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1、上课的内容(请思考ABC, 然后将写好的 ABC 发到群里,然后我选择好的 ABC,和不好 的 ABC 上课评讲。好的 ABC 我会给出相应的词伙(红色的部分),然后大家要按照这些词伙,使用 10 个基本句型造句,我上课评讲。Some employers thinkt formal academic qualifications are more importantn life experienandal qualities when they look for an employee. Whyis it the case? Is it aitive or negative developme

2、nt? 社会观念和教育Many employers today pay attention to the academic background of applicants rathern to their practical experienandal traits. I acceptt this is aitivechange, although is problems.There are two reasons why employers give priority to academic qualifications.ly,university courses provide stud

3、ents with opportunities to acquire practical skills. Forexle, students are required to finish group assignments and participate inernshipprojects, which enable them to adapt to the workplace. Another reason ist the strictassessment system in universities provides an unbiased account of their abiliti

4、es. These qualifications are reliable.If employers give importance to tertiary qualifications, this preference encourages people to receive a formal education. Many universities have made an effort to give studentsinformation about the latest developmentsheir subject areas, so graduates fromthese un

5、iversities are able to adopt advanced technology and help employers make profits. This can increase these job applicants competitiveness, espelly in a knowledge-based economy.On the other hand, young people may overlook hands-on experience if recruiters pay more attentions to academic qualifications

6、. They may not be able to cope with practicalproblems. For exle, these new recruits do not understand how to apply theoriesopractice and how to workeams to perform tasks. They are likely to make mistakes orunable to develop strong relationships with colleagues, thereby reducing productivity of their

7、 companies.To summarise, the emphasis on qualifications may increase young peoples motivation when they pursue a degree, although they may undervalue practical skills.A 大学的课程有实际的工作技能(practical skills) B 提高就业能力(transferable skills) C帮助学生适应工作(adapt to the workplace)A 大学有严格的考核制度(strict system) B 客观反应(p

8、rovide an unbiased account of)学生一些能力 C 更有说服力A 注意文凭 B 鼓励人们接受正式教育(receive a formal education) C 掌握先进的技术(advanced technology), 有竞争力A 注意文凭 B 忽视动手能力(hands-on experience) C 毕业生可能解决不了实际(practical problems),影响公司的产出(reduce productivity)Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farmi

9、ng andcreations of new types of fruits and vegetables, while others op Discuss both views and give your opinion 农业科技e this view.People are divided on whether advanin farming technology are benefil or harmful.I acceptt many of these developments can cause problems, although they benefit us tosome ext

10、ent.It is arguedt advanced agricultural technologies can improve food production. Thesetechnologies normally focus on high-yield crops. For exle, the usage of chemicals orthe application of GE technology can make crops resistant to pests or droughts, so it iseasy to guarantee harvests. This can tack

11、le the food shortage, espelly in areas where farmers find it difficult to cultivate crops due to weather conditions and soil conditions.On the other hand, the development orming technologies may have a negative effecton biodiversity. Farmers give priority to some GE crops but reduce natural varietie

12、s.Those bird species and wild animalst feed on these natural plants are likely to die out.The extinction of these species will disrupt the ecological balance and destroy the environment of our communities.y opinion, some farming practisuch as factory farming might cause solinstability. Machines form

13、 an important part orming today, and this is the reason whysome famers are out of work. They flock to cities for job opportunities. As aconsequence, many fami s are dispersed and many people feel lonely when they live away from family. They may commit anti-so l acts in urban areas, and the crime rat

14、e ison the rise.To summarise, I tend to be vet modern farming is responsible for some sol andenvironmental problems, despite the factt crop yield has increased.A 发展农业科技 B 产出的食物(focus on high-yield crops 注重高产量的庄稼) C 有效解决粮食短缺(tackle the food shortage 解决粮食短缺)resistant to pests (抗虫)A 发展农业技术 B 减少自然的品种(re

15、duce natural varieties) 破坏了自然平衡(disruptthe ecological balance) C 使现有的物种的生存(e serious threats to)A 农业机械化, B 一些农民 失业后(out of work 失业),转而去城里打工(flock to cities 去到城市) C 家庭分散(fami s are dispersed 家庭分散),不利社会稳定As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems.Some people think thee

16、rnment should pay for this. Others, however, thinkt the user should pay for the cost. Discuss both views and give your ownopinion.&社会生活A:花钱 B: 足够保障道路系统的不断完善(improve road conditions)C: 人们出行会更方便 (confer increased levels of efficiency) 对经济有好处A 使用者付钱 B 减少私车使用(cut down on private car use). 人们去使用更环保实惠的交通方

17、式 (less polluting means of transport), 比如公共交通 C. 有利于缓解交通堵塞 (re ve traffic congestion),保护环境A 使用者付钱 B 减少开支(reduceernment expenditure ),会投钱(divert resourto)到其他行业 如教育 (education system)和医疗 (medicalcare)C 国家和人民都会受益 (far-reaching implications)There has been an increase in car ownership. Opinions as to whe

18、ther theernment me theshould pay for road systems are divided, but I be ve responsibility for this.t users should aSome people hold the opiniont public spending on road systems makes economicsense. If road conditions are improved, it confers increased levels of efficiency.Commuters can save time whe

19、n travelling to and from work, whiusinesses are abletiver goods swiftly to consumers at home or in foreign countries. This will contributeto economic grownd cso improve citizens living standards.On the other hand, if car users are required to bear the cost of building or improving roads, this policy

20、 can have environmental benefits. Driving will increase the cost of living, which encourages motorists to cut down on private car use and choose less polluting means of transport, such as public transport. This policy is particularly effective for the working class, who live on a tight budget. As th

21、e number of cars declines, traffic congestion can be re ved and the air quality can be improved.y opinion, charging road users some fees is an important policy change because itcan reduceernment expenditure.ernments can divert resour to other sectors,such as the education system and medical care, wh

22、ich can meet basic needs of citizens and have far-reaching implications on public wellbeing. This policy is important when theupper class accounts for a majority of car owners and public money to satisfy their needs.ernments should not useTo summarise, I be vet it is important for drivers to pay roa

23、d costs because thiscurbs private car use and easesernments budget preres.A 车主支付道路系统的费用 b有利于人们出行(知道哪堵哪不堵,方便决定从哪走)A 买车的人多了 B 会带动关联产业的发展(比如石油、汽车配件),在推动国家A.道路系统的发达 B.促进产品贸易的发展 C.当地经济发展,增加经济的发展上已经做了贡献 C 应该有的钱来修道路调控系统 c 及时对路段状况进行播报,Comment u3: A 错Comment u2: A、C 错Comment u1: 太窄了A有限BSome people thinkt chi

24、ldren should obey the rules or do what their parentsand teachers want them to do. Otheople thinkt children controlled toomuch cant deal with problem themselves. Discuss both views and se your own opinion. 社会观念&教育A 遵守规则 B 减少不好的行为(behave badly) C 专注学习(concentrate on studies),对成长有好处A 遵守规则 B 缺乏自信和经验,没有做

25、决定的能力(deci决问题making abilities)C 不能解A 要平衡 B1 行为上要制定规则(ime strict rules) C 2 防止小孩走上的道路(fallo a life of crime)B2 学习上给的(give autonomy)C2 增加经验(hands-on experience),为成年期准备(prepare for adulthood)A 听话的孩子害怕去独立解决问题B.影响个人发展 C.适应力差A 孩子遵从父母老师 B 教育千篇一律,孩子的个性被A 孩子不按家长意愿行事,经常与父母争吵 B 不利于家庭关系和谐 C 对孩子产生不良影响,甚至可能A 小孩太小

26、缺乏判断力 B 做危害身心健康的事 C 留下遗憾(残疾、)A 削弱对孩子的控制力 B 孩子得以有空间去开发他们的点 C 更容易挖掘出不同 孩子的潜力最终为社会各领域培养后继者定领域缺乏出色C 对社会的培养不利,导致特保证人们的生活质量,是经济率减少。 C. 促进社会稳定。A. 道路建设能提供许多工作机会,尤其是在金融,失业率高的时期 B. 失业率的降低其他社会福利有可能C 不利于社会稳定Comment u10: A 错Comment u9: A 错Comment u8: A 错Comment u7: C 错了Comment u6: 象是反了Comment u5: 跑题Comment u4: 为

27、什么?It is notmon for parents and teachers to ime rules on children. Opinions aredivided as to the impact of rules on childrens development, but I think adults shouldstrike a balance betn rules and autonomy.On the one hand, supporters of rules thinkt a strict upbringing plays an important partin child

28、rensal development. Children will be punished if they break rules. Theyare less likely to behave badly. For exle, they spend less time playinggamesand will avoid disruptive behaviour in class. They can thus concentrate on studies andperform well in education, which has aitive effect on their future.

29、On the other hand, it is arguedt children will nove confidence and experience insolving problems, if they follow rules strictly. Rulesl them what to do at home orschool, instead of providing them with opportunities to make decis independently.They are not able toyse information, weigh up pros and co

30、ns of different optionsand make the best deci achievement in adulthood. This weakness may have a negative effect on theiry opinion, it is important to achieve a balance betn discipline and freedom inchildrens life. Parents and teachers can ime strict rules on children and teachchildren how harmful s

31、ome behaviour problems can be. This will prevent the youngergeneration from fallingo a life of crime. Meanwhile, children should be given autonomy in studies, so they can increase hands-on experience and prepare themselves for adulthood.To summarise, rules are a nesary evil, and parents can set rule

32、s to prevent problembehaviour or lift rules to give children more freedom.A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage ofothers is raly declining. Is this aitive or a negative development ?A 语言减少 B交流方便 C 容易合作e language barriers, avoid misunderstandings,A 语言减少 B 接受教

33、育方便,了解信息方便 C 增加知识,促进创新Absorb information, acquire knowledge, promote innovationA 语言减少 B 不同的文化不能够保留 (preserve cultures) C 世界比较单调(mundaneworld)Several languagech as English and Spanish have gained popularity over thepast few decades, and I bebenefits.vet problems of this trend are outweighed byThe dom

34、inance of some languageshe world can have a benefil effect onecause this trend enables them from differentthe relationship betn peopcountries to e language barriers. It is easy for them toretmessages and respond to each other immediacooperate with each other. Scholars andy, so they are likely toernm

35、ent offils can exchangeinformation easily inernational conferen, while employees are able towork well together regardless of race and nationality. They can thus make aconcerted effort to deal with some practical problems.Another benefit ist the extensive use of some languages can benefit learning an

36、deducation. if websites and the mass media present information in a number of languages,people are able to absorb information and acquire knowledge easily. Also, many topuniversitieshe world deliver courses in English, and this meanst people whoacquire English as a foreign language can attend these

37、courses and obtain qualifications.The wide acs to knowledge holds the key to innovation.On the other hand, the popularity of several languages may threaten the cultural diversity. Many people, espelly the younger generation, tend to learn foreign languages, and their native languages may lose popula

38、rity and even die out. It is difficult to preserve some cultures and conventions, such as literature, art and traditional festivals, because these kinds of cultural heritage cannot be recorded and promoted. We are likely to live in a mundane world, where we have few options in art form and ways of l

39、ife.To summarise, the dominance of some languageshe world opens the door tocooperation and education for many people, although one problem is the negative effect on cultural diversity.C:在国际交流、国际事务处理中遇到,不利于全球化A 死语言且其他语言使用者减少 B 特定文化明分散发展风险, C 世界文明多样性衰减,不同文A other languages 使用减少的认同感A:小语种使用的增多 B:可能会打破少数

40、几种语言在国际上占优势的局面 C:会促进世界各地文化的交流和结合Some people say modern childrens games do not develop a wide range of skills,while traditional games can be much better for develo extent do you agree or disagree? 教育和科技such skills. To whatA 传统可以让小朋友接触的大自然 B 小朋友的运动量增大 C 身体的活动能力更好,身体素质好eract with natural elements, incr

41、ease physical activity, motor skillsA:传统儿童activity)通常是户外活动 (outdoor activity), 或者创造性的活动(creativeB:孩子需要自己动手解决问题C: 强调提高孩子们的实践能力 (hands-on experience) (problem-solving ability) (abstract thinking skills)A 现代B 熟悉使用电子产品(electronic devi) ,电脑技能(increase computerliteracy) C 提高 It 技能(information technology s

42、kills)Sometimes, games form an important part of childrens skill development and the relative importance of modern games and traditional games is a frequent topic ofdiscushe media. I think both can benefit children to some extent.Traditional games can compare favourably with modern gameserms of chil

43、drensphysical development. A majority of traditional games involve outdoor activities and can provide children with more opportunities toeract with natural elements. Their physicalactivity will increase, so their motor skills can be improved. In contrast, modern gamesare normally web-based and this

44、is why young players spend hours in front of the screen,instead of ma aining physical activity.it is also truet traditional games are more likelyn modern countarts to upgradechildrens practical skills. These games are normally creative activities. For exle,building blocks and jigsaw puzzles require

45、children to tackle problems on their own and even allow them to decide how to change rules to make games moreeresting. These games can increase their hands-on experience and improve their problem-solving abilities.On the other hand, modern games may play a central role in childrens computer literacy

46、.Children normally play modern games on electronic devi, so they are able to acquireinformation technology skills. In other words, they have a good idea of how to collect information by using different deviand also use different software packages to solveproblems. These skills are importanthe digita

47、l age, when everyheworkforhould display exceptional skills in harnessing information technology.To summarise, I be vet traditional games have a benefil effect on childrensmotor skills and problem-solving skills, while modern games contribute to the development of the younger generations computer ski

48、lls.A:现代大多是电子技术的成果相对传统更有B:孩子容易沉迷其中C:造成孩子的孤僻、不爱学习等问题A 现代B 孩子懂得在团队中互补 C 增强团队配合能力A 现代只需要坐在电脑前操控鼠标键盘 B 孩子们失去了面对面交流的机会 C 影响社交能力 导致不能很好的融入社会A 现代不好 B眼 并且缺乏交流 C 现代孩子的身体素质没有提高,交际能力差A.现代设计更加美观 BA 现代B 虚拟空间中,久坐和缺乏与人的真实交流 C 不利于身心健康The chart provides information about the time people of phone calls during a 7-yea

49、r period.he UK spent on different kindsLocal fixed line remained the most popular option for people in communication. The number of these fixed line calls rose from 70 billion in 1995 minutes to 90 billion minutes in 1999, after which the figure dropped back to 70 billion in 2002.In contrast, the fi

50、gure for national andernational calls saw an upper trend, rising from30 billion minutes to 55 billion minutes. It is clear national/ernational fixed line was narrowed.t the gap betn fixed line andThe number of mobile phone calls was lowest, but there was a dramatic rise. The figure rose eight-fold f

51、rom 5 billion in 1999 to 40 billion in 2002.Overall, the number of fixed line calls remained basically unchanged (despite reaching itspeak in 1999), whi markedly.oth mobile phone calls and national/ernational calls increasedThe charts show the changeshe distribution of the populationerms of agewocou

52、ntries in 2000 and provide projections for 2050.The proportion of people aged 15-59 years in Yemen is projected to rise to 57.3% in2050, when this age group wille the largest. In contrast, there will be a decline inthe percentage of those under 14, although it was the highest in 2000. The figure for

53、people oldern 60 will see an increase, reaching 5.7%.Likewise, the percentage of people aged 15-59 years in Italy is also expected to remain highest in 2050, although the proportion will drop to 46.2%. The percentage of those under 14 is likely to decline while the figure for the elderly will nearly

54、 double to 42.3%.Overall, both countries populations are likely to century, and the situation is even worse in Italy.e older before the middle of thisThe chart compares five countries 2002.erms of consumer expenditure on different items inThe proportion of spending on food, drinks and tobaccourkey w

55、as the highest, at32.14%, around 3% highern in Ireland (28.91%) and moren twice the figure forSweden (15.77%). The figures for other two nations were similar, 16.36% in Italy and 18.8% in Spain.Italy had the highest proportion of expenditure on clothing and footwear, at 9%. In contrast, these items

56、constituted around 6.5% of expenditure in Ireland, Turkey and Spain, while the figure was even smaller in Sweden (5.4%).Turkey, once again, had a highroportion of expendituren other countries did onleisure and education. The percentage of spending was lower in Italy and Sweden (approxima y 3.2%), co

57、mpared with the lowest figure in Spain (1.98%).To sum up , people in all those countries spent more money on food, drinks and tobacco n on other items. Turkey had the largest proportion of national consumer expenditurein food, drinks and tobacco and leisure, education, while the highest percentage o

58、f expenditure on clothing and footwear was in Italy.The chart compares five countries 2002.erms of consumer expenditure on different items inThe proportion of spending on food, drinks and tobaccourkey was the highest, at32.14%, around 3% highern in Ireland (28.91%) and moren twice the figure forSwed

59、en (15.77%). The figures for other two nations were similar, 16.36% in Italy and 18.8% in Spain.Italy had the highest proportion of expenditure on clothing and footwear, at 9%. In contrast, these items constituted around 6.5% of expenditure in Ireland, Turkey and Spain, while the figure was even sma

60、ller in Sweden (5.4%).Turkey, once again, had a highroportion of expendituren other countries did onleisure and education. The percentage of spending was lower in Italy and Sweden (approxima y 3.2%), compared with the lowest figure in Spain (1.98%).To sum up , people in all those countries spent mor


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