Make your eyes small.Short, short, short! Make yourself short.Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself tall.Short, short, short! Make yourself short.二、The big monkey is brown.The

58、small rabbit is white.The short ruler is orange.The long bus is red.The small jeep is pink.The tall elephant is black. 三、1. big 2. long 3. small 4. short 5. ear 6. bikeLets say一、 1. Hi! Im Macy. Im from the United Kingdom.2. My names Mike. Im from Canada.3. Hello! Im Miss Mei. Im not from China. Im

59、from America.4. Im Mr Ma. Im from China.Part BLets learn二、 I have two big eyes.The girl is so tall.My brother is short. He has a big mouth.Where is the deer?The panda has a big body.Lets say三、听一听,填一填。这个学期我们学了一些Phonics的知识,老师为你们编写了一首Phonics song, 请你一边听歌曲一边填补歌词。dabafa ga, te ne le seri ji mi , ri ji mi

60、 pi vi zi hi co yo, pi vi zi hi co yoto so wo, to so wo歌曲要求:1、用两只老虎的调子清唱; 2、考虑学生的接受能力以及动手能力水平,要慢慢唱。单元测试一、听录音,选一选。(选出你所听到的图)(每小题读两遍,每小题间停留3秒钟供你选择)Look. The hot dog is long.The girl is tall.I have a big watermelon.二、听录音,选一选。选出你所听到的单词(每小题读两遍,每小题间停留3秒钟供你选择)1. My brother has a small toy bus.2. The yellow


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