1、SupplementaryGameSynonymsGeneral Introduction English is a language particularly rich in synonyms e.g. different words which stand for the same thing, and these synonyms differ from one another in several ways. This is partly because of the convention, particularly in written English, that one shoul
2、d avoid repeating the same word over and over again. enough=sufficient=adequate=abundant=considerable snack=bag gin everlasting=never-ending recalcitrant=disobedientAmerican English and British English While people from America and Britain speak different varieties of English, they usually find litt
3、le difficulty in understanding each other. There are, however, some differences in vocabulary which may cause some misunderstanding, though thank largely to the popularity of American films more English people are probably familiar with American English than the other way round. II. American English
4、 and British EnglishDear LouiseIve just arrived in London from Paris. After France I thought Id at least have no trouble with the language, but in fact it turns out that the Brits dont speak English after all ! Least ways not quite like we do in the States, as I soon discovered when I arrived at my
5、new flat. Its in a tower block with a lift which is always breaking down, but fortunately Im only up on the first floor. Theres a caretaker who does minor repairs and helps empty the dustbins once a week. II. American English and British EnglishThere are lots of young families living here so the pav
6、ement outside the entrance is always full of prams and the washing line full of nappies. I usually use the tube for getting about but last week I hired a car to motor down to the seaside for a holiday. It was a disaster! First of all I ran out of petrol and had to walk miles to buy some more. And th
7、en I got a puncture. Fortunately there was a spare in the boot, but as soon as I began to change the tire it started to rain cats and dogs. By the time Id finished, my new shoes were ruined. I really must buy some wellingtons to cope with the weather over here. Anyway, I must go now or I will miss t
8、he post. Love Terry I. Definition of Synonyms Synonyms are different words, which stand for the same or similar meaning. e.g. job=vocation=profession=occupation field=specialization=trade=work e.g. hobby=avocation=recreation=pastime Synonyms (1) It may be a difference in regional variety e.g. autumn
9、 (B.E.)=fall (A.E.) snack (B.E.)= bag gin (A.E.) (2)There may be stylistic differences.e.g. Salt (daily English)=sodium chloride (term)(3)There may be differences in the emotional connotations of words.e.g. youths (less pleasant)= youngstersSynonyms 1American EnglishBritish EnglishGovernment and Law
10、竞选国旗大会警察地方税种族主义者证人席贪污律师警车Key 1American EnglishBritish EnglishGovernment and Law竞选run for officestand for office国旗Stars and StripsUnion Jack, Union Flag大会conventioncongress警察policeman, coppoliceman, bobby地方税local taxrates种族主义者racistracialist证人席witness standwitness box贪污graftcorruption律师lawyersolicito
11、r警车patrol carsmobile policeSynonyms 2American EnglishBritish EnglishHousehold things水龙头炉开罐头刀垃圾储藏室手杖热水炉水电煤气百叶窗吸尘器Key 2American EnglishBritish EnglishHousehold things水龙头faucettap炉stovecooker开罐头刀can openertin opener垃圾garbage, junkrubbish储藏室store roomlumber room手杖canestick热水炉furnaceboiler水电煤气utilitiesel
12、ectricity, gas, water百叶窗window shadeswindow blinds吸尘器vacuum cleanerhoverAmerican EnglishBritish EnglishBusiness and occupation商店storeshop公司corporationcompany救火队Fire departmentFire brigade出租rentLet分期付款installment planhire-purchase国内收入internal revenueinland revenue纸币billnote广告牌bill-boardhoarding普通股com
13、mon stockordinary shares存款saving accountdeposit accountSynonymsAmerican EnglishBritish EnglishClothes背心浴衣大衣裤子背带鞋带运动鞋雨衣风衣裤子内裤 Synonyms 3American EnglishBritish EnglishClothes背心undershirtvest浴衣bathrobedressing gown大衣overcoatgreatcoat, heavy coat裤子背带suspenderbraces鞋带boot stringsbootlaces运动鞋sneakergumshoes雨衣raincoatmac风衣windbreakerwindcheater裤子pantstrousers内裤underpantspants Key 3American EnglishBritish EnglishFood甜食油炸土豆条蛋卷筒燕麦粥玉米肉馅鸡蛋肉卷罐头食品冰激凌菜豆Synonyms 4American EnglishBritish
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